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pycage 2013-10-08 19:29

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9

Originally Posted by zaidk9 (Post 1379401)
Whats FS??

The filesystem. Android people would say "the ROM".

pycage 2013-10-08 19:35

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9
The problem with the N9 (and N950) is that to function fully, the device needs closed hardware drivers that are only licensed to Nokia.
So Nokia would be the only company able to port Sailfish to N9 properly, which I guess they would not even think of it.

Nemo is the closest you will get. Putting the open parts of the Sailfish UI on there could be done by the community (which this thread is about).

Jaracz 2013-10-08 20:27

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9
But SailfishOS was officially presented on Nokia N950, wasn't it?! You can see it clearly on the Jolla videos...

romu 2013-10-08 20:29

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1379432)
The problem with the N9 (and N950) is that to function fully, the device needs closed hardware drivers that are only licensed to Nokia.
So Nokia would be the only company able to port Sailfish to N9 properly, which I guess they would not even think of it.

If you're right (and notice I do NOT assume you're not ;)), this means all the demos of Sailfish we've seen up to now, running on N950, are illegal, or Jolla had some deal with Nokia to get the drivers.

Now Nokia has officially announced it will cease the support of Symbian and Meego at the end of this years, I guess we can ask them for the driver source code.

flotron 2013-10-08 20:32

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9
Jolla won't release that drivers, they can't

It would be easier to port to a nexus device?

m4r0v3r 2013-10-08 21:53

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9

Originally Posted by flotron (Post 1379445)
Jolla won't release that drivers, they can't

It would be easier to port to a nexus device?

I attempted it, failed pretty hard on the nexus 4, couldn't get it to boot to save my life with all the kernel tweaking.

flotron 2013-10-08 21:55

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1379462)
I attempted it, failed pretty hard on the nexus 4, couldn't get it to boot to save my life with all the kernel tweaking.

Where did you get the arm image?

m4r0v3r 2013-10-08 22:17

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9

Originally Posted by flotron (Post 1379463)
Where did you get the arm image?

build your own using the SDK.

ah let me be clear, I was attempting to port mer, which is the core, which in theory will let sailfish run

SourenAraya 2013-10-08 23:39

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9

Originally Posted by romu (Post 1379444)
I guess we can ask them for the driver source code.

Nokia can't. One word: NDA

romu 2013-10-09 08:25

Re: Porting Sailfish to N9

Originally Posted by SourenAraya (Post 1379481)
Nokia can't. One word: NDA

Who knows? Maybe yes, maybe no. As I said, Nokia just announced the end of the Harmattan support. What's the risk of requesting? Especially if we take into account we ask for the driver source code of a 2 years phone.

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