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View Full Version : [Council] 2015-04-21 Meeting Minutes

2015-04-30, 22:30
Meeting held 2015-04-21 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs (http://www.swagman.org/juice/maemo-meeting-logs/2015-04-21.dat.html))

Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme), Oksana Tkachenko (Oksana/Wikiwide), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen),

Gido Griese (Win7Mac),

Absent: William McBee (gerbick), Alexander Kozhevnikov (MentalistTraceur),

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

HiFo and MCeV: transfer

Topic (Miscellaneous):

Neo900's web-store will hopefully open within one month.
Next election will be acid test for PHP code's personal link generation.
Glitch within election machine which might be triggered by invalid ballots, or something else...
GMail within Modest, GMail vs personal mail server, bookmark syncing across devices and browsers.
Topic (HiFo and MCeV: transfer):

Council should write email to Jaffa (nearly the only member of HiFo Board who is currently in USA) and Rob (co-founder of HiFo), to convince them to fill in the required paperwork to transfer from HiFo to MCeV.
Required: HiFo's list of donations-expenses over time, something about taxes, and legal transfer of all assets of HiFo to MCeV
Oksana could take part in simple time-consuming work, over email...

Action Items:

-- old items:

The selected Code of Conduct (KDE (https://www.kde.org/code-of-conduct/)) still needs to be published on (T)MO.
Looking into automatic calculation of election results ...
Contacting freemangordon and merlin1991 about auto-builder: CSSU-thumb target, GCC versions?
Getting maemo trademark registration (everywhere?) renewed (and transferred to MCeV) by the end of February (or within six months since expiry date).
archiving Ovi/Nokia store, especially for Harmattan (http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1459337&postcount=67).

-- new items:

Email to Jaffa and Rob about complete transfer of all assets from HiFo to MCeV.

Link: Original article. (http://maemo.org/community/council/2015-04-21_meeting_minutes/)