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Flandry 2010-01-07 15:54

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Is anyone driving this train wreck? Ok, mixed metaphor or not, this subforum is full of entries not conforming to Brainstorm SOP and so is brainstorm itself. After reading through all three stickies, it seems all activity to clean up and otherwise make Brainstorm a useful tool (ie more focused and structured than the rest of t.m.o) ended in 2009.

Seems that brainstorm is bootstrapped so well it has completely run away from the purpose at hand.

Is there something i can do here to help fix this? Need someone not afraid to get blood on his hands? :P

Flandry 2010-01-07 16:42

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 457518)
Quim has been on vacation and I've been overloaded.

Ah, well that explains it then. And it's just a two man show?

If there's not a reason to keep the moderator count very low for brainstorm, i volunteer to help as time allows. I guess you had better explain how things are done if that is to happen, because my inclination is to just go through and delete all the one-post, structureless threads, and i suspect that's not the politically correct way. :D

Texrat 2010-01-07 16:43

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
I will put in a request to get you mod status and hope it goes through. I trust you. I've also asked chemist if he's interested.

chemist 2010-01-07 17:00

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 457554)
I will put in a request to get you mod status and hope it goes through. I trust you. I've also asked chemist if he's interested.

just do... I will dress up with my nice, black and worn BOFH t-shirt...

sjgadsby 2010-01-07 17:07

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 457549)
And it's just a two man show?

Yes, well, I should be helping more in this forum, but except in those rare cases when Texrat has specifically requested assistance, I've done little more here than delete offensive posts. I'm clearly failing the community in this, and I feel guilty about it, but I find the entire brainstorming process massively overwhelming and confusing. So, given a seemingly limitless supply of threads to move and merge in other forums, I've neglected this one. Sorry.

Texrat 2010-01-07 17:17

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Don't sweat it Stephen-- December was a rough month and this thing caught fire. I feel guilty for neglect too but it was this or community outreach and I made a judgment call.

Are you able to make Flandry and chemist moderators here or do I need to hit Reggie up?

RevdKathy 2010-01-07 17:25

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Who authorised Quim to take a holiday?? I didn't get the memo. OMG WTF Nokia should never allow this!!!

(Seriously, if there's anything I can do by spotting stuff and flagging it for attention, just yell. I visit most places pretty regularly)

chemist 2010-01-10 01:36

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
I think we need to categorize brainstorm at the forums, it will grow with time and we should think of a solution for it. automation progresses will be set up some time but till then we need another help. I didnt start a brainstorm as this is something mods should decide how they like to handle it for now.
I got no mod abilities so 'you' are still two... having p[re,ost]fixes for "asked for brainstorm item", "brainstorm setup but not linked in starting post" and "proper brainstorm entry" would be one idea.
additional subforums dividing "features", "programs", "" may be needed in future days to have better overview.

sjgadsby 2010-01-10 02:26

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 457614)
Are you able to make Flandry and chemist moderators here...

Well, 1. I'm not sure Reggie wants me promoting anyone, and 2. I don't see anything that would allow me to do so if I had the go-ahead.


...or do I need to hit Reggie up?

jukey 2010-01-19 15:23

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Can someone please set the subject of this thread from [Under consideration] SyncML support in Maemo5 to:"[In development] SyncML support in Maemo5!" The reason could be read there (see first solution):

Thanks :)

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