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Fellfrosch 2021-05-02 05:27

Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Easy theme this time, as long as you are not living in the southern hemisphere. So the theme is "spring is here" . If there is someone from Australia or South America or Southern Africa. For you the theme is "autumn".
For that guys at Neumayer-Station, the theme shall be "winter"...:D

Photos must be taken during this month and posted before voting starts.
Photos must be taken by the posting member.
Photos must be taken with your phone's camera.
Post processing is allowed but you have to say what you did.
Users must name the phone and software they used.
Users post only one photo per entry.
Users can change the entry only once.
3 day voting period starts on May 28th at 20:00 UTC and ends on the evening of May 31th.
Winner of the vote should choose the next month competition theme.
You are allowed to continue off topic on this thread after competition.

robthebold 2021-05-02 19:25

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Google helpfully provides this information for visitors to Neumayer Station:

Address: South Atlantic Ocean, Antarctica
Monday 12:15AM–12AM
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours

Sounds like a good theme, with appropriate climatic adaptations! Thanks!

pichlo 2021-05-03 21:29

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1571706)
Monday 12:15AM–12AM

Let me see if I can translate it to something I could understand:
00:15 - 00:00, right?

So they close at midnight on Sunday for 15 minutes?

robthebold 2021-05-03 21:34

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1571707)
Let me see if I can translate it to something I could understand:
00:15 - 00:00, right?

So they close at midnight on Sunday for 15 minutes?

That's my take. Maybe they do the defrost cycle then.

Dousan 2021-05-11 13:11

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
1 Attachment(s)
One of the family rescue dogs from Bosnia. Nana, podengo mix.

Taken on Huawei p30 pro. No filter, only resize.

Attachment 41416

nonsuch 2021-05-13 06:08

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Not saying it's my entry, but this is where spring's at around here:
(XA2, AdvancedCam, no post-processing)

I like how the sunlight filters through the fresh birch leaves.

mosen 2021-05-14 12:25

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Brought out grass seeds to fill the wholes in the lawn 12 days ago. Daily rain since then and they are sprouting already.

Pro¹ Advanced Camera, cropped, rotated and sharpened in darktable.

nonsuch 2021-05-14 17:32

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
This is too creepy not to share!

Definitely a spring thing!

Birches produce loads of sap in early spring (just before the buds start opening) - it is even harvested, a small incision or a broken twig is enough to get bottles full of it.

So sometimes a tree gets cut around this time of the year, and the sap releasing happens all across the cut, a huge surface compared to a small incision! This one must have been oozing for weeks, with the weather getting constantly warmer. It was quite smelly.

Maemish 2021-05-19 07:08

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
My may entry. No snow, clear streets except for gasolin/bensin/fuel/petrol whatever the proper name for it. Oil this is not.

Taken with Moto g8, LineageOs 18.1, default cam. Slightly cropped, darkened and sharpened.

Fellfrosch 2021-05-19 11:42

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
OK, here is my entry. Freshly shot today:
Pro1 SailfishOs standard camera app. slightly cropped and added some sharpness and local contrast with darktable.

Maemish 2021-05-19 12:52

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
At the moment nonsuch has the springisht shot with leaves almost there.

Kabouik 2021-05-21 12:40

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Someone had to.

Slightly cropped.

Fellfrosch 2021-05-21 17:01

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
I nearly pissed my trousers!

mosen 2021-05-21 17:57

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1571831)
Someone had to.

Pentona 2021-05-21 18:56

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Bird cherry blooming means it's summer.

10 Plus, unedited

eson 2021-05-22 06:40

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
My big pear blooming is spring to me.
Xperia X, Sailfish stock photo app and cropped with Pix.

nonsuch 2021-05-26 06:17

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1571831)
Someone had to.

It didn't even cross my mind. :D

It's always interesting how people have different concepts about the seasons. I have lived up here long enough to agree with Maemish, my sense of spring is mainly: no more snow, more sunshine and some shy light green here and there (post #6).
(And yes, it usually changes into summer very quickly. That tree looks very different now.)

At the same time, homesickness is worst around this time, esp. when I see the sort of images eson, Pentona and Fellfrosch posted.

Maemish 2021-05-26 07:33

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
It took me this much time to get what the kabouik's picture was about. I blame allergy. Have been hard this spring, two pills per day. Got allergy about 6 years ago. Could have not understood how sick it can make you and how it can blur your thinking.

Fellfrosch 2021-05-26 20:27

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
What kind of allergy is it? I'm struggling with hay fever every spring. Worst time is over now, but this year was really bad. My main problem are birches. I for myself have decided to give up on pills against it. They just make me dull and tired. I know that not everybody can just leave them aside, if you get asthmatic from allergy you have to take proper medicine. Lucky me I just get red and itchy eyes, symptoms of a flew and some rash. No fun, but you learn to live with it. :mad:

Maemish 2021-05-26 20:49

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Birch. Asthmatic.

catbus 2021-05-28 15:05

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
No snow so it's must be spring?

Sony 10 II, stock android camera, scaling with Gimp

robthebold 2021-05-28 21:34

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Wild geraniums in my yard.
Piggz Advanced Camera, Sailfish X on Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra (running a little better now after letting it sit around a month on Android :( ).

nonsuch 2021-05-29 05:32

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by catbus (Post 1571914)
No snow so it's must be spring?

Sony 10 II, stock android camera, scaling with Gimp

Is that recent?
You must be quite a bit further north than I am. It's full on summer here (flora's development, not the temperatures :().

Fellfrosch 2021-05-29 06:52

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
OK, i'm a little bit late, but that's the candidates for May:

#1 Dousan (Taken on Huawei p30 pro. No filter, only resize)

#2 mosen (Pro¹ Advanced Camera, cropped, rotated and sharpened in darktable)

#3 Maemish (Taken with Moto g8, LineageOs 18.1, default cam. Slightly cropped, darkened and sharpened)

#4 Fellfrosch (Pro1 SailfishOs standard camera app. slightly cropped and added some sharpness and local contrast with darktable)

#5 Kabouik (Slightly cropped - I guess Pro1)

#6 Pentona (10 Plus, unedited)

#7 eson (Xperia X, Sailfish stock photo app and cropped with Pix)

#8 catbus (Sony 10 II, stock android camera, scaling with Gimp)

#9 robthebold (Piggz Advanced Camera, Sailfish X on Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra)

#10 nonsuch (I'm not completely sure but I think this is you entry)

Fellfrosch 2021-05-29 06:58

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Nearly forgot my vote:
Sorry I had to:
#5 Kabouik. Not only funny AND fitting. But also it's a brilliant photo.

on second place for me comes mosen's treelike gras.
On third, even so it is not really fitting the theme,
Maemish's alien writing in water :eek:

peterleinchen 2021-05-29 10:43

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1571924)
Nearly forgot my vote:
Sorry I had to:
#5 Kabouik. Not only funny AND fitting. But also it's a brilliant photo.

on second place for me comes mosen's treelike gras.
On third, even so it is not really fitting the theme,
Maemish's alien writing in water :eek:

I do vote exactly the same.

netman 2021-05-29 11:21

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
Damn this month passed by before I knew it... At least I'm still in time to have my vote heard which has to go to #5 kabouik, the spring is there.

mosen 2021-05-29 12:55

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
I'm a simple man, i see blossoms, i vote for them :)

Still hard to decide between Fellfrosch, Kabouik, Pentona, eson and robthebold.
Giving away in my post that i like macros too, i'll go for #9 robthebolds geraniums.
Kabouik only a tad behind with some less sharpness.

Thanks all for sharing your photos!

Will we see sailfish cam photos from Xperia 10II next month?

catbus 2021-05-29 16:20

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1571922)
Is that recent?
You must be quite a bit further north than I am. It's full on summer here (flora's development, not the temperatures :().

Yes, picture took I yesterday and maybe yes... I live near Seinäjoki-Ilmajoki airport... if One look map, (t)here is nothing, maybe some swamp... (t)here snow is first and last also... somewhere (t)here live I... ;)


eson 2021-05-29 20:39

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
I vote #2 mosen, a real down to the ground spring study. :D

Pentona 2021-05-29 21:41

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
I vote #5 Kabouik

robthebold 2021-05-30 00:50

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
#7 eson, because look! A bee! Squirrel! Also pretty.

Fellfrosch 2021-05-30 07:18

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1571942)
#7 eson, because look! A bee! Squirrel! Also pretty.

OK, I see the bee. But a squirrel? Where?

Dousan 2021-05-30 12:02

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
I vote #6 Pentona, really like the lighting and composition in it.. Nicely shot :D

pichlo 2021-05-30 21:29

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
#2 mosen still gets my vote, but Kabouik's spring came really close.

pichlo 2021-05-30 21:48

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1571946)
OK, I see the bee. But a squirrel? Where?

"Look! A squirrel!" is a common distraction trope. Like when you try to concentrate on something and get distracted with something banal. It originates from dogs being easily distracted by squirrels and forgetting what they were supposed to be doing. Often used on purpose, for example by politicians announcing something irrelevant to drive your attention away from what matters.

In this case, robthebold distracted himself and the "squirrel" was the bee. At least that's how I read his post.

Maemish 2021-05-31 03:12

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
My image fits the theme perfectly. As explained, open streets without snow with gasolin on water is the mark of the spring. My vote goes to nonsuch. He was not saying the picture was his entry, neither that it wasn't. For me it was and I liked it the most.

Maemish 2021-05-31 06:57

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
"Look! A squirrel!" is something that happens too often while I'm having a conversation with my wife. But it is not only a squirrel. Any kinda cute animal does the same. To be amazed of every little creature was something I had lost but found it again with my wife.

Kabouik 2021-05-31 11:37

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"
My vote goes to #2 Mosen, I think it is the picture that best illustrates the difference between spring and summer and I like the change of perspective it offers. And also to make him feel guilty for not voting for me. Also, please, don't let me win, I didn't think mine would be taken as a real contribution. I liked #4 Fellfrosch's too, but a little bit too much local contrast/sharpness for me.

(Yes Fellfrosch, I used the Pro¹ and I think the base Sailfish camera app for mine.)

robthebold 2021-05-31 16:29

Re: Phone Camera Competition May 2021: "spring is here"

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1571946)
OK, I see the bee. But a squirrel? Where?

Just kidding about the squirrel (but I was instantly drawn to the bee), kinda shorthand for my family's ADHD tendencies, a la:

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