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Wikiwide 2016-01-03 19:42

Re: Camera phone competition November 2015:"The photographer"
When is voting going to start?.. It's Jan already

Happy New Year!

Thank you. Best wishes.

Half-Life_4_Life 2016-01-04 20:09

Re: Camera phone competition November 2015:"The photographer"
Just one photo for last month, that's the problem. I would've arranged the voting myself but I'm disappointed. I don't know what to do to attract more people besides offering real rewrds (and that isn't the point of this competition), or maybe make it without a theme - every photo goes.

pichlo 2016-01-05 12:44

Re: Camera phone competition November 2015:"The photographer"

Originally Posted by Half-Life_4_Life (Post 1493663)
Just one photo for last month

Maybe, but I've counted 4 altogether (or 5 if you count the fire engine one, but I do not think it fits the theme).
4 should be enough for voting, no?

saponga 2016-01-05 13:42

Re: Camera phone competition November 2015:"The photographer"

Originally Posted by Half-Life_4_Life (Post 1493663)
Just one photo for last month, that's the problem.

I don't think this is a big deal... Let's play with whom wants to play. I like the idea of having a theme because it represents one more challenge. This way the competition doesn't run just for better photos (technically and aesthetically) but creativity is also important.
If i can help with anything just let me know.
Thank you.

Half-Life_4_Life 2016-01-08 14:54

Re: Camera phone competition November 2015:"The photographer"
Yes, I'm sorry about all that. Can I propose that in the future, when I don't gather the photos for voting that someone else does it so that we don't keep the people from waiting. And sorry for giving you trouble and keeping you waiting. Again. It's just that I get so lazy and unmotivated sometimes. And since the school is starting next week there isn't any room for that anymore. So let the voting start...

1.Dongle Fongle - Nokia N900

2.saponga - Nokia N900

3.robthebold - Nokia N9

4.ste-phan - Nokia 808 Pureview

The voting rules:
don't vote for yourself
vote for only one entry
only one vote alowed
no changing!
put the name in bold

I vote for saponga.

pichlo 2016-01-08 16:25

Re: Camera phone competition November 2015:"The photographer"
2.saponga - Nokia N900

valiant29 2016-01-08 18:39

Re: Camera phone competition November 2015:"The photographer"
#4 ste-phan - Nokia 808

imaginaryenemy 2016-01-08 19:16

Re: Camera phone competition November 2015:"The photographer"
#2, saponga.

The Wizard of Huz 2016-01-08 19:27

Re: Camera phone competition November 2015:"The photographer"
How about choosing a proper, easy to do theme? One that you can do on your own, without looking creepy photographing other photographers.
Most people go out alone as photographer, and are the only one in the group photographing.

juiceme 2016-01-08 22:19

Re: Camera phone competition November 2015:"The photographer"
This one was a real tough competition, but the few partaking images were good. I'll try to do a short review of each here;

1.) Dongle Fongle: Realy nice one, the strangeness of it is enchanting. Having a double reflection in the center framed by the round front mirror is absolutely crazy!

2.) Saponga: Very good composition, first thought is maybe a tighter shot could enhance it but no, that would have messed the leading line of the coast. So, perfectly done!

3.) Robthebold: Damn that tower which messes up the raised hand. If only that was offset it would be a perfect streetshot. Very good eyecontact with the main group!

4.) Ste-Phan: good street-photo material, almost HCB'ish shot of a defining moment. The background textures really make this picture.

And my pick for the winner, is: #4, Ste-Phan

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