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rinigus 2018-09-01 18:27

Re: Pure Maps

Originally Posted by pagis (Post 1547893)
Pure Maps + OSM Scout Server I think it's the ultimate sat nav suite for SailfishOS, I did use it a bit over the last few days and here are some issues I had using it on Xperia X:

- Several times Pure Maps fail to start, ps command shows that both Pure Maps and OSM Scout Server are active in background. I have to kill those processes from a terminal and start the app again. NB WhoGo does not have this issue.

- The device itself is getting really hot during navigation, and battery consumption was high so I had to stop it after about 5min.

Re kill: you don't have to kill OSM Scout Server. Its normal that it runs (when configured to start automatically) and that should not block Pure Maps. If you see Pure Maps process without it - that's a bug. I presume its one of the bugs that have been filed already (not stopping always properly).

Re hot device: I presume you navigate then with the device in charger to keep battery happy. My device gets hot as well and I haven't found some obvious target yet, but haven't tested it thoroughly. Do you know if its only with Pure/WhoGo Maps or is it common to other GPS apps as well?

Edit Warm device could be either CPU/GPU of GPS. I tried to drive around without navigation, just letting Pure Maps to follow location and preventing sleep. Testing was limited, but I haven't seen any major difference on whether driving with or without navigation (checked with collectd/systemdatamonitor). Haven't tested with Poor Maps or plain GPS monitor yet. At some point, this should be done to figure out what's heating it up

carlosgonz 2018-09-01 22:27

Re: Pure Maps
i did a test of 30 minutes of navigation only with pure-maps & suite opened, then the temp only increased like 20 grade celsius. 38c to 55c

pagis 2018-09-02 08:27

Re: Pure Maps

Originally Posted by rinigus (Post 1547899)
Re kill: you don't have to kill OSM Scout Server. Its normal that it runs (when configured to start automatically) and that should not block Pure Maps. If you see Pure Maps process without it - that's a bug.

Sure there was no need to kill OSM Scout Server. The bug that prevents Pure Maps termination is not observed in the previous version of WhoGo, I hope that will be easily fixed.


Originally Posted by rinigus (Post 1547899)
Re hot device: I presume you navigate then with the device in charger to keep battery happy...

During that short period I used navigation I didn't exactly follow the suggested route, as I know the area, so Pure Maps had to recalculate the route a couple of times.

The back side of the device got hot, including the battery area, I have not measured consumption but within a period of 5min it lost around 10% - 15%, again that's my feeling, no actual figures.

I will run a similar route again without using OSM Scout Server and report back to you any changes.


rinigus 2018-09-02 11:24

Re: Pure Maps

Originally Posted by pagis (Post 1547905)
Sure there was no need to kill OSM Scout Server. The bug that prevents Pure Maps termination is not observed in the previous version of WhoGo, I hope that will be easily fixed.

Maybe. The issue with this bug is that I don't observe it, as far as I can see. Which makes it somewhat difficult to fix.


Originally Posted by pagis (Post 1547905)
During that short period I used navigation I didn't exactly follow the suggested route, as I know the area, so Pure Maps had to recalculate the route a couple of times.

The back side of the device got hot, including the battery area, I have not measured consumption but within a period of 5min it lost around 10% - 15%, again that's my feeling, no actual figures.

I will run a similar route again without using OSM Scout Server and report back to you any changes.


PS: I am working on POI management and will finish that first, before diving into the bug reports. Probably, taking into account time constraints, would take a week more to work on POIs.

Fellfrosch 2018-09-02 14:45

Re: Pure Maps

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1547812)

Originally Posted by monkeyisland View Post
I think a review and evtl. better translation for some words will possible.
Will have a look at the weekend


Have made some suggestions and translated some new strings, just have a look.

Mara 2018-09-03 14:43

Re: Pure Maps
I'm having trouble getting Pure Maps starting after applying all latest updates on both Pure Maps, OSM scout Server and latest map database. (I have Finland and Texas maps.)

I have two Sailfish devices (Xperia X, Moto G4 Plus) running on (Mouhijoki). They both have the same exact issue.

It does look that the latest map updates breaks things: Pure Maps started and worked fine until the last step I updated the map database, after which the Pure Maps do not start.

I still have WhoGo Maps and that has no trouble starting up. With it I can see the OSM Scout server is working properly.

How can I start Pure Maps from terminal to see some logs and error messages?

rinigus 2018-09-03 14:50

Re: Pure Maps

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1547932)
I'm having trouble getting Pure Maps starting after applying all latest updates on both Pure Maps, OSM scout Server and latest map database. (I have Finland and Texas maps.)

I have two Sailfish devices (Xperia X, Moto G4 Plus) running on (Mouhijoki). They both have the same exact issue.

It does look that the latest map updates breaks things: Pure Maps started and worked fine until the last step I updated the map database, after which the Pure Maps do not start.

I still have WhoGo Maps and that has no trouble starting up. With it I can see the OSM Scout server is working properly.

How can I start Pure Maps from terminal to see some logs and error messages?

Would be strange if its the databases. For starting from terminal:

sailfish-qml harbour-pure-maps
I suspect that you have an old Pure Maps process running. Check with


ps ux | grep pure
if you see any Pure Maps running without showing on screen

carlosgonz 2018-09-03 15:27

Re: Pure Maps
In the last few days I increased the use of pure-maps to see this bug, then very very rarely pure-maps failed to start. On my test pure-maps only hanged to show the gui one time, and only opened/stayed in background, to restart pure-maps again this needed be killed by signal. So I think the issue is to open the la app not to close the app or the server

carlosgonz 2018-09-03 15:41

Re: Pure Maps
@rinigus search in nearby-place definitely never worked to me even in poor/whoogo/pure. i am using too osmscount from karry, but this has a high precision to find nearby-places.

rinigus 2018-09-03 16:03

Re: Pure Maps
New Pure Maps release is out: 1.4.0

In this release I have worked on POIs. In short, you could bookmark, edit, and delete POIs as you please.

Showing POIs on a map has changed. Instead of bubbles with POI information, you have a dedicated panel that is shown if a POI is selected. There is also full POI view and ability to edit it, via the panel and its info button.

POIs are also wired into routing and nearby pages. When you type in your address/query, POIs are searched for and shown first. POIs can be also selected from a dedicated POI list in main menu. There, search will allow you to narrow down and find the POI you are after. I have not introduced any POI hierarchies into POI list (as some tree), you could just add your favorite tags into POI type or Additional info fields and search by them.

POIs can be either bookmarked or not. The latter ones are POIs created as a response to your search or adding them manually by pressing a map. Non-bookmarked POIs can be removed by "Clear" action in the main menu or when you want to see all latest search results (Show all in Search or Nearby). When using Clear from main menu, remorse timer is triggered, as expected for SFOS app (unless its a browser and you are closing all tabs by accident).

I have used POI icons from Maki icon set. Feel free to complain and discuss if its a reasonable choice. For cases, such as Show all in search, we need icons that would be able to show two POIs nearby - hence rather thin icon.

As for icons, we would probably need more contrast current location icons (with and without directions). For keeping it future proof, would be great to get them in SVG. Any artists? :)

I will start to look into the other issues now.

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