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Milhouse 2007-08-03 18:14

A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Full instructions for downloading and installing A2DP software can be found here. The instructions listed here offer a simplified and largely automated installation methodology that should work every time.

Jump to step 5 if you have xterm and wget installed, root access and have already paired your Bluetooth headset.

Pre-requisites to be satisfied before installing A2DP

0. Have an N800

Which must be running OS 2007 (3.2007.10-7 or later).

OS 2006 on 770 and OS 2007HE on 770 are not supported by these instructions.

1. xterm must be installed
2. "Becomeroot" package must be installed or device in R&D mode
  • Install the Becomeroot package by adding the following repository to application manager:

    Web Address:
    Distribution: bora
    Components: user
  • Alternatively see the wiki for details on how to enable R&D mode.

3. wget installed for downloading web-based files from the command line
  • Open xterm and execute the following commands in xterm (you must have satisfied pre-requisite #2 before continuing):

    sudo gainroot
    apt-get install wget

4. Pair your Bluetooth headset with your N800
  • Pairing instructions will vary from device to device. A pairing code of 0000 will typically allow the headset to pair automatically once set into pairing mode.

Once all of the above pre-requisites are satisfied continue at step 5.

Installing the A2DP software

5. Download and execute the A2DP software installation scripts
  • The following commands will create a temporary working directory, download two shell scripts using wget then execute those two scripts in turn.
As user "user"
  • The first script,, will attempt to identify the Bluetooth address for the Bluetooth headset paired with your N800.
  • Execute the second script,, and pass the address of your Bluetooth headset (identified after running the first script, including colons) as a parameter. This step will download the A2DP software packages and generate configuration scripts specific to your Bluetooth headset.


    mkdir ~/a2dp
    cd ~/a2dp
    chmod +x
    ./ 00:11:22:33:44:55

    where 00:11:22:33:44:55 must be replaced by YOUR Bluetooth Headset address as identified by
As user "root"
  • Switch to the root superuser and again execute the second script This step will install the A2DP packages and finalise the configuration. Reboot.


    sudo gainroot

  • Optionally remove the temporary directory ~/a2dp with the following command as the directory and it's contents are no longer required:

    rm -fr ~/a2dp
  • Enjoy A2DP audio when using the Kagu audio player. :)


18 August 2007: Updated script to support repository based installation of the latest mplayer (currently 1.0rc1-maemo.18.n800)

gigabites 2007-08-05 12:08

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
my god this is fantastic! why the heck isn't this part of the OS? Seriously, now I can use my Moto HT820 bluetooth A2DP headphones.

Now if only someone can get skype to be able to do the exact same thing, I'ld be set.

A million thanks Millhouse for this easy how to. Even a non unix guy like me was able to follow them.


zerojay 2007-08-05 12:11

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by gigabites (Post 65718)
my god this is fantastic! why the heck isn't this part of the OS? Seriously, now I can use my Moto HT820 bluetooth A2DP headphones.

Now if only someone can get skype to be able to do the exact same thing, I'ld be set.

A million thanks Millhouse for this easy how to. Even a non unix guy like me was able to follow them.


Because its so resource-intensive that the CPU is at full use, which sucks down battery life like a 10 year old Thai hooker. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait for official support.

gigabites 2007-08-05 12:25

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
yeh i can see from kagu's responsiveness drops when i use this feature.

But for something like skype to use a regular bluetooth headset profile like for the moto HS850 can't be that cpu intensive? My 3 yr old Nokia 6230b cell handles it with no problems.

I just hate the oem headset and really *HATE* the fact that it's wired.

zerojay 2007-08-05 17:08

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by gigabites (Post 65720)
yeh i can see from kagu's responsiveness drops when i use this feature.

But for something like skype to use a regular bluetooth headset profile like for the moto HS850 can't be that cpu intensive? My 3 yr old Nokia 6230b cell handles it with no problems.

I just hate the oem headset and really *HATE* the fact that it's wired.

I'm not exactly familiar with the workaround that is being used here, but it would be the same for pretty much any application that uses it at this point as far as I can see. It's basically just one big hack right now which is why the CPU use is so high. Also, forget about Skype using this - it's closed source. We'll have to wait for Nokia to do it and once they do, we shouldn't see anywhere near the same CPU use problems... IF they do it at all, that is.

yabbas 2007-08-15 01:30

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Cheers Millhouse :)

Just bought me a pair of A2DP headphones from the Orange store at Bluewater.

In their bargain bin you'll find the iTech BlueBAND Bluetooth stereo headset. The same box also contains the iTech BlueCON35 - a small 3.5mm analogue audio jack --> Bluetooth dongle that'll transmit any analogue stereo audio over Bluetooth A2DP.

Why am I saying this? Box says "Was £39.99 now £29.99" it scanned in at £14.99 quality is not bad at all! (Actually - pretty great!) :D

geekboy 2007-08-15 03:20

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Thanks Milhouse! It's a great posting!

Till Nokia builds it into the n800 native, this will do great!:D

sachin007 2007-08-15 04:03

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Please please please can anybody confirm wheter the nokia bh 601 headset will work with the ad2p in the nokia n800. I want to buy it and it will be a waste of money if it doesnt work afyer ibuy it. Please guys help

orbitalcomp 2007-08-15 05:23

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 68568)
Please please please can anybody confirm wheter the nokia bh 601 headset will work with the ad2p in the nokia n800. I want to buy it and it will be a waste of money if it doesnt work afyer ibuy it. Please guys help

As long as it supports A2DP, it should work without any problems once you follow Milhouse's excellent installation guide.

I have used Kagu with three different BT devices, none of them Nokia-branded, and they all work perfectly. One Sony, one Logitech, one Anycom.

sachin007 2007-08-23 21:23

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
I got this error message..... "Couldn't find package wget"

what to do?? please help. I got my new nokia bh headset just today and i am excited to connect it .... some one please help.


orbitalcomp 2007-08-23 22:10

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 70726)
I got this error message..... "Couldn't find package wget"

what to do?? please help. I got my new nokia bh headset just today and i am excited to connect it .... some one please help.


Install this:

Should do the trick...

sachin007 2007-08-23 22:20

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
I am getting this error "sbc-svn_20070608-1 armel.deb..... i installed sbn from the kaju site but it still gives teh above error.

Someone help. Thanks

orbitalcomp 2007-08-23 22:27

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 70739)
I am getting this error "sbc-svn_20070608-1 armel.deb..... i installed sbn from the kaju site but it still gives teh above error.

Someone help. Thanks

You might try uninstalling that package and then start from Square #1, using Milhouse's install that is at the beginning of the thread. Doing that, there should be no errors.

I set mine up before Milhouse posted this tutorial, but I followed the directions that trevarthan originally posted on the Kagu site. I followed them exactly in the order they were listed, and I had no problems, although I also got a bit stuck like you when I had to install wget.

sachin007 2007-08-23 22:57

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Thank you orbital comp for trying to help me. Everything goes well until i come to the./install followed by the blue tooth address.... it still says "sbc-svn_20070608-1 armel.deb not found." I can see it installed in the application manager. As per your idea i uninstalled it and again installed it.....but the same error. Some one please help. I desperately need this ad2p headset to work. I ll check back later. Thanks for everyone

Milhouse 2007-08-23 23:54

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Read and follow the instructions carefully - don't pass the bluetooth address as a parameter when you are the root user, pass it only when you are the normal user "user". Then switch to root and run again but this time *without* the bluetooth parameter.

If I get time maybe I'll change the script so that you only need to run once as user (and have it switch to root automatically when required) but for now it's a two step process that requires you to follow the instructions. :)

sachin007 2007-08-24 01:54

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Than you very much milhouse...... that did the trick. I am sorry for my ignorance in linux. Someday after i am done with my medical boards.... i will learn it. I just love my tablet. Thanks.

And one more thing. how do we play internet radio streams using mplayer and then stream them to the bluetooth headset?
Reply whenever you are free.

Milhouse 2007-08-25 08:56

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Streaming is out of my league... I think you'll have to wait for full A2DP integration with the rest of the Nokia firmware or play around with mplayer -ao alsa:device=a2dpd2 may work.

ascherjim 2007-09-05 00:19

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Am in a quandary. I don't want to buy Bluetooth headphones until I'm reasonably certain I can install Milhouse's apparently quite-laudable hack. However, try as I might, I cannot install wget on my N800 with its newly updated operating system. (I had successfully installed it on the last N800 updated operating system, which has now been replaced.) I've tried to install it both using the command line method (with apt-get) and the Maemo download method. Neither works, although others have apparently succeeded. Can any of those "others" provide me with alternative options for me in this regard? Installing wget shouldn't any longer be such a problem. It's been a Nokia Internet application for a long time now -- and I've previously installed and used it!

sachin007 2007-09-05 00:24

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
I had the same problem initially... But i went to and installed it without any problems. May be some other application is preventing the installation.

Milhouse 2007-09-05 02:16

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
ascherjim - in case you haven't already tried it, what about downloading the Bora wget deb from here and installing it manually (dpkg -i)?

What errors are you getting when you try to install wget? It does sound as though you've installed or upgraded something which now causes wget to choke.

ascherjim 2007-09-05 06:18

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Milhouse: Very strange! After trying everything you suggested, with the same error messages coming up each time no matter which method I've employed (usually citing an apparently missing ncurses-bin -- which I know is there), I've discovered that my wget application was already installed -- and works when I've tested it! But it doesn't show up as one of my installed applications in my Applications Manager. How can that be? Anyway, an apparently false alarm. Thanks for your help.

Aisu 2007-09-09 23:31

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Thanks a lot, Millhouse! Your instructions have been put as a small guide if here:

Just wanted to let you know ;) Thanks again!

ascherjim 2007-09-11 21:18

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
I have purchased and received the Motorola S805 Bluetooth DJ Headphones. I have carefully followed Milhouse's above simplified instructions --twice! My N800 has indicated a successful Bluetooth pairing, and at the end of the a2dp installation I got the message that the 2dp installation had been successful. But the headphones so far don't work in the Bluetooth mode with either the N800's Media player or with Kagu. (Connected directly they work fine.) In the Motorola instructions, the headphones are supposed to indicate that they are in the Bluetooth mode by lights coming on (and initially remaining on) on both earpods. But such a light only appears on the left earpod, the one labeled with a telephone icon. The light on the other, right earpod does not come on. Has anyone successfully implemented these Motorola headphones in the Bluetooth mode, or otherwise has any idea why they're not working? In order for my seemingly successful installation, I had to uninstall Canola. Something in the Canola installation was causing the a2dp installation to fail.

sachin007 2007-09-11 22:42

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
The a2dp will only work with kagu. It will not work with the builtin media player. For internet streaming you have to use mplayer with the ffmp3extension as reported elsewhere in this forum. But at all times you should have kagu open and bluetooth on. Hope this helps

Milhouse 2007-09-12 00:18

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
ascherjim, if you're saying that is not detecting the headphones, please run as follows:


./ -d
and paste all of the output here (or in a PM to me).

ascherjim 2007-09-12 01:30

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 74915)
The a2dp will only work with kagu. It will not work with the builtin media player. For internet streaming you have to use mplayer with the ffmp3extension as reported elsewhere in this forum. But at all times you should have kagu open and bluetooth on. Hope this helps

Sachin and Milhouse: Thanks you guys. Sachin pointed me in the right direction, and everything works fine now. I actually re-paired and reinstalled (for the third time!), which was probably unnecessary. (I just wanted to make certain again that I hadn't overlooked anything in Milhouse's excellent, and clear, instructions.)

I hadn't realized that a2dp would for now only work on the N800 with Kagu. Also, I hadn't noticed earlier the Bluetooth logo appearing in Kagu, and then, due to the currently (yet understandably) sparse instructions for Kagu's operation (due to the virtually hour-by-hour evolution of and improvement in this wonderful application), I hadn't then realized that I needed to TAP with my stylus on that Bluetooth logo! However, when it eventually dawned on me and I tried it, it worked fine, and I was at last listening to my music via Bluetooth and Kogu. Thanks again to all of you, including of course the dedicated Kagu guys.

ascherjim 2007-09-12 18:14

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 74915)
The a2dp will only work with kagu. It will not work with the builtin media player. For internet streaming you have to use mplayer with the ffmp3extension as reported elsewhere in this forum. But at all times you should have kagu open and bluetooth on. Hope this helps

Sachin: Now that I can listen to my mp3 music using Millhouse's a2dp installation, my Motorola Bluetooth headphones, and Kagu, can you (or anyone else) elucidate further on what I need to do in order also to listen to internet radio on the N800 using my Bluetooth headphone? I can already listen to internet radio stations fine on the N800 with wired headphones. I have also searched and found your earlier (unanswered) thread touching on this matter, but primarily for video internet feeds.

sachin007 2007-09-12 19:59

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
GooGood to hear that you got it working. Okay let us set you up for internet radio streaming
via a2dp. Well first and foremost u have to understand that wifi and a2dp take a lot of
cycles so dont expect to run any other apps while doing this. Now save the playlist of
internet streams under yourd to hear that you got it working. Okay let us set you up for internet radio streaming via a2dp. Well first and foremost u have to understand that wifi and a2dp take a lot of cycles so dont expect to run any other apps while doing this. Now save the playlist of internet streams under your device memory. dont put it any sub catogeries like audio clips etc. just put it under the <your device name> n800.
First go to control panel and activate bluetooth
After that open kaju and click the bluetooth icon. do not play anything . minimise tHe window .
now open xteRm and put this
mplayer -cache 1000 -quiet -loop 58 -playlist /home/user/MyDocs/Radio.m3u -ao alsa:device=a2dpd2 -ac ffmp3

In the above command replace Radio with the name of your streams playlist.. press enter. AFter 5 seconds the stream should start playing.
Now let me explain the above command
mplayer - to open in xterm
-cache - we are asking to not specify the cache to 1 mb. you can aet your own value or totally ignore it.
-queit - this reducEs the irelevant information in xterm. so that it is easier to see stream information.
-loop - it is basicalY repeat function folowed by the no. of times you want to repeat the playlist . i just put 56 as a ranDom no.
-playlist /home/user/MyDocs/Radio.m3u - this specify the path along with the extension. even thogh it says my DOCs dont put that file under my documents!!!! just keep it under the mAin n800 folder.
-ao alsa:device=a2dpd2 -ac ffmp3- this is tha main part which lets the mplayer streams it via a2dp.

To toggle the next stream. Press caps in the key board And select > for the next stream..

The only problem is that you cAnt use the next button on the headset to toggle the next stream and sometimes the playback is not very smooth . in such cases try starting from THe first step again.
ho@e this helps.

ascherjim 2007-09-12 22:51

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Sachin: This looks like it's going to be fun (I hope). But first, I must start by asking something I really ought to know by this stage in my utilization of Nokia/Linux file management procedures. Regarding your initial instructions:

"Now save the playlist of internet streams under your device memory. don't put it any sub categories like audio clips etc. just put it under the <your device name> n800."

All of my current internet streams are contained in the Media player Library. Which directory in the N800 file system do I search for and copy them using x-term?

Thanks again. Regards.

ascherjim 2007-09-13 00:21

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by ascherjim (Post 75160)
All of my current internet streams are contained in the Media player Library. Which directory in the N800 file system do I search for and copy them using x-term?

Sachin: Never mind. I found them in


However, don't go away as I'm certain to have other questions. Thanks and regards.

ascherjim 2007-09-13 00:53

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Sachin: Well, I think I attained partial success. The system I set up following your advice actually discovered my playlist entries and attempted to connect with each of the URL's in turn, in an endless loop.

The general error messages after each try seemed to be as follows:

alsa-lib: pcm.c:2099: (snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM a2dpd2
alsa-init: playback open error: No such file or directory
Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound.
Audio: no sound
Video: no video

Does this make any sense to you?

ascherjim 2007-09-13 11:43

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Sachin: Further information and questions:

1. I've followed your instructions using ssh and from root, not user.

2. My further studying of your instructions leads me to an assumption (hopefully erroneous) that I must enter the full "mplayer..." command line in xterm EVERY TIME I want to listen to internet radio with Bluetooth!

3. The toggling instruction for advancing to another internet radio site by pressing "caps" and selecting ">" makes me think that I have to stay in xterm while all this streaming is going on in order to have access to the keyboard for this action.

Is this procedure really how it is intended to work? I suspect my understanding of it is significantly faulty.

ascherjim 2007-09-13 18:34

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Sachin: Some progress. I went into my N800 as user (not root) via ssh and ran the command line and indeed got the first radio channel in my playlist. (It sounded great.) However, the "(caps) (>)" key combination failed to shift to the next channel on my playlist (or any following channels). Also, I still am concerned that I need to be continually in x-term to operate this, and retype the command each time (although with ssh I didn't at least have to do that). But anyway, it was quite satisfying to have it work with the first channel. Thanks for your advice. But I'm greedy -- I want more. Regards.

ascherjim 2007-09-14 20:54

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by ascherjim (Post 75306)
Sachin: Some progress. I went into my N800 as user (not root) via ssh and ran the command line and indeed got the first radio channel in my playlist. (It sounded great.) However, the "(caps) (>)" key combination failed to shift to the next channel on my playlist (or any following channels). Also, I still am concerned that I need to be continually in x-term to operate this, and retype the command each time (although with ssh I didn't at least have to do that). But anyway, it was quite satisfying to have it work with the first channel. Thanks for your advice. But I'm greedy -- I want more. Regards.

Sachin: I've experimented a bit more. I removed "cache 1000" from the command line (an option you gave me) and still operating as user in ssh, the first internet station in my playlist again came in fine. And for the first time, the toggle command (shift->) worked. I could toggle to other stations in the playlist. However, the radio signals were constantly starting-and-stopping every few seconds. I switched back to putting "cache 1000" in the command, and the signal quality of my first station seemed much improved (it wasn't being interrupted), but I again couldn't toggle between stations. Then, when I again removed "cache 1000", I could get my first station -- but the toggle this time wouldn't work. So I've now reinserted "cache 1000" and am enjoying at least my first station. However, of course, to do this I have to sit at my keyboard! Regards.

sachin007 2007-09-14 22:22

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Good to hear that you finally got it workiing. First and foremost i want to tell you that i have no idea about linux or mplayer. For that matter i am just a doctor with not much knowledge in linux. Whatever i learnt was through trial and error and going through the mplayer manual.
So feel free to experiment on various settings and also let me know if you learn something new.
Well coming to the point... What i do is...
First make a playlist of all radio channels and store it as i mentioned. Then cope the entire code into the notes app and save it there. Now first open kaju and activate bluetooth and minimise it. Now open the notes app and copy the code from the note to the clipboard. This code is going to be in the clipboard until you copy something else or switch off the device. So i dont need to open the note always. Then open xterm and paste the code. It should work that way. And both kaju and xterm have to be running all the time. Actually i minimise kaju but keep xterm open because it shows up the stream info which i would like to see and also toggle the next stream. I really dont undersatnd why the next button is not working. But did you make a playlst of all the rado statons? This you can do using winamp in yout computer and transferrng that playlist file into the device memory or you can also do it with the built in media player in n800. For that you need ti get all your internet streams in the now playing list and then go to menu> tools> save now plaing playlist as ..... and save it in device memory.
OKay try these out and let me knOw.

ascherjim 2007-09-15 05:41

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 75562)
Good to hear that you finally got it workiing. First and foremost i want to tell you that i have no idea about linux or mplayer. For that matter i am just a doctor with not much knowledge in linux. Whatever i learnt was through trial and error and going through the mplayer manual.

Sachin: For that matter I am "just a lawyer," with perhaps a bit more knowledge in Linux, the study of which I have found fascinating and most rewarding. I first got interested in Linux when I bought my initial 770. I then studied a number of books, loaded several different Linux distributions on my PC hard-drive, then to cap it off took a local community college on-line basic Linux course, which was very, very worthwhile. But I still regard myself as a novice among most of the others in this forum.

Anyway, your most recent message triggered further experimentation on my part, which you intended. I don't think I need to follow your several suggestions for copying my playlist of internet stations, as I've already done that in accord with your earlier instructions and put it into my /home/user directory as radiochannels.m3u, which I incorporated into my command line, also per your earlier instructions. So, I believe it's now permanently there for ready access.

As I reported, I was doing most of my work in this (and other regards) on my PC, getting into my N800 user and root directories using ssh. And that's where I encountered the several problems I reported.

Now, however, I've had perfect success with your hack by solely reverting to my N800 using x-term. Tapping the "Ctrl-p" button on the sidebar of the x-term window, I was able to move up to your command line (which remained there from my previous ssh work). My playlist internet stations all now come in clear, and the "Cap->" keyboard key works fine to toggle the stations. (While I can't find instructions yet on the web -- or this forum --on what the other x-term sidebar buttons do, when I tapped "Ctrl-ap" and "Ctrl-an," they also seemed to toggle the stations.) As for saving the command line (other than using "Ctrl-p" to move up to it), I don't know how to copy-and-paste in and out of x-term. I know it must be simple to do, but, again, I can't find any x-term instructions.

Anyway, all is working well -- and quite manageable for me, thanks to all your above guidelines. Thanks and regards.

sachin007 2007-09-15 05:58

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
WWell thanks for ths ctrl-ap tip. I did not know that. This is how we should learn. Anyway
regarding copay and pasting...... whEn u open xterm you can press the top part for the
menu>edit>paste. alternatively you can press the note icon with lines on the far lower
left hand corner of the virtual keyboard just below the arrow and select paste!!

Regarding video streams i found an interesting observation. Please try this and explain what is going on here....
If you put a shoutcast video stream url directly in xterm along with the mplayer command the video starts and stutters a lot. It is almost unwatchable. But one rather interesting thing is if you follow the url with the -ao command it plays very well although in a slow motion without sound. It is quite watchable if you can increase the cache. Now the perfect thing would be if we can get the sound along with the picture. Try it out and let me know
ell thanks for ths ctrl-ap tip. I did not know that. This is how we should learn. Anyway regarding copay and pasting...... whEn u open xterm you can press the top part for the menu>edit>paste. alternatively you can press the note icon with lines on the far lower left hand corner of the virtual keyboard just below the arrow and select paste!!

ascherjim 2007-09-15 15:20

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 75608)
...Regarding copay and pasting...... when u open xterm you can press the top part for the menu>edit>paste. alternatively you can press the note icon with lines on the far lower left hand corner of the virtual keyboard just below the arrow and select paste!!

Sachin: Thanks for pointing me to these alternative x-term copy-and-paste methods. They're so obvious that I'm embarrassed not to have intuited them myself. A partial explanation is my past reliance more on ssh for editing my N800 files than using x-term directly.

Now that I've (we've) sorted out my minor difficulties with implementing your Bluetooth internet radio hack, it has become so easy to use, with such good signal quality, that I suggest you detail it again in a separate thread, so as to make it more noticeable and available to others, who may not have had the patience to pursue our lengthy(!) exchange on the subject.


Regarding video streams i found an interesting observation. Please try this and explain what is going on here....
If you put a shoutcast video stream url directly in xterm along with the mplayer command the video starts and stutters a lot. It is almost unwatchable. But one rather interesting thing is if you follow the url with the -ao command it plays very well although in a slow motion without sound. It is quite watchable if you can increase the cache. Now the perfect thing would be if we can get the sound along with the picture. Try it out and let me know
I have not previously tried anything with video, and I'm a bit loathe to as I don't want to load anything on my memory cards, which seem a bit fragile, but so far are uncorrupted. However, your url system would seem not to require such an mmc usage. I'm not certain, though, just how to go about implementing what you describe. Can you be more explicit and detailed, as you were with the internet radio streaming technique? Again, many thanks for your help -- and accomplishment.

ascherjim 2007-09-15 15:36

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions

Originally Posted by ascherjim (Post 75605)
Sachin: ...(While I can't find instructions yet on the web -- or this forum --on what the other x-term sidebar buttons do, when I tapped "Ctrl-ap" and "Ctrl-an," they also seemed to toggle the stations.) ...

Sachin: A slight mistake in the above. The "Ctrl-ap" and "Ctrl-an" keys in fact only toggle to the beginning of the playlist, not up and down within the playlist as I initially thought, and reported to you. However, I understand that some if not all of these x-term sidebar keys can be reprogrammed, so one could put the "Cap->" command into one of them for easy toggling within the playlist, and therefore maintain a full x-term screen (without keyboard) of broadcast information.

ascherjim 2007-09-16 04:49

Re: A2DP: Simplified Install Instructions
Sachin: Have you seen this new thread?

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