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TabulaRasa 2007-07-04 13:46

File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
But I cannot install it. It says some packages required for the installation are missing. 4.41 MB. listed under multimedia.

Can anybody get this to run?

TabulaRasa 2007-07-04 13:59

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
Looks like lots of language files for Skype UI in there. Also, there is something called Skype UI NI (non-interactive installer)

I can't install it, it says I'm missing some necessary files. I'm not sure if this is news or snooze, but i didn't see this before my application manager update today. How do I check which repository this application is actually on?

Mara 2007-07-04 14:03

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
What repository did you find it?

In order to install it you need to have the new ITOS. (Coming out soon... :D )

maxilogan 2007-07-04 14:09

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 56133)
In order to install it you need to have the new ITOS. (Coming out soon... :D )

No comment... :mad:

Mara 2007-07-04 14:12

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
Can you tell what version Skype UI is? (It is shown on the application manager...)

zerojay 2007-07-04 14:16

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
All the versions are the same:

RobMtl007 2007-07-04 14:17

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

I also found this Skype UI when I refreshed the folder.

So this means that we will soon be able to download and install Skype on our N800.

Some files I was able to install, nothing shows up in Extras.

Hope you guys have more luck.

Also I hope Skype comes with a Video feature.

Regards Robert

zerojay 2007-07-04 14:24

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
The list of depends are interesting, particularly farsight.

Toontje 2007-07-04 14:24

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
Oh, oh! There we go again!! When? And what does it contain? Mara, Texrat, time for riddles again! :-)

flareup 2007-07-04 14:28

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
It would be great if there could be some official statement about when to expect the OS update. This is getting a bit silly.

Mara 2007-07-04 14:32

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Toontje (Post 56143)
Oh, oh! There we go again!! When? And what does it contain? Mara, Texrat, time for riddles again! :-)

Well... it is getting VERY close. After the US Independence Day celebration is over you might start hitting that F5 button and not to scare wearing it out... :D

daverod 2007-07-04 14:33

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
skype-ui-theme-default is installable....

brendan 2007-07-04 14:39

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by daverod (Post 56149)
skype-ui-theme-default is installable....

so are the l10n localization packages...

RobMtl007 2007-07-04 14:40

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
Greetings Everyone:

I don't want stress anyone out.

But I see many of you online and I keep hitting the refresh button on my FireFox

Does anyone think it would be a good idea for us to open MSN or Skype on our desktop and have a realtime chat.

MSN username is:
Skype: RobMtl007

Regards Robert

Toontje 2007-07-04 14:46

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 56148)
Well... it is getting VERY close. After the US Independence Day celebration is over you might start hitting that F5 button and not to scare wearing it out... :D

Tomorrow, that is? Because the (working) day is running at an end here.

Tomorrow??? :rolleyes:

maxilogan 2007-07-04 14:52

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Toontje (Post 56156)
Tomorrow, that is? Because the (working) day is running at an end here.

Acabais muy temprano de trabajar! Los de mas de mis clientes espanoles, a las cuatro solo han regresado despues de la comida :D

daverod 2007-07-04 15:00

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by maxilogan (Post 56159)
Acabais muy temprano de trabajar! Los de mas de mis
clientes espanoles, a las cuatro solo han regresado despues de la comida :

Los de mas de la gente que estan aqui no pueden leer espanol!

Mara 2007-07-04 15:02

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 56133)
What repository did you find it?

In order to install it you need to have the new ITOS. (Coming out soon... :D )

Found it... I had to uninstall my previous version for it to show up... ;)

murphy 2007-07-04 15:08

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 56162)
Found it... I had to uninstall my previous version for it to show up... ;)

Could you tell us :
- What was your version ?
- The same ?
- Is there any differences with this Skype ?
(I suppose you have the new firmware to test it!)

Mara 2007-07-04 15:18

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by murphy (Post 56165)
Could you tell us :
- What was your version ?
- The same ?
- Is there any differences with this Skype ?
(I suppose you have the new firmware to test it!)

It was one week older beta. At first sight I do not see anything different.

SeRi@lDiE 2007-07-04 15:19

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by daverod (Post 56161)
Los de mas de la gente que estan aqui no pueden leer espanol!

Llo si Puedo :D

Toontje 2007-07-04 15:30

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by maxilogan (Post 56159)
Acabais muy temprano de trabajar! Los de mas de mis clientes espanoles, a las cuatro solo han regresado despues de la comida :D

Horario intensivo!!! Jajaja!!! :D

Summer schedule!!!

RobMtl007 2007-07-04 15:47

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Has anyone been able to start Skype.

Or do you need the new firmware to indtall Skype.

I still think we can all be more productive if we all open MSN or Skype on our Desktop and have a real live chat.

Regards Robert

daverod 2007-07-04 15:49

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by RobMtl007 (Post 56176)

Has anyone been able to start Skype.

Or do you need the new firmware to indtall Skype.

I still think we can all be more productive if we all open MSN or Skype on our Desktop and have a real live chat.

Regards Robert

From what I can tell, while parts of the ui are installable, the actual application isn't. I think we need to wait for the new firmware.

SeRi@lDiE 2007-07-04 15:55

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
Mhhhh funny.... I do not have this in my application catalogue...?!?
Any ideas?
Whats the repo?

maxilogan 2007-07-04 15:57

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by SeRi@lDiE (Post 56179)
Mhhhh funny.... I do not have this in my application catalogue...?!?
Any ideas?
Whats the repo?

How can we know which is the repo? I refreshed my list and they appeared, but I do not know whether I can check which program comes from which repo... :confused:

RobMtl007 2007-07-04 15:59

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
Greetings Everyone:

I just refreshed the Application folder again, guess what.

The Skype UI is gone, damn it, TexRat are you playing games with us.

Is Nokia just testing to see if they can send an update to all N800 owners.

I think we should be getting the new firmware update this Friday, for heavens

Regards Robert

fpp 2007-07-04 16:05

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
I don't think Texrat has anything to do with all this whatsoever :-)

Mara 2007-07-04 16:46

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by RobMtl007 (Post 56182)
I think we should be getting the new firmware update this Friday, for heavens sake.

Why you think it takes so long? ;)

Lithorus 2007-07-04 16:59

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
Hmm.. seems that it's been removed again (like my post :()

luketoh 2007-07-04 18:03

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

You posted in another forum with the skype link but the link is broken now.

Best I got is the above...

maxilogan 2007-07-04 19:31

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 56198)
Why you think it takes so long? ;)

How high is the probabilty we'll get it tomorrow? 100% :)

djasmith 2007-07-04 19:52

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

I would guess that if the skype app was showing up briefly in existing bora repos one would assume that its gonna run on the current ITOS for the N800 ?

That is unless y'all setup chinook repos already ?

me 2 pence

I do hope they delay the release a few days though I got a ton of decorating and housework to get done :)



Seb Per 2007-07-04 20:20

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 56148)
Well... it is getting VERY close. After the US Independence Day celebration is over you might start hitting that F5 button and not to scare wearing it out... :D

You re disclosing about almost everything . You could also give the hour and the minutes :-)

Mara 2007-07-04 20:43

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Seb Per (Post 56243)
You re disclosing about almost everything . You could also give the hour and the minutes :-)

Not quite that... But hey? I don't think that I have PROMISED it to be out any certain day... :p Just said when expect to start waiting it and when it would be late in my "opinion"... :rolleyes:

Rufus 2007-07-04 20:56

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
Skype-ui still showing in my application manager - I see one of the missing resources is the telepathy-stream-engine (>= - Oooh telepahty no wonder the release is taking so long :)

Seb Per 2007-07-04 21:00

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 56249)
Not quite that... But hey? I don't think that I have PROMISED it to be out any certain day... :p Just said when expect to start waiting it and when it would be late in my "opinion"... :rolleyes:

i know i know.../

i m curious to see what happens in 3 mn. is it the day or at a given hour?

Seb Per 2007-07-04 21:04

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
well... not at 0.00 helsinki time.

Mara 2007-07-04 21:17

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager

Originally Posted by Seb Per (Post 56257)
well... not at 0.00 helsinki time.

I would have been suprised if it came out at midnight. :rolleyes:

djasmith 2007-07-04 21:22

Re: File called Skype UI is in showing in my application manager
So a little google'ing takes me here

and there

Read from that what you will . . . . ?

I guess we'll know soon enough if video is part of skypes bag for the N800


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