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Texrat 2010-04-16 00:17

What exactly is "Off Topic"?
I've started some thread moves lately and in order to make life easier on all of us I want to clarify what Off Topic means.

Some have asked for help with a competitor product, or posted serious threads about competitor business moves or practices. These are definitely topical and go under Devices/Competitors.

Today someone asked why the N86 got an update but not the N900. A perfect fit for Devices/Nokia N900.

These are just a couple of examples but hopefully the idea comes across. Think about the goal of your post and where it might find the best audience, especially if you're seeking assistance.

Off Topic is the appropriate place for philosophy, social subjects, jokes, odd/interesting news and activities that don't fit under more specific business or technical sections-- including anything poking fun at competitors. So consider the context of your initial post and find the best fit for it. We will all benefit.


And speaking of Thanks: that feature is not implemented here. Along similar lines, posts here do not contribute to your post count.

EDIT: and feel free to ask questions in this thread!

CrashandDie 2010-04-16 02:00

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
Can we ask that threads about Apple be banned? Especially threads that revolve around throwing cheap jokes and hatemail towards other companies?

RevdKathy 2010-04-16 07:04

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
I thought for a minutes you'd moved my 'chocolate up the USB port' thread to the n900 forum. Or the chocolate forum...

geneven 2010-04-16 07:13

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
Off Topic is everything besides On Topic and Off Off Topic. You can discuss things like who you would kill in various situations, but nothing truly violent, such as who you would vote for.

EIPI 2010-04-16 11:35

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
And in true off-topic fashion - Congratulations to Texrat for becoming a '10k-er' !!

Sopwith 2010-04-16 22:07

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by CrashandDie (Post 612849)
Can we ask that threads about Apple be banned? Especially threads that revolve around throwing cheap jokes and hatemail towards other companies?

Very good suggestion, except not banned, but maybe excluded via an option, much like the shortcut. There are ideas in the Brainstorm linked in my sig that would allow for this -- go and vote!

I also would like to extend congrats to Texrat for the 10000+ posts! Keep up the good work!

Texrat 2010-04-17 23:23

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
ack... I can't see talking a lot as a thing to be proud of... :rolleyes: :D

and I won't be banning Apple posts per se.

CrashandDie 2010-04-18 04:17

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
Not Apple per se, but how about just removing derogatory posts against people who use a device from a specific manufacturer?

I have to read through the most obtuse, close-minded crap in a forum that promotes open spirits and conviviality.

I use Mac hardware, and for some reason I have to read that people who buy Apple are idiots, have a low IQ, etc, etc, etc.

If we remove religious topics because they cause offence, the least we can do is remove such posts as they are even worse.

Texrat 2010-04-18 04:38

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
I think I'll tackle them on a case by case basis. and no matter what I need to adhere to moderation policy... whatever it is. :D

ysss 2010-04-18 05:51

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
Although the growing numbers of aggressive\irrational fanboys are growing (both side of the fences), I don't think those discussions should be censored. However annoying they can be.

The real answer to that (imho) is for the fanboys to grow up and realize that any kind of fanaticism (of OS, technology, races, religion, etc) is not the optimal behavior for anyone to adopt...

CrashandDie 2010-04-18 06:05

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 615562)
The real answer to that (imho) is for the fanboys to grow up and realize that any kind of fanaticism is not the optimal behavior for anyone to adopt...

ysss 2010-04-18 06:44

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
@CrashandDie: lol
i love uncharted 2... that game has insane level designs... (and great characters, script, cinematography, etc... oh it's fun too.)

Texrat 2010-04-18 17:07

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
Ok... back on topic.


Texrat 2010-04-18 17:09

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 615562)
Although the growing numbers of aggressive\irrational fanboys are growing (both side of the fences), I don't think those discussions should be censored. However annoying they can be.

The real answer to that (imho) is for the fanboys to grow up and realize that any kind of fanaticism (of OS, technology, races, religion, etc) is not the optimal behavior for anyone to adopt...

While I'm opposed to censorship as well, what do you propose as that learning mechanism?


ysss 2010-04-18 17:35

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 616324)
While I'm opposed to censorship as well, what do you propose as that learning mechanism?


I guess I'd be a nobel prize winner contender if I know how :p

Unfortunately some people are just content being in an infinite loop of suboptimal actions for years... (look at us, forum junkies!)

geneven 2010-05-01 14:40

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
It's kinda amazing that a discussion of a current impending release was moved into Off Topic, and that a moderator has the authority to do that and add Chuck Norris to the title even though the vast majority of the messages didn't mention Chuck Norris.

benny1967 2010-05-01 16:00

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 636368)
It's kinda amazing that a discussion of a current impending release was moved into Off Topic, and that a moderator has the authority to do that and add Chuck Norris to the title even though the vast majority of the messages didn't mention Chuck Norris.

amazing? i'd find stronger words for it. while moving on-topic-threads to "off topic" isn't a new phenomenon and was used in the past to punish individual community members, changing the thread title in such a way is a hostile act i haven't experienced before. we've reached a new level.

Texrat 2010-05-01 17:28

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
I can't agree with either of you guys. I didn't move the thread or change the title, and was at first surprised over both, but after examining the thread I saw it had gone off the rails. I don't see any problem in moving a thread at that point... would closing it be better? And the title change looks to me like a harmless bit of fun based on some of the posts that started showing up. I'm certainly not opposed to kidding around here... after some of the issues we're dealing with blowing some steam is needed.

Unless I'm missing something you guys can help me understand?

benny1967 2010-05-01 18:44

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
You see, the problem I have with both - changing the title and moving it to off topic - is that it's clearly against the original intentions the thread was opened with.

If a thread goes "off the rails", as you call it, then - well, then it does. All long threads have this tendency. If now, after everything related to Chuck Norris has been posted, people start discussing an older version of an application that was available for the N800, what are you going to do? Move the whole thing yet again, to Maemo 4 or N800 or applications or whatever? Or are you going to put each single posting into a different category?

My perception is that the/some moderators think people use this forum like a book: click through the table of contents, find a thread, read the whole thread and expect it to be consistent and on topic from the first post to the last, like a chapter in a book.

I don't believe people do this. I think they use the search function if they need information. I think they follow threads for the same reason you follow a conversation: for social reasons, not to gather information.

The PR 1.2 thread was a serious thread in the beginning and some postings still are. Some others are "while we wait"-jokes, but as it's "while we wait for PR 1.2", they're still related to the original topic.

Changing a thread title that somebody else chose for his original posting only because some 100 pages later people laugh about Chuck Norris is... no, I'm not gonna say this. Just this one thing: Does it make sense for somebody who starts reading this thread *now* to have it in off topic and to find Chuck Norris in the title? Go to the first page and answer this question.

Texrat 2010-05-01 18:58

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by benny1967 (Post 636677)
@Just this one thing: Does it make sense for somebody who starts reading this thread *now* to have it in off topic and to find Chuck Norris in the title? Go to the first page and answer this question.

You know well that if we use that approach, taking a snapshot of any given thread's state at one particular moment, then moderators will be constantly busy changing the titles of legitimate threads that wander off, on and around a topic.

Again, I just see the "PR1.2/Chuck Norris" thing as a harmless diversion that's actually healthy for a forum and not the fatal, oppressive act you and geneven seem to be making of it.

But if there's a huge outcry over it, I'll reconsider my opinion.

felbutss 2010-05-01 19:00

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
well where is the thanks button????

RevdKathy 2010-05-01 19:01

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 636693)
well where is the thanks button????

There isn't one in Off Topic. Posts here don't count towards post count and can't accrue thanks.

fatalsaint 2010-05-01 20:27

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
Consider both of Texrat's messages thanked by me.

There is a point that a thread just becomes meaningless drivel; regardless what the original opening intention was. If you read the last half of that thread at all you'll realize how ridiculous it's gotten.

I think the move to Off-Topic was definitely warranted. The topic change could be arguable... but seriously: Are mods not allowed any fun? And it's not like the topic change wasn't related to what the actual topic had become about.

Laughingstok 2010-05-01 20:32

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
I don't see the problem with the moved thread, mods can have fun too as long as they're not abusing their power and I don't think they did. Course I'm a very laid back individual so take it how you will.

geneven 2010-05-02 02:51

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
The reason the header was changed was NOT in the spirit of fun. The reason was to make the thread seem more off-topic by adding an off-topic element to the header as a defence in advance to the objection that the thread is not in fact off-topic.

fatalsaint 2010-05-02 02:53

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 637069)
The reason the header was changed was NOT in the spirit of fun. The reason was to make the thread seem more off-topic by adding an off-topic element to the header as a defence in advance to the objection that the thread is not in fact off-topic.

If I were being honest.. I'd say the fun would be less attackable.

Changing the topic (bending the rules) in order to curve in advance an expected attack for moving the thread (bending the rules) is just ... compounding things worse.

The whole.. two wrongs don't make a right scenario.

Not that I object to it's being moved.. but.. the logic there is kinda flawed IMHO...

Texrat 2010-05-02 03:23

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
I still don't get it.

Anyway I'm not second-guessing the other moderator's motive in changing the title. Doubt it was meant in any mean-spirited fashion though.

fatalsaint 2010-05-02 03:43

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 637096)
I still don't get it.

Anyway I'm not second-guessing the other moderator's motive in changing the title. Doubt it was meant in any mean-spirited fashion though.

Hope I didn't come off as doing such. The move didn't bother me any.

I was just responding to geneven's comments. That particular line of thought didn't quite make sense to me - but still nothing I'd go challenging anyone over.

Texrat 2010-05-02 03:46

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
No, I got that, fatalsaint. Thanks though.

It's ironic: moderators get slammed for alleged heavy-handedness in this place, and then slammed for goofing around. No good deed goes unpunished.

I think I'll adopt sjgadsby stealth mode and avoid the hassle... :D

fatalsaint 2010-05-02 04:00

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 637106)
It's ironic: moderators get slammed for alleged heavy-handedness in this place, and then slammed for goofing around. No good deed goes unpunished.

That's pretty much the Pro's and Con's of any position of power though.

For my part, I think the majority of moderators wield it well on these forums. If anything; they are little too lenient in my eyes and I'm one that loves "open" communities.

geneven 2010-05-02 04:15

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
Basically, changing the title of a thread misrepresents all of the messages posted to the original title, since they were obviously intended to be viewed in that context.

Texrat 2010-05-02 04:18

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 637138)
Basically, changing the title of a thread misrepresents all of the messages posted to the original title, since they were obviously intended to be viewed in that context.

Feh. The original title misrepresented what happened to the thread.

Gimme a stronger argument, though, and I'll exorcise Chuck Norris.

Laughingstok 2010-05-02 04:22

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
I think some of you guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill. :(

fatalsaint 2010-05-02 04:32

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 637144)
Feh. The original title misrepresented what happened to the thread.

Agreed. The original threads title really has nothing at all to do with anything going on in that thread currently; and for the past quite some time.

Texrat 2010-05-02 04:34

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by Laughingstok (Post 637151)
I think some of you guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill. :(

Some thread titles should be sacred.

Some shouldn't.

fatalsaint 2010-05-02 04:36

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 637176)
Some thread titles beer bottles should be sacred.

Some shouldn't.

Fixed so Laughing can understand it :D

Laughingstok 2010-05-02 04:37

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
IF i start a thread on nuclear particle accelerators and it ends up being about walrus vagunas then i wouldnt give two shirs if the mods changed to to walrus vaginas. It would be fitting and accurate.
"No laughingstok, nuclear particle accellerators are boring, howver you know whats cool?" :D

Texrat 2010-05-02 04:38

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
Good god, I can just imagine that segue... :eek:

Laughingstok 2010-05-02 04:54

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 637181)
Fixed so Laughing can understand it :D

Im from Kentucky mang, i drink whisky. :D

geneven 2010-05-02 09:28

Re: What exactly is "Off Topic"?
" > Speculation about the next firmware (PR1.2) starring drunk Laughingstok as Chuck Norris"

Misrepresenting the subject of the thread is not helping keep it in order.

In fact, it is making it worse. Great strategy.

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