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ynnek63 2008-01-20 07:43

Touchscreen calibration not right
I got my new n810 this past Thursday and so for I am loving it! However, the touch screen doesn't seem to work properly. Sometimes it's right on the money, other times it's not. Trying to grab a scroll bar can be an exercise in frustration. If I try to hit the trashcan icon in the file manager it instead highlights the whole column of files (like doing a Ctrl + A on a PC) but doesn't offer to delete them. When scrolling thru the home menus I have to touch the screen well below the scroll arrows. Sometimes if I try to grab an applet from the bottom of the desktop to move it, it will instead cause one of the other applets to jump to where I touched the screen.

And yes, I have calibrated many times with the built in tool. Even then when I tap the center of the target it will sometimes tell me to move closer to the target.

I have also re flashed and updated everything. That did seem to help some as it's not a severe as before, but it's still annoying as hell.

Are there any other hidden calibration settings? Another tool I could download and use? Should I just send the unit back for an exchange?


Yes, I do make sure my palm or a finger is not touching the screen when I am using the stylus. Only it touches the screen.

ghoonk 2008-01-20 08:16

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Do you have a screen protector on? In some cases, an improperly applied screen protector will cause this problem. If not, perhaps you have a defective unit and should consider a return.

ynnek63 2008-01-20 16:04

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
I do not have a screen protector.
I've re-flashed it yet again and that seems to have helped. It's much better, but still not perfect. It seems to be worse when I tap something close to the bezel or links on a website.

Am I being to picky? I have an Archos 605 WiFi and I have no issues at all with that touchscreen.

ynnek63 2008-01-23 17:30

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Just for future reference and for anyone who has this same problem; i re-flashed several times and re-calibrated half a dozen times and it seems to be working fine now.

i'm luvin my new n810!!

thanks for the responses...

GeneralAntilles 2008-01-23 17:33

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Everybody does realize that you can recalibrate the touchscreen, right?

waimate01 2008-02-07 22:08

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Same problem. I've had my N800 for almost a year, and love it. I use it at home many times per day, and have travelled domestically and internationally with it. It's the only piece of hardware which has enthused me for the last 10 years, and I would not be without it.

BUT, starting a couple of weeks ago, the screen has become more and more inaccurate. When navigating small menus, I have to touch almost one full menu line above the item I really want (for items closest to bottom left corner). With the small keyboard, the bottom row chars can only be selected by clicking in their absolute top right corners. Very tricky.

I've recalibrated half a dozen times, and now when I recal, for target 4 (bottom left corner), it rejects my tap, saying "tap closer to target 4". Hey, I'm right on it - but the OS obviously thinks I'm so far off-target that I've gotta be kidding. How do I make it see sense ?

twoblackdogs 2008-02-11 14:10

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
I am having this same N810 has been working wonderfully, and suddenly today the touchscreen is not working correctly. I have re-calibrated it three times, restarted it, taken the battery out twice, and still it is not working right. Sometimes it seems to think I'm tapping somewhere different from where I am, but other times it doesn't respond at all. I'm getting really concerned. How do I reflash, and do you think it's worth it? Or should I just keep recalibrating it over and over? When I recalibrate it, target 3 often doesn't sense that I'm tapping it.

PJE 2008-02-11 14:21

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Add me to the list of people experiencing sudden touch screen inaccuracies (N800 OS2008). The pen keyboard works about 90% of the time sensing the correct key, but a couple of regions are not accurate and the key below the one selected is pressed...

I've recalibrated (numerous times), and even attempted to compensate for the issue by pressing the four points with an intentional error, but the problem still exists.

I'm thinking a reflash is in my future :(

twoblackdogs 2008-02-11 15:48

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Ok, the weirdness continues.

While continuing the various restarts and calibrations, I got a memory error message - "operation temporarily discontinued due to low memory" or something to that effect. So, I took the memory card out and put it back in. (this memory card has never given me any trouble in the past, and I have not installed any new software in the past few days). When I restarted, my touch screen appears to work again! I opened Mahjong to test it (definitely a high- touchscreen game) and got the error message, "not enough memory in target location." However, when I hit "ok" the game did come up and worked fine. Now I get "not enough memory in target location" if I start a Mahjong game or if I close the program. And occasionally I get the "temporarily discontinued due to low memory" message.

If this were my Windows PC, I would think I had a virus. I will reflash when I get home tonight (found the link in another thread) but if you're having touch screen probs, it can't hurt to take out the memory card and put it back in. If you do that, please post whether it works or not and whether you get any error messages, if you don't mind.

ynnek63 2008-02-11 15:49

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
a reflash may be what you need. that is what i had to do, plus recalibrate it several times after that. it works great now. keeping my fingers crossed!

twoblackdogs 2008-02-11 19:05

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
How's this for some random...sugar.

It's fixed. And do you know what technological wonder I performed in order to get rid of the touchscreen issues and the error messages? I had to remove both the battery and the memory card, simultaneously. I put them back in, and it works fine now. Mind you, one or the other did not solve the problem - I had to take both out at the same time.

Here I was fearing that I might need to send it off for repairs, and all I needed to do was channel the Fonz. Ayyy!

potollomuck 2008-02-11 22:31

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
i took out both battery and mmc cards and put them back in and nothing happens

avigodner 2008-05-02 17:30

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
I have the same problem. Taking out the battery sometimes helps, but
it comes back again and again. I disabled Personal menu because it seems
me tha tit started after I updated this. It is working now for few hours, but I am not sure it will work and I am not sure Personla menu is responsible for this.

waimate01 2008-05-02 21:24

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Seems to be that recalibration is the culprit. From what I can see, recalibration just makes it worse and worse. I've had some success by drawing myself a little map, and then intentionally recalibrating "incorrectly" according to the skewing map. A few iterations of that, and it's almost usable. Usable enough for me, but my wife still won't stand to use it for her facebooking (quelle dommage!)

Charles 2008-07-06 15:09

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
I was having terrible screen calibration problems. I took the memory card out, and volia! I could calibrate nicely. Then I put the memory card back in, and the calibration was still good!

Wow, I was about ready to send it in for repair, and now it is it's happy self again!

tz1 2008-07-07 17:32

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
I have a worse problem. I have to intentionally mis-calibrate the touchscreen because the upper right is off. Worse, it isn't linear.

Toward the middle (vertically, center to right side) of the screen the hotspot is about 3/16" above where I'm tapping when the four corners are right.

The calibration appears to be linear which means it can't be fixed by normal calibration values

I've had the tablet for a while and there are a few tiny but deep scratches in the area.

The way I test is to use the browser on a page without links - tap-hold brings up the spinning circle around where it thinks I'm tapping.

mike2k4 2008-11-17 01:41

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 200295)
I have a worse problem. I have to intentionally mis-calibrate the touchscreen because the upper right is off. Worse, it isn't linear.

Toward the middle (vertically, center to right side) of the screen the hotspot is about 3/16" above where I'm tapping when the four corners are right.

The calibration appears to be linear which means it can't be fixed by normal calibration values

I've had the tablet for a while and there are a few tiny but deep scratches in the area.

The way I test is to use the browser on a page without links - tap-hold brings up the spinning circle around where it thinks I'm tapping.

Hey man i have the same exact issue. At the top of the screen it would be perfectly fine, the further i get to the bottom of the screen, the giher up the tap responds. I tried recalibrating many many times but to no avail. Have you been able o get around this?

bleek 2008-11-20 15:46

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 200295)
I have a worse problem. I have to intentionally mis-calibrate the touchscreen because the upper right is off. Worse, it isn't linear.

Toward the middle (vertically, center to right side) of the screen the hotspot is about 3/16" above where I'm tapping when the four corners are right.

The calibration appears to be linear which means it can't be fixed by normal calibration values

I've had the tablet for a while and there are a few tiny but deep scratches in the area.

The way I test is to use the browser on a page without links - tap-hold brings up the spinning circle around where it thinks I'm tapping.

Your description matches the problem I am having.
The calibration tool seems to make the problem worse sometimes
and better sometimes, but your description of it being linear
is dead on.

I have a problem where it makes one side of the 4 points(ie 1 and 4 on the left) need
to be clicked to the outside of the crosshairs. Like a few MM over to the outside.
I had posted a question about this a week or so ago and no one replied, but since this thread
is on page 2, is there anyone with direct knowledge of the calibration tool or how the
touchscreen hardware works? This is too the point where I can't scroll on web pages in the browser,
or if I try to close programs with the 'X' I always hit the minimize icon.

waimate01 2008-11-20 22:31

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Having done a lot of searching in these forums, there seems to be a general unbelief amongst 'the powers that be' that this problem actually occurs. Almost as though their thought is "ahh, that sounds like weird stuff, must be user error or the guy doesn't understand how to use a stylus or doesn't know that there's a recalibration tool".

Well, we're not all clueless dolts - it's a real problem and the recal tool makes it worse not better.

And the effect on usability is dire.

Please somebody pay us some attention !

Reflashing doesn't help. Removing battery doesn't help. Recalibration certainly doesn't help.

There's no way I can let anyone else use my N800 because they don't have the "displacement map" in their head of where they need to touch versus where they want the touch to register.

If there's one thing that would help the N800 get more popular, it's letting other people use them. But for everyone with this screen problem, if anyone does try to use their N800 they'll find it a frustrating and pointless exercise. What a very great pity.

lcuk 2008-11-20 22:46

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
this calibration problem occurs often with a damaged screen.
If one of your kids has ever had a DS you will note they are more susceptible to it (kids aren't as gentle with their toys).

I've not lost positioning on my screen, but i lack sensitivity.

Now, you could check theres nothing caught in the gutter (grit/protector etc) and if its still off by a large factor and not calibratable, then it sounds like a proper hardware problem.

I wonder if it would be possible to create a proper displacement map driver (pair of glasses) to rectify the problem for those out of warranty?

oldmancoyote1 2008-11-24 03:33

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Same problem. Same symptoms. About the time I installed Personal Launcher. Hmm?

Work around: Open sketch. Draw vertical lines near the left and right edges of the drawing area. Observe the offset. The offset on the left was zero. On the right, 1/8 inch. Draw horizontal lines at the top and the bottom of the drawing area. Observe. The top was right on. The bottom offset was 1/16 inch.

Next I launched the calibration software. For point 1, I touched the center of the bullseye. Point 2: 1/8 inch to the right. Point 3: 1/8 inch to the right and 1/16 inch down. Point 4: 1/16 inch down from the center of the bullseye.

After two iterations, I was satisfied with the calibration.

Good luck

waimate01 2008-11-24 03:50

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Yep, the intentional "wrong" calibration helps, at least to the extent of making it usable for much of the screen area.

FWIW, I know exactly when my problems started. I'd had my device for about 9 months and had never calibrated the screen (never needed to). One day, I was contemplating how to make the perfect even more perfect, and went through a calibration -- not because it was out of whack, but just because it was something I'd never done.

That was the moment the problem started.

evanjfraser 2008-12-19 16:45

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
My n800 is doing something similar...

It clicks when I touch the touchscreen the first time, but then no more clicks or touches are registered.

I also had the uncalibrated screen effect going on for a while and It somehow came right a month back. Now however, its completely unusable as I can't even start applications!

I've tried reflashing various firmware's and it hasn't helped at all. I've also checked, and I can't see anything stuck under the rim of the screen that would be creating pressure on the touch screen. I'd dearly love a fix, or I'll have to go buy a standalone GPS next week and probably throw out my N800.

KristianW 2009-01-28 02:01

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
Re: Touchscreen calibration.

I am wondering how durable the screen is.

In another thread some members have told how they carry their IT in a pocket.
( I have myself damaged two screens in my pantīs side pocket. 1) A Handera PDA, the lid was not stiff enough and the screen got burned from behind if pushed inwards the slightest. 2) A pocket camera screen, although it had a stiff protection. )

>> Could to much occasional squeezing of the screen influence it enough to change the calibration, or even make the screen response nonlinear ?

And: The screen calibration in the N810 with only 4 corner points presumes a linear screen.
Some of the described screen resonse problems would need 5 (or 9) points to calibrate a more or less nonlinear screen !

( My own N810 screen: After a few momths of use the stylus response was about 2 mm off, restored by recalibration. )

Firebird8 2009-02-22 14:02

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right
I'm on my third N810 (repaired two times already from nokia) and I've had this problem on all three. I'm hesitant to send it back again so I'm just waiting on the next tablet now :D. As for now, I've pinned the problem down to the ribbon cable that attaches the sliding panel to the main body, some defect in it causes any disturbance at all to manipulate the screen functions. I was able to fix it by going into the tablet and moving the cable around but as soon as I put it back together, within a few hours, the calibration was back to where it was before.... offset a half centimeter on the left. So as for now, I've built a touchscreen calibration tool that allows me to click right on the targets (5 targets, one in the center) and will not reject my clicks even if the hardware says it is off.

This works perfectly so far... until the ribbon cable shifts again.

I'll see if I can fix up the calibration tool so you don't have to rboot to have it take effect and post it up sometime.

bmcm 2009-11-15 12:22

Re: Touchscreen calibration not right

Originally Posted by Firebird8 (Post 266249)
So as for now, I've built a touchscreen calibration tool that allows me to click right on the targets (5 targets, one in the center) and will not reject my clicks even if the hardware says it is off.

This works perfectly so far... until the ribbon cable shifts again.

I'll see if I can fix up the calibration tool so you don't have to rboot to have it take effect and post it up sometime.

Hi - I'm struggling with this problem still (on N800): no other suggested solutions have worked for me (reflashing, removing/replacing battery, removing memory cards). The standard recalibrate tool won't even recognise the first calibration point. So ... did you ever post your custom tool or can you point me at anywhere to find it?

Many thanks!

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