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jroman 2016-05-13 08:23

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by maacruz (Post 1504980)
I have built the latest 1.2.6 telegram plugin ...if it works I'll upload it to extras-devel.

Ready to upload it to the repo?


branja 2016-05-16 14:03

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
Does anyone knows how to store pictures that were sent to us by Telegram user on Android? Is it even possible?

Sohil876 2016-05-20 14:00

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by maacruz (Post 1504980)
I have built the latest 1.2.6 telegram plugin (quite a bit of work, actually). It seems to work, but needs testing. The crash should be gone. Stickers should work too.
Please, install both deb packages and report back, if it works I'll upload it to extras-devel.

thanks a lot for this, works fine, it does misses some text sent by bots but by having telegram-cli running in background i can see that text on terminal so its fine for now, so please do put this in repos :)

monkeyisland 2016-05-21 09:18

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
Hi i tested it also on my good old n900.
How i can turn on the notifications ?
Is it possible also blinking the led?

sicelo 2016-05-28 13:22

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
i'm new to the telegram party. installed the debs from post 38, but i'm there seems to be no way to pass the "Register your number prompt"

when i put in my name, the dialog simply comes up indefinitely.

is there a trick somewhere?

sicelo 2016-05-28 13:49

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
looks like one has to wait a little on the prompt. this time it worked. no contacts yet, haha, but i hope to persuade a friend or two to use Telegram

HTuRtle 2016-05-29 18:36

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by t-b (Post 1505042)
OK - some additional comments.
Works fine - not missed any message. Can send and receive pictures as well. Can't receive / see smiley’s or stickers but I don't think they worked in the previous version too.
Most important thing - the crashes - is solved :)

hi t-b!
post number seven in this very thread actually works fine regarding smileys; would highly recommend to 'optify' as suggested. good luck! ;) :) :D

maacruz 2016-05-31 06:31

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by maacruz (Post 1504980)
I have built the latest 1.2.6 telegram plugin (quite a bit of work, actually). It seems to work, but needs testing. The crash should be gone. Stickers should work too.
Please, install both deb packages and report back, if it works I'll upload it to extras-devel.

It is already available on extras-devel. Enjoy.

branja 2016-05-31 15:28

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
after the latest update I can't use telegram anymore. any suggestions?

t-b 2016-05-31 16:36

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
I think it would be interesting to know if you installed this one first before updating to the version in extras-devel.

branja 2016-05-31 17:09

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by t-b (Post 1506678)
I think it would be interesting to know if you installed this one first before updating to the version in extras-devel.

Yes, I have. I also deleted everything and installed it again from extras and nothing changed. Should I uninstall/purge again and install that .deb file?

HTuRtle 2016-05-31 17:14

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
I'm also curious about the steps you've done that lead to the malfunction (mine is still working but I didn't run an update as of yet. I disabled auto-update; yes, feel free to dub me 'control-freak', anyone :D ). so, maybe the one that now 'resides' in the extras isn't "bit-identical"??

[edit]my post came a little bit too late. but still bears the information that the 'unuploaded' version that t-b pointed to still works fine. so my conclusion..: yes, try the original .deb-file(s) again; will most likely work[/edit]

branja 2016-05-31 18:19

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
After deleting telegram plugin and installing it again from the deb it's finally working. Tnx HTuRtle do I disable auto-update? Also, do you know how can I save images that were sent from Telegram users on Android?

HTuRtle 2016-05-31 19:31

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
first question: did you actually purge the extras installation? (because I don't deem it necessary; I could've mentioned it before, though..).

regarding auto-update: 'autoupdateconfigurator' is the app to go (I think it technically can't 'disable' the auto-update entirely but can set the check interval to a really-really long period).
okay, 'back' after some 'research' :D . it's maybe not in the 'standard'-repos. check this page for a brief overview and here is the direct download link (it's a .install-file).
[edit]but the more knowledgeable should be able to directly point to the right config-file to manually <s>tamper with</s> alter[/edit]
[edit2]here one goes *facepalm*[/edit2]

regarding media-files you've got: you'll find them in "~/.purple/telegram-purple/+$YOUR_PHONE\#/downloads/". however, an alternative way is visiting ''. for windows, I'd recommend their portable version. copy only one (large) executable-file to any usb-drive/location you want and you're good to go. neat management of your profile, chat-history and all your media-files.

nice evening :)

maacruz 2016-05-31 20:07

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by branja (Post 1506694)
After deleting telegram plugin and installing it again from the deb it's finally working. Tnx HTuRtle

Either the problem was caused by leaving the old dependency package libwebp while reinstalling purple-protocol-plugin, or the autobuilder did something that borked the plugin. Unfortunately, I won't have my phone until the weekend, so I can't test the packages in extras-devel till then.
If you have installed the debs posted before and want to install the ones from extras devel, uninstall both purple-telegram-plugin and libwebp before reinstalation.

Micha1982 2016-06-08 19:51

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
Defect here since the update to 1.2.6, too :(

No connection anymore, after I tried to change the account-settings I saw that the complete Telegram-protocol seems to be gone from the pulldown-list....strange.

Reinstalled it without a change.

Now I'm going to read here a bit.......

If I try to remove ppt, it says Remove:
purple... 1.2.6-1
libwebp 0.5.0-1 - isn't that the correct one ?

Micha1982 2016-06-08 20:16

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
I do not get it to work anymore.

Please fix!!

HTuRtle 2016-06-08 20:34

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
just to post a second 'user-experience': for me it's still working as always .. nothing changed. hence, it doesn't look like a 'general problem that affects everyone'.

sicelo 2016-06-08 21:07

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by HTuRtle (Post 1507264)
just to post a second 'user-experience': for me it's still working as always .. nothing changed. hence, it doesn't look like a 'general problem that affects everyone'.

My experience is the same as HTurRtle above. All working fine. I had added it using the debs in a previous post on this thread

Micha1982 2016-06-08 21:14

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
In the meanwhile I removed Pidgin and all its installed extensions and reinstalled them one by one, without success.

Telegram is still missing/away in Pidgins pulldown-menu.

The strange thing is, I see no difference between my posted/installed filenames and the ones in the deb.-posting - the only difference I can see is the word 'armel', but version-numbers are matching. Next thing I could do is to check the filesize anyhow, but I do not think that it helps /assuming the files in the repos are definately the same as in the above mentioned deb. posting.

However, something definately is wrong as it does not work here and for some others. The question is why and what can I do now.....

Micha1982 2016-06-10 19:31

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Telegram is defect here since your update!

Would be great if you tell me how to fix what is defect here since your update.

Still waiting for a solution!That it is working for you is a very bad argument!It is not working for me!

How do I get the old version or fix this defect version?

sicelo 2016-06-10 19:43

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by branja (Post 1505603)
Does anyone knows how to store pictures that were sent to us by Telegram user on Android? Is it even possible?

The pictures (and possibly other files) go to


Micha1982 2016-06-10 20:06

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
I am getting more and more 'happy' about my N900...:
Tried to load the .deb files from the posting here (even if still noone was able to tell me why there should be any difference to the files marcuzz uploaded to the repos - the numbers matching),
not possible with normal browser....loading-bar loading and loading and loading and loading on this half loaded page here....the browser seems to be more and more useless/defect to me or crashing on unknown scripts or something like that.

Tried the qml-version or how its called, page loaded, dowloading both files seemed to be fine.
After opening them through the filebrowser and clicking one of them, it starts the appmanager, it seems to begin install-process - then it tells me 'file not compatible'???


Size in filemanager:
libwebp_0.5.0-1_armel is 162kb,
ppt_1.2.6-1_armel is 396kn, so I think the download itself was fine.
Press libweg, I am asked If i want to update libwebp, 1kb....1KB?
Pressing Details it says Size 340kb, downloadsize 0kb....

What is going on here?

Everything was fine until this update :(

HTuRtle 2016-06-10 20:09

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
thx, @sicelo. I kind of already replied to branja (when he re-asked this a little bit later on xD )

@Micha1982: the reply "it works for others" doesn't help you but it still tightens the circle around your problem as it's not a general problem in the package that everyone gets affected by. so, as a developer, I would appreciate this kind of feedback (did I break something universally .. or did the user potentially mess up something). did you purge all instances?

Micha1982 2016-06-10 20:11

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by HTuRtle (Post 1507410)
did you purge all instances?

How to do this exactly (before doing something wrong...) ? Last time I ran clean900 and autoclean, clean, purge and autoremove after deinstalling everything (complete Yappari, all its extensions, this libp-file and of course the ppt). Then I reinstalled it. Without a change.

HTuRtle 2016-06-10 20:19

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
ah, only now I saw you wrote something while I typed my post, @Micha1982. well, for beginners, start using terminal. it saves you lots of hassle and makes your life easier. all you need is either 'get' && 'dpkg' or apt-get. voila. even easier is setting up ssh-server on your device and typing remote with a full-fledged keyboard. make yourself familiar with the shell .. it's a linux-based mini-computer, after all. ;)

Micha1982 2016-06-10 20:20

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
Written while you wrote:

406,5 kB (406526 Bytes)
166,9 kB (166876 Bytes)

is the filesize of the downloaded files shown on my pc.

If I try to start libwebp from N900s filemanager after disconnect it from my pc, the appmanager starts, it asks if I want to update, I press yes, it tells me 'not compatible'?! Completely strange. Details showing Size 340kb, downloadsize 0 Kb...why is downloadsize 0kb, why does the file start at all? Could understand if a file is broken, but why does the process start at all?! Description and so on also works, so I do not think the file is said, strange...

Regarding your post, I know...(my pcs are all running different kinds of Linux :) ), but I mostly try to avoid the terminal on the n900 and using the fam. In this case the 'normal' appmanager started automatically.

HTuRtle 2016-06-10 20:23

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
(this may end up in a funny 'criss-cross' posting where you have to look not one but three posts back in order to be able to follow/comprehend. maybe I should start using quotation.. xD )

sicelo 2016-06-10 20:27

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by HTuRtle (Post 1507410)
thx, @sicelo. I kind of already replied to branja (when he re-asked this a little bit later on xD ...

I missed that one, sorry. The pitfalls of skimming indiscriminately. I had seen the post, but not got to that part. Thanks

HTuRtle 2016-06-10 20:30

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
the files sizes you wrote are the exact same as mine. however, filesize is not a good way of verifying the integrity of a file; so sha-1s of
'libwebp_0.5.0-1_armel.deb' = 'AC382B6AD8F5DABFD81B1E01622A34DEA7977099' and
'purple-protocol-telegram_1.2.6-1_armel.deb' = '62426CA084573C24CE1ED63159744270E65E8C8C'
but I also think your experience is not due to a faulty file.

make yourself familiar with the dpkg-manager and install it via cli.

HTuRtle 2016-06-10 20:32

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
hey, no problem, @sicelo ;) :D

Micha1982 2016-06-10 21:00

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
Still do not know why -
but it works now. I reinstalled it and purge and so on (this presumably was the reason that install was 'not compatible' - I still have had the same (?) version installed),
after this I installed the here downloaded libwebp.deb with dpkg -i in superuser-mode (after it told me that this is neccessary) and installed the ppt (for verification it works) through the filemanager.

Now Telegram starts fine again.

Still wondering what the reason was...missed I to 'purge dpkg' the first time or is there any difference between the files here and the repos-files?

Micha1982 2016-06-10 21:17

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
But there is another little problem,
in the program itself:

Now the last two menupoints of the editbar are completely overlapping each other.....the red one above shows 'not private' - nice that I can press it now from where I am writing - but it would be cool to see what is written under this menupoint :D

Is there any way to customize this anyhow?

HTuRtle 2016-06-10 21:39

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
glad it now works for you again, @Micha1982. Next time, maybe you take a more humble approach by not outright accusing the developer but first look at what you can do to improve your situation/fix it yourself. regarding the ui-glitch you're talking about .. I actually have no idea what you mean. maybe make a screenshot and show it here .. perhaps it's something that needs to get addressed..

rgodinez 2016-06-20 07:28

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
Hi, just in case it happens to someone else, after some updates in my N900, the telegram-purple stopped working properly: defined Telegram accounts were marked as (unknown) protocol and Telegram was no longer among the available protocols in the drop-down list.

I reinstalled purple-protocol-telegram, but this didn't change the behaviour.

Then I discovered was located at / , instead of /usr/lib/purple-2 .
I've just created a link
# ln -s / /usr/lib/purple-2

and it works again.

Did anyone observe this behaviour?

Is / the right place for the file?
would it have to be somewhere in /opt and linked or directly in /usr/lib/purple-2 ?


cHeXs7eR 2016-07-17 21:40

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by totalizator (Post 1452527)
[UPDATE] 1.2.6-1 (plugin crashing fixed) is already available on extras-devel. Enjoy. maacruz

After some tiny tweaking I have successfully build the telegram-purple for Nokia N900.

You can install the package from extras-devel repository using Application Manager or:


apt-get install purple-protocol-telegram

Works for me (it even displays incoming photos). May (or may not) crash a lot. Try it.

For those in need, after installing it you need to move in your home directory to /home/user/.purple/plugins or the Telegram account option will not be recognized by your Pidgin app!

HTuRtle 2016-07-18 10:33

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
interesting .. well, I installed it and *boom*, it worked. checked locations now and they are correct. so, obviously, not everyone is affected by this bug. but, of course, great to know one possible cause if it's not working.

deanrc 2016-07-22 08:33

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by rgodinez (Post 1507979)
Hi, just in case it happens to someone else, after some updates in my N900, the telegram-purple stopped working properly: defined Telegram accounts were marked as (unknown) protocol and Telegram was no longer among the available protocols in the drop-down list.

I reinstalled purple-protocol-telegram, but this didn't change the behaviour.

Then I discovered was located at / , instead of /usr/lib/purple-2 .
I've just created a link
# ln -s / /usr/lib/purple-2

and it works again.

Did anyone observe this behaviour?

Is / the right place for the file?
would it have to be somewhere in /opt and linked or directly in /usr/lib/purple-2 ?


I had exactly the same problem. Thanks for the solution!

N912 2016-08-17 19:24

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by cHeXs7eR (Post 1509891)
For those in need, after installing it you need to move in your home directory to /home/user/.purple/plugins or the Telegram account option will not be recognized by your Pidgin app!

Not working. @-@

HTuRtle 2016-08-17 21:22

Re: [Announce] purple-protocol-telegram: Telegram Messenger plugin for Pidgin
I justed checked .. I do not have said file in said directory .. but it's working. hmmm, weird

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