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Arie 2012-03-26 20:49

Re: Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone

Originally Posted by HELLASISGREECE (Post 1182930)
Marko Ahtisaari's N9 presentation in Singapore and his love for the N900 are heartbreaking!!!

I'm sure if he was in charge, Nokia wouldn't have gone to WP

This is all that was needed to be said about Marko. I had a chance to meet him once pre-WP announcement. He was extremely excited about his Maemo/Harmattan project. Since then he looks more and more depressed every time I see him.

Maybe it's me though... or it could be Microsoft.

HELLASISGREECE 2012-03-26 20:56

Re: Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone

Originally Posted by Arie (Post 1184411)
This is all that was needed to be said about Marko. I had a chance to meet him once pre-WP announcement. He was extremely excited about his Maemo/Harmattan project. Since then he looks more and more depressed every time I see him.

Maybe it's me though... or it could be Microsoft.

I knew it! I don't know the man...but I could tell from the Singapore presentation... from the N9 design video, from his numerous interviews, from his tweets..

The man loved what he and his team achieved with the N9... I'm sure he loved all Maemo devices and the N950.

I bet he was first dissapointed when N950 did not get the green light.

He seemed depressed huh...? That is sad.

This man has vision and PASSION. He should be the next Nokia director.

*I am just a little greek dude, loving mobile phones since 7110.

I love 7110, 7650, 7700, 7710, N900, N91, N8, N950, N9 and I'm sure that mr. Ahtisaari has the same preferences as well (more or less)

In other words... I love groundbreaking NOKIA.

Cue 2012-03-26 21:08

Re: Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone
Google glasses? nothing else explains this part other than having an android husband/wife.

"If you look at people using touchscreen devices today, they’ve got their heads down," he said during LeWeb 2010. "The devices are immersive and require full attention. You’ll see couples in coffee shops who’ve been together 10-15 years both sat with their heads down, operating their devices. We need to give people their head up again."

Hacker 2012-03-26 23:54

Re: Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone
The best technologies to keep your head up in everyday life are voice activation, perhaps an Air UI that works well, and something akin to Nokia City Lens, which could be piped through designer glasses, like the Facebook spy glasses I've heard a little about, to show you around your city. The vibrating tattoos are interesting, since the purpose of the vibrating was lost on the soul who made the N9 vibrate so weakly. I would have emotional facial tracking, so the phone can tell you when your date is losing patience with you. Autistim = solved.

balisingh 2012-03-27 00:38

Re: Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1182923)
If it has Windows, I don't want to know. The new version will let you run 8 apps in the background rather than 5......oooh wow! My N900 will run more than that.

I would rather have the N9 UI on top of a new, simple open platform that made use of open source drivers (especially graphics chip).

OPEN SOURCE DRIVERS! Goodluck. Software is one thing, drivers are another.

balisingh 2012-03-27 00:40

Re: Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone

Originally Posted by Hacker (Post 1184447)
The best technologies to keep your head up in everyday life are voice activation, perhaps an Air UI that works well, and something akin to Nokia City Lens, which could be piped through designer glasses, like the Facebook spy glasses I've heard a little about, to show you around your city. The vibrating tattoos are interesting, since the purpose of the vibrating was lost on the soul who made the N9 vibrate so weakly. I would have emotional facial tracking, so the phone can tell you when your date is losing patience with you. Autistim = solved.

i think your phone should talk more than you, if its going to talk.

Lumiaman 2012-03-27 01:31

Re: Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone
NOKIA is as revolutionary as NORTH KOREA is free.

gerbick 2012-03-27 01:36

Re: Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone
I just wonder who honestly believes this still?

Revolutionary - optics perhaps. But not phone. Or OS. No longer that is...

Kangal 2012-03-27 04:11

Re: Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone
Guy I just heard Nokia is developing a Revolutionary phone.

It has a 4.7" ClearBlack Display (RGB) at 800p resolution.
The capacitive screen accepts Multitouch gestures as well as a Active Pen.
It runs an OMAP5530 (Dual 2GHz A15 + Solo 1GHz A7) with 1GB RAM.
It only comes with a 64GB NAND variant, but there's a microSD.
To disappoint you, it has a microUSB with HOST and a microHDMI.
It only has a 2,000mAh battery and is a whopping 12mm thick!
The device is fat because of its disgusting 5-row qwerty keyboard which is revealed with a tilt.
The tilt helps guide your fingers to 4 shoulder pads which acts as the volume buttons, camera shutter and flash light.
That's right it has a worthless 12MP Carl Zeiss optics with Xenon flash, and a stupid 2MP on the front.
The whole thing is made of one Aluminium piece that's accidentally been electrocuted for Micro Arc Oxidation. Only the bottom side (HTC Legend) is made of plastic that helps LTE reception but looks atrocious, especially when it opens to reveal the microSD, microSIM and battery compartment.
To make things worse, the device can be stood up and the vibrations from a call cause it to dance like an 8th grader on your desk.
The sound quality isn't bad, but the infidel uses those so mainstream 3.5mm jack with volume control.
Its got all those useless gadgets like a gyro, light sensor, GLONASS-GPS etc which is useless cause there's no 3rd party applications making use of it.
That's right it uses an outdated Linux system with no Apps, has the stupidest name "Me" "Go" and you have to learn C++ if you want to do what you want. It isn't robotic or magical, and frankly it sucks!

ibrakalifa 2012-03-27 05:52

Re: Nokia Developing "Revolutionary" Phone to Shame iPhone
they made it and soon abandon it, old story, and later comes people thats want 'wazzap' inside it, looool

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