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Pentona 2022-10-04 23:11

Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
The topic for the month is orange. Autumn leaves, pumpkins, the Netherlands football team, or the fruit, for example.

Photos must be taken during this month (October 2022) and posted before voting starts (photos must be taken between announcing the theme and starting the voting).
Photos must be taken by the posting member.
Photos must be taken with your phone's camera.
Post processing is allowed but you have to say what you did.
Users must name the phone and software they used.
Users post only one photo per entry.
Users can change the entry only once.
3 day voting period starts on October 29th at 22:00 UTC and ends at 22:00 UTC on October 30th.
Winner of the vote will have the honour to choose the next month competition theme.
You are allowed to continue off topic on this thread after competition.

peterleinchen 2022-10-05 07:08

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
1 Attachment(s)
This is my best orange! :)

Argh, sorry.
Forgot to mention:
XA2 (SFOS 3.2.1), screenshot, no editing

pichlo 2022-10-05 13:05

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1574667)
This is my best orange! :)

What phone was it taken with? ;)

eson 2022-10-05 13:45

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1574668)
What phone was it taken with? ;)

The BIG one? :D

pichlo 2022-10-05 16:55

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
1 Attachment(s)
My submission. Taken a few seconds ago on 5th October 2022 with a Jolla. The only "post-processing" was open and save in Paint to get rid of the rotation flag.

TMO in its infinite wisdom fails to scale the image, but that will sort itself out if you right-click and "open image in a new tab". And, of course, in the summary.

Attachment 41656

ibins 2022-10-06 18:40

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
1 Attachment(s)
Out of competition, because this photo has been taken 12 years ago with N900 and not been edited in any way.

I could not resist, because apart from a sunset i could not image more orange in a picture as in a bavarian beer garden with its orange tables and orange benches and of course the "Mass" (1l glass of beer) celebrating my birthday without any other single soul in seclusion and silence in a place that normaly attracts hundreds!

Apparently I'm too stupid to use the upload thingy, so here is the link to the real picture:

Fellfrosch 2022-10-07 06:47

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
@ibins One of the best subjects you could choose :)
Anyway, where are all the people gone in this nice Biergarten.

pichlo 2022-10-07 14:48

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
@ibins, that's not orange, that's gold! :D

mosen 2022-10-07 15:10

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
just WOW! Great nixie tube watch.
How are the hours displayed? Are the two tubes switched between hours and minutes periodically?
And, did you build that yourself?!? even if not. Just WOW again.

pichlo 2022-10-10 13:21

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
Hi mosen,

No, I did not build it myself. I have been planning to build one but never got past gathering the parts. That is my MO: get excited about something, buy the parts, then lose enthusiasm :D

I bought this one on eBay, from Ukraine. Have been thinking about it for a few years and when the war broke out, I though, "Why not? I will support someone in Ukraine and if by any miracle it arrives, it will be an added bonus." I even made a nice strap in matching colours :cool:

It displays time by pressing the button. First hours, then minutes. Otherwise it is dark all the time. Constantly on would drain the battery in less than an hour. This way it lasts about a month.

pichlo 2022-10-25 10:26

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
What? No more orange?

Pentona 2022-10-27 19:21

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
Xperia 10 Plus

eson 2022-10-27 19:34

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
The theme was leaves, wasn't it? :rolleyes:
So here's my contribution. Taken with X10 III, SF stock camera and no edit.

The ones below is from the same tree... or bush rather.

Macros 2022-10-28 14:04

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
Stopped on the way to work today to capture the rising sun.

Taken with 808 and cropped to the orange part :)

Pentona 2022-10-28 23:07

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
Here are the candidates for October.

#1. peterleinchen XA2 (SFOS 3.2.1), screenshot

#2. pichlo Jolla

#3. Pentona Xperia 10 Plus

#4. eson X10 III

#5. Macros 808 and cropped

eson 2022-10-29 07:38

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
I vote #2. pichlo

peterleinchen 2022-10-29 08:51

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
I do think mine shows the best content ;)
but #5 Macros' beat it (by far).

Wasmachinemann-NL 2022-10-30 14:08

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
lmao wtf @ that screenshot

pichlo 2022-10-31 11:38

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
I vote for #1. peterleinchen. Somebody has to :D

peterleinchen 2022-10-31 12:06

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1574716)
... Somebody has to :D


...10 chars...

Fellfrosch 2022-10-31 18:15

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
ahhhhhh totaly missed the competition! :mad:
Anyway I vote #5 Macros

Macros 2022-10-31 18:54

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
For my vote I had considered peterleinchen, but alas I noticed that it violates a rule!


Photos must be taken with your phone's camera.
I have to decide between the other three.

So my vote goes to #2. pichlo for placing the focus on the competitions subject.

Pentona 2022-10-31 21:39

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
I vote #5. Macros.

Danct12 2022-11-01 03:24

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
I choose 3. Pentona, mostly because I prefer cloudy afternoon shots.

But 1. peterleinchen is the best orange :D

Dousan 2022-11-01 07:40

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
I vote #4 eson, I like the composition :cool:

Pentona 2022-11-02 00:00

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
peterleinchen, Pentona, and eson got each one vote, pichlo got two votes and the winner Macros got three votes.

Macros 2022-11-02 06:10

Re: Phone Camera Competition, October 2022: "Orange"
Thank you all :)

I will create the new thread today and link it in this post.

Edit: New thread here

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