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rolan900d 2010-04-11 10:02

April 13th - Big News? ("Everyone Connect" Event)
Just saw this....
Wondering if it has something to do with the N900 or Maemo/Meego

I wanted to share it over here...

kavekave 2010-04-11 10:09

Re: April 13th Big news?????
hmmmmm maybe pr1.2 release date? i dunno

jaeezzy 2010-04-11 10:09

Re: April 13th Big news?????

Originally Posted by rolan900d (Post 605192)
Just saw this....
Wondering if it has something to do with the N900 or Maemo/Meego

whatever.. I've bookmarked it but not keeping the expectations high at all.

Deaconclgi 2010-04-11 10:09

Re: April 13th Big news?????
I think it will be the announcement of the first Symbian^3 device.

rolan900d 2010-04-11 10:11

Re: April 13th Big news?????
Could be several things....

Just thought I share the link with you all...

I have my hopes on the new FW with some kind of Meego..
That would be news...

I just don't think they will launch this kind of campaign just for a new device

james174 2010-04-11 10:12

Re: April 13th Big news?????
Probably an announcement of the next version of Ovi suite lol

tissot 2010-04-11 10:13

Re: April 13th Big news?????
Aleady in here

Nokia is releasing new Nokia Messaging and probally new E or C series Symbian phone. If you search the flash site you will see this:

rolan900d 2010-04-11 10:15

Re: April 13th Big news?????

Originally Posted by james174 (Post 605201)
Probably an announcement of the next version of Ovi suite lol

Hahahaha, I don't think so!
They will never ever fix that one for the N900

biggzy 2010-04-11 10:15

Re: April 13th Big news?????
1 Attachment(s)
Tucked away in the flash file...
Attachment 8815

EDIT member tissot beat me to it lol.

tissot 2010-04-11 10:22

Re: April 13th Big news?????
Lets put the picture here that shows that there's probally device too. Just don't wait for Maemo. It's Symbian season currently with Symbian^3 and all. :)

rpgAmazon 2010-04-11 10:24

Re: April 13th Big news?????
Nice first phrase:

"Please stay with us"...

The correct one must be:

"Please don't buy an iPhone or Android and wait for our "coming soon" thing one more time, and then wait again while debugging that dammed "coming son" thing, and don't blame us or you will be a troll."

BTW I really hope that "coming soon" jewel has not "premium accounts" because that could explain a lot of things about n900!

jcompagner 2010-04-11 10:32

Re: April 13th Big news?????
new messaging services?

i just want imap-idle.. dont want to use nokia messaging.

b666m 2010-04-11 10:33

Re: April 13th Big news?????
first i thought this is going to be a thread about the new macbook pros

james174 2010-04-11 10:33

Re: April 13th Big news?????
New messaging solutions eh? Maybe they've pulled their finger out their ***, built a proper inbox / outbox with chat facility for the N900, and its now also compatable with pc suite :D
One can hope....

ossipena 2010-04-11 10:40

Re: April 13th Big news?????

Originally Posted by james174 (Post 605223)
New messaging solutions eh? Maybe they've pulled their finger out their ***, built a proper inbox / outbox with chat facility for the N900, and its now also compatable with pc suite :D
One can hope....

dream on...

N900 != big news for majority of cellphone users.

if this would have involved n900, it would have been qgil's post in this forum...

get real people!

larrykwok 2010-04-11 11:04

Re: April 13th Big news?????
Whatever. I just want my N900 email bug to be resolved. I chose Maemo over Android just 2 months ago, I'm quite hopeless with Nokia now. :(

I just want you to fix the bugs. Please. As smartphone users, we have given enough patience.

james174 2010-04-11 11:08

Re: April 13th Big news?????

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 605229)
dream on...

N900 != big news for majority of cellphone users.

if this would have involved n900, it would have been qgil's post in this forum...

get real people!

Im sorry if it didnt seem obvious in my previous post, but i was being sarcastic. I know Nokia wouldnt announce that, hence why i was being flamboyant with the words and the whole idea in general. I was merely making fun of Nokias inability to actually release / fix something.....

u2maemo 2010-04-11 11:15

Re: April 13th Big news?????
The only last thing is opening all drivers, others will be OK.

jakiman 2010-04-11 11:21

Re: April 13th Big news?????
Highly doubt this is related to the N900. Ah well.

Astute 2010-04-11 11:44

Re: April 13th Big news?????
Thats connected to n900 ?? I have my doubts and no fingers crossed.

No major complains about the N900 but until further evolution from the nokia or maemo camp i'll juggle it as is to date. Its a great little device regardless.

It suits my purpose but full PC Suite/Ovi integration or an equivalent piece of software would be a positive note & direction.

PR1.2/Meego is around the corner anyway and whatever good stuff that brings so patience needed.


Dave999 2010-04-11 11:57

Re: April 13th Big news?????
you will be able to return your n900 and get replacement...Ipad.

love to speculate becoause noone knows, so nothing in this thread is true...or false.

lsolano 2010-04-11 15:47

Re: April 13th Big news?????

Originally Posted by rolan900d (Post 605204)
Hahahaha, I don't think so!
They will never ever fix that one for the N900

:) I think the same, they'll never fix it.

This is for me the worst of the n900/nokia story: We paid ~$600 for a phone 5 months ago and it still does not have a decent version of the basic piece of software a phone should have nowadays.

In April, I still can not send a sms with my laptop, a feature I absolutely loved of PCSuite.

I can use Firefox to post this though :)

yorg 2010-04-11 15:49

Re: April 13th Big news?????
it is not going to be 1.2

it is going to be much bigger and not for N900

craftyguy 2010-04-11 15:51

Re: April 13th Big news?????

Originally Posted by lsolano (Post 605515)
:) I think the same, they'll never fix it.

This is for me the worst of the n900/nokia story: We paid ~$600 for a phone 5 months ago and it still does not have a decent version of the basic piece of software a phone should have nowadays.

In April, I still can not send a sms with my laptop, a feature I absolutely loved of PCSuite.

I can use Firefox to post this though :)

From what I've gathered after being on these forums and owning an N900 since December, if you purchased this device expecting it to compete with other devices on the market, then you're delusional :p

I've learned to love my N900 for the ******ed stepchild that it is :)

robbie 2010-04-12 16:08

A new Nokia event anounced (everyone connect)
Here's a countdown.

The counter ends on 9:00 (GMT).

What will it be? And will our beloved Maemo devices be able to use it? :)

Texrat 2010-04-12 16:09

Re: A new Nokia event anounced
Looks like the Messaging announcement mentioned in other threads.

robbie 2010-04-12 16:11

Re: A new Nokia event anounced (everyone connect)
I did a search on everyone connect and didn't find anything so i thought to post it here :)

RevdKathy 2010-04-12 17:47

Re: A new Nokia event anounced (everyone connect)
Dare I say that 0900 on a Tuesday morning is hardly the most suitable time for people to 'connect'? Most of us are just connecting with our day jobs at that point.

Unless the idea is for every n900 user globally to send Frals an MMS - then I'm taking the morning off work. :D

sjgadsby 2010-04-12 18:00

Re: A new Nokia event anounced (everyone connect)

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 607253)
Unless the idea is for every n900 user globally to send Frals an MMS...

That cause is worth my installing fMMS and sending my first ever MMS. Count me in.

tissot 2010-04-12 19:09

Re: A new Nokia event anounced (everyone connect)
There's 3 page thread about this already :)

You can find the pics in the thread that can be found from the countdown flash page. All mighty Eldar says that it's some kind of messaging + map integration. Plus cheap Nokia C6 and C3 getting announced. N8 would be announced later, but still in April.

Whatever it is it's 100% that it will be at least partly if not totally about messaging.

sjgadsby 2010-04-12 19:34

Re: April 13th Big news?????
The thread "A new Nokia event anounced (everyone connect)" with six posts has been merged into this thread.

bxbomber 2010-04-12 23:36

Re: April 13th - Big News? ("Everyone Connect" Event)
what i'd like to be announced and what will be announce are prob different.

either way the best part is when i wake up tomorrow it'll have been announced

andraeseus1 2010-04-13 02:10

Re: April 13th - Big News? ("Everyone Connect" Event)
dont tune in. its a set up. Nokia will announce something else half baked but soon to come with out a specific date or proper support. They just like to see the frenzy thing happen. CONTROL FREAKS!

jaeezzy 2010-04-13 07:38

Re: April 13th - Big News? ("Everyone Connect" Event)
whatever it is, but kinda excited though I don't want to and running the countdown in one of the tab in iceweasel... just 21 mins to go.....

teh 2010-04-13 07:53

Re: April 13th - Big News? ("Everyone Connect" Event)
7 minutes.... lol

manavs 2010-04-13 08:00

Re: April 13th - Big News? ("Everyone Connect" Event)
30 seconds to go

hargibi 2010-04-13 08:01

Re: April 13th - Big News? ("Everyone Connect" Event)
Nothing for the n900.

Kurele 2010-04-13 08:01

Re: April 13th - Big News? ("Everyone Connect" Event)
Well that was stupid... Not even remotely close to something for our n900's. :(

johnel 2010-04-13 08:02

Re: April 13th - Big News? ("Everyone Connect" Event)
Well f*** me Nokia released new phones what a surprise!

That's the last thing I expected Nokia to do.

teh 2010-04-13 08:02

Re: April 13th - Big News? ("Everyone Connect" Event)
3 new devices... yay.

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