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Maemish 2021-05-19 12:52

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
At the moment nonsuch has the springisht shot with leaves almost there.

Kabouik 2021-05-21 12:40

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Someone had to.

Slightly cropped.

Fellfrosch 2021-05-21 17:01

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
I nearly pissed my trousers!

mosen 2021-05-21 17:57

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1571831)
Someone had to.

Pentona 2021-05-21 18:56

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Bird cherry blooming means it's summer.

10 Plus, unedited

eson 2021-05-22 06:40

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
My big pear blooming is spring to me.
Xperia X, Sailfish stock photo app and cropped with Pix.

nonsuch 2021-05-26 06:17

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1571831)
Someone had to.

It didn't even cross my mind. :D

It's always interesting how people have different concepts about the seasons. I have lived up here long enough to agree with Maemish, my sense of spring is mainly: no more snow, more sunshine and some shy light green here and there (post #6).
(And yes, it usually changes into summer very quickly. That tree looks very different now.)

At the same time, homesickness is worst around this time, esp. when I see the sort of images eson, Pentona and Fellfrosch posted.

Maemish 2021-05-26 07:33

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
It took me this much time to get what the kabouik's picture was about. I blame allergy. Have been hard this spring, two pills per day. Got allergy about 6 years ago. Could have not understood how sick it can make you and how it can blur your thinking.

Fellfrosch 2021-05-26 20:27

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
What kind of allergy is it? I'm struggling with hay fever every spring. Worst time is over now, but this year was really bad. My main problem are birches. I for myself have decided to give up on pills against it. They just make me dull and tired. I know that not everybody can just leave them aside, if you get asthmatic from allergy you have to take proper medicine. Lucky me I just get red and itchy eyes, symptoms of a flew and some rash. No fun, but you learn to live with it. :mad:

Maemish 2021-05-26 20:49

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Birch. Asthmatic.

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