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Loz 2012-06-23 12:16

Re: Ive only gone and done it :-(

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1226187)
Overclocking at 1100MHz might have something to do with it.

Yes overclocking makes all the difference to the phone lock ups and reboots... so let me tell you how I played things my phone would run 600mhz all day every day until I want to play back a video or I'm streaming via ie: cute tube. Then the thing would need a boost and that's were 1100mhz would come in.

If Nokia made the thing with a dual or quad core and a gig of ram, The N900 would be untouchable, but sadly they haven't so my rant lays at there door. 600mhz in todays market of apps and games anit cutting it, look around you everything that comes on the market even my daughters talking doll has a gig processor in it to run all the movement commands and voice response systems...

I have a friend at work that has a N900 which has never been clocked he doesnt use any new themes its just as it was when he got it apart from PRI 3 and cssu. He wants it for text cuz of the slide out keyboard and phone calls so what do you say to him when his keeps crashing over time or just locks up and he has to reboot?...

He saw my S3 the other day and said he is also looking at getting some thing at the end of the month because his N900 is causing him the hastle of restarts and lock ups every now and then... the N900 was great but it's a developers toy, I have to much in my life to keep up the constant patches and so on.


Hurrian 2012-06-23 12:36

Re: Ive only gone and done it :-(

Originally Posted by Loz (Post 1226166)
What i find funny is how someone can find it so dificult to beleave that i had to restart my n900 3 times in one morning. Im not gonna try and justify it. Fact is i nolonger even have to turn it on as im now using my S3 to write this msg.

Have you ever reflashed?

Actually, a better question is, how long have you been running at 1100MHz, and how long have you left apps to gobble up 100% CPU time.

MINKIN2 2012-06-23 12:39

Re: Ive only gone and done it :-(
If you are adamant on selling your n900, please consider creating a thread in our buy&sell forum before putting it up on ebay.

It could be considered a huge favor to the members and developers of TMO by keeping it in the circulation of the community who WILL put it to good use and appreciate it, before offering it to the average joe's on ebay.

Crogge 2012-06-23 13:27

Re: Ive only gone and done it :-(
I really don't get why Nokia isn't releasing a upgraded version of the N900, with small changes like a 512 instead of 256MB RAM and a faster CPU (Or a similar CPU with 2 cores).

I mean such changes don't really need much modifications to the hardware layout and I'm sure that they would sell a lot of phones.

My N900 runs since 2 years now at 900MHz LV (Always!) by the way and is often weeks running without break / problems.

Loz 2012-06-23 14:05

Re: Ive only gone and done it :-(

Originally Posted by Hurrian (Post 1226215)
Have you ever reflashed?

Actually, a better question is, how long have you been running at 1100MHz, and how long have you left apps to gobble up 100% CPU time.

Read above for my answer on how long running at 1100mhz, And as for reflash, the last time was about 2 maybe 3 months ago, I decided to flash it and start over again.. so its clean ish Id say.

And @ MINKIN2 I think I might just stick it on the buy and sell, the phone as I've said is in perfect condition, no scratches to the body work, the screen has never been touched from day 1 its only ever had screen protectors that it came with on it and only 3 of those in 3 years!, that's one good thing Nokia has produce cuz they sit flat stick well and look just like the surface of the screen at all times. The only thing wrong is the kick stand don't flick like it did, so I did some diy on the hindges but that didn't really fix that issue.. but then I know it to be a common fault on these

There is absolutly nothing wrong with my N900 I know this infact it's a prime example of what a used but kept in good condition N900 should look like.. it's a software and apps issue, because its got so many tweeks to this and that within the firmware and all sorts of apps trying to work with each other, this is what's causing the issues... I don't know how to debug and all the the other get it right stuff, this is were the N900 needs a tweeker and like MINKIN2 said get it on the buy and sell here and keep it in the community rather than letting some avarage joe get hold of it....! and those are the presice words the N900 won't work properly in the avarage joe's hands... Hence why I have to move on after 3ish years I'm Mr average Joe not a tweeker!! I will take some pic's of it and get it on the buy and sell later this eve, so all can see what condition it is in... but it will be wiped and maybe even flashed before it leaves my hands to anyone that maybe meets my price.



Loz 2012-06-23 14:07

Re: Ive only gone and done it :-(

Originally Posted by Crogge (Post 1226235)
I really don't get why Nokia isn't releasing a upgraded version of the N900, with small changes like a 512 instead of 256MB RAM and a faster CPU (Or a similar CPU with 2 cores).

I mean such changes don't really need much modifications to the hardware layout and I'm sure that they would sell a lot of phones.

Here here...totally agree.

stickymick 2012-06-23 16:03

Re: Ive only gone and done it :-(

Originally Posted by Loz (Post 1226250)
And @ MINKIN2 I think I might just stick it on the buy and sell, the phone as I've said is in perfect condition, no scratches to the body work,

Makes no difference what condition it's in on the outside. If the engine is sh@gged and you don't tell the buyer that could be the case, the reason why it's so slow and needs restarting 3 times a day, the next owner is gonna start saying what a sh*t phone it is

I used to O/C.... 800Mhz, 950, 1000. Until I woke up one morning and the phone had froze and wouldn't reboot. Did a reflash sameday, been running on stock kernal for 4 months and having no problems playing videos in CuteTube, even when streaming from Youtube and D/M.

And of course Nokia won't do an upgraded version of the N900 for obvious reasons, as discussed elswhere on this forum.

Loz 2012-06-23 16:57

Re: Ive only gone and done it :-(
The phone anit sh*******d on the inside. I never said i have to restart it 3 times aday, i said the other day i had to restart it 3 times in one morning!. And yes when i was running mine stock after the flash it was fine but to make anything of the N900 today rather than when it first came on the market where it was the bees knees...and a flying machine compaired to itsrivals. Now to rival anything out there you have to have cssu and overclo ck it. Anx thats were the issue of slowing down and locking up happens. And thats not every day its time to time but always when i need it most. So no i dont need to worry about who gets my phone they will be fine.... infact its my second one and the first was just the same. Sold it on the bay with broken usb the chap got fixed within a week and i know he did cuz he came back to me for the lock code. What would compare my issue to is putting windows xp on a win 95 pc, it will work but a damn site slower and it will freeze alot but it will work.

Loz 2012-07-04 01:19

Re: Ive only gone and done it :-(
Well I tried getting the pics up of my N900 to put in the buy and sell but photob would accept my images.. so popped it on the bay, on a 10day..So thats the end of my Nokia days unless they can convince me at the end of the S3 contract it's worth coming home for..

Loz. PS... thanks to all that have been a great source of help to me over the last three years.

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