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Hybride 2005-11-25 13:08

New update: 2.2005.45 (November 24, 2005)
This update includes small feature enhancements and corrections which provide improved performance

Titus 2005-11-25 13:25


Originally Posted by Hybride
This update includes small feature enhancements and corrections which provide improved performance

Thank you very much for the info. To the update page!,8764,79636,00.html

Bill 2005-11-25 13:48

Just installed the "update" which weighs over 59 mb on my PC. It seems to be an image, and you end up with a fresh out of the box 770 . luckily it urges you to make a backup first, just cancel away all wizards and restore your backed up files, additional installed apps are gone though...

henry 2005-11-25 14:05

Hmm... it's seems the backup software doesn't save the settings of the additional installed apps. I think I'll tar and backup the whole home dir just to be sure...

Hybride 2005-11-25 15:18

any noticable changes?

Titus 2005-11-25 15:25

Have to write my excited first experiences: Three concurrent browser windows opened and pdf-reader, all windows much more responsive than with previous version. Actually with that load, previous version wasn't responsive at all. WLAN connects with first try, no more several retries and network not found error messages.
I'm impressed, but this is just very first five minutes, have to try WPA soon.

henry 2005-11-25 15:26

I tried to update using the the windows binaries, but I keep getting an error while unpacking Nokia_770_Software_Update.exe.

So instead I downloaded Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin from

The system seems to be more responsive. I tried opening a large PDF file with images. I used to hang the system. Well it still does, but only the PDF application itself. I can still access the other menus and start new applications. Now I'm looking for a way to kill the PDF application (without starting xterm to kill the process)...

Titus 2005-11-25 15:40

Thank you Samuel and others at Nokia! WPA works for us poor ones with only one AP on sight! :D
Original problem here:

melody 2005-11-25 17:11

Hrm... I wonder if this is why it's been delayed in the US
So, I wonder if this is why it's been delayed in the US. They were waiting for the new patch to pass QA and roll out. They may have a bunch of flashing of units to do.

If this is true it would have been nice if someone at Nokia said so. We'd all have happily waited instead of sitting here rabbling. :P


Hybride 2005-11-25 18:44

This is very very good. Browsing and loading through wifi is now really fast after the update. Everything runs very smooth!

cuckoo 2005-11-25 19:39

Well, i'm very content with the update... no crashed and a lot more speed!!!

My official YAY!!!!

andymulhearn 2005-11-25 22:35

I had one crash with the flash player opening the 770 home page at Nokia. Embarrassing that.

Apart from that, it's much snappier in response. Apps load quicker, videos take less time to start playing and app switching is much quicker.

There are still some e-mail issues - where messages don't get deleted from my 770 when I've deleted them from the server but all-in-all I must concur with Cuckoo, a pretty decent upgrade.

Milhouse 2005-11-26 00:42

Pretty good experience with the upgrade so far - WPA WiFi is much better - but I do have some relatively minor issues:

1. I'm seeing some wierd font rendering at certain zoom levels on web pages - eg. this forum at 150%, Optimised View, full screen - there's very occasional pixel doubling on some lines which disappear if I press Home and then return to the web page

2. The audio player no longer correctly streams audio from my Slimserver 6.2.1 server... it plays a track for a second or two, then skips to the next track for a second or two, then to the next track, then the next... Shoutcast streams from the internet seem fine.

3. The news reader is showing some wierd character/glyph (a square with the numbers 20 above 09 on two lines) for some "FT Companies" news feeds

Two things I wish they would fix is the option to display the home page clock in 24 hour format, and for the "Last updated" time on the home page News panel to be in 24 hour format - or at least give an indication of AM/PM!

Reggie 2005-11-26 01:54

Can anyone list down the enhancements that is probably listed in the readme file or something, so we can create an article about it?


gultig 2005-11-26 02:55


Originally Posted by Reggie
Can anyone list down the enhancements that is probably listed in the readme file or something, so we can create an article about it?


Well, someone could go through the maemo-commits mailing list, but it won't be me. :p

Remote User 2005-11-26 04:38


Originally Posted by gultig
Well, someone could go through the maemo-commits mailing list, but it won't be me. :p

If viewing the progress in the maemo commits doesn't get anyone exited they had better check to see if they have a pulse.

henry 2005-11-26 08:14


Originally Posted by Milhouse

1. I'm seeing some wierd font rendering at certain zoom levels on web pages - eg. this forum at 150%, Optimised View, full screen - there's very occasional pixel doubling on some lines which disappear if I press Home and then return to the web page

Yeah the browser definately needs some work. For example this page The font size is all wrong. gpe mini-browser seems to render it correctly.

Originally Posted by Milhouse
2. The audio player no longer correctly streams audio from my Slimserver 6.2.1 server... it plays a track for a second or two, then skips to the next track for a second or two, then to the next track, then the next... Shoutcast streams from the internet seem fine.

No problem with Slimserver overhere...


Originally Posted by Milhouse
Two things I wish they would fix is the option to display the home page clock in 24 hour format, and for the "Last updated" time on the home page News panel to be in 24 hour format - or at least give an indication of AM/PM!

Isnīt that a regional issue? Mine is in 24 hour format already. Maybe tey should make the regional settings customizable.

Gwaant 2005-11-26 09:05

Mac users: Get the .bin from Maemo
As the update on the Nokia site is windows only, I got the .bin file from and ran the Mac flasher following the Howto at

Note that this method doesn't give you any nastygrams about taking backups etc beforehand, like I imagine the windows installer does, so if you want backups, you had better sort them out before trying this...


Cube:~/Downloads gwaant$ ./flasher.macosx -F Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin -f -R
Found image 2nd (length 8576)
Found image secondary (length 79360)
Found image xloader (length 13824)
Found image initfs (length 1567360)
Found image kernel (length 1481728)
Found image rootfs (length 57540608)
Suitable USB device not found, waiting
USB device found found at bus 002, device address 002-0421-0105-02-00
Found board Nokia 770 (F5)
NOLO version 0.9.0
Sending X-Loader image (13 kB)...
100% (13 of 13 kB, avg. 642 kB/s)
Sending secondary image (77 kB)...
100% (77 of 77 kB, avg. 775 kB/s)
Flashing X-Loader... done.
Sending kernel image (1447 kB)...
100% (1447 of 1447 kB, avg. 795 kB/s)
Flashing kernel... done.
Sending initfs image (1530 kB)...
100% (1530 of 1530 kB, avg. 795 kB/s)
Flashing initfs... done.
Sending and flashing rootfs image (56192 kB)...
100% (56192 of 56192 kB, avg. 647 kB/s)
Finishing flashing... done
Cube:~/Downloads gwaant$
As others have said, browser connectivity is much better .. Bluetooth pairing with my P910i still fails though ...

Cheers ... Gwaant

gadget1974 2005-11-26 09:22

Much, much better. It's now working like I had expected! Still a little buggy but almost, dare I use the phrase... 'Snappy'....!

I bet this is why they delayed the shipments ...probably worried about the initial reactions to speed and connectivity..

Milhouse 2005-11-26 14:02


Originally Posted by henry
Isnīt that a regional issue? Mine is in 24 hour format already. Maybe tey should make the regional settings customizable.

You're right! I'm using English (UK) as my region, I tried Netherlands and the clock changed to 24 hour format (though the News reader "Last Updated" time stubbornly remained in 12 hour format with no indication of am/pm). This is a terrible (and fundamental) design decision - there should be a seperate preference to choose 12/24 hour clock format, which all applications then abide by! The preference for a 12 or 24 hour clock format has nothing to do with where I am from - what were Nokia thing off?! :)

Milhouse 2005-11-26 14:06


Originally Posted by henry
No problem with Slimserver overhere...

Trying again and now I have no problems either... nothing has changed, other than my 770 has been rebooted a couple of times. Scratch that one from the "negative" list - it works fine (phew!) :)

Bill 2005-11-26 14:21

Well, tested the new release since yesterday, I always considered it to be 'Snappy' to quote gadget1974 above. The good news is that now it stays snappy with more apps open and it doesn't require anymore reboots to get rid of memory clutter of the browser.

Misc stuff that seems to have improved,

-establishing a WLAN connection seems to happen even quicker
-nav pad can now be used to browse to pdf pages

Probably loads more subtle changes...

Manu 2005-11-26 20:33


Originally Posted by Gwaant
As the update on the Nokia site is windows only, I got the .bin file from and ran the Mac flasher following the Howto at

Note that this method doesn't give you any nastygrams about taking backups etc beforehand, like I imagine the windows installer does, so if you want backups, you had better sort them out before trying this...

As others have said, browser connectivity is much better .. Bluetooth pairing with my P910i still fails though ...

Cheers ... Gwaant


I really do feel silly but could you give me a more detailed approach on how to install this stuff. As root in the terminal I get a "-sh: ./flasher: No such file or directory" message. What am I doing wrong here ? The 770 is connected and off to my Mac through the usb cable. I don't get it. Also what do I do with the .bin file. Thanks for your explanations

Gwaant 2005-11-26 22:10

Mac OS X step by step
Before doing any of this remember flashing will reset the device and you'll loose all yor settings. If you need anything backed up, you should do it before any of this. Probably a good idea for the 770s battery to be charged as well.

This is what I did:

1 - Turn of the 770 and make sure not plugged into USB.

2 - Download the flasher.macosx file from maemo -

3 - Open a terminal window in Mac OS X and naviagte to your download directory. Issue :

chmod a+x flasher.macosx

4 - Download the new 770 firmware .bin file from maemo. Go here: Enter your 770's WLAN MAC address (see the page for details on how to find it), next accept the terms, and then you'll see a list of files ... You want the big .bin one described as Software version 0.2005.45-8

5 - Go back to your terminal window, and I'll assume the downloaded .bin file is in the same directory as the previously downloaded flasher.macosx file. Now run the following (I did not switch to root first):

./flasher.macosx -F Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin -f -R

You should then get messages something like :

Found image 2nd (length 8576)
Found image secondary (length 79360)
Found image xloader (length 13824)
Found image initfs (length 1567360)
Found image kernel (length 1481728)
Found image rootfs (length 57540608)
Suitable USB device not found, waiting

6 - Now plug in the USB cable (I had the charger plugged in as well) and turn on the 770. If all goes well the terminal window will stop waiting and you'll get messages like this :

USB device found found at bus 002, device address 002-0421-0105-02-00
Found board Nokia 770 (F5)
NOLO version 0.9.0
Sending X-Loader image (13 kB)...
100% (13 of 13 kB, avg. 642 kB/s)
Sending secondary image (77 kB)...
100% (77 of 77 kB, avg. 775 kB/s)
Flashing X-Loader... done.
Sending kernel image (1447 kB)...
100% (1447 of 1447 kB, avg. 795 kB/s)
Flashing kernel... done.
Sending initfs image (1530 kB)...
100% (1530 of 1530 kB, avg. 795 kB/s)
Flashing initfs... done.
Sending and flashing rootfs image (56192 kB)...
100% (56192 of 56192 kB, avg. 647 kB/s)
Finishing flashing... done

If the 'Suitable USB device not found, waiting' message stays displayed, try unplugging the USB cable, switching off the 770, plug it back in and turn the 770 back on again.

7 - Restore any data you backed up, and enjoy a much better WiFi experience!

Cheers ... Gwaant

Manu 2005-11-26 22:34

Thanks so much Gwaant. I will try that tomorrow morning and let you know...I have to admit that this terminal thing is new to me although I'm on Macs for 9 years now. I am a bit mad at Nokia for not providing Apple support as always...
Thanks again anyway, Manu

Manu 2005-11-27 08:39

Sorry Gwaant but it just doesn't do it for me.
I can't open the flasher via the terminal. If I double click the flasher it opens a terminal window but when I enter either command
"hmod a+x flasher.macosx" or
"./flasher.macosx -F Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin -f -R"
I get the "No such file or directory" message and that's about it


aflegg 2005-11-27 09:04


Originally Posted by Manu
when I enter either command
"hmod a+x flasher.macosx" or
"./flasher.macosx -F Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin -f -R"
I get the "No such file or directory" message and that's about it

You have to ensure the terminal is in the directory containing 'flasher.macosx' - and that the downloaded file is actually called that.

If you downloaded it to your Documents folder, then the first thing you should type when opening the terminal is:


cd Documents
...then set the permissions and run the flasher:


chmod a+x flasher.macosx
./flasher.macosx -F Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin -f -R

Note that the flasher command above is assuming that you've downloaded the image into the same directory as the flasher itself.



Gwaant 2005-11-27 09:14


Originally Posted by Manu
If I double click the flasher it opens a terminal window but when I enter either command
"hmod a+x flasher.macosx" or
"./flasher.macosx -F Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin -f -R"
I get the "No such file or directory" message and that's about it



Don't try and double click the 'flasher' program (and it needs to be the flasher.macosx file you downloaded and not flasher).

First find out where you downloaded finder.macosx and Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin. Do this with finder e.g. highlight them and then select file/get info. On the Info panel on the General section should be a line that says Where: Remember this directory name. Then do the same thing on the Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin file you downloaded. The directory shown in the Where: section should be the same to make life easier.

Open the terminal window using finder e.g. Applications/Utilities/Terminal.

In the terminal cd to the directory identified on the Where: e.g. if it was /Users/manu/downloads do:

cd /Users/manu/downloads

Note that the names are cases sensitive.

Now do the "chmod a+x flasher.macosx" (without the quotes) and don't forget the c at the front of the command. If you get something like "chmod: flasher.macosx: No such file or directory" then you are probably in the wrong directory or have a typo in the file name ... do a "ls -l" to see the files in the directory. If the chmod works, you won't get any messages back, just a new command line.

Now try the flasher.macosx command:

If you get something like "Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin: No such file or directory". Again the names are case sensitive and make sure that Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin is in the current folder, again check with "ls -l".

Cheers ... Gwaant

Manu 2005-11-27 09:45

Gwaant... It worked ! Thank you for your time and patience. You will stay as the guy who helped me through my first command line in the terminal.
Yes, all it took was cd Documents (I had moved both files from my desktop to the documents file prior). 2 command lines later - voilā. I do feel really stupid though. The machine seems to be snappier. I had backed up before the upgrade. I just finished the restore process and everything is there ! I can't believe that I nearly install Virtual PC on my Mac just for this upgrade ;-)
Thanks again and have a great sunday,


aflegg 2005-11-27 10:38

For what it's worth, I'm working on a GUI front-end to the Flasher program in Platypus. I'll hopefully have an initial release out for Mac OS X this afternoon.

Manu 2005-11-27 11:12

Affleg, thanks for your help !

That would be great for guys like me. I guess for the big majority of osX users would tend to feel safer with a GUI.

Samuel 2005-11-27 11:43


Originally Posted by Titus
WPA works for us poor ones with only one AP on sight! :D

Great, and sorry for having let the bug slipped in the first release.

aflegg 2005-11-30 18:10

Mac OS X Flasher GUI now available

Originally Posted by Manu
That would be great for guys like me. I guess for the big majority of osX users would tend to feel safer with a GUI.

The initial version of is now available from:

It goes without saying, of course, that this is not affiliated with Nokia in any way and I won't be held responsible if your machine grows legs and runs off with your husband/wife/hamster.

Having said that, comments welcome :-)



Hamish 2005-12-01 11:29

Can't find my 770...
Well. I can find it, but for some reason the flasher doesn't. I though it was my desktop (Windoze), so stopped trying the .exe, got the .bin & Linux flasher & tried my laptop.
The flasher just sits there saying

ballbreaker:/archive/Nokia# ./flasher -F Nokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin -f -R
Found image 2nd (length 8576)
Found image secondary (length 79360)
Found image xloader (length 13824)
Found image initfs (length 1567360)
Found image kernel (length 1481728)
Found image rootfs (length 57540608)
Suitable USB device not found, waiting

The device is there though... usb-storage certainly sees it... And it's listed in the usb devices e.g.

T: Bus=02 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=01 Cnt=01 Dev#= 5 Spd=12 MxCh= 0
D: Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=64 #Cfgs= 1
P: Vendor=0421 ProdID=0431 Rev= 3.08
S: Manufacturer=Linux with omap_udc
S: Product=File-backed Storage Gadget
S: SerialNumber=3230204F6374
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=c0 MxPwr= 2mA
I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=08(stor.) Sub=06 Prot=50 Driver=usb-storage
E: Ad=81(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms
E: Ad=02(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS= 64 Ivl=0ms


Anyone? Is it something I'm doing wrong?

Gwaant 2005-12-01 12:29

It needs to reboot ...
You might be doing this already, but when the flasher is waiting, and you plug in the USB cable and power on the 770, make sure the 770 boots and doesn't just come out of standby...

Cheers ... Grant.

Hamish 2005-12-01 12:48


Originally Posted by Gwaant
You might be doing this already, but when the flasher is waiting, and you plug in the USB cable and power on the 770, make sure the 770 boots and doesn't just come out of standby...

Cheers ... Grant.

AFAIK it is... I shut it down using the power button & selecting turn the device off. The screen gos white & shows a little battery icon saying the battery is full (because I have it on mains as well).

Then I press the power button, it starts. When the interface comes up (After the shaking hands & Nokia logo), it eventually connects to the laptop & says PC Interface active... Meanwhile flasher just sits there saying "Suitable USB device not found, waiting".

What's it actually looking for?

Hamish 2005-12-01 12:52

Got it...

I had to remove the battery, then put it back, AND hold down the 'Home' button when turning it back on.

Don't know why... Maybe I changed some setting... It's flashing the rootfs as I type now...

MikeB 2005-12-03 23:38

Has anyone installed this update on a U.S. device successfully? Mine currently has version 0.2005.40-18 and I would like to run the update. I was concerned though since Nokia only has the update and the update wizard available on the European site, not on the U.S. site...

Samuel 2005-12-04 00:19


Originally Posted by MikeB
I was concerned though since Nokia only has the update and the update wizard available on the European site, not on the U.S. site...

The image is the same for US and EU devices. You can safely install it.

waddell 2005-12-04 00:44


Originally Posted by Samuel
The image is the same for US and EU devices. You can safely install it.

I was about to apply this update, but the 770 I just bought from compusa
is already running 2.2005.45-7.

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