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aboaboit 2009-10-15 12:32

Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
My operator's credit check function requires me to "call" *5002#

I've tried that with the phone application and it is rejected as an invalid number. The SMS application, on the other hand, complains that I did not enter any text before hitting "send".

Bug, planned feature for future or just blank space for personal projects?

VDVsx 2009-10-15 13:24

Re: USSD functionality?
There's a enhancement request already in the bugzilla, please vote:

aboaboit 2009-10-15 14:39

Re: USSD functionality?

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 347166)
There's a enhancement request already in the bugzilla, please vote:

Done, thanks!

zooz 2009-12-15 11:04

Cant dial #123#
hey i usually check my phone credits by dialing #123#
but with my n900 when i dial it .. it say incorrect number
i figure it has something to do with the Call Type : Cellular
in the dialing pad
i dont know
i appreciate ur help thx :)

Kurare 2009-12-15 11:11

Re: Cant dial #123#
There's a bug filed for this. For now, no numbers starting with # (network commands) don't work, but a fix is coming afaik.

Marshall Banana 2009-12-15 11:11

Re: Cant dial #123#
Hi zooz,

the current firmware of the N900 does not support USSD codes, support for USSD codes will come in a firmware update.

See bug #5357:

zooz 2009-12-15 12:09

Re: Cant dial #123#
alright thanks guys for the reply

i guess we wait for firmware update

msa 2009-12-15 12:38

Re: Cant dial #123#

this is like building a car where the brake doesnt work - you can drive, but its really questionable.

Darkshine 2009-12-15 13:08

Re: Cant dial #123#

Originally Posted by msa (Post 428842)

this is like building a car where the brake doesnt work - you can drive, but its really questionable.

No, it's more like building a car without an FM radio - it still functions perfectly well as a car, you just don't get some of the nice extras you've gotten used to :D You can still check things by other means - I don't know USSD codes being a 'must-have' for any network provider.

sjgadsby 2009-12-22 21:32

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
Threads merged.

dawchiks 2009-12-22 22:12

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
well, it's the ONLY way for me to check how much money i have left on sim.

titi974 2009-12-29 13:37

Special calls with N900
Hello, I've just received my N900 from amazon... it's an german one but it doesn't matters ;)

the trouble is that I can't make special calls, i mean like viewing what's my credit... like quickly calling #123#

it simply doesn't work, the phone doesn't want to try to call it 0__0

someone in the same situation here ? thx

btw i'm french so sorry for my english ^^

pH5 2009-12-29 13:52

Re: Special calls with N900
Known bug, it will be fixed with the next some later firmware update:

lorelei 2009-12-29 14:14

Re: Special calls with N900

Originally Posted by pH5 (Post 445161)
Known bug, it will be fixed with the next firmware update:

Be sure to read the entire bug report! Not all cases will be fixed with the next firmware update. In fact only the least useful cases will be fixed (get your IMEI number, or change PIN code of the SIM). The more generic USSD codes, typically the ones needed to get the credit left on prepaid cards will still not work with the PR1.1 firmware update.

Please also note that the more generic case has been fixed in the meantime, but apparently won't be available in the upcoming firmware update, but probably in the next one.

more details:

sjgadsby 2009-12-29 14:25

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
Threads merged.

TA-t3 2009-12-29 15:04

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 445184)
Threads merged.

.. and it appears my post (reply to lorelei's post) disappeared in the merge?

stefbeer 2009-12-30 14:07

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
1 Attachment(s)
Hey guys!

Like somebody told in the bug report there is a tricky way to send USSD codes. I tried it on my device and it worked. :)

So here is how I did it:
  1. Open X Terminal
  2. Become root:
    sudo gainroot
    (requires the package "rootsh" to be installed BUT be REALLY careful what you do as root!)
  3. Open connection to the modem:
  4. Say hello to the modem ;)
  5. Tell him to send the USSD code *135#
    But watch carefully what you type because you are not able to press backspace ;)
  6. Wait for reply
  7. I did not find a way to disconnect from the modem, so simply tap at the blue X.
I attached a screenshot from my device, showing the reply.
In T-Mobile Germany the USSD code *135# simply shows your number.

Hope this helps! :)
It is not really comfortable but at least there is a way to send some USSD codes until the bug is fixed.

timooz 2009-12-30 14:19

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
I had the same problem, i was trying to dial *900# to check my credit balance (operator option), my N900 did not recognize the number and a notification "incorrect number " appeared. However, by removing the "#" symbol at the end of the number, everything worked. Don't know if this will work with you but give it a try:)

KiberGus 2009-12-30 19:35

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
Now we need a widget, that would show current balance.

KiberGus 2010-01-05 16:35

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
This script is intended to be run from root. It prints current balance on russia MTS operator.


import pexpect
import time
from subprocess import *

child = pexpect.spawn('pnatd');


reply = child.readline();
start = reply.find('"');
end = reply.find('"', start+1);
reply = reply[start+1:end];


p = Popen(['sh', '', reply], stdout=PIPE);
print p.communicate()[0];

The message is in UCS-2 encoding, so I need to convert it.

echo "$1" | echo -n -e $(tr -d '[:space:]' | sed 's/../\\x&/g') | iconv -f UCS-2BE -t UTF8

pycage 2010-01-05 19:04

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
You're awesome. Thanks for all this research work. Now I'm going to put together a nice user interface and make it an installable deb for Joe Average. :)

KiberGus 2010-01-05 21:45

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
I've already started. You can take src here:
I could'nt build deb file, so I vould appreciate if anybody does this. grage page under construction. Patches are wellcome.
WARNING, do not install withoput deb file unless you really know what you are doing

Configuration is done via /etc/ussdWidget.conf,

pycage 2010-01-05 23:19

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks, I guess we've been done work in parallel then. I'll look at your code and see how I can unite it with mine. Mine is an app, instead of a widget. :)

Well, anyway, here is the first version as installable deb file. Simply install and you will be able to check your account, your phone number, etc.
It basically works, but currently only for ASCII-encoding. Encodings is still on my TODO list, as well as uploading to extras-devel.

pycage 2010-01-05 23:21

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
1 Attachment(s)
Oh, btw, screenshot of course. :)

pycage 2010-01-05 23:40

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by KiberGus (Post 454692)
I could'nt build deb file, so I vould appreciate if anybody does this. grage page under construction. Patches are wellcome.

I'm gonna build a deb of your's tomorrow.

VDVsx 2010-01-06 00:27

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 454839)
Thanks, I guess we've been done work in parallel then. I'll look at your code and see how I can unite it with mine. Mine is an app, instead of a widget. :)

Well, anyway, here is the first version as installable deb file. Simply install and you will be able to check your account, your phone number, etc.
It basically works, but currently only for ASCII-encoding. Encodings is still on my TODO list, as well as uploading to extras-devel.

Ehhe, works, finally I can request network signal with *# and kinda check my balance with *#123# (reply is a bunch of numbers, should be due to the encoding).

pycage 2010-01-06 00:48

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 454913)
Ehhe, works, finally I can request network signal with *# and kinda check my balance with *#123# (reply is a bunch of numbers, should be due to the encoding).

Please show me that bunch of numbers so I can try to decode.
Btw, my app doesn't specify a special encoding (sends 15 for Language unspecified). I assume in your case, it would have to be 8 for Portuguese.
You can try to run pnatd directly and see if different numbers for encodings make a difference.



VDVsx 2010-01-06 01:05

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 454932)
Please show me that bunch of numbers so I can try to decode.
Btw, my app doesn't specify a special encoding (sends 15 for Language unspecified). I assume in your case, it would have to be 8 for Portuguese.
You can try to run pnatd directly and see if different numbers for encodings make a difference.




Nokia-N900-51-1:/home/opt/ussdpad# python -v 20
MESSAGE 4F207072617A6F207061726120636172726567616D656E746F20646F207365752063617274616F20666F6920756C7472617061737361646F2E20506F72206661766F72206C6967756520313639362E

I got errors when running the code above in pnatd over ssh, I've to try again.

VDVsx 2010-01-06 01:17

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
Ok, seems that 8 doesn't work, but 15 works.


Nokia-N900-51-1:/home/opt/ussdpad# pnatd
+CUSD: 0,"4F207072617A6F207061726120636172726567616D656E746F20646F207365752063617274616F20666F6920756C7472617061737361646F2E20506F72206661766F72206C6967756520313639362E",68


Same code, note that my carrier has text ads in the balance messages.

pycage 2010-01-06 01:29

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
Ah, the carrier gives you 68 for the encoding. I'll look that up in the GSM Encodings manual.

VDVsx 2010-01-06 01:35

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
Checked in another phone and the current message only has valid ASCII chars, but the ads change over time can't remember if they use non-ASCII chars, guess not.

RobertHall 2010-01-06 01:58

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
i used a "NAM" N900(usa product code)...didnt have the problem...
dialled *2273

plaban 2010-01-06 04:09

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 454839)
Thanks, I guess we've been done work in parallel then. I'll look at your code and see how I can unite it with mine. Mine is an app, instead of a widget. :)

Well, anyway, here is the first version as installable deb file. Simply install and you will be able to check your account, your phone number, etc.
It basically works, but currently only for ASCII-encoding. Encodings is still on my TODO list, as well as uploading to extras-devel.

How to install this?Please help

KiberGus 2010-01-06 07:58

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 454839)
Thanks, I guess we've been done work in parallel then. I'll look at your code and see how I can unite it with mine. Mine is an app, instead of a widget. :)

Well, anyway, here is the first version as installable deb file. Simply install and you will be able to check your account, your phone number, etc.
It basically works, but currently only for ASCII-encoding. Encodings is still on my TODO list, as well as uploading to extras-devel.

I just thought, that NOKIA would include ussd in their firmware (I just don't know when). So dial pad would be unneeded. But command line tool and widget should still be useful.
May be the package should be combination of command line tool which does everything and different style gui: application and widget?
P.S. I didn't knew, that last number in reply is encoding number. I just found in internet how to decode messages from russian operators. My version works with UCS-2 encoding.

pycage 2010-01-06 11:53

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by KiberGus (Post 455236)
I just thought, that NOKIA would include ussd in their firmware (I just don't know when). So dial pad would be unneeded. But command line tool and widget should still be useful.

Yes, they plan to include USSD in the firmware, but apparently not yet in the next release. Not all numbers with * and # are USSD. Some are said to work in the next firmware release, but not yet USSD codes.

How is the garage project registration doing? Having a common SVN would be best to join efforts. :)


Originally Posted by KiberGus (Post 455236)
P.S. I didn't knew, that last number in reply is encoding number.

Learned so yesterday, too. It's two nibbles (4 bits). high nibble tells about the used alphabet and compression stuff while the low nibble tells about the language. I found these PDFs to be useful:

There may still be some timing issues in the pexpect stuff because I don't always see an response from my carrier.

pycage 2010-01-06 12:00

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by plaban (Post 455114)
How to install this?Please help

Download the .deb file and put in "N900" (real path is /home/user/MyDocs/ but the N900 hides this from the user, and just names it "N900" in the file dialogs).

Open the application manager and look for rootsh, install it.

Quit the application manager. This step is important.

Start X-Terminal.

Enter exactly like this and don't press [Enter] yet:

rootsh dpkg -i MyDocs/ussdpad
Then push on the [Tab] button on the bottom of the screen. This will expand the complete filename.

Now press [Enter]. It's installing and you will find it in your applications menu from where you can launch it.

VDVsx 2010-01-06 12:01

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 455403)
There may still be some timing stuff in the pexpect stuff because I don't always see an response from my carrier.

Same here, but this happens with all my phones so far, seems that sometimes the carrier sends invalid/empty replies.

attila77 2010-01-06 12:12

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
Hm, I'm getting RuntimeError: could not create GdkPixmap object errors as a result of an assertion fail right after the MESSAGE line and no other response :) :( Will post the exact output here when I regain connectivity on my N900...

pycage 2010-01-06 12:15

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *

Originally Posted by attila77 (Post 455424)
Hm, I'm getting RuntimeError: could not create GdkPixmap object errors as a result of an assertion fail right after the MESSAGE line and no other response :) :( Will post the exact output here when I regain connectivity on my N900...

Yes, I have seen that, too. It's still a little buggy and I think this Runtime error comes from not getting a reply from the carrier. I'm still investigating this.

KiberGus 2010-01-06 12:22

Re: Missing USSD functionality: N900 can't dial numbers beginning with # or *
Here is garage project and my deb
What is done:
Files are placed in appropriate places (may be excepting config file)
Command line utility which would understand if encoding is 72 (used by Russian operators) and handle it properly. In other case no conversion one.
Home widget - button, which executes query and shows it as a text on it. Pressing button would execute query again.
GUI configuration (press on configure button in layout mode)

Known bugs:
GUI configuration would work after
chmod 777 /etc/ussdWidget.conf
On some systems it would break desktop layout mode: in layout mode pressing on menu which normally sujjests what to add to desktop would stop working. The same code on my device works. I think, that some dependences are missing.

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