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impeham 2013-09-26 00:44

Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)

Originally Posted by pkz (Post 1376807)
I had the same problem: backupmenu almost frozen and restore did not produce any good result...

I had to re-flash, but the battery was down.

Thus I manually recharged the battery using a 9V battery charger connected throughout a 100ohm resistance... after two days, and monitoring the battery voltage every two hours, I got a full battery, ready for re-flash...

Then after re-flashing the fiasco image I was able to save the FAT partition on my notebook. Then I re-flashed everything but even if I have a running N900 and the backupmenu images, I cannot use them because I changed the kernel (KP52)...


I had the same thing. solved by reflashing to the nokia 1.3 image and then reinstalling/configuring everything back - hard work, but after that i was able to use the backup/restore again with KP52 and latest thumb.

i was never really sure why it happened - i believe probably something to do with KP51 -> KP52 transition?

anyway it works great for me now (more than half a year already).

NicoLarve 2013-10-01 19:54

Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)
Thank you guys.
Indeed, I have two batteries and an external charger so this is not a battery issue. I'll try the things you said (iternal usb, etc.). And in the meantime, I bought another one: cheaper, newer, etc.
And since I have nightly backups on my personal server (rsync to server, then rdiff-backup the result), I lost nothing from /home/user/ except one photo!

petur 2013-10-05 16:06

Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)
I never got around to install this and, you guessed it, my n900 experienced a nasty crash that took out both rootfs and home partition (it would boot after flashing rootfs but couldn't install anything and GUI corrupted on second boot)

So after reflashing I want to do things properly. I already installed KP52 and CSSU-T-thumb. Next was going to be this, but I can't find backupmenu in HAM.

extras-devel is enabled and I can see packages that are in there.

Is there an issue on my end or is the preferred way to install to download the deb?

petur 2013-10-07 10:43

Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)
*bump* ?

I see it listed in but not in HAM? Any idea why?

handaxe 2013-10-07 18:22

Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)

Originally Posted by petur (Post 1379136)
*bump* ?

I see it listed in but not in HAM? Any idea why?

No idea why it is not showing. What does (as root)"apt-get install backupmenu" yield? For me "apt-cache showpkg backupmenu" revels 2 ver, latest in extras-devel and other in extras-testing.

petur 2013-10-07 19:35

Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)
I was going to facepalm but I'm just puzzled... backupmenu is already installed...

I just reflashed 2 days ago so I remember what I did, so I'm puzzled.

Anyway, it's working great now and I should have come up with using apt-get myself. Thanks for the push in the right direction!

handaxe 2013-10-07 20:47

Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)

Originally Posted by petur (Post 1379215)
I was going to facepalm but I'm just puzzled... backupmenu is already installed...

I just reflashed 2 days ago so I remember what I did, so I'm puzzled.

Anyway, it's working great now and I should have come up with using apt-get myself. Thanks for the push in the right direction!

Thats priceless - I am SO glad I had no idea why! Still grinning..... Tnx. Puzzle indeed.

alexporta 2013-10-29 15:43

Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)
just for an help...

I have my second N900 that has usb port broken, I have done some experiments and now it starts and reboot, again and again... I have BackupMenu on it but it never arrives to the point to load it...

I have some hope to making it work again or... I have to say goodbye to it?

Alecsandru 2013-12-11 21:32

Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)
how to disable backupmenu formatting when restoring optfs?*(only restore files)

Estel 2013-12-11 22:18

Re: [Announce] BackupMenu - OS backup & restore | New version - Jul 9th(v1.1)
Find the:

#Begin OptFS Segment /usr/share/backupmenu/BackupMenu.item and (with care!) edit out mkfs command contained in next few lines.

Sorry, can't give you exact line number and/or exact string to edit, as my BackupMenu.item is already modified beyond much ressemblance to vanilla one.


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