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tswindell 2011-06-10 09:54

Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
I'm posting this poll, because I'm interested to know how many people on talk are genuinely interested in what goes on with regards to our MeeGo offerings for Nokia Maemo hardware platforms, like the N900 and N8x0 devices.

Hurrian 2011-06-10 10:06

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
They don't need to keep us updated - we all know where the DE page is, and it's great to see the bugtracker BLOCKER bug list shorten every 2 days.

Although knowing the community, if something big happens, such as Meego DE surpassing Maemo 5 in every aspect, it'll likely be posted, cross-posted, plastered and regurgitated multiple times all over

fw190 2011-06-10 10:10

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
They will do what they want. It's their choice.

jedi 2011-06-10 10:12

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
Personally I'm not interested in MeeGo. If it ever reaches the stage where it's a viable alternative to Maemo on the N900 then I might have a look.

Maemo for me mostly works absolutely fine. The only issue I have is with the closed source bits which are hampering clever people here from developing the OS further.

tswindell 2011-06-10 10:17

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
Thank you, all valuable information. Please keep it coming :)

tswindell 2011-06-10 11:38

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
Posting to bump up the thread to maintain visibility.

ysss 2011-06-10 11:59

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
The current numbers are 22 vs (3+1), showing an overwhelming majority (84.6%) of us interested in following MeeGo as it relates to maemo and our device(s).

And I think it answers a question someone has asked here before:


So what is stskeeps doing on this forum? why is he not on where he should be concentrating his efforts as this IS after all MAEMO.ORG and always will be !.
It underlines how big a loss the community has suffered over stskeeps's departure. (Though I wish him well with whatever he chooses to do)

jedi 2011-06-10 12:08

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 1026419)
The current numbers are 22 vs (3+1), showing an overwhelming majority (84.6%) of us interested in following MeeGo as it relates to maemo and our device(s).

The numbers will be a bit skewed as someone who isn't interested in MeeGo might overlook a thread with "MeeGo" in the title! I almost did ;)

tswindell 2011-06-10 12:21

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 1026421)
The numbers will be a bit skewed as someone who isn't interested in MeeGo might overlook a thread with "MeeGo" in the title! I almost did ;)

Not interested in people that are not interested ;) It's a yes and no poll, though I left the other option for those that are at least interested enough to express their indifference :)

In Stskeeps absence, he's deleted his account, I will probably take the place of notifying the community, through of any worthy updates and news. This is actually the reason for the poll, some particularly vocal members, will, I hope, take notice of the views here. If it swings the other way, I will probably remove myself from as well.

erendorn 2011-06-10 12:38

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
tmo is the natural place for n900 owners, but meego is the only thing that is likely to evolve on it in the long term (non whistanding the fact that only maemo is way more usable right now).

So please do post updates on Meego here. There is a specific section explicitely for this, so I don't really see a reason not to.

SD69 2011-06-10 12:48

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by tswindell (Post 1026431)
I will probably take the place of notifying the community, through of any worthy updates and news. This is actually the reason for the poll, some particularly vocal members, will, I hope, take notice of the views here. If it swings the other way, I will probably remove myself from as well.

To answer the question sure, please continue to post here on t.m.o. I would encourage you to post as you see fit. While there may be some people who seem to demand more than they deserve to be given, it's probably better to post when it is warranted by circumstances. I encourage MeeGo devs to not be put off by the poor conduct of individual members.

Also, there are other parts of, such as planet, mailing lists, council, where information can be received and may be better processed. t.m.o. is the community's public square where things can get confusing with low snr, and not the best place for fostering cooperation between related projects.

onethreealpha 2011-06-10 12:52

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
I find tmo as good a source of Meego info relating to the N900 as the Meego handset forum, probably due to the fact that many of us are still dual booting maemo and meego and thus have one foot in each field (or one foot in the grave...)
There's a section for it already, and if some aren't interested, they don't need to read it.
Just my .02c

tswindell 2011-06-10 14:24

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
* bumping again to increase thread visibility *

Mentalist Traceur 2011-06-10 14:43

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Yes, post. It doesn't harm anyone if you do. The people who don't like or care about MeeGo have the permission to not read the posts in question.

Those of us who care will still want to read about it - especially those of us who care but already have a limited amount of forums they can frequent in a day. Currently I'm a Maemo 5 user, and I use this forum. I haven't yet gotten into the habit of checking the MeeGo community, and I doubt I will until I'm regularly using MeeGo.

tswindell 2011-06-10 15:14

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
@Mentalist Traceur, thanks for your vote and feedback :)

benny1967 2011-06-10 15:17

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
Maemo, MeeGo, it's all the same. The idea of having a free software based desktop operating system power a mobile device. The name changed, MeeGo seems a bit more open than Maemo... But who knows, if Intel and Nokia hadn't joined forces (?) for MeeGo, Maemo 6 (or Maemo 7 by now, most probably) could be technically what MeeGo is today.

I just see MeeGo as Maemo 7. Different name, same technology, same idea. So yes, please keep the information coming to maemo(7).org

tswindell 2011-06-10 15:19

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
@benny1967, my sentiments exactly, I think to a lot of users here, they probably don't care about "open" or "linux", and I think there are a few that pretend they do. But that is the original idea behind and the community we built here. Thanks for your feedback :)

Dave999 2011-06-10 15:21

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
Yes. Meego must take over the world. And a good place to start is the I just have to get moderator rights and kick out abill_Uk ;)

tswindell 2011-06-10 15:29

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1026544)
Yes. Meego must take over the world. And a good place to start is the I just have to get moderator rights and kick out abill_Uk ;)

I just would like him to stop talking like he's a loony and face reality. He's not the God of he thinks he is.

lorul2 2011-06-10 15:45

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
I must admit, I don't understand why anyone would feel driven away from this site because of a couple "bad apples"!

Anything that can keep the site, the n900 and this community thriving should by ALL MEANS BE ENCOURAGED!!

Now if we can just figure out how to get those quality contributors back all would be right with the "" world!

tswindell 2011-06-10 15:48

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by lorul2 (Post 1026561)
I must admit, I don't understand why anyone would feel driven away from this site because of a couple "bad apples"!

Anything that can keep the site, the n900 and this community thriving should by ALL MEANS BE ENCOURAGED!!

Now if we can just figure out how to grt those quality contributors back all would be right with the "" world!

Bad Apples are Bad Apples, what drove Stskeeps away wasn't the fact abill_uk is an idiot. It was continuously, himself and myself spent a lot of time trying to reduce the damage abill_uk spreads wrt to MeeGo through complete Misinformation. I can not count the amount of times I've repeated to him over-and-over again the same facts, but it doesn't stop him, he still spreads crap. Which causes users here to have a very poor opinion about the MeeGo project status and progress.

It's not a fair use of our time to continually correct abill_uk's B.S.

tswindell 2011-06-10 15:53

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
That aside, he's also been extremely hostile towards Stskeeps. Every post he mentions him he's belittling him by using his real name. Which is obviously meant as an insult. By saying he's doing a rubbish job wrt MeeGo on the N900, he doesn't even know what Stskeeps does ..

ysss 2011-06-10 15:59

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
On the 'campaign of misinformation' bit...

I think that underlines the fact of how strong 'frequent and 'effective' propaganda' could be. It's the basis of how crappy products can get into the hands of so many people. It's the basis of how (I'm pulling a godwin on the 3rd page here) the third reich' rise to power.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

Static and passive reference points (wiki, dictionaries, main sites, etc) pale in comparison to loud mouthed disinformation agents.

mrsellout 2011-06-10 17:52

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by tswindell (Post 1026347)
I'm posting this poll, because I'm interested to know how many people on talk are genuinely interested in what goes on with regards to our MeeGo offerings for Nokia Maemo hardware platforms, like the N900 and N8x0 devices.

The way I see things the site is mainly device orientated. As the MeeGo Community Edition targets one or more of these devices then it has a home here. There are threads on this site dedicated to Nitdroid, Ubuntu, Mer, Easy Debian and more running on the n900. There are threads about host USB, fixing faulty USB ports, making speaker horns etc, etc, all related to NITs. There's also the Off Topic area with all of Capt'n Corrupt's posts ;).

If we can tolerate all that than MeeGo CE and more can be represented here IMO.

tswindell 2011-06-10 17:53

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
* bumping to increase visibility *

tswindell 2011-06-10 17:54

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1026622)
The way I see things the site is mainly device orientated. As the MeeGo Community Edition targets one or more of these devices then it has a home here. There are threads on this site dedicated to Nitdroid, Ubuntu, Mer, Easy Debian running on the n900. There are threads about host USB, fixing faulty USB ports, making speaker horns etc, etc, all related to NITs. There's also the Off Topic area with all of Capt'n Corrupt posts ;).

If we can tolerate all that than MeeGo CE and more can be represented here IMO.

You're right, I didn't think about it that way. At least MeeGo is an evolution of Maemo, where's as NITdroid is a somewhat completely different entity entirely :)

mrsellout 2011-06-10 17:59

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by tswindell (Post 1026568)
That aside, he's also been extremely hostile towards Stskeeps. Every post he mentions him he's belittling him by using his real name. Which is obviously meant as an insult. By saying he's doing a rubbish job wrt MeeGo on the N900, he doesn't even know what Stskeeps does ..

That is spot on just have a random look at his posts to see the stream of hostility the guy has shown. As I said elsewhere... 'When a poster makes it the point of their existence to belittle your efforts and spread lies and discontent at what must already be a testing time given the political situation at Nokia, I think Stskeeps' actions are completely understandable. '

lorul2 2011-06-10 18:40

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by tswindell (Post 1026564)
Bad Apples are Bad Apples, what drove Stskeeps away wasn't the fact abill_uk is an idiot. It was continuously, himself and myself spent a lot of time trying to reduce the damage abill_uk spreads wrt to MeeGo through complete Misinformation. I can not count the amount of times I've repeated to him over-and-over again the same facts, but it doesn't stop him, he still spreads crap. Which causes users here to have a very poor opinion about the MeeGo project status and progress.

It's not a fair use of our time to continually correct abill_uk's B.S.

I understand how you feel, I can also understand the right for others to "speak in opposition", but when the "Community" is damaged from the actions of a "few" the Moderators of this site should take appropriate action.

In my opinion the purpose of this site is to support Maemo/ Hartman/ Meego/ N900/N800/ N770 etc. I'm not advocating for a propaganda site, but a site that can encourage the use of the software and hardware I mentioned earlier. Anything/Anyone else with a different agenda should be BANNED! Isn't that what Moderators are for?

niloy 2011-06-10 18:45

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
I am interested in Meego, complete open source mobile OS is too amazing.

fasza2 2011-06-10 19:32

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
I am personally happy for any N900 or FOSS related news tester requests as long as its relevant or related to device or even if its just interesting. Its ok by me even if you post Gentoo news, if it's no interest to me just won't read it. End of story. Anyway, keep 'em comin' m8. If someone doesn't like it he should start his own forum...

Texrat 2011-06-10 20:30

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
When it makes sense, yes. In general, I don't think so.

Dave999 2011-06-10 20:40

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
We could start "The Epic Meego Thread" simular to the android thread.

Hmm...but who is gonna take the job as captn of that thread?

onethreealpha 2011-06-10 22:24

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
I agree with Texrat.
when it makes sense.
But isn't that partly the job of mods to ensure the sensible stuff makes it through the "filter" of moderation?
Merging of some threads related to Meego (providing a more centralised "repo" of discussion) would certainly assist a lot of people.
Testers have only to post their updates on use to one location and the likes of Stskeeps and tswindell wouldn't have to spend hours trolling multiple threads to correct the misinformation that gets put out there.

volt 2011-06-10 22:46

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
As this is the closest to a N900/N810/etc user forum there is, and for now the N900 is the core of the MeeGo handset family, I don't see how they could not.

Anyway, the N8x0 should be core MeeGo devices, too... Easy MeeG :D

GreatGonzo 2011-06-10 23:14

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
I thought this one is a good description.

Texrat 2011-06-12 03:48

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by onethreealpha (Post 1026793)
I agree with Texrat.
when it makes sense.
But isn't that partly the job of mods to ensure the sensible stuff makes it through the "filter" of moderation?

I'd rather that people posting content think about its relevance first. Moderation last.

Frappacino 2011-06-12 04:11

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
to be honest you should just shut down the meego forum on tmo

instead have a sticky that redirects readers to meego handset forum

since all the devs are there - you get the most up to date news and its less efforts for the meego devs to maintain

its now exactly hard to open up a new browser window - and the ppl who are interested in n900 meego are a dedicated few who are willing to chase up the info anyway

onethreealpha 2011-06-12 05:34

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 1027388)
I'd rather that people posting content think about its relevance first. Moderation last.

Utopian ideal that one! :D

F2thaK 2011-06-12 06:00

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
abill_uk must work for a competitor as he's slandering TMO, its members and meego

JohnLF 2011-06-12 10:03

Re: Should MeeGo developers continue to publish info on this forum for maemo users (wrt Nokia device support)?
I say keep posting here. It is great the work everyone is doing for the N900, both with MeeGo for the future and with the CSSU for now. This is the first device I have ever owned that gives me hope for a reasonable lifetime, instead of wondering where the next upgrade is coming from just to cope with some new technology update requirement.

I will be keeping (and hacking) my N900 until it dies!

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