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pichlo 2015-02-26 10:12

Re: [Announce] Qalendar -- a replacement for the default calendar

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 1462056)
How would keyboard input work on a palm pilot since they didn't have a (physical) keyboard? I much prefer keyboard input to eg the dodgy scrolly thing that maemo has for setting the time/date. Back in the day I used to make fun of my colleague who had a palm, my Psion 5 was far, far more capable :D

Palm Pilot was not the only PalmOS driven device out there. Tere were others: some with keyboards, some without. Here are just two that I personally used:

I absolutely agree with deryo deryo: nothing, not even the mighty N900, can beat those two in terms of usability (and a few other aspects too, such as the battery life).

TomJ 2015-02-26 12:20

Re: [Announce] Qalendar -- a replacement for the default calendar

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1462076)
Palm Pilot was not the only PalmOS driven device out there. Tere were others: some with keyboards, some without. Here are just two that I personally used:

I absolutely agree with deryo deryo: nothing, not even the mighty N900, can beat those two in terms of usability (and a few other aspects too, such as the battery life).

Psion 5(mx). Had it had a modem it would have been comeptitive even today.

skanky 2015-02-26 13:44

Re: [Announce] Qalendar -- a replacement for the default calendar

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1462076)
Palm Pilot was not the only PalmOS driven device out there. Tere were others: some with keyboards, some without. Here are just two that I personally used:

I absolutely agree with deryo deryo: nothing, not even the mighty N900, can beat those two in terms of usability (and a few other aspects too, such as the battery life).

The Treo 650 was easily the best mobile device I ever used. All it would miss now is a capable web facility for modern websites, wireless and maybe GPS and support for a larger SD card. I still have it in a box somewhere and keep thinking I should power it up... :D

(Sorry for continuing the OT)

jmo707 2015-03-05 11:50

Re: [Announce] Qalendar -- a replacement for the default calendar
Does someone have problems with localization?
I can't seem to make qalendar correctly detect the LANG variable when launched from icons or widget. However, if I kill the background process and then launch it from terminal, it detects it correctly.

Maybe if I could export the variable within the dbus service script where qalendar is launched with the --background option...?

jmo707 2015-03-05 14:43

Re: [Announce] Qalendar -- a replacement for the default calendar
For god sake! Another permissions problem. The language file was sent over SSH to the folder (/usr/share/qalendar/translations/) and hadn't the read permission set for group. Solved with chmod 744.

jmo707 2015-04-20 15:23

Re: [Announce] Qalendar -- a replacement for the default calendar
Here. bumping this again.

gidzzz, I'm having troubles with qalendar, and can't trace them.

I'm experiencing unexpected closes, whenever I open the program. After what seems to be a period of a few minutes (4 maybe?) qalendar closes without any warning. I've tried to run it from terminal, but it gives no useful output about this. Any idea? Do you have a place where I could file a bug?

sixwheeledbeast 2015-04-20 16:37

Re: [Announce] Qalendar -- a replacement for the default calendar
Are you sure it's still not related to your custom partitions?
I have no issues at all here FWIW.

jmo707 2015-04-20 21:02

Re: [Announce] Qalendar -- a replacement for the default calendar
I would love to know sixwheeledbeast, but I've tried both "--debug/-d" and "--verbose/-v" options with no avail. I don't get why my partition table would be the problem. I think qalendar uses the same database that calendar (/home/user/.calendar/calendardb).

Where are the preferences stored? Where else could I look?

sixwheeledbeast 2015-04-21 10:26

Re: [Announce] Qalendar -- a replacement for the default calendar
Apps don't like MyDocs being ext, it causes allsorts of permission issues.
I imagine there will be stuff in .config too.

gidzzz 2015-04-23 11:04

Re: [Announce] Qalendar -- a replacement for the default calendar

Originally Posted by jmo707 (Post 1467889)
I'm experiencing unexpected closes, whenever I open the program. After what seems to be a period of a few minutes (4 maybe?) qalendar closes without any warning. I've tried to run it from terminal, but it gives no useful output about this.

No useful output, i.e. no output at all? An innocent "Activating an earier instance", for example, means that Qalendar is already running and you will not receive any info in that terminal. If Qalendar crashes, there should be at least something like "Segmentation fault". Otherwise it may mean that it's being killed.

One such situation is when you replace Calendar with Qalendar, but forget the "--background" switch. This leads to D-Bus launching Qalendar and waiting for it to publish its interface, which will never happen without the switch. After 2 minutes a timeout occurs and D-Bus kills Qalendar.

To make sure that it's not related to D-Bus and that you are really running a fresh instance, launch Qalendar from the terminal using "qalendar --allow-multiple-instances".

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