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Makeclick 2012-09-02 09:07

Re: My letter to Jolla and what was wrong with Harmattan
DON'T make download limits to bought apps like Nokia Ovi store did! (and no.. this is not normal way to it and no, psn store don't do this, even someone think so. thei limited it by hardware. Like it should be.)

Dont make it too slim! It's always bad for battery capacity and it's more comfortable to hold on hand, if it's not too slim.

arkanoid 2012-09-04 13:59

Re: My letter to Jolla and what was wrong with Harmattan
Most people think slim is ok. But battery is major issue. More you rely on "smart" battery saving tricks, higher is the probability that it will be drained by heavy load faster than you even notice that something went wrong and oops, you have a dead phone.

HELLASISGREECE 2012-09-04 14:12

Re: My letter to Jolla and what was wrong with Harmattan
the Razr MAXX is a slim device....

w00t 2012-09-04 14:14

Re: My letter to Jolla and what was wrong with Harmattan

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1259550)
isnt tracker an indexer? Why on earth do they indexing password :O

One part of tracker is certainly an indexer, yes. Probably the better known part.

Tracker also offers a triple store[1], using RDF[2], interfaced with using SPARQL[3], which means it is also a data store, and is used as the storage for a number of things on Harmattan.

It's also used in Nemo Mobile for some things (gallery, messages, contacts), and will probably stay for the forseeable future. It has issues, but it's stable, and reasonably battle-tested, and replacing it isn't trivial.

I think there have been discussions about doing indexing a bit differently though (to avoid the more visible problems evidenced in Harmattan and Fremantle), but no concrete plans yet.


Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1259550)
but yes tracker seems to have stupid issues that need to be fixed however tracker is fully opensource

Indexing (in general, but particularly on Linux) is a bit of a non-trivial problem for various technical reasons that I really should write about one day. Suffice to say it's not an easy area to do really well right now.


arkanoid 2012-09-10 12:44

Re: My letter to Jolla and what was wrong with Harmattan
Do you agree that the way it was implemented in Harmattan (one contact merge bug and everything just goes clusterfsck) is plain inacceptible?

zeebra 2012-09-28 16:43

Re: My letter to Jolla and what was wrong with Harmattan

Originally Posted by Larswad (Post 1251586)
You sure have a few points there, especially the one about bringing back hardware keyboard. This touch-"trend" as I like to call it is just insane. In fact, these capacitive screens appears to have some compatibility problem with my skin, sometimes they just don't react. What the hell?

I have the same exact problem AND the opposite problem. The capacititve screens seem to completely overreact. So if I just touch to move around the screens it opens a bunch of apps and goes into calendar and all kind of things.


Love the N900 screen, and have no idea what the hype about capacitive is all about. Stupid to compromise being able to use gloves and pen for pinching to zoom. Outright ridiculous and idiotic.
The zoom function was only necessary in the first place because they were so stupid to design the telephone to be used vertically.
And then they had to adapt that silly design for browsing the web, so that you have awful mobile version of websites and apps for doing things you would normally just do in the web browser.

Iphone sure managed to break your legs, build you a wheel chair and make you look ******ed all at the same time.

zeebra 2012-09-28 16:46

Re: My letter to Jolla and what was wrong with Harmattan

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1259217)
You hit the nail on the head. That is why JOLLA will not succeed. If the same leadership is in charge of JOLLA that was in charge of Harmattan.....good luck amigos

Can't someone just bring out Maemo 6. Move it over to GNU and QT and put it all on the N950 design with N900 utilities and Galaxy 3 hardware?


zeebra 2012-09-28 16:49

Re: My letter to Jolla and what was wrong with Harmattan

Originally Posted by aironeous (Post 1252441)
Elop is a disconnected 1%er walking into a room of 1%ers going, "hey guys I have an Idea, lets lay lots and lots of people off and move production to Asia and go winblows late cuz uhm errrrr Izzzzzz smart" like those short fat waddling ******ed technology thieves from star trek the next gen and then the rest of the disconnected 1%ers on Nokia board go "sure, ok keep us posted" and the piece of crap failure Microhard trojan horse Elop proceeds to bankrupt Nokia and destroy its competing OS game plan so that Microhard can buy it cheap and use it to patent troll (Read we can spend more money than you on our lawyers so you have no hope/choice fighting our lame windows 3.1 patents) like they did B&N.
The next windowz device will be a vibrator with extra ram for Elop so he can enjoy his final days before a flash mob of Finnish public beats his ___ for ruining their countries income tax.
P.S. I paid a female in Denmark $100 to buy me an N9 and ship it to me so I got it despite Elop dorkwad failure trojan horse

Ooh, and dont forget that Microsoft desperately need Mobile hardware, so along with patent trolling, buying Nokia for Mobile hardware knowledge is also a good deal.

Ooh and yes, to finally crush the open/free community hopes for mobile platforms.

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