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endsormeans 2020-03-01 00:56

Re: Move Dead Neo900 project topic to OLD
WTF people..?
Are you deaf?
Do you need a link to the quote from the dead horse's mouth so you can all stop beating it?
Long ago now..
The project leader Joerg himself ..stated the project is dead.
Call it "deep freeze",
" long dormant",
"awaiting resurrection" ...
Whatever you like..
But those are not the words of the project head.
It is dead.

Move the whole damned lot ..subforum threads and straggling threads out of the forum and into archives...
I for one am not in favour of yet another thread created for discussion.
There is zero to discuss.
Any argument to keep this whale carcass here is completely a nonstarter its a moot point..
This parrot has left this mortal coil ..
To quote Python

IF ..and I say IF by the most ridiculously remote possibility the project is truly resurrected ANY team...they can petition the council and offer a reasonable amount of proof to the council... That they are indeed bringing it back ..
And then the entirety of the neo subforum and all straggling threads can be reinstated...from the archives.
This is not unreasonable.
Vetting should be done by our council to make sure the integrity and well being of the community and its members are safe guarded..

It is not unreasonable to move this to this juncture..

What is unreasonable is that
the only folks posting here are new folks who say "where can I invest?", " what happened?", and the common "can't wait for this to be released", and " I hope / wish/ wanted this to get completed"
All of which gets answered with an "ain't gonna happen" post by someone else...

Activity ...
by folks posting here because they couldn't bother to read...
or because they have a device complex that needs fulfilling...
does NOT.. a "live" project make

My vote is to be done with this farcical waste of time, active forum space and archive it until it is deemed an active project again...if ever that occurs...

biketool 2020-03-01 08:34

Re: Move Dead Neo900 project topic to OLD
FWIW I asked @joerg_rw in a PM to move it while thanking him for his contribs over the years. He hasn't been around TMO for nearly a year though...

(edit)What is the actual status of the Maemo Council since Jan 2018?
That is where the notes on the wiki drop away, even then hot topics include convincing Nokia to provide full commercial support for Meego on the N900. (This page was last modified on 22 September 2018, at 09:24)

teroyk 2020-03-01 18:50

Re: Move Dead Neo900 project topic to OLD

Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1565740)
he could only someday do a small run of cool for year 2012-13 $600-1000 phones. It makes sense to freeze a project and never go back at this point, they are only really collector toys.

Collectors toys are always interesting! It is better collect Neo900 than modern art ;)

pichlo 2020-03-02 08:24

Re: Move Dead Neo900 project topic to OLD

Originally Posted by teroyk (Post 1565826)
It is better collect Neo900 than modern art ;)

Depends on what you collect it for. I'm sure some art collectors are doing it for the expected value appreciation, which in case of Neo900 is zero or negative.

biketool 2020-03-04 18:47

Re: Move Dead Neo900 project topic to OLD

In case anyone wants the hard reality direct from joerg_rw on 05-08-2019, here it is...
(we are all hoping for the best for him both financially after 5 years of not-profitable work on the Neo900 and for his health)


Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1556735)
Quoting myself on IRC (https://freenode.irclog.whitequark.o...e/2019-05-06):

[6 May 2019 16:09:03] <whitequark> i've looked at the website recently and there were no updates for 2 years...
[6 May 2019 16:09:09] <whitequark> that's not really inspiring
[6 May 2019 16:44:45] <DocScrutinizer05> there's no inspiration in Neo900 anymore
[6 May 2019 17:03:13] <DocScrutinizer05> a year ago I was busy founding a new "joint venture" company together with PrivateInternetAccess, to build STEP2 streamlined and solidly funded by 7 to 8 digit capital, and compensate all Neo900 customers. Alas I wasn't allowed to speak about it back when, so no updates for the website and no joy of sharing the good news with community for me (would have helped a lot to cure my burnout and community frustration). Then a few months later PIA realized that their HR plans were not implementable because for one key position the planned person wasn't available, and they put the project on hold until the issues solved. They kept sponsoring Neo900 to keep the UG alive so eventually they could restart STEP2 and the company merger. Now PIA changed their mind probably since business changed for VPN providers and they stopped sponsoring me / the UG. This means Neo900 UG is definitely at an absolute dead end now. And so am I


I think an important question is who is still around with admin privileges for the website.

juiceme 2020-03-04 19:14

Re: Move Dead Neo900 project topic to OLD

Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1565920)
I think an important question is who is still around with admin privileges for the website.

The neo900 website?

biketool 2020-03-04 21:20

Re: Move Dead Neo900 project topic to OLD

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1565922)
The neo900 website?

No, TMO.
As a current(or former?) Maemo council holder what do we do here?
Do you have admin for TMO?
I was going to PM you for consultation as I knew you had a leadership role.

juiceme 2020-03-05 09:26

Re: Move Dead Neo900 project topic to OLD
Doing the thread group change you propose is possible, and you are correct it is the council that should decide if that is necessary. As there has been two opposing priposals on how to proceed I feel that a decision is needed to determine the action.

The current (remaining?) council has not met for some time, even though I have now and then tried to rouse people by email. It seems there is so much other things that have priority.
There would be need to arrange election of new council and new board so things could be started rolling again.

biketool 2020-03-05 15:28

Re: Move Dead Neo900 project topic to OLD
Ooof, was worried that that would be the answer.
Not so much about the move thread question which is more about order and appropriateness (IMHO), but the reality that this like so many great online communities are winding down. I remember it happening to the old OpenZaurus community forums too.
It seems like everything is centralizing in places like reddit where I feel there is a real privacy concern. I miss the days when we would get maybe 100 comments or more a day here.

endsormeans 2020-03-05 15:38

Re: Move Dead Neo900 project topic to OLD
That was me..
But I've mellowed in the years since..

Ah we few ...
We brave few...valiant lunatics...
We just gotta keep with the maemo love ...people...

OpenZaurus may have wound down..
But ain't maemo.

I think we are riding a "Mellow Age" currently...
That is all...

Time was ...
Everyone was afraid the place would be shut..
Still here...
Folks still working away on stuff...
They are just quiet about it...
Publicizing this or that thing one is working on...detracts from time spent actually working...
And yes folks have lives too...outside this place ...
So yeah..
We may have had more posters daily in the past...
But quantity doesn't equate to quality.
We are..
Just ...mellower dood.

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