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realsportcars 2011-01-25 14:04

[ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

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This plugin allows the use of FastSMS as virtual keyboard in all N900. Please report all of your problem here so I can try to solve.

How use it?
  • Simply click on text-field where you want write, like standard virtual keyboard

What you need to know:
  • This plugin depends on fastsms 0.5. You need it!
  • When you start the keyboard for the first time after install or after a reboot you have to wait some seconds. Next opens are immediate. I suggest to start it from the icon then minimize it (don't close) and then tap on a text area.
  • FastSMS remains loaded in memory. If you want shutdown it open it from icon in main menu and close it.
  • When you use this in a field that request a "return" for processing input (like mibroB) you have to hit return key on vkb and then hide vkb.
  • Restart your device after install or kill fastsms process

Well-knowed problem:
Next improvements:
  • Add "none" to dictionary for user that dislike/don't use FastWrite
  • Load all at N900 boot-time
  • Add button for smile
  • ...


D4rKlar 2011-01-25 15:19

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Kind Regards,

Minhaz 2011-01-25 15:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
thanx a lot for this but isnt it possible somehow to run this virtual keyboard without fastsms app....maybe in the future?

kylepsp 2011-01-25 15:29

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Woo been waiting for this for months! Ill donate.

kylepsp 2011-01-25 15:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Cant find it in devel?

realsportcars 2011-01-25 15:34

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Yes in devel (when maemo extra assistant move it).

Without FastSMS? why this? FastSMS in only a keyboard now...

ivgalvez 2011-01-25 15:35

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Let me suggest you to use a more generic name such as "Virtual Keyboard Replacement" or something like that. This way it will be more discoverable for noob users once it reaches Extras.

As said, it would be better if FastSMS depend on the Virtual Keyboard for the future.

Good work,

kylepsp 2011-01-25 15:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Got it, had to install via terminal

realsportcars 2011-01-25 15:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by ivgalvez (Post 928228)
Let me suggest you to use a more generic name such as "Virtual Keyboard Replacement" or something like that. This way it will be more discoverable for noob users once it reaches Extras.

As said, it would be better if FastSMS depend on the Virtual Keyboard for the future.

Good work,

ATM this is not a package for noob :)

Sorry, but what do you mean with "As said, it would be better if FastSMS depend on the Virtual Keyboard for the future."?

Kenny1001 2011-01-25 15:45

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by kylepsp (Post 928235)
Got it, had to install via terminal


dannydj 2011-01-25 15:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
installed via app manager..

i cant understand how cani insert text inside an sms.. btw it looks good, finally :) thanks!!

Supersimo88 2011-01-25 15:48

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Well done!

realsportcars 2011-01-25 15:51

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by dannydj (Post 928240)
installed via app manager..

i cant understand how cani insert text inside an sms.. btw it looks good, finally :) thanks!!

Only click text-field in conversation, note or every you want...Like you do for standard virtual keyboard...

Start it from icon show "old" interface and allows to change options (language for example)

EDIT: Added this answer to first post

ivgalvez 2011-01-25 16:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by realsportcars (Post 928236)
Sorry, but what do you mean with "As said, it would be better if FastSMS depend on the Virtual Keyboard for the future."?

Sorry, I didn't expressed well myself. A user was asking about why is the VK depending on FastSMS, and I tried to keep emphasis on the fact that it's a WIP and in the future it would improve by being a standalone package and FastSMS depending upon it.

realsportcars 2011-01-25 16:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by ivgalvez (Post 928254)
Sorry, I didn't expressed well myself. A user was asking about why is the VK depending on FastSMS, and I tried to keep emphasis on the fact that it's a WIP and in the future it would improve by being a standalone package and FastSMS depending upon it.

No, sorry but it is impossible. FastSMS was written in Qt, virtual-keyboard must be written in gtk. This means that I have to rewrite all the code (really not little) in gtk and lose portability to other/future platform and I have to maintain two different projects and fight against different libs bugs :)

dannydj 2011-01-25 16:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by realsportcars (Post 928243)
Only click text-field in conversation, note or every you want...Like you do for standard virtual keyboard...

Start it from icon show "old" interface and allows to change options (language for example)

EDIT: Added this answer to first post

yep i understand..i did it :)

but how can i answer to an sms? i have to put everytime the number..when i want to answer to a friend, it could be nice if number is just there written.. (an improvement for the future) :)

realsportcars 2011-01-25 16:21

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by dannydj (Post 928268)
yep i understand..i did it :)

but how can i answer to an sms? i have to put everytime the number..when i want to answer to a friend, it could be nice if number is just there written.. (an improvement for the future) :)

Uhm...perhaps I wasn't so clear...If you want to answer to a message simply open the message normally (in conversation window I mean) and click on text-field like you do when you want use standard virtual keyboard...
Virtual keyboard will be opened without recipient fields (if all works fine) and you only need to insert the answer and then tap out of keyboard.
Your message will be displayed in text-field like you inserted via hardware keyboard

So you DON'T have to use the icon in main menu...

Mentalist Traceur 2011-01-25 16:25

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Question: Is FastSMS marked as a dependency of FastSMSEvo? I just glanced at the dependencies list for FastSMSEvo and didn't notice it, but I may very well be wrong about that, and just didn't see it.

@Minhaz: He'd have to recode both FastSMS and FastSMSEvo probably, to make that work. What I would have done is made FastSMSEvo stand-alone and then made FastSMS depend on and use FastSMSEvo. But I can understand why he went his route, since FastSMS was here first, so that was the natural progression coding-wise.

Some quick test results:
There is a slightly noticeable memory use difference. I use both the normal CPUMEM applet and my own python clone of it with five bars - cpumem applet shows bars at 30, 50, 70, and 90 % RAM used. Mine shows bars at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100. Normally a new reboot puts both versions at two bars, implying memory use between 50-60 %. After launching FastSMS and letting it sit in the background [EDIT: Meaning, after I launched the VKB normally, and it loaded FastSMS in the background as is explained in the first post), my applet shows 3 bars, cpumem still shows 2 - implying 60-70 % memory used. Not an issue, and it could be the difference of 1-2 %, but just letting you know it's somewhat noticeable.

I also JUST realized that the red/white icon button was an eraser, and that was backspace. For a while I thought there was no backspace at all. That icon is prob'ly a gamble in terms of intuitiveness, but it works, and so long as you know what it is it's not a problem to use.

One thing I noticed (so far testing in Conversations only) is that if I auto-rotate conversations itself, it has a hard time rotating to portrait sometimes. The first time I auto-rotated Conversations and clicked on the text-box in portrait mode, the entire Conversations app flipped back to landscape, the FastSMS keyboard came up in landscape, then the entire thing auto-rotated to portrait then back to landscape... Or something like that. I then wiggled it a bit (landscape then portrait so that the system knew to flip again) and it went to portrait just fine. Testing it again for repeatability, however, I noticed that it launches in portrait mode from portrait mode Conversations just fine. It does, when you click out of the portrait VKB to enter text, go momentarily to landscape, exits the keyboard, and then Conversations rotates back to portrait. The text is entered just fine however.

I had one instance of text NOT being entered when clicking out of the VKB when in landscape, I haven't really been able to reproduce it since though.

I'll report back when I can with reports on how well it works in a bunch of other apps, but in the meantime I just want to say: this is wonderful. Suddenly the N900s versatility just skyrocketed tremendously on top of all the other great things about it.

realsportcars 2011-01-25 16:45

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
@Menatlist: As always thank you for your feedback :)

Start from memory usage: FastSMS uses 6-7% of memory itself, but you have to consider that qtLibraries must be loaded so the total amount is 12-14% (depends on which language are you using). Consider that QtLibs are shared between different apps so they exists only once in memory (tools like Conky give the amount of memory with libs included).
There are some part of old implementation that could be removed freeing memory, but I have to manage people that perhaps want use fastsms standalone and not as vkb.

Icon: if someone wants draw a set of icon I will be happy to change all...They comes from different author and perhaps could be not so intuitive.

Some problems about autorotation happens when device is parallel to ground (for example over a table) this is because orientation is "unknown".

About non-commited text I've only experinced this in microB (like I said in first post) never in other place. Where you get this?

Mentalist Traceur 2011-01-25 16:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
I figured out what makes it fail to enter text in Conversations (possibly applies elsewhere): If you already have text IN the text entry field BEFORE you open this vkb. When you launch it, it'll properly keep the text that's already there, but it'll fail to add the next text. (Doesn't matter if the already there text was entered with hardware keyboard, or by the same virtual one just a few seconds earlier.)

Just did preliminary X-Terminal test - vkb doesn't seem to want to enter text there. I actually DID get it to enter text in X-Term once, I just don't know how I did it/why it worked that one time.

To clarify: If I have "Test" typed in the Conversations - say, I use the stock conversations program to send a text message - and type "Test" (with virtual or hardware keyboard, doesn't matter which). Then I close the Virtual/Hardware Keyboard, and click on the text box there "Test" is already entered, to bring up the vkb again. Then I type "blah" so the whole text looks like "Testblah". When I exit the VKB this time, only "Test" remains.

- Edit -

The icons are fine, but I'll be happy to draw you a generic backspace arrow if you'd like.

As for taking care of the people who want to use FastSMS stand-alone, I agree. I'm just wondering if perhaps FastSMSEvo can be a dependency for stand-alone FastSMS (and then some of the necessary code would get moved to FastSMSEvo from FastSMS), and then people who install FastSMS (and thus FastSMSEvo) could have an option in the settings to use the FastSMS keyboard just system-wide or just for FastSMS (or these settings can be available in a Settings menu applet...). Either way though, I realize it's extra difficulty to do that. I think the way you have it right now is just fine.

Also, re: orientation - I know. I assure you I was keeping it very definitively portrait/landscape. None of the wierd flipping happened during flat 'unknown' orientations. (But like I said, the really weird flipping was a one-time thing near as I can tell, and the click-out-of-keyboard->everything-goes-landscape-until-keyboard-closes->goes-back-to-portrait thing is minor and isn't a problem.)

realsportcars 2011-01-25 16:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
uhm...strnge behaviour...did you reboot after install? I'm doing this test in conversation: put a letter, close,reopen, put a letter close...
I've write "hello how are you" in this way without problem...and in X-Term all works fine...Only consider that also standard kb doesn't reopen with entered text in x-term

EDIT: Did exactly your test and all works fine BUT I've noticed this problem in microB during my tests so the problem exists and not only in microB. If I can find a way to reproduce this bug always I can fix easily

MohammadAG 2011-01-25 16:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Hmm, am I supposed to get the whole FastSMS interface loaded when the keyboard should show?

Mentalist Traceur 2011-01-25 17:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
(Just added more reply in my last post as an edit.)

Anyway, strange indeed. I did reboot. I turned on FastSMS once by itself to check the settings right after reboot, if that helps? I have a few python status menu applets running in the background.. Nothing that SHOULD change our results, but I may well have something wrong going on on my device.

I say we wait and see what other reports come in. Mine might be the odd-N900-out.

maemo55 2011-01-25 17:06

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
is Possible switch from original keyboard to it ?

realsportcars 2011-01-25 17:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 928310)
Hmm, am I supposed to get the whole FastSMS interface loaded when the keyboard should show?

Yes, it is really loaded only first time, after only hit of showMaximized() and hide(). Never really closed (untill you close it from standalone ui)

w00t 2011-01-25 17:09

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Do you have a git repository somewhere?

realsportcars 2011-01-25 17:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by maemo55 (Post 928317)
is Possible switch from original keyboard to it ?

If you mean "on the fly" no. You can have this one or standard one. but if sometimes you want switch for a particular reason you can use x-term commands without uninstall fastsmsevo

realsportcars 2011-01-25 17:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 928320)
Do you have a git repository somewhere?

Not yet, but if you need, you can find source in package overview (as you know)

MohammadAG 2011-01-25 17:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by realsportcars (Post 928319)
Yes, it is really loaded only first time, after only hit of showMaximized() and hide(). Never really closed (untill you close it from standalone version)

No, I mean should I even get the "To" and the whole interface, just as if I started it from the menu?

w00t 2011-01-25 17:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by realsportcars (Post 928324)
Not yet, but if you need, you can find source in package overview (as you know)

Right. But speaking as a hypothetical contributor (which isn't all that unlikely, given that this is something I am interested in and have tried to work on earlier), that makes my life harder to give you patches, so I probably won't bother with trying to contribute.

Thanks for your work, though. :)

realsportcars 2011-01-25 17:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 928327)
Right. But speaking as a hypothetical contributor (which isn't all that unlikely, given that this is something I am interested in and have tried to work on earlier), that makes my life harder to give you patches, so I probably won't bother with trying to contribute.

Thanks for your work, though. :)

I'm very glad if you want to contribute! However I will move all code (fastsmsevo and fastsms) on git soon (or cvs, I don't know differences)

realsportcars 2011-01-25 17:20

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 928326)
No, I mean should I even get the "To" and the whole interface, just as if I started it from the menu?

No no...first "row" is not displayed when using it as vkb :)

MohammadAG 2011-01-25 17:22

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Weird, all of FastSMS is being started at each click of an input box.
And yes, I tried rebooting.

realsportcars 2011-01-25 17:28

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 928336)
Weird, all of FastSMS is being started at each click of an input box.
And yes, I tried rebooting.

do you have fastsms-0.5 (in devel) ?
If yes try this:


dbus-send --print-reply --dest=it.rsc.fastsms / it.rsc.fastsms.surroundRequest string:"test"

MohammadAG 2011-01-25 17:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Hmm, so I need fastsms 0.5 and it doesn't depend on it?

Depends: fastsms (>= 0.5-0)
to debian/control

Mentalist Traceur 2011-01-25 17:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Hey - I just noticed - it randomly started mostly-working for me on the inputting text front.

I still occasionally don't get it to work, but mostly it does. Nearly as I can tell, it has something to do with pressing ON the text, instead of in the empty space, in an input box when text is already there. Which, of course, probably doesn't make any sense at all from a code stand point why that should be. (XTerm use is still the buggy for me - the already entered text doesn't show up in the vkb - though it does add new text on somewhat consistently if I open/close/reopen the vkb.)

Maybe it has something to do with what MohammadAG reports, of FastSMS starting on each input-box click?Never mind, looks like MohammadAG didn't have the FastSMS thing, which explains that.

- Edit -

Okay, X-Term just works if I click on the line where text is being entered, If I click on the text or off the text is cool, but it has to be on that one line. Which I could've sworn I was doing before, but whatever. Working nicely now.

I'll just shut up now until I can do more testing/fiddling.

w00t 2011-01-25 17:35

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by realsportcars (Post 928333)
I'm very glad if you want to contribute! However I will move all code (fastsmsevo and fastsms) on git soon (or cvs, I don't know differences)

Okay; sounds good. I'm subscribed to the thread, so I'll see a notification, hopefully.

Feel free to message me if I don't notice it for some reason (I'm fairly busy).

realsportcars 2011-01-25 17:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 928343)
Hmm, so I need fastsms 0.5 and it doesn't depend on it?

Depends: fastsms (>= 0.5-0)
to debian/control

thank you this is my next question :P

@Mentalist: X-Term doesn't works well neither with standard vkb: already entered text is not displayed when opening vkb and text added will be appended.
I noticed tha same things you said about pressing on text/free space but only one time, the first I'm starting to think that this is a problem with d-bus...

EDIT: I've added dependecy to fastsmsevo and some log print. Also fastsms have now a print before sending the text.

Please download it (when available, fastsmsevo-0.1-6 fastsms-0.5-1) so we can understand a bit more

MohammadAG 2011-01-25 17:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
I guess the bug Metalist reported is due to this

#if defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_5)
        //If not landscape, need to return to landscape view
        if( != 0)
            setAttribute(Qt::WA_Maemo5LandscapeOrientation, true);


Maybe you could check if the window that requested the keyboard has HILDON_PORTRAIT_MODE_SUPPORT set on it? If it doesn't, do that part of the code, else, skip and hide().

Unit247 2011-01-25 18:25

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FastSMSEvo: system virtual keyboard T9/Qwerty
Hey i have a question

How do you go to a new line (enter key) in the alpha numeric keyboard?

Best Regards


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