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mscion 2018-10-23 08:29

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 20XX?
Still wish I could have a N950 with updated specs. Most beautiful designed phone ever.

sulu 2018-10-23 09:07

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 20XX?

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1549608)
Still wish I could have a N950 with updated specs. Most beautiful designed phone ever.

I'm not sure about that.
I mean, yes, it looks nice, but although I've never seen one in real life I always believed, that the tilting display would be rather impractical. When I hold my N900 it's actually a good thing, that there's no angle between display and keyboard.

Also, the keyboard looks like a chance not taken. My main complaint about the N900's keyboard has always been, how cramped it is. I would have really liked it to have one or two more rows, to make the keys a bit bigger (or to add space between them) and to have dedicated numbers keys.
The N950 adds a fourth row and space between the keys, but because it only has 11 keys per row (N900: 13), there is still not enough room for dedicated numbers keys.

Apart from the keyboard I still believe, the N900 is the pinnacle of smartphone hardware. It's just gotten old.
Fix the keyboard, put in half-decent modern hardware that runs on mainline Linux and I'll immediately buy it for 1k Euros!

wicket 2018-10-23 14:47

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 20XX?

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1549604)

The Windows devices can run Linux distros.

More options! 8" Topjoy Falcon. More info here:

gerbick 2018-10-23 14:50

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 20XX?

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1549599)
Do they have to? Was it not you bemoaning folks no longer being adventurous in the other thread?

Do you have any money to waste? Time to waste?

Last I checked, you're the person that has constantly stated that you will never buy anything brand new. How does this affect you unless it lands in the Sell threads here or on eBay months/years after its release?

Adventurous means the established manufacturers. Not a purchase at my expense from some neophyte company that haphazardly put something together.

It should not be adventurous for the buyer and unknown manufacturers is an adventure I will never go down unless they have tons of promise and a clear communication into their processes to replace the missing history of deliverables.

Simply stated: I will not suffer a broken device because it "looked cool" in 2018 by an unknown manufacturer. Feel free to vote with your money.


Some folks, including yours truly, avoided Nokia when it was big exactly because it was big.
You purchased when it got cheap. You've stated as much in the past.


It was the Microsoft of the mobile world. I may have missed on the Nxx0 series in the early days but... I could never have been able to afford them anyway.
Exactly my point about your input thus far.


On the other hand, I decided to be adventurous and go for a little known brand called Palm. I never regretted it. I used the same device for 9 years. The best UX of all time, unrivaled by anything to this day. No awkwardly placed keys (right, wicket? ;)), every UX element thought through to the last detail and for maximum efficiency. Why does no one learn? There is an existing example of how things can be done well yet everyone keeps reinventing the wheel. Badly.
Palm was quite known in the US - I'm assuming you were not aware of how deeply entrenched Palm was during the time of the Treo 650 and forward.

Psion was a relative unknown in the US, yet I was an owner. Why? Because it was a quality device and they were very easy to work with, inquiries about service and warranty service were always replied to in a timely manner. They fulfilled the one thing that

Not sure what your point was attempting other than being contrarian to be honest. No device that's been released lately came from a major manufacturer. Pyra, GPD, so forth...

pichlo 2018-10-23 15:25

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 20XX?

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1549619)
Last I checked, you're the person that has constantly stated that you will never buy anything brand new.

Minor correction, never (again) buy anything crowdfunded. I burned my fingers too many times. As far as I remember, you stated the same.

Also, define "new". I am not in the position to buy something as soon as it comes out but after three months, when the price goes down a bit... and I find a use for it, rather than buying it just for the novelty factor... who knows?

gerbick 2018-10-23 16:49

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 20XX?

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1549621)
Minor correction, never (again) buy anything crowdfunded. I burned my fingers too many times. As far as I remember, you stated the same.

Also, define "new". I am not in the position to buy something as soon as it comes out but after three months, when the price goes down a bit... and I find a use for it, rather than buying it just for the novelty factor... who knows?

Kudos. Buying something like that goes against your constant banter that you'll not buy something new. Nothing against that sentiment, in fact I find wisdom in it.

But nothing so far has really shown me that it's worth it as of late. And nothing we want seems to be on their radar. Just the garage projects.

I am not here for that any longer.

And no. I will not define the word or the overly semantic view of "new". That's bollocks. You know what it means. Or you do not. You've used that word, so approach it as you meant it in the past. It's not a hard word to grasp.

Ken-Young 2018-10-23 20:46

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 20XX?

Originally Posted by sulu (Post 1549611)
I'm not sure about that.
I mean, yes, it looks nice, but although I've never seen one in real life I always believed, that the tilting display would be rather impractical. When I hold my N900 it's actually a good thing, that there's no angle between display and keyboard.[...]

I've got an n950, and it really is very, very nice. Much more solid feeling than the n900, because of the aluminum case. It feels as good as any 2018 flagship phone that I've touched.

I can barely stand to look at it though, because of the thoughts of what might have been.

endsormeans 2018-10-23 23:04

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 20XX?

Originally Posted by sulu (Post 1549611)
I'm not sure about that.
I mean, yes, it looks nice, but although I've never seen one in real life I always believed, that the tilting display would be rather impractical. When I hold my N900 it's actually a good thing, that there's no angle between display and keyboard.

Also, the keyboard looks like a chance not taken. My main complaint about the N900's keyboard has always been, how cramped it is. I would have really liked it to have one or two more rows, to make the keys a bit bigger (or to add space between them) and to have dedicated numbers keys.
The N950 adds a fourth row and space between the keys, but because it only has 11 keys per row (N900: 13), there is still not enough room for dedicated numbers keys.

Apart from the keyboard I still believe, the N900 is the pinnacle of smartphone hardware. It's just gotten old.
Fix the keyboard, put in half-decent modern hardware that runs on mainline Linux and I'll immediately buy it for 1k Euros!

A few more bucks and you can have an almost obsolete variant...
straight off the neo assembly line when they start production...
any day now

sulu 2018-10-24 09:12

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 20XX?

Originally Posted by Ken-Young (Post 1549633)
I've got an n950, and it really is very, very nice. Much more solid feeling than the n900, because of the aluminum case. It feels as good as any 2018 flagship phone that I've touched.

I think I remember having read similar things about the quality of the N950.
But I also remember having read about problems with the hinge, like it being too stiff or too loose. Can you confirm that?

And what about my comment on the tilting display? Do you think it's a good or a bad thing?


Originally Posted by Ken-Young (Post 1549633)
I can barely stand to look at it though, because of the thoughts of what might have been.

I always get that feeling when listening to "Wind of Change" by the Scorpions. ;)


Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1549636)
A few more bucks and you can have an almost obsolete variant...
straight off the neo assembly line when they start production...
any day now

You know what? I'd still buy it!
The Neo900 certainly would not fit my definition of "half-decent modern hardware" and quite frankly any more than 1k Euros would push my pain threshold pretty hard, but I still think the attempt alone deserves to be honored and the device would make for a pretty nice "curiosity of computer history" one day.

endsormeans 2018-10-24 09:22

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 20XX?
Doubtful that the neo will enjoy retirement in anyones desk drawer ..

But for the small fact the neo died before the finish.

I understand that there is much said concerning dubious / hopeful / in progress... linux os based handheld device available...or soon to be (questionable in some cases) ...their support and build quality...

On the other end of the same stick...
I am shortly (once I have a moment) to do the latest update of ubuntu touch on one of my nexus 5 ...
The latest being OTA number 5
The UT team has been dealing with their issues fast and furious.
And doing quite well at it too I might add.
Containers are simple to do now.
The other issues rapidly tackled and more and more I can call it a good option for a daily os...
Of course the battery consumption for the nexus 5 is still an issue.
But ...newer devices are on their menu and in their crosshairs ...

In fact ...once I have the latest ota 5 done...
I am considering trying jack rack, calf, or rakarrack on one of my spare nexus 5s.

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