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BruceL 2007-08-25 04:09

What is your wish list?
Before the 770 came out I had created a list of all the things I would need/want in a portable computing device. It was a huge, impractical list but I had an HP iPac that I never used and I wsa determined to understand what I would need in a device to ensure that I would use it.

Happily, the 770 covered many of the items in my list. The N800 covers even more! Here is all that reamins of my list:

* USB support for drives and external monitors. (Keyboards, mice, printers, etc. can be handled with bluetooth, so I don't care about support for them.) Also, and this is in all caps so Nokia will see it, USB CHARGING!

* A real camera: either 3 mega-px with optical zoom or 7 mega-px with digital zoom. (Center the camera and add an LED lamp/flashlight for night-time photos)

* Either WiLan and GPS, or better yet a universal radio that can send/recieve TV, FM, AM, GPS, x-Lan, WiFi-x, CB, etc.
Does anyone know what it would take to have a universal radio? Why do we have all these special purpose radios?
* Thinner, lighter, faster: Actaually, the N800 is darn thin, light, and fast. But have you seen those calculators that are the size of a business card? If the device were made like that, I could run with it in my pocket. While the speed is actually enough for now, adding external drives and monitors would require an increase.

That's all! I didn't mention memory, storage, or a higher resolution screen. I'm surprisingly happy with the N800!

As far as software goes, Nokia should let open source handle that.. (I myself am working on something really cool!)

TEN YEARS: What about in the next 5 or 10 years? The above is fairly future proof, but I think it would be cool to have some sensors, like a spectrometer, to monitor things like the quality of air, water, food, soil, etc. And Perhaps a bio/chemical sample reader that could check blood sugar levels, DNA properties, etc. An IR reader could be used as a thermometer among other things.

Post your list!


jethro.itt 2007-08-25 10:04

Re: What is your wish list?

Originally Posted by BruceL (Post 71002)
Does anyone know what it would take to have a universal radio?

Using today's technology? A power budget of hundreds of watts or more and a unit price of somewhere around a hundred thousand to a million dollars... Projects like GNU radio will give a glimpse of things to come, but a general-purpose software defined radio is still far in the future.


Originally Posted by BruceL (Post 71002)
Why do we have all these special purpose radios?

Because it is the only feasible solution? Sheesh, give some credit to the engineers...

BruceL 2007-08-25 21:33

Re: What is your wish list?
GNU radio sounds really great -- thanks for the 'link'. According to the GNU radio papers, it sounds like the major barriers are political rather than technological. Ne?

Karel Jansens 2007-08-25 22:00

Re: What is your wish list?
Ahh, you want wishlists? Then wishlists you shall get!

In no particular order of importance:
- Fully functional USB, either old-fashioned host mode or OTG.

- A firmware upgrade that allows to use SDHC cards at the highest speed possible AND WITHOUT DESTROYING CARDS!!!!!!!

- A Bluetooth icon that will stay on the status bar, even when BT has been turned off.

- Universal videocall.

- A complete overhaul of Hildon into something that actually makes sense on a small touchscreen.

- Functioning handwriting recognition! If Apple could do it ten years ago on a computer that was puny in comparison, what -- other than sheer incompetence -- might be holding Nokia back?

- Matter-antimatter powercells instead of these manky batteries! We know you've got them, Nokia, and we want them NOW! Quit playing the "we know nuffink!" routine!

(Okay, the last one was a long shot...)

Mara 2007-08-25 22:23

Re: What is your wish list?

Originally Posted by Karel Jansens (Post 71138)
- A firmware upgrade that allows to use SDHC cards at the highest speed possible AND WITHOUT DESTROYING CARDS!!!!!!!

This one is already out, but not from Nokia: The community provided the MMC plus patch that enable higher speed and as of today I have not experienced memory card corruption in my N800 that has this patch installed... I think most others who have patched their kernels have similar experience?

geneven 2007-08-25 22:44

Re: What is your wish list?
If the community's patch doesn't adversely affect sdhc cards, will someone in that community explain what they did right that Nokia did wrong?

Aisu 2007-08-25 23:01

Re: What is your wish list?
Ah, a wish list... hmm....

* A more powerful processor (Use an i386 (embedded) so we can use Debian and Ubuntu binaries!!! And only if it can be kept fanless ;))
* More RAM for bigger applications (So the Canola camp can do some even more awesome stuff)
* Officially supported AD2P profile
* Officially supported KDE, GNOME, or Enlightenment (In binary form as .deb s)
* Officially supported Mozilla Firefox (Full thing)
* Officially supported, latest, Adobe Flash Player for ALL internet tablets (I still love my 770, damnit!)
* Latest libraries of GTK+, etc, etc, etc, in binary form
* That nokie DOES NOT EVER EVER EVER put a sliding keyboard on an IT
* Infrared (I can think of many reasons, but mostly as a universal remote and for temperature readings and such)
* USB Host mode "Out of the Box"
* Fully open sourced OS...

iball 2007-08-25 23:24

Re: What is your wish list?

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 71145)
This one is already out, but not from Nokia: The community provided the MMC plus patch that enable higher speed and as of today I have not experienced memory card corruption in my N800 that has this patch installed... I think most others who have patched their kernels have similar experience?

Same here.

jethro.itt 2007-08-26 14:57

Re: What is your wish list?

Originally Posted by BruceL (Post 71132)
GNU radio sounds really great -- thanks for the 'link'. According to the GNU radio papers, it sounds like the major barriers are political rather than technological. Ne?

Regulations are certainly a large obstacle in having a general purpose radio transmitter installed on an "open" consumer device. Scarcity of WLAN chipset documentation has already hinted at it.

However, real technical barriers exist. Encoding/decoding today's digital modulation schemes in pure software would not be economical using todays technology. Since we're talking about a mobile platform where low power consumption is top priority, it is safe to say that a software defined radio stays an impossibility for some years still.

Toontje 2007-08-26 16:25

Re: What is your wish list?
What i want? That everything the tablet offers now gets finalized and works.
Only after that is accomplished let's look at the future.


Aisu 2007-08-26 19:05

Re: What is your wish list?
Hmm... the GNU Radio looks very, very promising!

I think they could do it with software now, but a small device like this would have to have a dedicated processor for doing the decoding/encoding, which means it would need a better (more expensive) battery to have two processors running simultaneously (and sharing data continuously). But, I think if Nokia has the marbles... They could certainly try this if they wanna go big with the battery life:

Maybe Nokia will be the first company to try it out :) (I wouldn't mind paying the bigger price for something nuclear powered)

BruceL 2007-08-26 22:17

Re: What is your wish list?
I can definitely think of some uses for those batteries, but probably they won't be necessary for a software radio; I think that we are on the edge of an explosion in processor speed. Intel's 80 core chip is one of many recent announcements that seem to leave Moore's law in the dust.

Karel and Aisu, I left software concerns out of my personal wish-list because Gnome simply can't make me happy. Here is a short version of my software wishlist:

- A software engine that can use models of software to separate program logic from the UI and from the hardware implementation. (URL=""][/URL])

- A UI theme in animated 3D - I-poddish but better.
- Other themes for 2D, phone screens, Audio/Speech only, etc.

- Application definitions for data types: text, text+annotations, pictures, records, lists, folders, numbers, strings, time/date, music, video, etc.

- Data source definitions such as streams from hard-drives, networks, cameras, microphones, etc.

- Data maps for common file types/protocols such as gif/jpg/png (pictures), avi/mpeg (video), Ogg/mp3/etc. (audio), Word/ODT/AbiWOrd/HTML (annotated text), etc.

- Hardware models for Arm, ix86, massively parallel core chips, heterogeneous grids, etc.

- Distributed system image so that user data/processes do not rely on any single machine.

- Friend based, social orientation.

- For the 3D theme (openGL), printing, screen rotation, etc.

So, you see, as long as I have the hardware I need I don't care a huge amount about Nokia's software.


urilabob 2007-09-04 16:30

Re: What is your wish list?
MINI-DVI outlet (this would sell a million - imagine taking your n800 for a presentation instead of a laptop...
(second best: full usb support and support for USB-VGA driver)

Enough RAM to support OpenOffice (yeah, I know, that's a while off )

Crash-proof GPE with full synching support

trevarthan 2007-09-04 17:25

Re: What is your wish list?

Originally Posted by urilabob (Post 73141)
MINI-DVI outlet (this would sell a million - imagine taking your n800 for a presentation instead of a laptop...
(second best: full usb support and support for USB-VGA driver)

I'll third that motion. VGA-OUT would be vedy vedy nice. So would general USB host mode for HDDs, WiFi dongles, keyboards, and all other USB devices on the market (I've got a USB->I2C dongle in particular that I'd like to use).

I'd also like to see a working 3D GPU on the next model.

Software wise, I'd like to see the folks doing the rtcomm project (and all of the dependent projects) put some emphasis on getting an Asterisk compatible SIP stack on the n800. I am sorely missing this at work. I'd also love to see A2DP and SCO bluetooth audio (stereo and mono, respectively) built into the OS. And I really need to make my asterisk SIP calls using my BT headset as I lost my original Nokia headset.

I'd also like to see built-in support for xrandr in Hildon so we can use portrait mode as well as landscape mode.

More CPU, RAM, and battery life are *always* good things (though conflicting). But those items are pretty darn good right now and I think USB Host mode and the software changes I mentioned should take precedence. This is an internet tablet after all, not a laptop or a full sized tablet.

urban1 2007-09-11 19:47

Re: What is your wish list?

1. A good poker simulation with, at least, single player 5-card draw, and maybe 5-card stud and 7-card stud.
2. Match-3 games (match three, or more, identical items to remove them from the board).
3. Crossword puzzle, hangman type games.
I might actually pay for the games.

1. A simpler way to get into root (I can't get either gainroot or becomeroot to work. I'm now using SSH).
2. A simpler way of setting up sharing of the MMC by the os and the user. Sort of like partitioning software on windows machines.
3. A way to access files other than on the MMC through Windows through a USB connection.
4. A full screen, text editor (similar to Kedit), for system files. To replace the dreaded Vi.

Thanks for reading.


monkeyo 2007-09-11 21:45

Re: What is your wish list?
I've had my N800 for about a month now, and I love it, but there's one thing missing that would make it the perfect device for me, and that's Street Fighter. I almost ran to the shops waiving my credit card after I played Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX on my mate's PSP, but came to my senses partly when I realised it was a lot of money for one game I'd played 1000's of time before, but mainly when I realised how uncomfortable it was to pull off dragon punches with for extended periods of time.

I had a similar experience when I read about the GP2X, especially as they've now got CPS2 MAME running on it, but I was put off by the low-res non-touch screen and lack of wireless connectivity.

So what I'd really like is four buttons to the right hand side of the screen, a right hand shoulder button, a decent D-Pad, and enough processor power and RAMs to run CPS2 MAME; that would be perfect!

Apart from that, something like the GoForce 6100 or the Imageon 2380 might be good, especally if it could facilitate watching SD XviD files without transcoding. It would also be good for interface stuff and gaming, but would probably introduce all sorts of binary driver issues that I don't really understand, plus Street Fighter is the only game I'd really need anyway. IR and universal remote software is about the only other thing I can think of.

If anyone wants to develop a 640 x 480 version of one of the later versions of Street Figher (one with Akuma in ideally), with 6 on screen buttons down the right hand side of the screen that runs on the N800 in the mean time, I would be eternally grateful. (I can't get the GameBoy emu running, but it's version of Street Fighter is rubbish anyway with only 2 buttons, and I'm not aware of any other potential ways of playing it on the N800)


That is all.

Toontje 2007-09-12 07:56

Re: What is your wish list?
What i want:

- as i said before, that all software currently in development stage gets finished.
- an outliner
- a simple project management tool
- a PIM that syncs with Outlook and/or Google

That would make me sell my laptop. ;-)


TA-t3 2007-09-12 08:45

Re: What is your wish list?
My biggest single wish for the moment is that the FM radio gets a built-in clock.
It doesn't have to be a system alarm that actually starts the FM radio
application. I would be perfectly happy if I could do the following:

- Start the FM radio
- Select external speakers
- Adjust volume
- Set its clock to start playing the currently selected channel at hh:mm

That's all.. I don't need a snooze function or anything, just something
like the above so I could have a portable clock radio again :-) (They
don't make them anymore - there are only monster radios in the shops).

kyyla 2007-09-12 11:19

Re: What is your wish list?

Originally Posted by Toontje (Post 74975)
- a PIM that syncs with Outlook and/or Google

Why don't you use erminig?

Texrat 2007-09-12 14:21

Re: What is your wish list?
One of my "wishes" made it into the OS.

I'll let you know which one when it's released. :D

kitzj0 2007-09-12 14:28

Re: What is your wish list?
You rat Tex. It's not fair to dangle that cheese in front of us.


Texrat 2007-09-12 14:37

Re: What is your wish list?

Originally Posted by kitzj0 (Post 75030)
You rat Tex. It's not fair to dangle that cheese in front of us.


Don't worry: 2 or 3 posters here will verbally abuse me for it.

TA-t3 2007-09-12 15:25

Re: What is your wish list?
As for my wish (about the FM radio), I'll fix it myself if there's just any compilable source available. :D

=DC= 2007-09-12 15:39

Re: What is your wish list?
Okay, here we go...

For current (and future) tablet software:
- Next-gen Ngage support
- A more capable built-in web browser
- A usable built-in email client
- A more customizable UI

For future hardware:
- Better camera (at least 5MP)
- GPS antenna
- More responsive touchscreen (multi-touch like the iPhone would be very nice too)
- TV-out and/or VGA-out

Basically, put some of that fancy N95 tech into the next Internet Tablets. That is all. :)

heckler770 2007-09-12 21:47

Re: What is your wish list?
If we're talking things that might be possible to upgrade now and not for a future model.....

-Easier way for newb's like me to 'make root'
-More customization- Themes, desktop (widgets, toolbar functions, etc.), browser (plugins, optimization, buttons- tabs, etc.)
-Better email
-I wanted better IM, but now there's Skype. So how about tweaking Skype so Voip really works (w/Video calls)
-Better full screen keyboard
-Google apps, like maps (a la iPhone)
-Google docs compatability
-More Games (nGage?)
-Better SDHC compatability- lets go 8+ gigs :)
-Support more video codecs
-USB Charging
-More camera functionality

aleksandyr 2007-09-12 22:14

Re: What is your wish list?

EOF. That's it. The rest, I've either learned to work around or hack around or both, but not being able to connect to my corporate or university networks cripples the usefulness of my N800.

Toontje 2007-09-13 04:41

Re: What is your wish list?

Originally Posted by kyyla (Post 74999)
Why don't you use erminig?

I am using Erminig, however that only does Calendar. No contacts, tasks or e-mails.

Traecer 2007-09-13 06:24

Re: What is your wish list?
*Skype client that supports the webcam
*Decent e-mail client
*Full, quality PIM suite (that's calendar, contacts, to-do, notes) that syncs w/Evolution. GPE is good, but it's obviously a port and has some problems.

In fact, why not port Evolution? The UI will have to be slimmed down and Hildonized, but E-D-S already works.

*Oh yeah, a sync subsystem for apps that want to use it. But this sync system could connect to not only desktops, but Internet-based resources like Google Calendar too. That way there's a standardized tool for apps, and you can press one button and every registered app syncs.

*Notes app that supports *Notes app that supports more rich text
features, and has a consistent UI.
"Strikethrough" (and other rich text support)
should be a tool on the toolbar along with
bold, italic, underline.
more rich text features, and has a consistent UI. "Strikethrough" (and other rich text support) should be a tool on the toolbar along with bold, italic, underline.

*Office apps. Even viewers would be nice.

*Some way to copy photos from my camera's CF card to the N800. Maybe a non-hackish way to enable enable USB host mode? A powered CF card reader should then work...

That's all I can think of right now...

Traecer 2007-09-13 06:29

Re: What is your wish list?
Oh yeah, a non-beta browser that's compatible with the thumb keyboard.

mas5acre 2010-01-06 16:01

Re: What is your wish list?
How about just wanting a firmware update?

Dave999 2010-01-06 16:07

Re: What is your wish list?
1. firmware update.

2. improved ovi maps. or able to use google map or sygic navigation software. OVI MAPS == JOKE

3. official spotify app

4. improved flash support. hpe 10.1 will solve the flash problem. want to watch tv in realtime.

5. no framedrops in videos(camera)

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