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endsormeans 2018-05-29 18:14

A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.
For in a decade at least...
One thing in particular has been nagging at the back of my head...
In particular ...2 things...

1-other members usernames here..
2- why they picked their usernames and what on earth their usernames mean...

Some seem randomly thought out...though that could be deceiving and there is actually a hidden reason...
Some seem very deliberate ...
Some ...I wonder ...what the hell??
Some i have speculated on FOREVER I swear...

So This thread has one rule...
The owner of a username that is being discussed here ...
CANNOT write here and explain anything about his username...

I think it will be more fun that way...
If anything ..
a sister thread to this thread here in Off Topic will shortly be created......
allowing people to answer the "Why?" questions about their usernames...if they desire...or keep the mystery....if they desire...

This is a voluntary fun exercise of the imagination if anything...
I think...
and helps us all laugh...have our brains in sideways thinking...and understand each other better.

I have a long long list of usernames I have madly been curious about...

So I don't mind starting the ball rolling with a burning question that has been on lips for YEARS.

endsormeans 2018-05-29 18:27

Re: A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.

Here is one of many burning questions ...concerning usernames...I just can't hold in any longer....
I have been wondering so long now ...
I am not sure I want to know the answer don't feel compelled ....
Because the world will feel so anticlimactic afterwards



were you a robot ....
hell ...
ARE you a robot....
or were or are you a washing machine junkie...
or ...
oh just descends into a mad contemplation that ends with this that comes straight into my mind when I see your name pop up ...

is this guy....

and the image in my head just won't go away....
and makes it so hard to seriously concentrate on the thread topic ...
Because all I can remember is ...

Anatolian 2018-05-29 18:59

Re: A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.
Saılfısh already ınstalled next to meego just the ubıboot wrong so any way to confıgure the ubıboot via telnet or pc, for example move the fıles to corrrect directory or Check ubıboot scrıpt located on correct dırectory?

endsormeans 2018-05-29 19:12

Re: A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.
God man!
This is a fun thread!
You are SOOOO throwing a wet blanket on the fun here...

I would suggest perhaps asking in your device's sub forum...concerning Ubiboot...
You will get more people noticing your question there...than here....

Excellent username by the way Anatolian...

Anatolian 2018-05-29 19:18

Re: A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.
Yea ı was thinking Whats wrong, why people talkıng about milf :D so gonna try my chanse at another thread, Thank you for comment on my username.

endsormeans 2018-05-29 19:20

Re: A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.

God you made me laugh while I was drinking my coffee!
I just snorted my coffee through my nose!

Anatolian 2018-05-29 19:23

Re: A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.
İt must be somethıng excellent to snort Coffee trough nose :D :D :D

pichlo 2018-05-29 20:21

Re: A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.
I'll have a go...

juiceme: A recovering former alcoholic's substitute for "beer me".

endsormeans: Undecided about what the deuce.

nthn: Can recite Pi to three(!) decimal places.

peterleinchen: A stone that is quite definitely not rolling.

mosen: As above, but peterleinchen was already taken

endsormeans 2018-05-29 20:44

Re: A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.

Oh god that was good!

Thank you pichlo...

and speaking of which...


not pich-hi?
and what exactly are you "pich-ing"?

or could it be a reference to Pinocchio...? but gave up on spelling it the Loooooong way and decided to truncate it?
And if so...I REALLY hope it is an ACTUAL reference to your nose and not another anatomical region...


I am soooo glad I made this thread already....

These are burning burning BURNING and I mean like ...Preparation H or Gold Bond .....delicate region burning...questions we all have about at least a few fellow members here...

Dave999 2018-05-29 21:58

Re: A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.
Naming is one thing. Thing of naming is something else. Internet of things. iOt. Thing. Name. Not the same you might say.

I'm happy this thread was created. Not sure if I can bring anything valuable to this thing. Or naming of the thread to be more precise.

If we could revert back to 999 and then launch another instance of reality we would all end up with different names.

Obviously the names dosen't matter in the end. It's just a thing. That connect us here. Like Internet of Things. So maybe we are not names, but things...thing names. Yes.

endsormeans 2018-05-29 22:35

Re: A Thread for All to truly have a limitless amount of fun with.
That was actually deeply profound Dave...
Downright existential ..
speaking of which...

I think the germans should have beaten the greeks in the feetball match...

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