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tz1 2008-11-23 17:41

minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
0.30 is at rc6 and I will be moving it to an official release shortly.

However I've refactored the code and the shared memory stuff worked so well I also wrote an OBD2 version that works with elm-327 compatible devices (I use obdpros).
For the bleeding edgers, the links are up at but it is a beta. Minigpsd should function the same, but you will need to manually start miniobd2d (the OBD settings are from the minigpsd setup programs - uncheck Harley), and the obdecode program (xterm - prints out status when any parameter changes)

Minigpsd has a new annotation UDP port. Send any text to port 32347 and it will be added as an XML comment in the KML file. It truncates the line at the first control character, but you can send multiple lines. I don't protect for double-dash (if "--" appears in the text) which will confuse Google Earth.

Miniobd2d will write the PID returns to this port so they will be logged in the KML.

Major TODOs:

0. Start up miniobd2d when minigpsd starts, alternately add to the setup program.

1. Scheduler - so mobd2d will do rpm, speed, etc. more often than coolant temperature, user settable.

2. Startup/connect robustness (sometimes the connection doesn't respond or is slow causing problems). Also figure out if I have to add special things for special vehicles.

3. Python dashboard - something simple but fast showing all the gauge information. I have something simple for my Harley.

tz1 2008-11-23 21:53

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
1 Attachment(s)
Slight update, not really stable, but the scheduler is in.
(speed, heading from gps, rpm, and engine coolant temp)

doctorbri 2008-11-24 03:45

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
How is your obd-II different from carman (aside from the obvious). And have you considered working with/adding to carman? I'm not sure if their souce is available yet, though.

tz1 2008-11-24 12:56

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
I have already started a message stream with the CarMan project. My project is more toward logging, not display, so the "engine" is more important than the "body". In fact I've altered the program and wrote example programs SPECIFICALLY so that it would be fast and easy to integrate into Carman, but Carman itself is larger and more complex, though I think minigpsd/miniobd2d would simplify it a great deal.

My code is GPLv3 - they are welcome to use it. But I am still working on the OBD2 communication core.

allnameswereout 2008-11-24 17:15

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
The logging of the data is a great addition, but it'd be best if Carman would abstract the interface and use a library or even miniobd2 for their purprose. This way, 3rd party applications can use the same interface again. And, the logs can be parsed with other applications such as Fuelpad.

folhabranca 2008-11-24 21:13

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
Carman has 2 abstraction layers. The first one is in libobd or the old obdlib(python) that deals with the obd communication itself and support ELM and ozen based scantools. The second layer was added on the 0.7 version with a daemon that collects data from GPS and OBD, save them to build a trip log and send them though D-Bus to the UI. The code is GPL as well and it is available at the garage's svn (carman project).

tz1 2008-11-30 18:19

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
0.31-pre0c is in Extras-devel.

tz1 2008-12-07 05:45

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
1 Attachment(s)
0.31-pre0d is on - the big thing is Valentine V1 radar detector support.

hakan 2008-12-17 13:43

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 245694)
0.31-pre0c is in Extras-devel.


I just installed pre0c and tried it with a ELM327 Bluetooth OBD2 CAN-BUS Interface Scanner elm_327 ( )

I could not check the OBD2 decoding (I could not download the saved kmz files yet, maybe later tonight) but one thing I noticed is that Carman can't see the OBD2 adapter while minigpsd is running. As soon as I stop minigpsd, Carman connects just fine to the adapter.


tz1 2008-12-17 14:30

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
At this time Carman and minigpsd use the same "connection" which can only be used one at a time.

hakan 2008-12-17 15:22

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 250200)
At this time Carman and minigpsd use the same "connection" which can only be used one at a time.

ah, o.k.

Any news on the Carman minigpsd integration? I really love using minigpsd to log my voyages (including ODBII data), but showing off the spiffy Carman interface every now and then would be nice, too :p


tz1 2008-12-17 17:23

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
I tried but Carman has some complex DBUS messaging with NO examples of how to send the bits of data. Minigpsd has examples both in python and c of how to pick up its data - both obd and gps - and display it (removing the printfs and adding the dbus sends should be all that is necessary, but it is beyond me).

tz1 2008-12-20 19:55

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
For the moment, bluez-utils-test osso6 will be in extras-devel, and osso4 will remain in extras.

I don't think I can do both versions and I would like to wait a few days until more people have updated to 5.2008.

hakan 2008-12-23 21:06

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
For the record, I have updated my N810 to 5.2008 and successfully installed minigpsd-0.31b after that.


hakan 2008-12-23 21:16

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 252118)
1. You need version 0.31pre0c or later for OBD2 support.
2. You need to have it paired with Harley OFF but OBD ON.
3. It will save the responses (if any) as a kml comment with a stream of hex digits, typically beginning with a 41 and the PID.

1. The ELM device will show as connected with the bluetooth statusbar applet if minigpsd/miniobd2d is running and attempting to pull data.
2. Starting miniobd2d from the command line (not as root!) will show what it is attempting to do. You can use strace to see more detail.

The 0.31b setup page show "OBD" and "On" on the first line, and "V1" on the second. The "Harley" checkbox seems to be renamed to "On", so to I have to toggle that off?

I think I noticed a white dot on the lower left of the status icon. Does this signify the OBD connection? The bluetooth statusbar applet turns blue too while I'm in the vicinity of my car, and clicking on it shows that it is connected with "CAN OBDII".


tz1 2008-12-23 21:36

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
Yes. It will show a dot in the UL for GPS, the LL for OBD.

Harley must be off since that is for the non-OBD2 datastream of harley motorcycles.

V1 is for my radar detector which I can also pull data via bluetooth with a special interface (It is in one of the threads).

hakan 2008-12-29 12:08

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
I can't get the OBD tracing to work, so I'm working my way through the source code of 0.31a. Could you please tell me whether I'm on the right track?


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 252133)
Yes. It will show a dot in the UL for GPS, the LL for OBD.

Strange, I see just the LL white dot, but not the UL. According to, the UL pixels should be white when the gpsfd is open, and the LL should be white when the obdfd is open.

I see GPS data (which MaemoMapper can use) and the dots for the sattelites (and the green circle), but never the UL white dot.


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 252133)
Harley must be off since that is for the non-OBD2 datastream of harley motorcycles.

I will check my configuration again, but selecting / deselecting the "On" button next to the "OBD" button (in the first line of the "Advanced" tab) doesn't seem to make a difference.

The bluetooth icon shows that my N810 is connected to the ELM adapter, but I can't see anything that looks like OBD in the KML file.

If I read the function calcobd() in harley.c correctly, I should at least see $PDERR or $PDMSG in my KML if this function is ever called, right?


hakan 2008-12-29 12:13

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 252118)
3. It will save the responses (if any) as a kml comment with a stream of hex digits, typically beginning with a 41 and the PID.

Could you please upload a small KML file with OBD trace data? I'd really like to see what "live" data looks like :D


XTC 2008-12-29 13:10

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
Is there a way of using obdII via serial USB converter?
It's bit frustrating that on tablets the only way is bluetooth way especially when tablets have hardwired serial ports as well as good usb rs232 dongle support.

tz1 2008-12-29 15:09

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
Source problems:

Get 0.31b from (source). There will be a 0.31c shortly, but maybe in extras-devel.

I'll see if I can find a KMZ with data. They should appear as KML comments with an l just after the timestamp and the obd message values.

USB Converter OBD2:

Remove /dev/rfcomm1 in the device field in the config program and replace it with /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0 or whatever the serial port comes up as. Note: I don't set the baud rate, so you will need to do stty or something similar, or set the OBD device to the device default (or wait for me to add a baudrate field).

hakan 2008-12-29 16:11

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253203)
Get 0.31b from (source). There will be a 0.31c shortly, but maybe in extras-devel.

Have you already pushed 0.31c to the queue? If not, could you please change gpsdata.c line 507 to make the LUX and Temperature information look a little bit more like NMEA statements? Perhaps even two lines, one for light and one for the temperature sensor? This would make my log file parser easier :D

By the way, you named your OBD trace lines "$PDxyz". Are those names standartized or your own invention?


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253203)
I'll see if I can find a KMZ with data. They should appear as KML comments with an l just after the timestamp and the obd message values.

Thanks :)


tz1 2008-12-29 17:40

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
0.31c isn't out yet. I'll see if I can get it to zdez shortly.

I'll try to split the temp/light when I do that. gives the rules for proprietary sentences (which I'm breaking). Technically it should be Pxxxyyy where the three letters for xxx never varies(GRM for garmin, NOK for nokia), and yyy is the item and can be a length I choose and the format of following data is up to me .

OBD data is not NMEAized right now, but it is on my todo list. You would get the individual bytes, e.g. something like 65535l( 41 0C 12 34 ) in the log as an XML comment. When I NMEAize them, they will be something like Harley, or might be PDOxy where xy is the hexadecimal PID for those that aren't easily decoded. But RPM and speed will follow what I'm doing for my Harley.

I might try NMEAizing the OBD too.

tz1 2008-12-29 20:39

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
0.31c is up on if you want to try. I haven't fully tested it, but I've tried to NMEAize the OBD and sensors ($PDSNS,<lux>,<temp>*ck)

smackpotato 2008-12-29 21:36

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
I am still having trouble installing. My problem is that i have bluz-utils*osso6
instead of bluez-utils*osso4 How can i fix.

tz1 2008-12-29 22:55

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
Do you have an error message? If you've done the SSU, and bluez-utils-test-3.28osso6, everything should work. That version of bluez-utils-test is in extras-devel as well as the main repository pool

hakan 2008-12-30 09:19

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253282)
0.31c is up on if you want to try. I haven't fully tested it, but I've tried to NMEAize the OBD and sensors ($PDSNS,<lux>,<temp>*ck)


I just installed and used 0.31c. I'll check the NMEAzition of the OBD and sensors later tonight when I'm at home and have access to the data files on my table again ( typing this at work :p )

I still see only the white dot on the lower left but since GPS works, I guess this isn't really important ;-)

If I stop minigpsd and start miniobd from the command line, I see the following output:


~ $ /usr/bin/miniobd2
Connected /dev/rfcomm1 to 00:18:E4:1A:E2:27 on channel 1
Press CTRL-C for hangup

this just sits there untill I press CTRL-C, the I see


Can't connect to RFCOMM socket: Device or resource busy

Predictably, just shows two gauges, but no movement or values.

I don't have any other programm using the BT connection, and after stopping miniobd2, carman shows my OBD values just fine.

I'll install strace later tonight, perhaps this sheds more light on my problem :confused:


tz1 2008-12-30 15:03

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
is the 00:18:E4... the correct address for the OBD interface?

You've set the OBD bt address, checked OBD on, Harley is unchecked?

Is there any way you can use a terminal to type commands?

(ATZ, ATSP0, ATE1, ATH0, 00 each as a separate command)?

I have a real elm327 but there are clones that don't always play by the same rules.

miniobd2d will just "sit there" even if everything is working since the other programs will interpret the data from files or connections.

Are you running carman at the same time? That won't work.

hakan 2008-12-30 16:20

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253436)
is the 00:18:E4... the correct address for the OBD interface?

Yes, that is also the adress found if I run a new "Bluetooth scan". I have this device in my "Bluetooth devices" list of the BT applet, and marked it as a "Trusted device", too.


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253436)
You've set the OBD bt address, checked OBD on, Harley is unchecked?

On the "Bluetooth Scan and Set" page, the OBD BT Addr is set up correctly, but on my "Advanced GPS setup" page, there is no "Harley" box. I still have checkboxes called "OBD" (checked), "On" (checked) and "V1" (*un*checked). OBD listens on /dev/rfcomm1.

Then again, reading, I just noticed that there is a checkbox called "HD". Is this the "Harley" you were talking about? If so, maybe you should put a space between the "HD" and the "Device" labels, it looks like just one word now. I'll try to get a screenshot later tonight.


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253436)
Is there any way you can use a terminal to type commands?

(ATZ, ATSP0, ATE1, ATH0, 00 each as a separate command)?

Will starting miniobd2 from the xterm and type those commands work? If not, then I'll have to search for a terminal program that can connect to a bluetooth device connection... I assume that are the commands that are sent in the startup() function of minigobd2d.c ?


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253436)
I have a real elm327 but there are clones that don't always play by the same rules.

miniobd2d will just "sit there" even if everything is working since the other programs will interpret the data from files or connections.

To be honest, I was looking for error messages while running miniobd2d from the command line.


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253436)
Are you running carman at the same time? That won't work.

No, no carman running. You mentioned earlier that miniobd2 and carman can't share the BT connection, so I don't even try :D


tz1 2008-12-30 16:47

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
Uncheck "On". I need to tweak the UI to make it clear that

OBD X On X HD means OBD (X On ) ( X HD )


tz1 2008-12-30 20:26

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
0.31d is up on if you want to try. V1 nemaized, and fixed an annoying bug that would leave blank btconnect tasks running (eating cpu).

hakan 2008-12-31 19:55

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253457)
Uncheck "On". I need to tweak the UI to make it clear that

OBD X On X HD means OBD (X On ) ( X HD )


I just got around to look into my traces of a run with "HD" off. I can see the "$PDSNS" traces, but still no luck with any output that looks like OBD2 (No "$PDOBD," in the trace).

I can see the "miniobd2d" process in the task list, so I'm pretty sure that the standalone programm is launched (as opposed to the harley parser built-in in minigpsd)

If I run miniobd2d from the command line, I get


Presss CTRL-C for hangup
Can't connect RFCOMM socket: Device or resource busy

I still have to strace that process to see what's going on.


hakan 2008-12-31 20:01

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253520)
0.31d is up on if you want to try. V1 nemaized, and fixed an annoying bug that would leave blank btconnect tasks running (eating cpu).

Thanks, I just installed it and will take it for a spin tomorrow.

By the way, could you please put into the installation image too? I guess that you always need the "correct" version for the "struct.unpack()" calls.

Using the currently distributed gives me


/media/mmc1/minigpsd $ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 373, in <module>
  File "", lini 47, in __init__
    self.gpsdata = mmap.mmap(self.gpsfile.fileno(), 300)
ValueError: mmap length is greater than the file size


tz1 2008-12-31 22:53

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
oops. I will have time since I'm off work until monday and will be able to sync up 0.31 for a pre-release version.

tz1 2009-01-01 21:18

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
0.31e is out on zdez, will be in extras-devel shortly

Fixed lots of problems and OBD is logged:


<!--01070g( $GPGGA,210501.200,4405.7743,N,09314.8049,W,1,10,2.0,359.5,M,-31.9,M,,0000*6C )-->
<!--01102g( $GPGSA,A,3,29,24,10,26,02,15,21,30,05,18,,,3.4,2.0,2.8*3F )-->
<!--01108l( $PDOBD,41,0D,00*00 )-->
<!--01108g( $GPGSV,3,1,12,29,70,276,42,24,67,309,44,10,61,055,41,26,34,140,38*72 )-->
<!--01131g( $G.3,9.2,-0.2,,*4A )-->
<!--01170g( $GPRMC,210501.400,A,4405.7743,N,09314.8049,W,0.00,229.78,010109,,,A*78 )-->
<!--01194g( $GPGGA,210501.400,4405.7743,N,09314.8049,W,1,10,2.0,359.5,M,-31.9,M,,0000*6A )-->
<!--01241g( $GPGSA,A,3,29,24,10,26,02,15,21,30,05,18,,,3.4,2.0,2.8*3F )-->
<!--01256g( $GPGSV,3,1,12,29,70,276,41,24,67,309,44,10,61,055,41,26,34,140,38*71 )-->
<!--01280g( $GPGSV,3,2,12,02,28,091,31,15,27,159,26,21,23,284,17,30,18,229,33*78 )-->
<!--01319g( $GPGSV,3,3,12,16,07,329,,05,06,208,22,12,03,198,,18,05,229,27*7B )-->
<!--01342g( $GPGRS,210501.40,1,1.7,-0.4,-1.0,-0.2,9.5,-0.3,,*43 )-->
<!--01351l( $PDOBD,41,0C,0B,54*58 )-->
<!--01358g( $GPRMC,210501.500,A,4405.7743,N,09314.8049,W,0.00,229.78,010109,,,A*79 )-->
<!--01405g( $GPGGA,210501.500,4405.7743,N,09314.8049,W,1,10,2.0,359.5,M,-31.9,M,,0000*6B )-->
<!--01451g( $GPGSA,A,3,29,24,10,26,02,15,21,GPGSV,3,3,12,16,07,329,,05,06,208,22,12,03,198,,18,05,229,27*7B )-->
<!--01467g( $GPGRS,210501.60,1,1.7,-0.5,-0.8,-0.3,9.1,-0.3,,*4C )-->
<!--01491g( $GPRMC,210501.700,A,4405.7743,N,09314.8049,W,0.00,229.78,010109,,,A*7B )-->
<!--01532g( $GPGGA,210501.700,4405.7743,N,09314.8049,W,1,10,2.0,359.5,M,-31.9,M,,0000*69 )-->
<!--01553g( $GPGSA,A,3,29,24,10,26,02,15,21,30,05,18,,,3.4,2.0,2.8*3F )-->
<!--01577g( $GPGSV,3,1,12,29,70,276,42,24,67,309,44,10,61,055,41,26,34,140,38*72 )-->
<!--01594l( $PDOBD,41,0D,00*00 )-->
<!--01616g( $GPGSV,3,2,12,02,28,091,31,15,27,159,26,21,23,284,17,30,18,229,33*78 )-->
<!--01663g( $GPGSV,3,3,12,16,07,329,,05,06,208,23,12,03,198,,18,05,229,27*7A )-->
<!--01686g( $GPGRS,210501.70,1,1.6,-0.5,-0.7,-0.4,9.2,-0.2,,*46 )-->
<!--01726g( $GPRMC,210501.800,A,4405.7743,N,09314.8049,W,0.00,229.78,010109,0,61,055,42,26,34,140,38*71 )-->
<!--01748g( $GPGSV,3,2,12,02,28,091,31,15,27,159,26,21,23,284,17,30,18,229,33*78 )-->
<!--01788g( $GPGSV,3,3,12,16,07,329,,05,06,208,23,12,03,198,,18,05,229,27*7A )-->
<!--01811g( $GPGRS,210501.90,1,1.6,-0.6,-0.7,-0.6,9.6,-0.1,,*4E )-->
<!--01835g( $GPRMC,210502.000,A,4405.7743,N,09314.8049,W,0.00,229.78,010109,,,A*7F )-->
<!--01835t( $PDSNS,512,34250*5C )-->

thepoche 2009-01-06 02:07

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 253930)
0.31e is out on zdez, will be in extras-devel shortly

Fixed lots of problems and OBD is logged:


<!--01351l( $PDOBD,41,0C,0B,54*58 )-->

Where can I find docs on how to translate that into usable data?

tz1 2009-01-06 12:06

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Among others. Data is in hexadecimal (base 16).

41 is a response.
0C is the PID.
0B54 is the RPM*4

The accompanying program in python that does the dashboard contains the equations to do conversions.

thepoche 2009-01-06 15:31

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 254876)

Among others. Data is in hexadecimal (base 16).

41 is a response.
0C is the PID.
0B54 is the RPM*4

The accompanying program in python that does the dashboard contains the equations to do conversions.

Great! Thank you.

tz1 2009-01-24 16:16

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
Someone PM'ed me but has the account set to NOT receive private messages, which include replys.

I also just got a sparkfun 6dof accelerometer gyro combination.
(I got the 75 deg/sec - better precision for vehicles, but perhaps not for other applications, the 150 or 300 might be better). It will be integrated into minigpsd when I have some free time.

Atrophos 2009-01-24 21:45

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
it was me :) i PM-ed you before my account got blocked for MP-s :)

did you receive my pm? :)

tz1 2009-01-25 01:04

Re: minigpsd/miniobd2d 0.31
I got the PM but I couldn't reply. In short, you might need to configure it first (upon install it should work). It would be simple to write just the minimal information in CSV (and optionally zip that). Starting things up from boot is also fairly simple.

If you can't PM, just ask here.

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