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Texrat 2010-02-15 19:31

Re: Ask the Council!
And I'm not trying to sound bitter, but it does *feel* like the council was superfluous in this marriage. In general we were told we couldn't be told anything. :rolleyes: I was asked not to speculate and honored that-- which is okay, because I would have been drowned out by everyone else today.

But it's obvious some had knowledge. Moderators were requesting many changes to the forum that were said to make sense but went unimplemented nonetheless. So Reggie had to know, at least.

RevdKathy 2010-02-15 19:32

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 528004)
Yeah, in hindsight, the tattoos were a bad idea.

You're worried? I'm looking at a half knitted scarf, and a complete knitting pattern. What the hell am I going to do with all this orange and grey wool now?

Texrat 2010-02-15 19:33

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 528011)
What the hell am I going to do with all this orange and grey wool now?

Save it for Halloween?

At least it looks like I won't be eating an N900 now, though. *whew*

noobmonkey 2010-02-15 19:34

Re: Ask the Council!
kathys N900 changing name from my mo to mee mo? hehe

silvermountain 2010-02-15 19:34

Re: Ask the Council! is available.
Just saying.

mullf 2010-02-15 19:36

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 528011)
You're worried? I'm looking at a half knitted scarf, and a complete knitting pattern. What the hell am I going to do with all this orange and grey wool now?

Jayne Cobb could use an orange scarf to go with his orange hat. ;)

penguinbait 2010-02-15 19:49

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by silvermountain (Post 527998)
My bad. I should had written "Any kind of council".
But my questions are still the same - what would happen if there would be no more council tomorrow and the Nokia just continues down the path that they apparently have chosen?

Being that Nokia is a big, well established company I would assume they have already planned out how this transition will happen and I don't personally see their interest in having a relationship with a 'Council'.

For some time I have actually thought of the Council as an entity that validates themselves rather than actually being needed.

Well, I must disagree with this statement, the council looks out for the community. I put in my two cents on decisions that were being made that effected the community where I felt my opinion should be heard.

The community council does good work.

Now however I must agree that Nokia could care less about the council, and this latest move is nothing new. Its not that I think that the council should have some say about the merger which is based on a companies business decisions.

However having to hear it from another community member as I sit by dumbfounded with no heads up from the community I am putting MY TIME in on is a large pile of CRAP.

I validated the community council benefit, when I was not on it, and decisions were made about my community that I did NOT like, or get to have a say on.

penguinbait 2010-02-15 19:50

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by silvermountain (Post 528015) is available.
Just saying.

Can't we just stick with

silvermountain 2010-02-15 19:53

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by penguinbait (Post 528043)
Well, I must disagree with this statement, the council looks out for the community. I put in my two cents on decisions that were being made that effected the community where I felt my opinion should be heard.

The community council does good work.

I guess I never saw (or educated myself maybe) about what all this good work was. To me it always seemed like stuff that some forum moderators could do and anything else could/should be done by Nokia staff.

The whole "Nokia cares about the community - and community development" is sort of a mote point at this time I think and I'd be surprised to see anyone willing to step up and spend their time on such an initiative again.

silvermountain 2010-02-15 19:54

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by penguinbait (Post 528045)
Can't we just stick with

I'm in. When do we start our own forums there (and not linking to tmo)? :)

penguinbait 2010-02-15 20:02

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by silvermountain (Post 528056)
I'm in. When do we start our own forums there (and not linking to tmo)? :)

Lets all just PM Reggie and ask him to secede from the union......... ;)

RevdKathy 2010-02-15 20:05

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by penguinbait (Post 528069)
Lets all just PM Reggie and ask him to secede from the union......... ;)

Trouble is, is on model deeds, so nokia get to keep the real estate. We could move the community

penguinbait 2010-02-15 20:06

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 528073)
Trouble is, is on model deeds, so nokia get to keep the real estate. We could move the community

I still access this community at daily

silvermountain 2010-02-15 20:07

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 528073)
Trouble is, is on model deeds, so nokia get to keep the real estate. We could move the community

I can't contribute with much but money (for hosting fees, etc) BUT...if there was a way to establish a maemo community with forums on another site I would be all for it - IF it could be built/structured in such a way that N770, N800 and N810 users could co-exist there on equal grounds :)

RenegadeFanboy 2010-02-15 20:35

Re: Ask the Council!
And what would be the other option? How can it be made sure that this meego thing is a proper continuation of the maemo community?

I really would be sad to see the future of my devices and the community part. (Now that I started to feel the need to contribute.)

Personally I rather invest my time (money?) into making sure all the values of maemo survive.

qole 2010-02-15 20:36

Re: Ask the Council!
Well it was an honour to serve on the last two community councils. Never quite sure what I was supposed to be doing, never quite sure what Nokia was doing until I read about it on, never quite sure how much Nokia was listening, never quite sure that anybody at was listening and never quite sure that anybody at was listening, either :)

It will be an interesting new world for the Transitional Council being elected in a few weeks... Now you'll have even more people and companies that you're never quite sure are listening to you! And you'll know that the people in Nokia and Intel will never be quite listening to each other, and their professional developer community, let alone the amateur enthusiast community that was formerly known as

Yep. I'm seeing a place for People Who Make Themselves Heard on the next council.


Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 528004)
Yeah, in hindsight, the tattoos were a bad idea.

Well you can cover the ones on your cheeks just by letting your beard get thick. But, hey, like someone else pointed out, they're collectors' items now.

qole 2010-02-15 20:42

Re: Ask the Council!
silvermountain, et al:

Seriously, there's no going back. The number of active N900 users far outnumbers the active NIT community. We all need to live with that fact, and stop talking about forming little spin-off communities for sub-groups of the community. Especially in this time of upheaval, we really need to stick together. That's what a community is.

RenegadeFanboy 2010-02-15 20:50

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by qole (Post 528149)
Especially in this time of upheaval, we really need to stick together. That's what a community is.

I found, that during transition sticking together, making sure that we communicate our needs and proposals bears better results than during peaceful times.

I would guess that Nokia and Intel might have the product strategy, but they do not have the details and all the practical steps. So, if we come up w things early, we might just catch them in a vulnerable state. ;)

RevdKathy 2010-02-15 20:53

Re: Ask the Council!
Should I hand out the song sheets for 'Kumbaya' yet?

penguinbait 2010-02-15 21:13

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by qole (Post 528149)
silvermountain, et al:

Seriously, there's no going back. The number of active N900 users far outnumbers the active NIT community. We all need to live with that fact, and stop talking about forming little spin-off communities for sub-groups of the community. Especially in this time of upheaval, we really need to stick together. That's what a community is.

You can't blame people for wanting to take their destiny in their own hands can you Qole? If you have to start over, there is no better time than the present to get it all out on the table.

It seems like a great time to start a forum that is NOT associated with any specific company. IMO

and by the way, no companies are needed to be a community...... We actually started out that way.......

Jaffa 2010-02-15 21:25

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 527991)
That's a fair point. Nokia seems to have done this entirely off their own bat, without informing, let alone consulting the council. What do Nokia think the Council are for?

Facilitating community discussions to Nokia, and vice versa. The council have also picked up facilitating discussions within the community to try and prevent waste.

This was a commercial decision. Whether it's a sensible one we'll find out. However, the Maemo Community Council has never been involved in the governance or direction of Maemo as a product; just as a community.

And Intel and Nokia seem to have gone out of their way to leave all community aspects to the communities involved. Now, that may be very risky - but this is where we have a chance to lead :-)

Jaffa 2010-02-15 21:29

Re: Ask the Council!
This post I posted in "What are the valuable Maemo parts to bring to MeeGo?" may be relevant:


Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 528228)
The Maemo community is the single biggest asset, but I don't view MeeGo as a marriage (imagining merging two existing communities was too hard, and lead to feelings of hurt that Moblin seemed to be providing the technology and Maemo the consumer hardware, Qt-based UI and - probably - developer tooling).

This isn't a marriage, it's a child. It's a new platform and a new community - but the Maemo community seems to have far more power and cohesiveness than the Moblin community, so how do we bring that 5-year old knowledge to MeeGo? [...]

Texrat 2010-02-15 21:31

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by RenegadeFanboy (Post 528165)
I found, that during transition sticking together, making sure that we communicate our needs and proposals bears better results than during peaceful times.

Heh... he said "bears". :)

Texrat 2010-02-15 21:37

Re: Ask the Council!
Maybe much of this discussion is moot. The Linux Foundation is hosting the MeeGo project... maybe they'll be determining a lot of the answers?

On another note, why no

EDIT: I think the next council should be invited to the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit (

Jaffa 2010-02-15 21:48

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 528009)
And I'm not trying to sound bitter, but it does *feel* like the council was superfluous in this marriage. In general we were told we couldn't be told anything. :rolleyes: I was asked not to speculate and honored that-- which is okay, because I would have been drowned out by everyone else today.

But it's obvious some had knowledge. Moderators were requesting many changes to the forum that were said to make sense but went unimplemented nonetheless. So Reggie had to know, at least.

Quim's post on maemo-community is relevant:


Originally Posted by qgil
Can you please share the URLs of what you have read? Valerio (chairman of the council) was briefed under NDA last week. That is all we could do under the strictly confidential conditions prior to the launch.

> How can Nokia profess to be all about the community when it
> totally left the entire community and the council out of everything?

By keeping all the community related items open and untouched before the launch. By kickstarting the community discussion right after the launch.

mrojas 2010-02-15 21:51

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by qole (Post 528132)
Never quite sure what I was supposed to be doing, never quite sure what Nokia was doing until I read about it on, never quite sure how much Nokia was listening, never quite sure that anybody at was listening and never quite sure that anybody at was listening, either :).

You know, this part truly scares me.

It is like the community here was an afterthought in the deal...

And not even the community: technology roadmap, organization, tools, etc, are all very nebulous now. They should have saved the announcement for later when more concrete work was done.

Texrat 2010-02-15 21:54

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by mrojas (Post 528280)
And not even the community: technology roadmap, organization, tools, etc, are all very nebulous now. They should have saved the announcement for later when more concrete work was done.

I wish that could have been done as well. But maybe the thought was that it opened the goal up to too much premature exposure. I don't know.

sarahn 2010-02-15 22:02

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by mrojas (Post 528280)
You know, this part truly scares me.

It is like the community here was an afterthought in the deal...

And not even the community: technology roadmap, organization, tools, etc, are all very nebulous now. They should have saved the announcement for later when more concrete work was done.

I think it's better to get the announcement out sooner rather than later, because it gives everyone an opportunity to get involved or at least a chance to speak up before the concrete work is done.

mrojas 2010-02-15 22:06

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 528286)
I wish that could have been done as well. But maybe the thought was that it opened the goal up to too much premature exposure. I don't know.

You know... and I don't want to be too harsh on this... but Quim said here ( that, and I quote:

"The marketing approach was different: a surprise launch together with a joint Nokia/Intel keynote in the first day of the Mobile World Congress with a room full of journalists. Maybe not the ideal setting for community transparency but definitely a good launch in terms of buzz and repercusion."

And guess what? Windows Phone Series 7 stole the show. Off course the journalists where in the room... but not because of MG, but because it was MWC and they had to be there anyway.

So there wasn't much there in terms of marketing... but there is lots of confusion here, and probably in Moblin land too. This could have really, really, been managed better.

RevdKathy 2010-02-15 22:08

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by sarahn (Post 528301)
I think it's better to get the announcement out sooner rather than later, because it gives everyone an opportunity to get involved or at least a chance to speak up before the concrete work is done.

Ok, I'm speaking up. Growling up, even (not often the bear growls). Whatever Meego is/becomes it should continue the maemo tradition of including ordinary end users, enthusiasts and average bears as members of the community. And I will vote for whichever council member includes that in their manifesto.

mrojas 2010-02-15 22:10

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by sarahn (Post 528301)
I think it's better to get the announcement out sooner rather than later, because it gives everyone an opportunity to get involved or at least a chance to speak up before the concrete work is done.

But, to get involved in what? Is there a clear roadmap of the merging process? A tech architecture diagram of how the systems are integrating from both camps? A roadmap (or even a proposal) of the management of communities?

And if we, as a community, come up with all that... is there any guarantee it won't be ignored, tossed aside or steamrolled by Intel-Nokia? (I can soooo see them bringing Nvidia in...)

mrojas 2010-02-15 22:12

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 528313)
Ok, I'm speaking up. Growling up, even (not often the bear growls). Whatever Meego is/becomes it should continue the maemo tradition of including ordinary end users, enthusiasts and average bears as members of the community. And I will vote for whichever council member includes that in their manifesto.


If they don't care about end users, they won't have end users.

Texrat 2010-02-15 22:13

Re: Ask the Council!
I've spent the last hour doing more thinking than talking (yeah yeah, rare I know).

I had decided to run for council again as I said mainly for transition and project continuation/closure purposes. Unless the idea of a council is utterly killed by some entity with clout, I will still do so.

The idea of melding with a new organization is frightening to me in some ways, due to the sheer unknowns. On the other hand it would be exciting to help solve some of those... which was exactly my motivation years (!!!) ago in setting up an account and saying "Hi, I'm with the tablet program, what can I do to help you guys?". That was an unknown, too-- difference being I feel I've now built up trust with hundreds of people that supported my goals, and I theirs. There's a status quo to dissolve now and a new one to build. The former causes anxiety; the latter stimulates the creative juices.

No matter what the outcome, I'm going to stick around and try to bring closure to my (too many) pet projects. Help wind things down if nothing else. I owe that to the community that put me in the position of being part of something grand. If it had not been for that, I might not have ever seen Amsterdam (I don't get out much) and I am still glowing from that wonderful experience.

Some of those projects, like Brainstorm improvements, the Maemo User Experience Framework and even community outreach may very well have a place at the MeeGo table. I hope so, and hope to help out if nothing else.

Bottom line I want to thank everyone here for putting up with my madness. No matter what, my goal was to help you any way I could.

****, I just got all misty-eyed... gotta go

mrojas 2010-02-15 22:17

Re: Ask the Council!
Texrat, I think I can speak for lots of us when I say that your hard work, and words of wisdom, is much appreciated, and we hope you keep fighting the good fight!

RenegadeFanboy 2010-02-15 22:31

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by mrojas (Post 528319)
And if we, as a community, come up with all that... is there any guarantee it won't be ignored, tossed aside or steamrolled by Intel-Nokia?

There is never guarantee. But there was no guarantee before either. So, why don't we try?

ewan 2010-02-15 22:39

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 528327)
I had decided to run for council again as I said mainly for transition and project continuation/closure purposes.

That is good news. I'm a bit worried about the merger because it's clearly a big upheaval, but I'm optimistic too; we're all familiar with Nokia's less than open approach to development and community relations (the older members only more so), and Intel have pretty good form on that with a lot of their existing free software work. If we can keep some of the existing Maemo voices in a position to talk to (or shout at?) folks at within the new project, this could be a real opportunity to move things in the right direction.

qole 2010-02-15 22:55

Re: Ask the Council!
Let's keep this thread very council-focussed. For community discussion, we should carry that on in RenegadeFanboy's thread, What are the valuable Maemo parts to bring to MeeGo?

GeneralAntilles 2010-02-15 23:04

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 528277)
Quim's post on maemo-community is relevant:

Interesting, however I'm not sure what Valério was supposed to do with this info except sit on it. Briefing the whole council would make more sense (because at least then they can discuss something useful amongst themselves), this feels more like informing for the sake of being able to say they informed (or perhaps because that was the best they were able to get).

mrojas 2010-02-15 23:06

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 528403)
Interesting, however I'm not sure what Valério was supposed to do with this info except sit on it. Briefing the whole council would make more sense (because at least then they can discuss something useful amongst themselves), this feels more like informing for the sake of being able to say they informed (or perhaps because that was the best they were able to get).

Can you imagine the briefing?

"Maemo is going to be merged with Moblin into MeeGo. You can't tell anyone. Have a nice day!"

qole 2010-02-15 23:10

Re: Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 528403)
Interesting, however I'm not sure what Valério was supposed to do with this info except sit on it. Briefing the whole council would make more sense (because at least then they can discuss something useful amongst themselves), this feels more like informing for the sake of being able to say they informed (or perhaps because that was the best they were able to get).

Well, he was supposed to be a community proxy and be involved, but it sounds like it didn't work out that way. :(

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