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mced 2014-04-18 13:18

MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
After some days dealing with this issue, lots of headaches, tricks, patches and the like, I have came to a dead end.

MPV compiles with success. But when it's time to open a video file, there's nothing. I have joined MPV official IRC channel and this is what they have told me:


> Hi all, I'm trying to compile MPV for Wayland with no success. Stay here or join

> you can stay here

> also, obligatory worksforme™

> ok, config.log says "Checking for Wayland... result is yes". But, at the ending, it says "Enabled optional drivers... video output: (blank)". Compling is successful, but "mpv -vo help" says nothing about Wayland.

> mced: do you have opengl headers?

> I haven't checked that

> I will see

> mced: moreover, you’re not using the waf build system, right?

> maybe the old one is broken

> you're right, but I'm compiling version 0.1.7

> what. why.

> wow prehistoric

> newer versions require Wayland not available on my platform

> fix your platform

> not sure why you want wayland

> and even less sure why an ancient version of wayland would be fine

> yeah, this

> ok, it's a small phone called Jolla, which OS (Sailfish) uses only Wayland

> I see, but are they really using ancient wayland?

> that’s sad and surprising

> let me check

> oh, you want to port mpv to jolla?

> Installed    wayland-devel-1.1.0+git2-1.2.1.armv7hl

> y: not like much porting has to be done

> hehe

> sailfish is basically Mer with a custom UI

> or something

> yep

> I know

> and Mer takes a bunch of things from opensuse

> how about hwacc?

> been following it almost since jolla became public

> k: difficult, thanks to SoC vendors being *******s

> qualcomm in this case, right?

> I doubt mpv would work on it anyway

> yep, Qualcomm

> mpv doesn't support GLES for one

> w: *modern* mobile GPUs actually support regular opengl

> but apparently we (libass) can't get a new release done

> the problem is that the majority of devices still ship with 9 years old crap

> l: really?

> (hello powervr sgx530)

> w: well they kind of have to support something else for windows mobile stuff too :P

> heh heh... I don't understand many of that, but thanks anyway

> so it seems it won't work

> I’ll play around with it when I get my jolla device

> I still have that voucher for preordering, but I didn’t actually buy it yet

> bit of a financial problem right now, life sucks :V

> :(

> that would be great, l. Blog, forum, any way of checking you?

> nope, I’m a web 1.0 person

> hah hah

> mced: but to be honest, without hwaccel I don’t see mpv working well on that device

> by hwaccel do you mean hardware decoding?

> and hwaccel probably requires openmax support, and will be quirky at best even when it works

> because qualcomm’s drivers are outright terrible

> yeah

> it's a shame, because compiling MPV was being a lot of fun

> lot of trouble

> well, if I ever get a not-dumbphone, I'll probably try to make mpv work on it no matter the costs

> nobody prevents you from trying mced

> Like LIMA, Freedreno is an open source driver for Adreno devices, in a mature enough state to run large applications like XBMC on top of an open source stack. Once again, Rob Clark from Freedreno did not get any help from Qualcomm: to provide a better driver for everyone, he had to reverse engineer the blob provided by Qualcomm and write his own shader compiler backend on top of the Mesa infrastructure. One person, working mostly alone, produced better quality drivers than a whole team working at Qualcomm. And because nobody seems to care about these issues, his work is not used by any major phone manufacturer or in any Android version that we know of.

> quote taken from

> so, the key words are "hwaccel", "openmax" and "freedreno"

> I guess

> well, assuming the jolla thing is adreno-based (I have no clue)

> l: that's terrible

> more terrible than to hear about war in syria etc.

> yep, Adreno 305

> Qualcomm Snapdragon 400

> well, good luck with that then :D

> thank you very much to all

> I still think jolla and sailfish are better than the android/ios crap though

> wasn't there some interest in using freedreno drivers with sailfish? at least among the community

> the state of mobile graphics is horrible no matter where you go

... and then the conversation turned to Google Java Dalvik, systemd and closed SoCs.

What do you think? Keep trying to run "Mplayer" (actually MPV) is useless on Sailfish? Because I'm tired of things like unsupported XviD.

Repeating the steps I've followed:

1. Download MPV 0.1.7 source code, do ./configure --disable-x11 --disable-sdl --enable-wayland --disable-libass. It seems to detect Wayland...


============ Checking for Wayland ============

pkg-config --cflags wayland-client >= 1.0.0 wayland-egl >= 9.0.0 wayland-cursor >= 1.0.0 xkbcommon >= 0.3.0

pkg-config --libs wayland-client >= 1.0.0 wayland-egl >= 9.0.0 wayland-cursor >= 1.0.0 xkbcommon >= 0.3.0

libs: -lwayland-egl -lwayland-client -lwayland-cursor -lxkbcommon

Result is: yes

... but there's no Wayland in the summary:


Enabled optional drivers:
    Input: pvr tv-v4l2 tv vcd dvb
    Codecs: libavcodecs
    Audio output: pulse oss
    Video output:

After "make", checking video output:


./mpv -vo help
Available video outputs:
  null          : Null video output
  image          : Write video frames to image files

No Wayland and no output :(

nieldk 2014-04-18 13:29

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
well, already the summary tells no video out, it seems only some digital tv and dvd codecs got compiled.
So, You will need to figure out how to adress the correct video framework available on Jolla and if you are missing some optional codecs.
Seems from the IRC that those guys believe gles is not supported.

mced 2014-04-18 14:48

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
But there is something weird: at first,both Wayland and Pulseaudio were undetected (no dev packages). And so it was written in summary: "pulse" and "wayland" where listed in "Disabled optional drivers".

Installed pulseaudio-devel, then 'configure script' detected it and was written in summary "enabled" section, as you can see.

Installed a bunch of weird things in order to let 'configure script' detect Wayland. It succeeded. But summary doesn't show it at all, "enabled" nor "disabled".

Disappeared. I don't understand it.

Also, I can't let OpenGL be detected, as somebody suggested on IRC. These are the times when I miss my Debian and its great collection of devel packages.

szopin 2014-04-18 19:10

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
Check video/out folder and compare to newest version, no vo_wayland.* in the wayland 1.1 (0.1.7) version you're trying to make, only gl_wayland (the latest version has wayland listed in output if you modify configure to look for 1.1, but of course won't build, this is scary, our bleeding edge is already 6 months old for this project, hopefully jolla plan to move to wayland 1.2 soon)

mced 2014-04-18 20:23

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
Oh, that makes sense. Thank you very much. Time to wait until 1.2 is released.

ahjolinna 2014-08-11 16:57

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
@mced have you tried with the latest MPV version (0.4.2)...jolla wayland version is now 1.1.0+git2-1.2.1.....I really hope Jolla would upgrade to 1.4

mced 2014-08-12 04:20

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
Thanks, my Jolla was stolen five months ago and I'm sort of away, waiting for Jolla 2 on... 2015?

ahjolinna 2014-08-12 11:16

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(

Originally Posted by mced (Post 1435525)
Thanks, my Jolla was stolen five months ago and I'm sort of away, waiting for Jolla 2 on... 2015?

well that sucks, no insurance? Jolla 2 will arrive end of next year.. I would guess

liar 2015-05-09 13:47

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
I have been able to compile the most recent version of mpv with SDL2 + GLES2 backend. I used this configuration because mpvs wayland backend requires version 1.6 of wayland and SailfishOS currently ships with wayland 1.3.

but video playback does not work.

these are the current issues:
sometimes when i start a video this happens:
but sometimes it starts fine.. but the progress is not changing, the screen is black and there is no audio
if i press left/right or pause(space) and unpause(space again) it starts progressing automatically but there is neither video nor audio output
i have tried different file formats and file sizes but i had no success in starting a video yet.

the SDL2 errors i mentioned above happen independent of the file size at random.

tetris11_ 2016-01-30 18:51

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
It's been almost 8 months. Any update on this?

norayr 2016-02-19 05:20

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
hey, I don't need mplayer to play videos.

I need just a console version to play music and radio streams.

Can you share the compiled version? Or compile it without video support at all?

And add to openrepos.

I believe can do that, I used to compile mplayer in the past often. But I have a lot of work these couple of days, and no Jolla sdk environment, and would appreciate if some one would do that.

liar 2016-03-01 19:09

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
i have managed to compile mpv and it plays back videos!

via this hack:

audio doesn't work yet though (probably need libaudioresource), and video needs to be rotated

tetris11_ 2016-03-02 10:55

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
I mean.... your username is only that, right?

liar 2016-03-03 19:20

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
video (size meh) and audio (need to figure out where to put the code...) work

EDIT: ... silly me ... you can use the --fs (fullscreen) option to have the video appropriately sized :)

paolomi 2016-03-09 07:58

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
great news! :)
could you provide the rpm for testing purpose? :D
Many thanks :)

tetris11_ 2016-03-26 02:22

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
hey! any update on that package?

wolke 2018-11-14 19:29

Re: MPV (mplayer fork) on Sailfish: no success :(
heres a (crappy, work-in-progress) cmdline audio-file player that i use as the backend to my music thingie (klomp). it requires pyqt which is installable using zypper if you ignore the error about breaking it.

unfortunately, there is a bug in QT that makes the QMediaPlayer fail on vbr MP3s, so i had to write an extremely lowlevel player using QAudioDecoder for mp3.

also no keyboard control yet, just a few cmdline args


usage: qtcmdplayer [-h] [--loop] [--volume VOLUME] [--mp3] [--nomp3]

Play music/sound files from the command line using PyQt5 media tools.

positional arguments:
  FILE                  sound file to play
  POSITION_MILLIS      optional starting position in millis
  COMMAND_FIFO          optional path to existing FIFO for listening to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --loop, -loop        when playback is finished, play again immediately
  --volume VOLUME, -volume VOLUME
                        set volume 0 - 100(values greater than 100 are allowed
                        only for MP3s, or with --mp3)
  --mp3                force MP3 mode regardless of file extension (use
                        QAudioDecoder+QAudioOutput instead of QMediaPlayer)
  --nomp3              force non-MP3 mode regardless of file extension (use
                        QMediaPlayer instead of QAudioDecoder+QAudioOutput)

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