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Maemish 2019-09-07 20:30

Hint links devices for sale online
I thought it could be good to have own thread just for links to offers people come across online. I'm thinking like good offers and cheap prices.

Here is first: Nokia 770, N800, N810, N900, N9

N770, N800, N810, N900, N9

Starting price is 179€ for all together, it has been for a while without anyone offering anything, 14 days left. I don't have money to buy it but if someone is reeaally interested I may be able to work as a middle man if you can't make the deal by yourself. Gonna help though only someone active member here. And the price may rise if some members from here are lurking there and waiting for the last minute before bidding.

Mivas_Greece 2019-09-08 06:58

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
Hi. Thank you for sharing this post.

Tempting, but says paying with cash only (bank transfer). This is too risky, I would prefer PayPal for instance, it charges 5% but provides safety.

Maemish 2019-09-12 23:14

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
The price has been lowered to 149€ and payment through bank seems to be an accepted method. Nokia 770, N800, N810, N900, N9

So now it would be like 30€ each. But I just got bill of my folk music class for my two row accordion and there goes 250€. And I would only want to buy N810 and N900 and willing to pay 20€ each. But at the moment even that is not possible bend in my financial situation. On monday I found 30€ (20+10) on a ground in front of a kiosk. Took them inside and left them there if someone would come to ask. Left them my name so that if nobody comes I will pick them on friday. Had to go there on wednesday already cause my account was empty. Was so glad that no one had come to look for the money. Was a bit embarrased to go there early but could not wait on friday. One must eat.

Maemish 2019-10-13 10:08

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
Someone is selling a presale version of N900 online. 139€. Not sure if someone would be interested or if there is any benefit of it. Could it have something unlocked or something other needed information for Leste development? Nokia N900, harvinainen presales-malli (N00)

Maemish 2019-10-28 20:03

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
The presale phone's price has gone down to 60€. Has a box and all bells and whistles with it. Nokia N900, harvinainen presales-malli (N00)

nonsuch 2019-10-29 21:41

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
Still on sale:
Gemini PDA, 330€

Maemish 2019-10-31 09:46

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
In Gemini PDA for 250Eur and possibilty to give a lower offer. Sorry for not posting a link but the page does not work so well with N900. Would like to buy it myself but at the moment broke.

capitannemo 2019-11-12 06:46

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1561290)
The presale phone's price has gone down to 60€. Has a box and all bells and whistles with it. Nokia N900, harvinainen presales-malli (N00)

Hi there Maemish!

Definetively interested... but my Finnish it is zero :o

Any help about how to manage it in English ???


peterleinchen 2019-11-12 07:45

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by capitannemo (Post 1561853)
Hi there Maemish!

Definetively interested... but my Finnish it is zero :o

Any help about how to manage it in English ???


Hmmm? :confused:
What about

capitannemo 2019-11-12 12:23

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
Many thanks peterleinchen!

I did not know about that feature from google (PRISM) yet. Good to know.

Too late.... unfortunately it is already sold :o

Perhaps next time...


Maemish 2019-11-12 16:50

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
They are seling them now about 50 Eur but normally it is only a phone without box or othyer stuff. I constantly bomb them with my 25Eur offers.

nonsuch 2019-11-16 19:26

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1561885)
I constantly bomb them with my 25Eur offers.

Oh that's you!

ric9K 2019-12-03 12:05

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
LOL: pirate N900, Immediate buy 500€
Or bid, 42€ with reserve price.
They say the phone is installed with PwnOS.
Here is the ebay auction.

Maemish 2019-12-03 14:49

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
I have one N900 with that installed. I keep it in my closet. The boot video with an elvish/diabolic character whispering in a hizzing voice is too scary. I am always afraid the phone hacks my home router if I open it.

stickymick 2019-12-03 15:13

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
There's a few Prototypes up on Ebay at present. A few N950s, an E7 Engineering Proto too.

ric9K 2019-12-03 22:07

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
But is this Os something one can install or are these devices so unique?

edit: one thread about pwn

nonsuch 2019-12-04 07:45

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
re #13: somebody didn't check prices & availability before starting that auction... well one can always try.
Also, the hero of Mr Robot uses a dead boring smartphone with no slideout keyboard whatsoever.

re #15: I'm amazed what price these N950s go for. Collector's item I guess.

mscion 2019-12-04 12:51

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1562988)
re #13: somebody didn't check prices & availability before starting that auction... well one can always try.
Also, the hero of Mr Robot uses a dead boring smartphone with no slideout keyboard whatsoever.

re #15: I'm amazed what price these N950s go for. Collector's item I guess.

Was #15 a N950 when you posted? I don't see it there. If so what was the asking price? #13 is very nice looking. Thanks!

ric9K 2019-12-04 18:37

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
@mscion: Nice looking, do you mean in good condition? Did you bid? #13?

mscion 2019-12-05 00:35

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by ric9K (Post 1563010)
@mscion: Nice looking, do you mean in good condition? Did you bid? #13?

No. Did not and will not bid. I just was impressed with the shiny appearance!

nonsuch 2019-12-06 10:24

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1562995)
Was #15 a N950 when you posted?

Yes, among others, and for 700£ if memory serves... :eek:


Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1563019)
shiny appearance!

Honestly, mine looks just as good. Used but in good condition. Or do you mean the OS? Some "hackers" might be very impressed by conky ;)

Just to be clear, there's nothing wrong with it - except the price.
"Reserve" means that the seller has a secret setting where the device won't be sold until a certain price is met - and judging from the Buy Now price, the reserve will be much higher than what N900s usually go for nowadays.

mscion 2019-12-06 14:39

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1563066)
Yes, among others, and for 700£ if memory serves... :eek:

Honestly, mine looks just as good. Used but in good condition. Or do you mean the OS? Some "hackers" might be very impressed by conky ;)

Just to be clear, there's nothing wrong with it - except the price.
"Reserve" means that the seller has a secret setting where the device won't be sold until a certain price is met - and judging from the Buy Now price, the reserve will be much higher than what N900s usually go for nowadays.

By shiny I meant it looks good to eye.
Just saw an N950 for $200 on ebay using your link. Has a large dot on the screen. What caused that? Is that fixable?

juiceme 2019-12-06 20:45

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1563074)
Just saw an N950 for $200 on ebay using your link. Has a large dot on the screen. What caused that? Is that fixable?

Unfortunately that seems to be the fate of these devices; the type of LCD that is used in N950 is such that sooner or later it starts to "rot" with black blotches, often looks like perfectly round balck cutouts in the screen.
It seems this is not related any way to mishandling or dropping the device or anything; I suppose the material of the LCD suffers some kind of chemical breakdown.

ric9K 2019-12-06 21:04

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
There is also this one for 30€ with shipping.
Usb broken, charger, nothing else.
So, it is cheap but you have to re-solder the usb.
I think the most part of the time will be spent in re-reading of all the threads about how to fix an usb port, to find the post with the bast advice. ;)
By the way, is there still somebody who has done that here?

stickymick 2019-12-08 16:13

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by ric9K (Post 1563086)
There is also this one for 30€ with shipping.
Usb broken, charger, nothing else.
So, it is cheap but you have to re-solder the usb.
I think the most part of the time will be spent in re-reading of all the threads about how to fix an usb port, to find the post with the bast advice. ;)
By the way, is there still somebody who has done that here?

If I can remember rightly, some re-soldered the USB port back onto the board and reinforced it with glue from a hot glue gun. A tricky task as the USB port was surface mounted to the board, so there were no legs going through the board to reinforce the socket.

ric9K 2019-12-08 19:44

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by stickymick (Post 1563143)
...reinforced it with glue from a hot glue gun...

I read it was more reliable to scratch the board from enamel around the plug and re-solder it widely to allow better reinforcement than adding glue as glue is too soft and elastic.
I'll give a try these days on an old n900 bard.

Done and working!
I explained how I did here

And by the way, don't throw your n900 with broken USB, fix them or send them to me, I got addicted to save them :)

pichlo 2019-12-17 08:20

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
Yup. A hot glue gun is pretty much useless. You can peel the glue right off.
Solder it in like this. If you want, you can reinforce with epoxy. Not a hot glue gun.

mscion 2019-12-17 12:31

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by ric9K (Post 1563147)
I read it was more reliable to scratch the board from enamel around the plug and re-solder it widely to allow better reinforcement than adding glue as glue is too soft and elastic.
I'll give a try these days on an old n900 bard.

Done and working!
I explained how I did here

And by the way, don't throw your n900 with broken USB, fix them or send them to me, I got addicted to save them :)

Has anyone ever made a linux cluster using a bunch of N900s?

Maemish 2019-12-20 07:47

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
Anyone living in Kuopio eli asuuko kukaan Kuopiossa? Olis kiikarissa yks luuri jonka osto onnistuu vaan noutamalla.

ric9K 2019-12-20 20:17

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1563472)
Anyone living in Kuopio eli asuuko kukaan Kuopiossa? Olis kiikarissa yks luuri jonka osto onnistuu vaan noutamalla.

Did you try to contact them? Sometimes, sellers change their mind and accept to send it if you organise the shippment for them that they just have to print the label for the parcel. :D

Maemish 2019-12-20 20:38

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
With this seller I would not accept anything else than seeing the product before paying in cash. You would not believe what kind of messages he has thrown at me since 5am in the morning and through the day. And several phone calls. If I say a drunk guy from Savo having a good time with someone he doesn't know before - well all finns will understand and be sorry for me. But the phone is a kind I have never seen before so I will bare everything untill it is sure case I either get it or not.

ric9K 2019-12-20 22:37

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1563505)
... But the phone is a kind I have never seen before ...

Hmm, Exciting! Don't stop here, what do you mean more precisely?

Maemish 2019-12-21 09:25

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
Many here has probably seen it and know it. Just new for me but before I'm sure either getting or not getting it no hints. Not wanna get competitors from here. But if I get it or not I will tel later. About 15 years old phone.

ric9K 2020-01-17 08:21

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
Refurbished genuine N900 boxed for about 90€, +9000 units available.
En or Ru kb.

Maemish 2020-01-17 12:20

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
f someone would buy one we would know if they really are genuine.

ric9K 2020-01-17 15:49

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
I remember when I received this cheap Chinese N900 instead of a real one!
What a disillusion! Cheap but still, too expensive.

nonsuch 2020-01-18 20:00

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
^ +9000? I smell fish.

peterleinchen 2020-01-18 23:26

Re: Hint links devices for sale online

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1564486)
^ +9000? I smell fish.

Surstrφmming in da house? :rolleyes:

nonsuch 2020-01-19 15:12

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
Just saw this on ebay:
6! motorola droid 4 for ~100€.
You know, the second best supported device for Maemo Leste.
They look good enough on the photos, no scratches or broken screens.
If only half of them work it would be a good offer - all other offers I saw were from USA and that adds a lot of additional cost to Europeans.

Maemish 2020-01-28 13:21

Re: Hint links devices for sale online
I would not want to do this but I have to. I tried to buy this but it should be bought with cash in Kuopio. I asked a lot from people but could not find any friend from there.

So here is a link to online sale for Fujitsu Pocket Loox T830. As I understood it should have the box and cables with it. There are old linux images for this device.

If you contact the seller by sms or calling - good luck. You may be asked to come to drink and he may offer to bring cigarettes or booze from Russia. The sms and speaking with this guy are both a confusing experience. I'm not sure if using english is an option at all. And you may start to receive reports which bars he is going next and how there are russian ladies.

But the device is cool and cheap. 25€. He may drop the price and then lift it back to 25€. So 25€ is the best bet for price.

So cash only in Kuopio is the deal with him. Have a nice trip!

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