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Texrat 2009-12-14 18:49

Re: How sturdy is the USB port?

Originally Posted by Death Scythe (Post 427082)
Texrat has a point re quality of the part used for the USB connector, though I've only read about 2 incidents of the connector falling out/failing. The one incident was Texrat's phone getting violently yanked by the cable.

Considering the number of N900's in the wild right now, I think 2 incidents is insignifficant, unless there are more that have yet to come to light.

It's now up to 3 documented to my knowledge, and 2 were from normal usage very early in the device lifecycle.

That last part is far more important than current number of known incidents. Don't get hung up on comforting numbers to the exclusion of other contexts. ;)

colnago 2009-12-14 18:58

Re: How sturdy is the USB port?
I think the bigger issue is not so much the entire receptacle coming off the circuit board, but the USB contact points disconnecting. It didn't seem to take much, given that the contact points are not welded, but "glued" to the board. I'd fear those coming lose before the entire assembly.

Either way, the snug nature of the power plug and port, make sure it "straight-in-straight-out"...there is little "wiggle" room, pun intended. I will concede that mine was an isolated incident, if others can confirm whether or not the power plug is a "tight fit".

Texrat 2009-12-14 19:02

Re: How sturdy is the USB port?
A failure is a failure, but complete removal of the connector is fatal. I'd have rather had the other.

And now up to 4 reports...

davidennis86 2009-12-14 19:29

Re: How sturdy is the USB port?
I just had an idiot experience.

Was plugging in the usb to the phone, no response. Hunted around for usb issues, read through this - got worried.

Eventually realised the issue was plugging the wrong cable in to the phone. Sigh.

fnordianslip 2009-12-14 19:34

Re: How sturdy is the USB port?

Originally Posted by davidennis86 (Post 427598)
Eventually realised the issue was plugging the wrong cable in to the phone. Sigh.

I discovered that you can plug a USB type A male connector into an RJ-45 Ethernet socket.

Den in USA 2009-12-14 19:40

Re: How sturdy is the USB port?

Originally Posted by fnordianslip (Post 427607)
I discovered that you can plug a USB type A male connector into an RJ-45 Ethernet socket.

Your'e right, did you smell smoke also?

fnordianslip 2009-12-14 19:42

Re: How sturdy is the USB port?

Originally Posted by Den in USA (Post 427614)
Your'e right, did you smell smoke also?

No. Did you?

Den in USA 2009-12-14 19:44

Re: How sturdy is the USB port?

Originally Posted by fnordianslip (Post 427620)
No. Did you?

Sorry, I left my burrito too long in the microwave!

Suurorca 2009-12-14 19:44

Re: How sturdy is the USB port?
I've always thought the entire microUSB connector to be dubious at best. It's flat and in sits tight in the socket, ergo you need to use some force to pull the plug out. It is just way too easy to break the female plug if you happen to twitch the plug a bit. MiniUSBs were a lot nicer in that aspect.

Sadly, the N900 needs to be recharged daily. At least in my use. So I think it's pretty much avoidable the the socket fails at some point over time. I just hope it'll be within warranty period... *fingers crossed*

qgil 2009-12-14 20:13

Re: How sturdy is the USB port?
fwiw the cases reported here were pre-production devices. This problem was addressed in the final sales devices.

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