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TomJ 2009-10-21 18:15

Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
I note from that Hermes can

update the contact on the device with photo (from Facebook or Twitter), birthday - which will appear in Calendar automatically (from Facebook), profile URL (on Facebook and Twitter) and homepage (from Twitter).
I was wondering whether it could also update things like email addresses and phone numbers. This would be an obvious bonus for when people change their numbers and so forth...

frals 2009-10-21 18:22

Re: Hermes question
I don't think the facebook api lets you pull email/phonenumbers...

Which is why this isnt in, afaik.

(edited for clarification)

Jaffa 2009-10-22 12:55

Re: Hermes question
frals is correct. Facebook lets you get the information outlined here: - as far as I can tell, the only useful information here is picture, name, birthday and homepage URLs. Hermes pulls all of that.

If you can find something else useful from that URL, let me know.

reijari 2009-11-04 21:06

Re: Hermes question
I have been playing around with Hermes and I think it is really cool! Just a couple of things I have noticed, that I think could happen also to other average users like myself:

- I did not know the difference between "Retrieve" and "Update", and have tried both.. What if the explanations you have on the webpage were also on the buttons? Something like:
Retrieve will fill in missing data for a contact.
Update will overwrite any contact entry.

- I also played around with the birthday-only contact possibility, not fully realising that Hermes cannot remove the any contacts it has added, or can it? I also did not realise that N900 calendar picks up all the birthdays from the contact book, and now I have birthday cakes all over my calendar! Luckily MfE does not sync them with my office calendar! So, a suggestion: could it be possible to choose what entries are added? Personally I would like to have the photos, probably not much else.

- The graphics looks great, but the appearance of the buttons does not match the beauty of the background. Maybe there is some sort of alpha-channel issue? I can send you a screenshot if you wish.

And as I am new to testing applications, I would like to know whether this was the correct place for this kind of feedback? These are not really bugs, just some observations.


Jaffa 2009-11-04 21:28

Re: Hermes question
Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you like the app.

- The subtitles under the buttons are an attempt to summarise what they do, and 0.2.2 has them called "Retrieve" and "Refresh". See #5452 for more discussion on this. Comments welcome.

- So, you'd like the mostly empty contacts created but only with name, photo & Facebook profile page?

- The black border around the buttons is caused by #5458 which is a bug in the Gtk+ engine underlying the Maemo GUI. The buttons would have to be re-implemented as standalone graphics (no chance for subtitles then) to solve this problem.

Hope that helps,


attila77 2009-11-04 21:40

Re: Hermes question

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 355303)
frals is correct. Facebook lets you get the information outlined here: - as far as I can tell, the only useful information here is picture, name, birthday and homepage URLs. Hermes pulls all of that.

If you can find something else useful from that URL, let me know.

Well, arguably hometown_location/current_location (and it's child fields) could be used to construct rudimentary addresses...

Jaffa 2009-11-04 21:58

Re: Hermes question

Originally Posted by attila77 (Post 365835)
Well, arguably hometown_location/current_location (and it's child fields) could be used to construct rudimentary addresses...

True, but it'd be very rudimentary (in the UK, the int-based "zip" would be entirely useless). Useful?

attila77 2009-11-05 00:22

Re: Hermes question

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 365862)
True, but it'd be very rudimentary (in the UK, the int-based "zip" would be entirely useless). Useful?

I *could* imagine some interesing uses (like display/search contacts from X city or Y country), but am not pushing for anything.

thorbo 2009-11-05 16:53

Re: Hermes question
Will this also sync contacts with OVI (from other Nokia phones) or is there some other method by which that can be done? The sim doesn't hold the richer information that I can input on my current phone, and would rather capture that phones info (via OVI), than save to the sim and import. If this is so completely obvious, I apologize in advance for the question.

Spudboy 2009-11-05 20:22

Re: Hermes question
Doesn't the Palm Pre pull numbers / peoples addresses down from Facebook?

What's the problem with Hermes doing this? Because it's not part of the OS per say. Or because it hasn't been developed with Facebooks cooperation?

reijari 2009-11-05 21:23

Re: Hermes question
I think the descriptions on the webpage are informative, so I would put something similar on the button subtitles. For example: "fill in missing data" and "overwrite any entry".

My main need for Hermes is to get photos for my existing contacts, as most of them don't have a photo in Gmail etc. I would prefer to check their birthdays in Facebook rather than from my calendar, but that's just me! :) And I will remove the birthday-only contacts, I'm oldfashioned enough to think that contacts need to have phone numbers...

About the buttons: media player has nice buttons, would buttons of that kind be an alternative for you? Then the text would have to be part of the graphics, I guess.


gskimmel 2009-11-25 18:36

Hermes Question
I'm trying to use Hermes to merge the info in the N900's contacts with the corresponding facebook page, but it isn't adding the birthdays to my pre-existing contacts. What the program did was to take everyone who is a facebook friend and created a contact card for them on my N900. It also took everyone who already has a contact card on my N900 and added their facebook profile webpage. It did not add the birthdays. Am I doing something wrong?

GeraldKo 2009-11-25 19:01

Re: Hermes Question

Originally Posted by gskimmel (Post 392022)
Am I doing something wrong?

Yes, you are, you're starting new threads on topics where it would be better forum practice/etiquette to check existing threads first and, if your question isn't answered but directly relates, to ask your question there. So, for this issue, for example, you might want to start with this thread.

To find such information, try the search options on the right side of the forum. Personally, I prefer the "Power Search" which is Google-powered.

I don't know the answer to your question -- good luck with it! (But good luck on that other thread, probably.)

The same goes for the Video thread you started.

llaadd 2009-12-01 13:46

Re: Hermes question

I have just installed this application and it is great, only have 1 problem, I synced my contacts but I have 2 people which have the same name on facebook (only one person stored on my phone with that name) and it has linked to the wrong one on my phone, how can I change this?

Thank you very much,

kalim13 2009-12-01 13:53

Re: Hermes question
brilliant application.

One problem I've noticed, after sync'ing only a few contacts have been updated with Photo's.

is there a reason why all the photos have not updated i.e. is there a block on Facebook to prevent photos being sent if they are not in a specific profile.

i have entered the correct email address that my friends used in their facebook profiles.

llaadd 2009-12-01 15:31

Re: Hermes question

Originally Posted by kalim13 (Post 402728)
brilliant application.

One problem I've noticed, after sync'ing only a few contacts have been updated with Photo's.

is there a reason why all the photos have not updated i.e. is there a block on Facebook to prevent photos being sent if they are not in a specific profile.

i have entered the correct email address that my friends used in their facebook profiles.

mine does this as well...and it matches by name not e-mail as far as i know

sampppa 2009-12-01 15:47

Re: Hermes question

Originally Posted by kalim13 (Post 402728)
brilliant application.

One problem I've noticed, after sync'ing only a few contacts have been updated with Photo's.

is there a reason why all the photos have not updated i.e. is there a block on Facebook to prevent photos being sent if they are not in a specific profile.

i have entered the correct email address that my friends used in their facebook profiles.

Does this happen with the contacts who dont show their birthday on their Facebook profile?

kalim13 2009-12-01 17:00

Re: Hermes question

Originally Posted by sampppa (Post 402953)
Does this happen with the contacts who dont show their birthday on their Facebook profile?

Unfortunately not. I have contacts where the brithday is showing, however the picture has not updated in the phone.

IcyAirs 2009-12-01 23:25

Re: Hermes question
Looks like I also have a similar problem, but at least for me, I've noticed that for all the people who don't get updated pictures, Hermes also doesn't seem to pick up their birthdays... but seems to get their websites just fine.

It definately detects them, as matches, cause the dialog after a sync says # updated, and #+x matched, where x is the people who don't have pictures/birthdays... If I delete the websites field for those contacts, resyncing does update them, but it just fills the websites back in, nothing new.

Is there some sort of app privacy protection that these people activated or something?

NSchuyler 2009-12-06 02:36

Hermes Resync with Different Facebook
Sooooo I searched and found nothing, and I apologize if that ends up being a testament to my failure or lack of searching capability.

Anyway, I downloaded Hermes, linked it to a facebook and used it to gain info/pictures of some contacts...

Now.... I want to link it to a different facebook account, one that is friends with many more of my contacts than the original account was.

How do I do this? I know it did a website validation, so how do I get it to delete and validate another way? I tried clearing the authentiification in the browser....

Oh well, I'm sure there's an answer... thanks in advance

NSchuyler 2009-12-06 04:50

Re: Hermes Resync with Different Facebook
bump.... I've tried everything associated with the browser except delete saved passwords... do I need to do that? or perhaps is there a file I need to find and delete?

Abemelek 2009-12-06 05:11

Re: Hermes Resync with Different Facebook
log in to the facebook account that you want to associate it with, then go back to hermes and then tap at the top and open the account, then uncheck the facebook or twitter, then save it. after that tap on get missing info, and a box will come up asking you to validate you facebook account then tap validate and the it will open the browser and facebook will ask you if you want to allow access to hermes, tap allow. you're done

NSchuyler 2009-12-06 10:57

Re: Hermes Resync with Different Facebook

Originally Posted by Abemelek (Post 412561)
log in to the facebook account that you want to associate it with, then go back to hermes and then tap at the top and open the account, then uncheck the facebook or twitter, then save it. after that tap on get missing info, and a box will come up asking you to validate you facebook account then tap validate and the it will open the browser and facebook will ask you if you want to allow access to hermes, tap allow. you're done

Unfortunately, it did not work quite as planned.... I unchecked the facebook, then logged into the other facebook and hit the button in Hermes and it took me to the accounts page. So I tried and enabled facebook again and it just linked to my old facebook not the new one. No new validation/authentification action :(

Thanks for the attempt though

stobbsc 2009-12-09 09:53

Re: Hermes question
I have a question regarding Hermes. Is it possible to pull in facebook details ONLY for contacts that already exist in my phone?

I don't want to import all my twitter/facebook friends into my phone, I only want to update contacts I already have?

What should I do here is this what the refresh is for?

stobbsc 2009-12-09 10:51

Re: Hermes question - ERROR
Hi all,

Is anyone else getting errors using hermes?
Or is it because I deleted the birthdays calendar from my phone so I could start again?

I get teh error:

"Somthing went wrong: Profile_URL"

Please could someone help me...


stobbsc 2009-12-09 11:35

Re: Hermes question
Ok I did a reboot and the error is now gone.

I then did a retrieve and notice it replace missing info and also added some new contacts, not all. And it didn't open a new calendar for b-day entries. So now I have now calendar for b-days how do I get this back?

Rcampbell 2009-12-09 12:59

Re: Hermes question - ERROR

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 418516)
Hi all,

Is anyone else getting errors using hermes?
Or is it because I deleted the birthdays calendar from my phone so I could start again?

I get teh error:

"Somthing went wrong: Profile_URL"

Please could someone help me...


I have this problem, A reinstall and reboot didnt work :(

any ideas?

stobbsc 2009-12-09 13:00

Re: Hermes question - ERROR

Originally Posted by Rcampbell (Post 418759)
I have this problem, A reinstall and reboot didnt work :(

any ideas?

I did a reboot and got it working.

However my calendar has dups in it now :-(

sjgadsby 2009-12-09 13:47

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
Threads merged.

Jaffa 2009-12-09 14:04

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
Right, some belated answers, sorry for any delays but I don't have time to be trawling tmo everyday anymore:
  • Contacts will only be created if Accounts > Create birthday-only contacts is ticked.
  • Data should only be overwritten if Refresh is pressed. Retrieve will only pull in data.
  • I've not seen the Profile_URL error before. Please run /opt/hermes/bin/hermes from X Terminal and copy and paste the output into a new bug report.
  • Some people don't allow applications to access their profile pictures. This is unfortunate, but there's nothing I can do within the Facebook T&Cs.



Rcampbell 2009-12-09 15:34

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 418891)
Right, some belated answers, sorry for any delays but I don't have time to be trawling tmo everyday anymore:
  • Contacts will only be created if Accounts > Create birthday-only contacts is ticked.
  • Data should only be overwritten if Refresh is pressed. Retrieve will only pull in data.
  • I've not seen the Profile_URL error before. Please run /opt/hermes/bin/hermes from X Terminal and copy and paste the output into a new bug report.
  • Some people don't allow applications to access their profile pictures. This is unfortunate, but there's nothing I can do within the Facebook T&Cs.



Sorry I really don't understand X-Terminal, having never used linux/maemo before. Can anyone help me out to run the /opt/hermes/bin/hermes ?

macdea 2009-12-09 15:56

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
I am having the same profile_url problem. I gathered the output of the command and opened a bug:

Strive_Masiwa 2009-12-09 17:28

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
Yeah same profile_url error here too. Reboot did not resolve either.

greyw0lf 2009-12-10 08:56

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
im having the same issues also

iceman600 2009-12-10 09:57

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
same issues here... reinstall , reboot , re flash didn't work. :mad:

naabi 2009-12-10 10:42

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization

Originally Posted by iceman600 (Post 420438)
same issues here... reinstall , reboot , re flash didn't work. :mad:

Jesus guys, you definitely need to stop flashing your devices because of these kind of issues. Problem seems to be quite trivial, even though didn't put much thought on it when browsed through the code.

GiGi. 2009-12-10 12:23

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
I would like hermes, or any other app for that matter, to support hyves. Is there any possibility that it will support this network in the future?

christexaport 2009-12-10 12:47

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
much like GiGi, I'd like to see more supported networks. I use Facebook, but I also use Ovi, Google Voice, MySpace, Nimbuzz, and Gizmo. Can or will these networks be added in the future? MySpace is most important, as I'm a music producer, and all of my business contacts are there. Having that info in my address book would be great for me, but everyone is stuck on Facebook and Twitter. Performance artists buy mobiles, too...

Anth.trinh 2009-12-11 09:49

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
Log out of facebook and log back in. That seem to work for me.

philos 2009-12-11 11:32

Re: Hermes Thread: questions, suggestions regarding Facebook, Twitter, etc. contact synchronization
I like this application very much, and it works as advertised.
I too would like to see more services added. Hyves would be great because all my family is on there.

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