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Sfiet_Konstantin 2014-01-03 10:22

Re: [WIP] Friends, a Facebook client, now for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1403176)
Reporting here, as you are offline atm on IRC.
  • Some images in posts (like in News section) are looking very low res.

Related to FB API, I can do nothing about it, sorry. Maybe I should change the design a bit, but it is not easy.


Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1403176)
  • Username in Cover should also have that ambiance colored gradient on background picture where the text is

??? The gradient is here to make the label readable when a bright background is used.


Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1403176)
  • In about is a spelling error "that it can me modified"

Thanks, will be fixed.


Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1403176)
  • In about, why does Facebook page open Website instead inside friends?

Friends do not support pages yet. That's why it open web browser. At some point, I will display it inside Friends instead.


Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1403176)
  • In about Donate link opens a french Paypal site, should open english one

Will be fixed at a some point.


Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1403176)
  • Photos section doesn't show anything for myself, but I can see my own albums and pictures in them

Did you have your pictures tagged ? Or maybe you prevented applications from reading your photos.

Morpog 2014-01-03 21:42

Re: [WIP] Friends, a Facebook client, now for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1403306)
??? The gradient is here to make the label readable when a bright background is used.

Sure, thats why I ask you to add it to the cover too :D

dansocea 2014-01-04 18:23

Re: [WIP] Friends, a Facebook client, now for Sailfish

I have accidentaly installed harbour-friends-debuginfo-0.1.5-1.18.1.armv7hl.rpm instead of harbour-friends-0.1.5-1.18.1.armv7hl.rpm. is there a way to uninstall it since there is no icon shown for it in the launcher?
also just wanted to let you know that after installing harbour-friends-0.1.5-1.18.1.armv7hl.rpm and completing the setup process there is an error stating that there is no internet access and the app never connects to facebook

DrWilken 2014-01-04 18:49

Re: [WIP] Friends, a Facebook client, now for Sailfish

Originally Posted by dansocea (Post 1403786)

I have accidentaly installed harbour-friends-debuginfo-0.1.5-1.18.1.armv7hl.rpm instead of harbour-friends-0.1.5-1.18.1.armv7hl.rpm. is there a way to uninstall it since there is no icon shown for it in the launcher?
also just wanted to let you know that after installing harbour-friends-0.1.5-1.18.1.armv7hl.rpm and completing the setup process there is an error stating that there is no internet access and the app never connects to facebook

In Terminal:

pkcon remove harbour-friends-debuginfo

kpblxa 2014-01-05 11:12

Re: [WIP] Friends, a Facebook client, now for Sailfish
can someone publish this build harbour-friends-0.1.5

requiem_76 2014-01-05 11:28

Re: [WIP] Friends, a Facebook client, now for Sailfish
I really would like to try your app, but it's impossible to download!!!

mousse04 2014-01-05 13:48

Re: [WIP] Friends, a Facebook client, now for Sailfish

Originally Posted by kpblxa (Post 1403931)
can someone publish this build harbour-friends-0.1.5

Here is the 0.1.5-1.18.1

Sfiet_Konstantin 2014-01-05 20:57

Re: [WIP] Friends, a Facebook client, now for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1403510)
Sure, thats why I ask you to add it to the cover too :D

Alright, will do this. But the cover is just a placeholder right now, I need to improve it :)


Originally Posted by dansocea (Post 1403786)
also just wanted to let you know that after installing harbour-friends-0.1.5-1.18.1.armv7hl.rpm and completing the setup process there is an error stating that there is no internet access and the app never connects to facebook

I'm aware of this bug. It is solved in the dev version and will be fixed in 0.1.6 that I will release as soon as possible.


Originally Posted by requiem_76 (Post 1403937)
I really would like to try your app, but it's impossible to download!!!

Yes, I have done a silent release, sorry for that. So let's do the proper release now: 0.1.5 is out, with bugfixes and pulldown to refresh feeds !

dansocea 2014-01-05 23:12

Re: [WIP] Friends, a Facebook client, now for Sailfish
thank you for the answers as well as for your hard work ;)

Sfiet_Konstantin 2014-01-06 10:33

Re: [WIP] Friends, a Facebook client, now for Sailfish
Please welcome Friends on Openrepos.

Rule of thumb for now:
  • OBS repo: rather unstable, have fun with it
  • Openrepos: beta, for testing
  • Harbour: stable

EDIT aaaand an experimental release to OBS: 0.1.6.
Get it here
Testers welcomed.

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