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ajalkane 2020-03-21 12:49

Re: [Announce] RingingRestorer for SailfishOS
Yeah I haven't yet put to openrepos, only Jolla Store.

ajalkane 2020-03-26 06:19

Re: [Announce] RingingRestorer for SailfishOS
Updated openrepos version to fix restart on Jolla C upon reboots.

peterleinchen 2020-06-12 21:04

Re: [Announce] RingingRestorer for SailfishOS
On my device, a XA2, with SFOS RingingRestorer does not eeally work correct.
The daemon is up and I can set the amount of time and if I apply the restore time (even with default 15 min) the device goes into silent mode.
But I found it a lot of times (almost always) that device gave me ring and signal tnes. Checking the mode I found the mode was set back to ringing mode. First I thought I had activated it accidentally but just now I found it like :
setting into silent, letting screen saver chime in (have device lock set but only activated after 4h), putting device aside fir two minutes. Opening with button press and swipe and checking mode: ringing mode.

Something more to provide to you?

ajalkane 2020-06-16 10:19

Re: [Announce] RingingRestorer for SailfishOS
I haven't noticed such behaviour. I will try to reproduce.

You can also manually get logs from the daemon by shutting down first the systemd controlled daemon ("servicectl stop harbour-ringingrestorer" or somethin like that), and then running from terminal with "harbour-ringingrestorer -d".

Of course journalctl also has the logs even without running manually the daemon.

peterleinchen 2020-06-16 19:46

Re: [Announce] RingingRestorer for SailfishOS
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1567957)
You can also manually get logs from the daemon by shutting down first the systemd controlled daemon ("servicectl stop harbour-ringingrestorer" or somethin like that), and then running from terminal with "harbour-ringingrestorer -d".


Herbe is the output from terminal:

[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ harbour-ringingrestorer -d >the.log[D] unknown:0 - int main(int, char**) isDaemon true[D] unknown:0 - virtual int DaemonMainInit::main(int, char**) Starting ringingrestorer daemon[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL[D] unknown:0 - virtual int DaemonMainInit::main(int, char**) Calling exec[D] unknown:0 - Profile changed 1/1/silent[D] unknown:0 - void ProfileChangeWatcher::profileChanged(const QString&) stopping and startingtimer[D] unknown:0 - void QmlDaemonBackend::showTimeoutDialog()[D] expression for onOpenTimeoutDialog:30 - onOpenTimeoutDialog[W] unknown:157 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/DialogHeader.qml:157: TypeError: Cannot read property 'backIndicatorDown' of null[W] unknown:152 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/DialogHeader.qml:152: TypeError: Cannot read property 'backIndicatorDown' of null[W] unknown:212 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/DialogHeader.qml:212: TypeError: Cannot read property 'forwardIndicatorDown' of null[W] unknown:207 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/DialogHeader.qml:207: TypeError: Cannot read property 'forwardIndicatorDown' of null[D] onStatusChanged:71 - onStatusChanged 1[D] onStatusChanged:78 - Cancelling cancel timer[D] onStatusChanged:71 - onStatusChanged 2[D] onStatusChanged:74 - Starting cancel timer[D] onAccepted:63 - onAccepted, mins: 15, volume: 40[D] unknown:0 - void QmlDaemonBackend::restoreRingingIn(int, int) restoreRingingIn 15 minutes,volume 40[D] unknown:0 - ProfileChangeWatcher::restoreRingingIn 15, volume 40, currentProfile 'silent'[D] unknown:0 - void SystemAlignedTimer::stop()stopped timeout[D] unknown:0 - int SystemAlignedTimer::_calculateNearestSlot(quint64) const secsTo 900[D] unknown:0 - int SystemAlignedTimer::_calculateNearestSlot(quint64) const considering sec 30against slot 30[D] unknown:0 - int SystemAlignedTimer::_calculateNearestSlot(quint64) const considering sec 150against slot 150[D] unknown:0 - int SystemAlignedTimer::_calculateNearestSlot(quint64) const considering sec 300against slot 300[D] unknown:0 - int SystemAlignedTimer::_calculateNearestSlot(quint64) const considering sec 600against slot 600[D] unknown:0 - int SystemAlignedTimer::_calculateNearestSlot(quint64) const considering sec 1800 against slot 1800[D] unknown:0 - int SystemAlignedTimer::_calculateNearestSlot(quint64) const chose slot 600[D] onStatusChanged:71 - onStatusChanged 3[D] onStatusChanged:78 - Cancelling cancel timer[D] unknown:0 - virtual int DaemonMainInit::main(int, char**) Exec returned with value 0[D] unknown:0 - virtual int DaemonMainInit::main(int, char**) Calling exec[D] onStatusChanged:71 - onStatusChanged 0[D] onStatusChanged:78 - Cancelling cancel timer[D] unknown:0 - Profile changed 1/1/general[D] unknown:0 - void ProfileChangeWatcher::profileChanged(const QString&) Changed to  "general" which is either different than currentProfile "silent" or is not silent profile silent

Sorry for the format. Ya know SFOS style copied in chunks from terminal and put to Notes app and copied here.
Let me know if you can read it. Else I will try to make it more readable.

Oh and should not the button in your app stop/start the daemon?

attached the log as txt a but more readable

ajalkane 2020-08-06 06:54

Re: [Announce] RingingRestorer for SailfishOS
Sorry for taking time... I have tested a lot this myself and have not been able to reproduce this.

But those logs... There doesn't seem to be any indication that RingingRestorer would change the ringing profile. BUT the logs do show that RingingRestorer sees that the profile was changed to "general". So it seems something else is changing the profile when you unlock?

You can try stopping RingingRestorer if this peculiar behavior continues. But according to those logs it doesn't seem like RingingRestorer is doing that.

peterleinchen 2020-08-06 07:30

Re: [Announce] RingingRestorer for SailfishOS
Oh yes it continued! :(

But just as I saw your post (thanks for looking into this at all) it came to my mind! :cool:

I am using xplanet and this one generates all x minutes a new picture and activates its ambience.
And (just tested) on an ambience switch the profile is switched to general.
So ringingrestorer works as it should, perfectly.
Just in conjunction with xplanet its functionality gets disturbed.

peterleinchen 2020-10-18 18:23

Re: [Announce] RingingRestorer for SailfishOS

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1568637)
Oh yes it continued! :(
So ringingrestorer works as it should, perfectly.
Just in conjunction with xplanet its functionality gets disturbed.

And I totally forgot to leave the solution:
just disable the ringing volume for the xplanet ambience!

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