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SD69 2010-05-29 17:20

Re: MeeGo hardware adaptation for N8x0

Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 688318)
Really wish moderators would close this thread, please read above post from me :)

Umm, moderators please don't close this thread.

I realize that QGil asked stskeeps to close this thread, but it was just a recommendation. At last week's meeting, Maemo Council decided not to make any MeeGo-related decisions just yet. Please leave this thread open to N8x0 adaption discussion and post any further comments about governance in appropriate community sub-forum thread.

Stskeeps 2010-05-29 18:38

Re: MeeGo hardware adaptation for N8x0

Originally Posted by SD69 (Post 688350)
Umm, moderators please don't close this thread.

I realize that QGil asked stskeeps to close this thread, but it was just a recommendation. At last week's meeting, Maemo Council decided not to make any MeeGo-related decisions just yet. Please leave this thread open to N8x0 adaption discussion and post any further comments about governance in appropriate community sub-forum thread.

Either that, or we move to Nokia N810 forum or Alternatives. I'm asking out of my own will, because there is sense to moving these discussions to where the actual work is supposed to be done.

If we have to move N8x0 users into 2010 and forth using MeeGo, they should be surrounding the MeeGo project, as that is obviously the future for this work.

Also, can we please concentrate on actually making stuff work instead of discussing meta-stuff? :P

I'll be posting on regarding this project. Wiki is at, IRC discussions in #meego-arm, forum discussions should be on too.

SD69 2010-05-29 19:55

Re: MeeGo hardware adaptation for N8x0

Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 688484)
Either that, or we move to Nokia N810 forum or Alternatives. I'm asking out of my own will, because there is sense to moving these discussions to where the actual work is supposed to be done.

If we have to move N8x0 users into 2010 and forth using MeeGo, they should be surrounding the MeeGo project, as that is obviously the future for this work.

Also, can we please concentrate on actually making stuff work instead of discussing meta-stuff? :P

I'll be posting on regarding this project. Wiki is at, IRC discussions in #meego-arm, forum discussions should be on too.

I'll ask again - will you post your community related comments where they belong?

Stskeeps 2010-05-29 20:24

Re: MeeGo hardware adaptation for N8x0

Originally Posted by SD69 (Post 688591)
I'll ask again - will you post your community related comments where they belong?

I am - logic dictates that work on a port should be done surrounding the project that it's trying to port. Just like Gentoo on N8x0 people work in Gentoo trees, for instance.

Take it up with council and if you're not satisfied with my work direction and make them give me direction. This does not belong in this thread, or for that sake, in this forum subsection.

I have four paths in my work, no more, no less (this is matching my reporting tools) - 30 hours weekly to fit these things in. Fact is that I use a lot more than those hours, though not as compressed as a work day, because I do care about these things.

MeeGo on N900 hardware adaptation work, where I do good work to make sure N900 users are not left behind. Using my knowledge from Mer to do good.

Harmattan on N900 work (upcoming), using my experience from
Maemo-on-OMAP and work above (which some people might have called a detour, but is it a detour now?)

MeeGo on N8x0 as I can help with that with the above experiences and there's other people in the N900 hardware adaptation team that are interested in having a 'hobby' porting project as well, because well it's fun!

Distmaster AOB - Helping out where I can, pointing people in the right direction with issues, various processes.

And we're discussing where I'm reporting? Come on. The important part is that the work is getting done and there's a place you can read about it in an accessible manner.

I don't want to have a bitter taste in my mouth after trying to do something for older device owners and being met with hostility - because I do care about the old devices. And I don't want to feel bitter or stop caring. I'm not that kind of person. What happened to the friendly and innovative atmosphere we used to have here?

Alister 2010-05-29 20:44

Re: MeeGo hardware adaptation for N8x0

Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 688649)
What happened to the friendly and innovative atmosphere we used to have here?

There are people still, who are grateful for your care of the "old" devices (and "old" is a very relative term). I will not drop my n800 in the garbage because there are newer devices too. So thank you.

gazza_d 2010-05-29 21:03

Re: MeeGo hardware adaptation for N8x0

Originally Posted by Alister (Post 688696)
There are people still, who are grateful for your care of the "old" devices (and "old" is a very relative term). I will not drop my n800 in the garbage because there are newer devices too. So thank you.


The efforts of all who try to keep the older platforms moving forward is greatly appreciated here.

The scale of the task of building/rebuilding an entire OS (mer) from scratch seemed to be missed by quite a few people here who then got very frustrated at lack of progress. That does not represent the view of everybody.

Nokia saw the enormity of backporting and has now backheeled to the community twice (Maemo5 to N8x0 and Meego to N900) because they cannot spare the resource. Anything the community can generate has to be seen as a near miracle in that context.

If Meego is dualbootable, and will coexist happily with Maemo4 then I will happily install and test (which is unfortunately the most skilled I can offer).

SD69 2010-05-30 16:04

Re: MeeGo hardware adaptation for N8x0

Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 688649)
I am - logic dictates that work on a port should be done surrounding the project that it's trying to port. Just like Gentoo on N8x0 people work in Gentoo trees, for instance.

Take it up with council and if you're not satisfied with my work direction and make them give me direction. This does not belong in this thread, or for that sake, in this forum subsection.

I think you are missing the point. The concern is that you acted as if you would singlehandely (ok, one or two other hands included as well) decide to close down a stickied thread, not complain that it was in the wrong forum subsection.


Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 688649)
MeeGo on N900 hardware adaptation work, where I do good work to make sure N900 users are not left behind. Using my knowledge from Mer to do good.

Harmattan on N900 work (upcoming), using my experience from
Maemo-on-OMAP and work above (which some people might have called a detour, but is it a detour now?)

MeeGo on N8x0 as I can help with that with the above experiences and there's other people in the N900 hardware adaptation team that are interested in having a 'hobby' porting project as well, because well it's fun!

Distmaster AOB - Helping out where I can, pointing people in the right direction with issues, various processes.

How is this relevant to the issue of closing a stickied thread? Are you arguing that, because of the distmaster work you have done, that you should have special permission to do that?


Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 688649)
And we're discussing where I'm reporting? Come on. The important part is that the work is getting done and there's a place you can read about it in an accessible manner.

Report whereever you want. And the important part is that work that the community wants is getting done.


Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 688649)
I don't want to have a bitter taste in my mouth after trying to do something for older device owners and being met with hostility - because I do care about the old devices. And I don't want to feel bitter or stop caring. I'm not that kind of person. What happened to the friendly and innovative atmosphere we used to have here?

Here is what I said,

"Umm, moderators please don't close this thread.

I realize that QGil asked stskeeps to close this thread, but it was just a recommendation. At last week's meeting, Maemo Council decided not to make any MeeGo-related decisions just yet. Please leave this thread open to N8x0 adaption discussion and post any further comments about governance in appropriate community sub-forum thread."

Nothing hostile there I think. So I wonder what is going on besides you being frustrated that you yourself can't close a stickied thread. If you want changes made, then you should contribute to brainstorm or go through other community processes. So please let this thread continue to contain comments limited to the N8x0 adaptation.

sjgadsby 2010-05-30 16:39

Re: MeeGo hardware adaptation for N8x0
Please continue discussion of adapting MeeGo to work on N8x0 hardware in the MeeGo forum. Thank you.

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