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felbutss 2010-05-01 19:00

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
well where is the thanks button????

RevdKathy 2010-05-01 19:01

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 636693)
well where is the thanks button????

There isn't one in Off Topic. Posts here don't count towards post count and can't accrue thanks.

fatalsaint 2010-05-01 20:27

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
Consider both of Texrat's messages thanked by me.

There is a point that a thread just becomes meaningless drivel; regardless what the original opening intention was. If you read the last half of that thread at all you'll realize how ridiculous it's gotten.

I think the move to Off-Topic was definitely warranted. The topic change could be arguable... but seriously: Are mods not allowed any fun? And it's not like the topic change wasn't related to what the actual topic had become about.

Laughingstok 2010-05-01 20:32

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
I don't see the problem with the moved thread, mods can have fun too as long as they're not abusing their power and I don't think they did. Course I'm a very laid back individual so take it how you will.

geneven 2010-05-02 02:51

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
The reason the header was changed was NOT in the spirit of fun. The reason was to make the thread seem more off-topic by adding an off-topic element to the header as a defence in advance to the objection that the thread is not in fact off-topic.

fatalsaint 2010-05-02 02:53

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 637069)
The reason the header was changed was NOT in the spirit of fun. The reason was to make the thread seem more off-topic by adding an off-topic element to the header as a defence in advance to the objection that the thread is not in fact off-topic.

If I were being honest.. I'd say the fun would be less attackable.

Changing the topic (bending the rules) in order to curve in advance an expected attack for moving the thread (bending the rules) is just ... compounding things worse.

The whole.. two wrongs don't make a right scenario.

Not that I object to it's being moved.. but.. the logic there is kinda flawed IMHO...

Texrat 2010-05-02 03:23

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
I still don't get it.

Anyway I'm not second-guessing the other moderator's motive in changing the title. Doubt it was meant in any mean-spirited fashion though.

fatalsaint 2010-05-02 03:43

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 637096)
I still don't get it.

Anyway I'm not second-guessing the other moderator's motive in changing the title. Doubt it was meant in any mean-spirited fashion though.

Hope I didn't come off as doing such. The move didn't bother me any.

I was just responding to geneven's comments. That particular line of thought didn't quite make sense to me - but still nothing I'd go challenging anyone over.

Texrat 2010-05-02 03:46

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
No, I got that, fatalsaint. Thanks though.

It's ironic: moderators get slammed for alleged heavy-handedness in this place, and then slammed for goofing around. No good deed goes unpunished.

I think I'll adopt sjgadsby stealth mode and avoid the hassle... :D

fatalsaint 2010-05-02 04:00

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 637106)
It's ironic: moderators get slammed for alleged heavy-handedness in this place, and then slammed for goofing around. No good deed goes unpunished.

That's pretty much the Pro's and Con's of any position of power though.

For my part, I think the majority of moderators wield it well on these forums. If anything; they are little too lenient in my eyes and I'm one that loves "open" communities.

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