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fpp 2009-12-16 21:44

Re: "How to get started programming for Maemo" For Nokia 770 and 800
Tex, what platform are you installing to ? Windows ?

Texrat 2009-12-16 22:42

Re: "How to get started programming for Maemo" For Nokia 770 and 800

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 431050)
Tex, what platform are you installing to ? Windows ?

Yeah, sorry.

I have all the components downloaded to the sandbox Windows 2003 server... just no idea how to make them work. Which is extremely frustrating because, to be bluntly honest, I've never run into such a lack of documentation in the Visual Basic world. Everything I've ever needed was easy to find, easy to install, fairly easy to configure-- with the exception being .NET framework betas.

fpp 2009-12-17 09:12

Re: "How to get started programming for Maemo" For Nokia 770 and 800
Tex, I think you are overdoing things (I, too, was misled initially by some obscure indications, especially on the PyQt site). For Windows it should be much simpler than that :-)

In my experience, on a windows machine it is enough to run the Python installer, then the PyQt installer (which will pull in Qt, QScintilla and other stuff). I seem to remember I had to manually add to my Windows PATH a pointer to some folder for Qt binaries, but that is documented somewhere.

After that you can just run the Windows Eric4 installer, which is not strictly necessary but sometimes useful, especially for compiling Qtdesigner forms to Python, populating menus etc.

Personally I find Eric4 a bit on the heavy side for the coding part itself; I prefer to use SciTe (wscite) which is a much lighter IDE, actually just a very good editor with the capability to run programs and see the output in a side panel. I just run Eric4 when I need it for the tasks above.

This is all you should need to get started. If you've never used SVN/PySVN before I suggest you defer that until you're comfortable with the basics. Again, for the sort of stuff I do I've never felt the need to go that far.

Finally, if you're serious about this (and I believe it deserves it, my first project blew my mind compared to anything I'd done before), I not only recommend, but consider as mandatory, that you buy/steal/borrow and read Mark Summerfield's "Rapid GUI programming with Python and Qt" (Prentice hall). It is worth every penny, a joy to learn with, will get you up to speed in no time, and will save you man-ages of hair pulling.

PS: when choosing the three installers above, just make sure they're all for the same version of Python. If the final target is Maemo, that would be 2.5 right now.

Texrat 2010-02-06 21:52

Re: "How to get started programming for Maemo" For Nokia 770 and 800
I can't believe I missed this reply, thanks!

When I have the spare cash I'm buying that book.

teroyk 2023-02-04 09:17

Re: "How to get started programming for Maemo" For Nokia 770 and 800
Good answer is here:
And from compability page: "Installation packages created for Nokia 770 will work with Nokia N800. Single click installations will however need separate installation files (or .install files).
Most of the applications developed for Nokia 770 using maemo 2.2 will work as such with Nokia N800. In some exceptional cases porting from maemo 2.2 to maemo 3.x will be required, but it is typically simple."

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