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hakan 2008-12-29 16:11

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253203)
Get 0.31b from (source). There will be a 0.31c shortly, but maybe in extras-devel.

Have you already pushed 0.31c to the queue? If not, could you please change gpsdata.c line 507 to make the LUX and Temperature information look a little bit more like NMEA statements? Perhaps even two lines, one for light and one for the temperature sensor? This would make my log file parser easier :D

By the way, you named your OBD trace lines "$PDxyz". Are those names standartized or your own invention?


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253203)
I'll see if I can find a KMZ with data. They should appear as KML comments with an l just after the timestamp and the obd message values.

Thanks :)


tz1 2008-12-29 17:40

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
0.31c isn't out yet. I'll see if I can get it to zdez shortly.

I'll try to split the temp/light when I do that. gives the rules for proprietary sentences (which I'm breaking). Technically it should be Pxxxyyy where the three letters for xxx never varies(GRM for garmin, NOK for nokia), and yyy is the item and can be a length I choose and the format of following data is up to me .

OBD data is not NMEAized right now, but it is on my todo list. You would get the individual bytes, e.g. something like 65535l( 41 0C 12 34 ) in the log as an XML comment. When I NMEAize them, they will be something like Harley, or might be PDOxy where xy is the hexadecimal PID for those that aren't easily decoded. But RPM and speed will follow what I'm doing for my Harley.

I might try NMEAizing the OBD too.

tz1 2008-12-29 20:39

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
0.31c is up on if you want to try. I haven't fully tested it, but I've tried to NMEAize the OBD and sensors ($PDSNS,<lux>,<temp>*ck)

smackpotato 2008-12-29 21:36

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
I am still having trouble installing. My problem is that i have bluz-utils*osso6
instead of bluez-utils*osso4 How can i fix.

tz1 2008-12-29 22:55

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
Do you have an error message? If you've done the SSU, and bluez-utils-test-3.28osso6, everything should work. That version of bluez-utils-test is in extras-devel as well as the main repository pool

hakan 2008-12-30 09:19

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253282)
0.31c is up on if you want to try. I haven't fully tested it, but I've tried to NMEAize the OBD and sensors ($PDSNS,<lux>,<temp>*ck)


I just installed and used 0.31c. I'll check the NMEAzition of the OBD and sensors later tonight when I'm at home and have access to the data files on my table again ( typing this at work :p )

I still see only the white dot on the lower left but since GPS works, I guess this isn't really important ;-)

If I stop minigpsd and start miniobd from the command line, I see the following output:


~ $ /usr/bin/miniobd2
Connected /dev/rfcomm1 to 00:18:E4:1A:E2:27 on channel 1
Press CTRL-C for hangup

this just sits there untill I press CTRL-C, the I see


Can't connect to RFCOMM socket: Device or resource busy

Predictably, just shows two gauges, but no movement or values.

I don't have any other programm using the BT connection, and after stopping miniobd2, carman shows my OBD values just fine.

I'll install strace later tonight, perhaps this sheds more light on my problem :confused:


tz1 2008-12-30 15:03

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
is the 00:18:E4... the correct address for the OBD interface?

You've set the OBD bt address, checked OBD on, Harley is unchecked?

Is there any way you can use a terminal to type commands?

(ATZ, ATSP0, ATE1, ATH0, 00 each as a separate command)?

I have a real elm327 but there are clones that don't always play by the same rules.

miniobd2d will just "sit there" even if everything is working since the other programs will interpret the data from files or connections.

Are you running carman at the same time? That won't work.

hakan 2008-12-30 16:20

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253436)
is the 00:18:E4... the correct address for the OBD interface?

Yes, that is also the adress found if I run a new "Bluetooth scan". I have this device in my "Bluetooth devices" list of the BT applet, and marked it as a "Trusted device", too.


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253436)
You've set the OBD bt address, checked OBD on, Harley is unchecked?

On the "Bluetooth Scan and Set" page, the OBD BT Addr is set up correctly, but on my "Advanced GPS setup" page, there is no "Harley" box. I still have checkboxes called "OBD" (checked), "On" (checked) and "V1" (*un*checked). OBD listens on /dev/rfcomm1.

Then again, reading, I just noticed that there is a checkbox called "HD". Is this the "Harley" you were talking about? If so, maybe you should put a space between the "HD" and the "Device" labels, it looks like just one word now. I'll try to get a screenshot later tonight.


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253436)
Is there any way you can use a terminal to type commands?

(ATZ, ATSP0, ATE1, ATH0, 00 each as a separate command)?

Will starting miniobd2 from the xterm and type those commands work? If not, then I'll have to search for a terminal program that can connect to a bluetooth device connection... I assume that are the commands that are sent in the startup() function of minigobd2d.c ?


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253436)
I have a real elm327 but there are clones that don't always play by the same rules.

miniobd2d will just "sit there" even if everything is working since the other programs will interpret the data from files or connections.

To be honest, I was looking for error messages while running miniobd2d from the command line.


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253436)
Are you running carman at the same time? That won't work.

No, no carman running. You mentioned earlier that miniobd2 and carman can't share the BT connection, so I don't even try :D


tz1 2008-12-30 16:47

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
Uncheck "On". I need to tweak the UI to make it clear that

OBD X On X HD means OBD (X On ) ( X HD )


tz1 2008-12-30 20:26

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
0.31d is up on if you want to try. V1 nemaized, and fixed an annoying bug that would leave blank btconnect tasks running (eating cpu).

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