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-   -   2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ? ( 2011-12-31 15:42

2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?

I am wondering if you are still using this device and how ?
IRC ? IM ? xterm ? remote control ? or other unexpected usage ?

Anyway kudo to nokia for making the product reliable years after ...


Bundyo 2011-12-31 15:52

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
I still have my 770 with 2008 HE running Tear :D

xivera 2011-12-31 18:20

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 1143939)
I still have my 770 with 2008 HE running Tear :D

How does that fare with modern web browsers/devices?

48GX 2012-01-02 02:38

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
I use it as a vnc server for music controlled via my n900 :)


lancewex 2012-01-02 03:10

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
My N800 is my alarm clock. Better than any other alarm clock or Chumby. I see an N770 occasionally on Craig's List in my town, but can't imagine they get many responses.

xivera 2012-01-03 00:13

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
I don't even use my 770 anymore.
I hope I can give it some use in the future.

pycage 2012-01-03 12:21

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
My 770 stopped finding the WiFi network when bg/n networks began to pop up in the vicinity. It became useless without WiFi.

racky 2012-01-08 09:42

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
I am still using my 770 everyday as my Media Player, Internet Radio, Internet TV, RSS Reader, Weather Forecast, Remote Desktop, Last.FM, not that much internet browsing cos too slow. But I mostly use it on my bed, don't carry it outside my house anymore. The thing I like it is I can put a magic tape on the back of the case and stick it to anywhere I want, kitchen, bathroom, living room, toilet, etc. 2012-01-08 10:09

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1145052)
My 770 stopped finding the WiFi network when bg/n networks began to pop up in the vicinity. It became useless without WiFi.

same here are there known workaround ?
but USBnet remains ...


scaler 2012-01-15 23:30

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?

Originally Posted by (Post 1147376)
are there known workaround ?

It depends on your circumstances. If the n signals come from somewhere other than the network to which you want to connect, the body-shielding method is highly effective in attenuating the n signals, while leaving your own b/g signal with enough strength to make the connection. On the other hand, I doubt that body-shielding would enable any connection to a b/g/n network. Once the connection is made, you can use your b/g without having to shield the 770 from n signals.

Judging by the hostile tone of some posts related to body-shielding, the main difficulty is psychological. [EDIT: I TAKE BACK THIS REMARK, AND APOLOGIZE TO ALL USERS WHO HAVE BEEN UNFAIRLY MALIGNED BY IT. See post #15 below.]

I can not explain why this method is so effective. I am fairly sure that my neighbor in the next apartment uses an n-type router. (Using WifiInfo on my N800, I went into an emergency stairwell, 45 metres from her apartment and surrounded by a concrete wall with a steel door. Her signal strength was still 57%.) Nevertheless, I can search and connect the 770 in my own apartment beside hers if I use the body-shielding technique, even though her network is found by the search.

Some users say they can connect if they shield their 770 inside a steel bowl. Personally, I have not found that to be any help. You are welcome to try.

The idea of body-shielding is to let your own flesh absorb the extraneous wifi microwaves. It involves pressing the 770 against your abdomen and covering as much as possible with your hands. It is possible to do this successfully while leaving enough space to see the screen, although I do not recommend that. (It is physically awkward, and perhaps that is why some people write about "contortions".)

My own preference is to exploit the interval of about 15 seconds between successive searches. It is only during the actual operations of searching and connecting that the 770 has to be covered. My 770 (running 2008HE) takes about 10 seconds to complete its initial search. If I hold the screen against my abdomen and cover the sides and back with my hands as much as possible during that 10 seconds, I can then turn the screen upwards (where I can see it) and select my own network. The 770 must then be covered again immediately while it connects to the network - about 6 seconds more.

This all works more easily if you use the center button of the scroll key to initiate the search and the connection, rather than poking with the stylus. You can hold your thumb on that button while you position the 770 by your abdomen, and press the button when you are ready to complete the shielding. There is no need to expose the 770 for more than a second before the search or connection begins.

If you really hate the idea of body-shielding, take a look at this post: .

racky 2012-01-16 05:28

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
And I use BT tethering with my 3g phone, so N signal flaw is not a problem.

mrp 2012-01-16 08:19

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
I have a Qnap NAs with squeezebox server on it. In the living room I have a Joggler connected to stereos. I control Squeezeplayer on Joggler by 770 in the kitchen; web radios, spotify, personal music archive. I'm using 770 wifi with g-connection. 770 does not connect to my airport express but is working at the same time with a g-router as I use n with airport for android tablet/Huawei and macbook (not frequently used)

kernel speed patch.
I had he2008, he2007 and 2006 on my 770. I had not used 770 for a long time and found out that I could not connect to wifi. I reflashed and got wifi back. Then I applied kernel speed patch and lost wifi again. So the first reflashing had not been necessary if I had realized the speed patch was the reason for not connecting to wlan. Hope that is of help to other 770 users.

scaler 2012-01-16 16:13

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?

Originally Posted by mrp (Post 1151180)
I reflashed and got wifi back. .... the speed patch was the reason for not connecting to wlan.

I am not able to reproduce your result in my wifi environment. After a complete reflash of OS2006, a wifi search produces the usual "No Connections Available". Once again, I have to use the body-shielding technique before I can connect. Previously, a kernel reflash of OS2008HE had the same negative result.

In fact, nobody knows for sure that the problem is caused specifically by the presence of an n signal. It could be the total strength of 2.4 GHz radiation triggering a protective shutdown of the search and connect operations, with an unreasonably low threshold for the shutdown in OS2006 and the HE's. As long as the software remains closed, we can only guess at an explanation.

In your case, my guess is that your n router produces a signal very close to the threshold, and the speed kernel adds another element of instability, sufficient to shut down those operations.

We used to have a 2.4 GHz portable phone. When it was in use for a call, we could not use our wifi. (That was true for my wife's laptop as well as the 770.)

whayong 2012-02-04 20:42

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
It is currently sitting inside the ottoman, resting. Still has OS2007HE on it. Just waiting for a practical idea to put it back in use and not just some random thing because it can do it.

scaler 2012-04-04 15:50

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
[EDIT: Most of this post originally referred to difficulties I had connecting to an Asus router. It turns out that I had not configured the connection properly in the 770. The SSID was hidden, and I had not checked the box to indicate that condition. I have therefore deleted much of the post. There is no difficulty in connecting to the Asus if I use the body-shielding technique.]

I have to take back some of the remarks in post #10 above. Even with body-shielding, it might be extremely difficult to make a wifi connection, depending on the model of AP/router to which you are trying to connect.

desiv 2012-07-01 03:14

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
Been a while since I posted here...
Been distracted (I did get an Android tablet, but mostly been distracted with retro computers.. Amigas in the house!) but still like my 770....

Not a problem connecting to my wifi at home (thankfully).

Maemo Mapper is still working, and I can still DL maps using the VE maps...
I have a bluetooth GPS, so it's pretty nice for some basic navigation and some hiking...

I have FBReader and still use it as a reader. True, my Android tablet (7" screen) is easier to read with, but its not as easy to carry around with me...

I haven't checked out anything new on it in ages.. Not even sure if the repositories are still active..
Time for some more testing and reading..


desiv 2012-07-17 03:42

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
OK, I ordered a "new"(ish) battery for my 770 a bit ago. A few bucks.. Showed up yesterday..
All charged up.. Much better life (I still had the original battery, which was giving me a hour of music. Enough for the walk to and from lunch, but that was it..

Now it's much happier...

Still able to play Doom, Formido, lBreakout, ScummVM, etc...
Still have fbreader (as I mentioned above)...

Canola runs still, although the youtube plugin doesn't download. Not a surprise there.
It's an old version, and if I remember correctly, I had to manually extract just the youtube python file from a newer (at the time) version of C2Tube because mine wouldn't update.
Not sure that's worth it... I didn't use that feature all that often..

I still have my vpn client and can still connect to work if needed..
I have a Bluetooth keyboard, so I could even use RDP.
(tho I never did that more than just testing.. and we're moving to an SSL VPN, so that will stop working before too long)

Also, I still have my "powered and modified" USB hub.
With that, I can use USB devices with my 770. (host mode).
I only ever used thumb drives, but it worked..

The more I use this guy again, the more I realize what a great piece of hardware it is...

I haven't tried NumptyPhysics.. I remember I had a devil of a time with dependencies getting that to work before.. I'd get it working, then an update for something would break Numpty...
Just tested, that works too still!!
(I remember, the version I have wouldn't "exit" properly, so I have to go HOME and then I have a drop down command that kills Numpty)

Oh yeah, Hex-a-Hop is fun...

Still liking my 770.



Nalim 2012-08-12 20:29

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
I'm till using this device as a artifact :-)

bac522 2012-09-21 12:14

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
I don't use mine anymore...actually came here to see if any new post were up with some new idea for using it. I have an rooted Android phone that took it's place some time ago. I was just looking at ebay and what they are selling for is too low to even bother wasting time posting it on ebay. Too was a great device when it came out, got many many hours using it, sorry to see I have no real use for it now.

h3z 2012-09-22 08:18

Re: 2012 HNY to 770 owners ... what are your usage of it now ?
I still use mine . They sell them on amazon for $35 .
If you flash the kernel for sdhc support you can take out the
chip of an old mmc card, then put the chip of a new sdhc
in its place . I have done it twice . Using scandisk ultra 32gb
cards sold from amazon . You can buy the old mmc cards there
also for about $1 or $2 . Mine runs 3 to 4 hours, depending on
what I do with it . I have watched videos on it . The java based
770 mediaconveter from nokia projects works pretty good .
Use the high quality setting, not very high . Also, I wouldn't select
crop . For net I can get on open hotspots and wep just fine .
But, wpa1 and wpa2 give me problems on and off . You are not
going to enjoy facebook or youtube on this thing . But, if you
want a little faster surfing, I have used the nokia links2 browser
that the links two site offers . You have to install a couple other
debs two like xvkb . For some reason they didn't make a menu
Icon for links2 so you have to activate it from the term .
I have been using OS2006se . I have used them all, and 06se
with flashed kernel is the best . I have also used one of Qoles
early Easy Debain scripts, and made a deb for using debian on
the 770 . When you select fluxbox, or lxde from the menu it kills
maemo and loads a fullscreen flux or lxde . They both run pretty
good . Kde ran okay, but didn't really give you any advantage
to trade with the lag . I managed to get xine to play mp3s from
within debian also . But the main OS does that just fine .
And, Debian Lenny is the newest debian that will install on
the 770 due to the old 770 kernel . And one day debian will
delete the armel iso's for lenny, since debian wheezy will hit
stable soon . For any linux user out there that want lenny for
770 let me know . I have every thing you need on public access
google drive . And, I could write up some short instructions .
If you already have a flashed kernel, or atleast a 2gb card
"pref 4" this would be easy to test . And easy to remove . Its
in deb format so any changes made can be undone .
But, it needs to be ran on OS2006 .
Its kinda of a novelty seeing lxde running on it .
But, I didn't make an exit back to maemo, option .
So, you have to hold the power button for 2 or 3 sec and
power back on to get maemo back . In one of the scripts there
is and option you can comment out so that you still get the
power off / lock screen option when you press the power
button . But, when running on a 220Mhz arm, and showing
that it can load google on firefox every bit of power is needed .
Other wise people might fall asleep .

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