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nuknuk 2009-11-26 11:29

Re: N900 is not a phone ! Why people still don't get it?
Well mine is def not a phone because the mic is fu&&^ed:mad:

fnordianslip 2009-11-26 11:30

Re: N900 is not a phone ! Why people still don't get it?
My house contains phone functionality, but its not a phone either.

mdl 2009-11-26 11:40

Re: N900 is not a phone ! Why people still don't get it?

Originally Posted by fms (Post 393456)
Yea, and your desktop PC is obviously an electric typewriter with added graphics...

Finally someone who understands... Everyone one else just laughs when I refer to my keyboard + monitor as a "typewriter with an erasable page."

Andre Klapper 2009-11-26 11:53

Re: N900 is not a phone ! Why people still don't get it?

Originally Posted by hallokitty (Post 393435)
What is fanboyism if it not defending a company that releases an incomplete product?

Strong words. Why is it "incomplete"? Because the N900 does not have a kitchen sink included?

kopte3 2009-11-26 12:04

Re: N900 is not a phone ! Why people still don't get it?
Why does it matter how it's called? It is what it is. Use it or don't. Jeez.

olighak 2009-11-26 12:07

Re: N900 is not a phone ! Why people still don't get it?

Originally Posted by Andre Klapper (Post 393519)
Strong words. Why is it "incomplete"? Because the N900 does not have a kitchen sink included?

If you compare maemo 5, in its current version, to for example Symbian S60.3rd. (where I come from) the changeable settings and options are much fewer.

I think the N900 is awesome. But I am truly hoping Nokia has some sweaty programmes adding the "missing basic functions" to the N900.

Minor things like changing the date format easily to whatever I want are not as simple to achieve. I like YYYY-MM-DD for example. On symbian I could just type exactly that into a window and wallah! my dates would be formatted that way. No such luck with Maemo.

The profiles section of the phone is incomplete as well. The only two profiles available are "General" and "Silent" (and a airplane mode if you push the power button). You can not create a additional profile.

Turning off vibration and keyboard noise in the menu does not really turn it off: I don´t like the unit vibrating when I touch the screen. I´d like to be able to make it stop doing that.

The Ovi Maps software is well, only a map with a search function. There are really no settings to adjust whatsoever. Very limited functionality. I expect this is being fixed quickly.

I can´t see the icon locations in the programs menu being movable. IF someone knows how to rearrange them let me know. I can´t figure it out. That is a basic function to be able to move those.

Why were podcasts not built into the multimedia player? I know there´s a 3rd party app for that, but Nokia that´s the only multimedia item you left out, why?

Keyboard. It is not easy to change between keyboard layouts on the physical keyboard. It is 6-7 clicks, so you don´t do that while writing a single email or text message. It might be smarter to be able to change the fixed keyboard language with one button in the virtual keyboard. There´s a button that changes the virtual keyboard but that button should change the physical one as well.

I haven´t found a good way to write accented characters by the way in the english keyboard like á ó ú ý and so forth. Also how can I write þ and ð on the N900? Það er erfitt að skrifa sæmilega íslensku án réttra stafa. It´s hard to write that text without such a input option.

On a dumbhone or a smartphone from Nokia you have to make sure to buy it in the right market to be able to write æáóúýíðþ etc. On a mobile computer, you shouldn´t have to. The phone supports that. So we need a proper character map.

The virtual keyboard has some issues. When I write a text in it and hit enter it changes the text, removing and adding letters and symbols at random. This happens if I make more than 1-2 changes to the text in the virtual keyboard. Quite annoying.

MMS, I don´t understand why you´d send one or why you´d want one. In my 12 years of having a mobile phone, I´ve only received one. And it was sent to the wrong number, not intended for me. But apparently there are some people who like those things so I´m sure it´ll come. That´s a semi-advanced missing feature.

I have a good memory so I can cope with not having a search function in the email. But still, that is a function that needs to come. Actually a overall phone search program is needed. When I start loading this up with work related reference documents I won´t be able to find all of them without a search.

And by the way. The N900 is being advertised the same way as my N95 was. So it is a phone and it is a mobile computer. Actually it´s what computers have become!

I suppose the N900 will get better as they roll this out over the next 2-3 months. So it´ll go from awesome to frigging awesome. That´s what my N95-1 did, and that´s what I´m hoping for here.

Cherrypie 2009-11-26 12:17

Re: N900 is not a phone ! Why people still don't get it?

Originally Posted by joppu (Post 393404)

For anyone looking for the next Nokia Flagship phone should stick to the N97 ...

Incorrect, those should stick to the X6.

It even has capacitive screen, 32gig storage & 5MP cam.
It is advertised as a music phone but so was the 5800, which also was seen as the flagship before the N97 came out.

X6 > N97. Definitly.

stemfour 2009-11-26 12:22

Re: N900 is not a phone ! Why people still don't get it?
Name ONE other device that can make telephone calls to all numbers, that is hand held, that isnt a phone. Please.

Cherrypie 2009-11-26 12:24

Re: N900 is not a phone ! Why people still don't get it?

Originally Posted by stemfour (Post 393581)
Name ONE other device that can make telephone calls to all numbers, that is hand held, that isnt a phone. Please.

Basically all mobile devices with input for sim cards, so most of the netbooks and a bunch of umpcs, if you can consider those handhelds.

But the N900 is rather a netbook than a phone, indeed.

Raubtier 2009-11-26 12:28

Re: N900 is not a phone ! Why people still don't get it?

Originally Posted by nuknuk (Post 393462)
Well mine is def not a phone because the mic is fu&&^ed:mad:

how old are you? seriously..

we have all heard your problems several times in dozens of threads.

it would piss me off too and there is no excuse for a faulty phone, nonetheless i would advise you to grow up a bit and refrain from bloating up your own concerns, take action instead, whining on threads isnt going to help.

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