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ejasmudar 2011-03-03 19:02

[Announce] Conversation Modder V 1.5
1 Attachment(s)
What is it?
First of all, this is just a basic app. It is only a work-in-progress. It helps in modifying the look of the conversations apps (Messagin app)

How do I run it?
VERSION 1.5.1+
You can download the app from this post and open it from the device to install it.

IMPORTANT: If you're getting errors relating to 'zenity', then please install zenity from the repos. See

What all does it help me do?
This app is an improvement over my previous scripts. It help to install new themes downloaded from here. Also, backup and restore, and help in installing portrait support (not guaranteed for custom themes)

Only installation of themes downloaded from the wiki is supported . I do not guarantee that themes downloaded from other posts may work. If a theme does not work, please drop in a request to get it repacked. :)

1. Has to be started from Xterm (solved from version 1.5)
2. Has to be run as root (solved from version 1.5)
3. No easy install-and-run process (Solved from version 1.5.1)

Known Problems (v 1.5.2)
1. Portrait mode is not working on all themes

What can be expected in the future?
Option to change our name in SMS window from 'You:' <-----DONE
Support for own avatar
Option to change color schemes <--------------------------------IN PROCESS
.Deb file to easily install scripts <----------------------------------DONE

What can not be expected in the NEAR future?
A better UI, because I dunno anything about QT coding. Anybody who can help me out, I will be grateful.

How can you help me?
*Find bugs. Report it. Help me kill it.
*Make shell scripts for other operations to modify conversations, so that it can be integrated with this app.


I have updated the app to include one more script: to change our own name in the SMS conversation window from 'YOU:' to what ever you want.

* mod to change colors in SMS (not feature complete as of 1.5)
* installable deb file
* squashed zenity bug giving segmentation fault.

UPDATE V.1.5.2
* new feature: change text colours
* menus repeat now

ceroberts75 2011-03-03 19:24

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI
nice. great start

garen 2011-03-03 20:24

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI
Dumb question: what do I type in xterm to cd to the file?

eefo 2011-03-03 20:26

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI
when i choose install theme option it says sorry file does not exist !

eefo 2011-03-03 20:27

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by garen (Post 959952)
Dumb question: what do I type in xterm to cd to the file?

if you have extracted the file in MyDocs then write

cd /home/user/MyDocs

ejasmudar 2011-03-04 06:15

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI
I have uploaded an updated package. It now has the ability to change our name from "You:" in the SMS window to whatever we want. More updates coming soon.


Originally Posted by garen (Post 959952)
Dumb question: what do I type in xterm to cd to the file?

let's say you unzipped all the files to A folder named ConversationModder in Downloads Folder in your MyDocs folder.
So you should first of all, run

sudo gainroot
Then change directory to where you've unzipped the files:

cd /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/ConversationModder/
Then run the script as

I know this is not exactly n00b friendly, but i am now experimenting with creating a deb file that will install the app, so that you can just run it easily from the menu.

ivgalvez 2011-03-04 07:09

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI
Suggestion: autodownload conversations themes from the Wiki page.

droitwichgas 2011-03-04 07:36

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 960260)
I have uploaded an updated package. It now has the ability to change our name from "You:" in the SMS window to whatever we want. More updates coming soon.

let's say you unzipped all the files to A folder named ConversationModder in Downloads Folder in your MyDocs folder.
So you should first of all, run

sudo gainroot
Then change directory to where you've unzipped the files:

cd /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/ConversationModder/
Then run the script as

I know this is not exactly n00b friendly, but i am now experimenting with creating a deb file that will install the app, so that you can just run it easily from the menu.

I can seem run this as I get something a Line 6 error "zenity" not sure what that means?

Guitaroach 2011-03-04 07:56

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI
This is fantastic. My buddy was showing me a convo-editor app on his Droid recently, and I was impressed. I was hoping on the inside that something similar would show up on maemo. Lo and behold! Haha!

ejasmudar 2011-03-04 08:16

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 960290)
I can seem run this as I get something a Line 6 error "zenity" not sure what that means?

Oh damn, zenity is not a built-in package? I had it in my n900 so thought everyone would have it too. :( Anybody else is having this problem?

Anyway, zenity is a way to incorporate GUI into scripts for programming n00bs like me. Feel free to download and install it with hildon application manager or from here:

droitwichgas 2011-03-04 18:55

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 960308)
Oh damn, zenity is not a built-in package? I had it in my n900 so thought everyone would have it too. :( Anybody else is having this problem?

Anyway, zenity is a way to incorporate GUI into scripts for programming n00bs like me. Feel free to download and install it with hildon application manager or from here:

It seems zenity's not in the repos any more but this thread should help

droitwichgas 2011-03-04 22:54

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI
I seem to get everyting working but can not download the actual theme folder just getting a "Maybe the file does mnot exists" message when I press intall theme button, i have however got conversation showing in portrait (yippee!)

Where do I save the theme folder, in the same folder as the conversation modder? Also do I need to unzip the theme folder or not before I save to the phone?

ejasmudar 2011-03-05 03:07

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 960891)
I seem to get everyting working but can not download the actual theme folder just getting a "Maybe the file does mnot exists" message when I press intall theme button, i have however got conversation showing in portrait (yippee!)

Where do I save the theme folder, in the same folder as the conversation modder? Also do I need to unzip the theme folder or not before I save to the phone?

you can save the theme ".zip" file anywhere. And, you donot need to unzip it. Just chose the zip file with the app.


Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 960768)
It seems zenity's not in the repos any more but this thread should help

The package pageshows that it is available in extras. That is why you can install by apt-get. Anyway, thanks for that link :)

droitwichgas 2011-03-05 09:46

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 960994)
you can save the theme ".zip" file anywhere. And, you donot need to unzip it. Just chose the zip file with the app.

The package pageshows that it is available in extras. That is why you can install by apt-get. Anyway, thanks for that link :)

Thanks for your help here but I have download the zip file to my Downloads folder but when i run the script it never asks me to select a file just comes up with the warning "no files found"'. Should the script ask for the file or try and find it itself?

The Xterm seems to suggest a segmentation fault?

Not sure why but zenity didn't appear in either my HAM or FAM and it sounds like the poster on the link I highlighted had the same issue.

ejasmudar 2011-03-05 10:09

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 961076)
Thanks for your help here but I have download the zip file to my Downloads folder but when i run the script it never asks me to select a file just comes up with the warning "no files found"'. Should the script ask for the file or try and find it itself?

The Xterm seems to suggest a segmentation fault?

Not sure why but zenity didn't appear in either my HAM or FAM and it sounds like the poster on the link I highlighted had the same issue.

Ok lets clarify things a bit here:
a. There are two types of zip files here: the zip file for the scripts from the first post ("") and theme zip files from the wiki (
b. You should unzip to a folder in MyDocs. It should have 4 scripts in it.
c. Open Xterm, become root, change directory to where the scripts are unzipped. ie, do cd /home/users/MyDocs/CM/ if MC is the folder to where you've unzipped the files.
To confirm if the scripts are there use this command:

This should give a list of files in the folder and you should see,, and
d. Now that you've confirmed you're in the correct directory, run the app as

It should start off with a window asking you what action to perform if you HAVE zenity. If not, please click here to install Zenity.
e. If you've successfully installed Zenity, do the above steps again to run the app.
f. It should then ask you for action.
g. Click on 'install theme'
h. It will then ask you to select the theme file. This is the zip file downloaded from the wiki (which has not been unzipped).
i. It will be installed as your conversation theme.

Now, tell me clearly, when are you getting the no file found error?on immediately trying to run the script? How do you know it is a segmentation fault?

I know going to the Xterm is not friendly, but I am working on an installable deb package. I just need to figure out how to et the scripts to run as root from the main menu. Please have patience.


droitwichgas 2011-03-05 22:36

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 961089)
Ok lets clarify things a bit here:
a. There are two types of zip files here: the zip file for the scripts from the first post ("") and theme zip files from the wiki (
b. You should unzip to a folder in MyDocs. It should have 4 scripts in it.
c. Open Xterm, become root, change directory to where the scripts are unzipped. ie, do cd /home/users/MyDocs/CM/ if MC is the folder to where you've unzipped the files.
To confirm if the scripts are there use this command:

This should give a list of files in the folder and you should see,, and
d. Now that you've confirmed you're in the correct directory, run the app as

It should start off with a window asking you what action to perform if you HAVE zenity. If not, please click here to install Zenity.
e. If you've successfully installed Zenity, do the above steps again to run the app.
f. It should then ask you for action.
g. Click on 'install theme'
h. It will then ask you to select the theme file. This is the zip file downloaded from the wiki (which has not been unzipped).
i. It will be installed as your conversation theme.

Now, tell me clearly, when are you getting the no file found error?on immediately trying to run the script? How do you know it is a segmentation fault?

I know going to the Xterm is not friendly, but I am working on an installable deb package. I just need to figure out how to et the scripts to run as root from the main menu. Please have patience.


Thanks for all this it seems to be, I think anyway a problem with zenity starting, as on one occession it has allowed me to select a downloaded theme but on numerous attempts since it has let me, change the theme, just come up file not found with the zenity folders never appearing, not sure how I check to find out what is causing the problem?

I assume I saved the theme zip folder in the CM folder?

All the other con modders work such as back up & restore theme.

I have managed to update now using your contheme scrip but still no joy with the actaul con modder itself!

ejasmudar 2011-03-06 18:00

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 961471)
Thanks for all this it seems to be, I think anyway a problem with zenity starting, as on one occession it has allowed me to select a downloaded theme but on numerous attempts since it has let me, change the theme, just come up file not found with the zenity folders never appearing, not sure how I check to find out what is causing the problem?

Good news, droitwichgas. since you said that the rest of the mods were working, i figured out the problem and could reproduce it. I have uploaded version 1.5 of the app that fixes this.

It also has a new mod-change colors. It is a work in progress and so far only the bubble colors for SMS can be changed, but rest assured, more are coming soon :D

Also, this new version is in deb format. So u can now install and then the application shows up in the menu. BUT for now, you can't install with the built in application manager (it shows incompatible application package error, can somebody help me?).
So you have to open xterminal, become root and install the package as

dpkg -i path/to/conversationmodder.deb
it will then be installed and accessible from menu.

droitwichgas 2011-03-06 22:10

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI
Thnaks for this everything seems to wok OK and the script opens zenity but once I hit download nothing appears to happen before zenity closes, the themes don't appear to change and I can't access the change colours options.

It seems you are almost there but not quite?

ejasmudar 2011-03-07 03:28

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI
@droitwichgas, can/did u install the file as i said? Did the app appear in the menu?


Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 962056)
Thnaks for this everything seems to wok OK and the script opens zenity but once I hit download ...

Hit download? Where? I don't think there is an option in the app to download?


Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 962056)
nothing appears to happen before zenity closes, the themes don't appear to change and I can't access the change colours options.
It seems you are almost there but not quite?

Can you see the 'Change colors' option? What happens when you click it?

Don't worry, we'll beat this yet! And thanks for being a patient tester.

lolloo 2011-03-07 09:51

Re: [Announce] Conversation Modder V1.5
real awesome! thanks alot!!

n900 lover 2011-03-07 10:24

Re: [Announce] Conversation Modder V1.5
how do you uninstall? i installed it but its not working.

and i cant find zenity in repos

cutehunk04 2011-03-07 11:04

Re: [Announce] Conversation Modder V1.5
this is the error am facing...i hav installed zenity still no success

where m i wrong

ejasmudar 2011-03-07 11:54

Re: [Announce] Conversation Modder V1.5

Originally Posted by n900 lover (Post 962369)
how do you uninstall? i installed it but its not working.

and i cant find zenity in repos

It's a weird problem where Zenity is not seen by the application manager. To install zenity, goto Xterm, and type the following:

sudo gainroot
apt-get install zenity*

To uninstall, I think you can uninstall from app manager. If not, goto xterm and do the following:

sudo gainroot
apt-get remove conversationmodder

ejasmudar 2011-03-07 11:57

Re: [Announce] Conversation Modder V1.5

Originally Posted by cutehunk04 (Post 962394)
this is the error am facing...i hav installed zenity still no success

where m i wrong

You're probably not in the folder where you downloaded the conversationmodder.deb file. To make sure, type the following onto xterm:

It will give a list of files and folders in ur current folder. Check if conversationmodder.deb is amoung them. If not, use the command cd to change the directory to where the file is present. ie, for example if you've downloaded conversationmodder.deb to Downloads, do the following:

cd /home/users/MyDocs/Downloads
then do

dpkg -i conversationmodder.deb

cutehunk04 2011-03-07 12:26

Re: [Announce] Conversation Modder V1.5
here what i did...

i downloaded the version 1.5, and place in a folder named CM,and the following command and had this result

ejasmudar 2011-03-07 12:36

Re: [Announce] Conversation Modder V1.5
Wooops, my bad. The command is

dpkg -i conversationmodder.deb

droitwichgas 2011-03-07 13:44

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 962199)
@droitwichgas, can/did u install the file as i said? Did the app appear in the menu?

Hit download? Where? I don't think there is an option in the app to download?

Can you see the 'Change colors' option? What happens when you click it?

Don't worry, we'll beat this yet! And thanks for being a patient tester.

Sorry got carried away I meant hit "OK" after selecting the zip file with the theme wanted to use. That's hit zenity just closes! Same thing happens with choose own name or clours once I hit "OK" your app just closes without any warning messages.

Thanks for your all your help at whilst I have now got the theme I wanted but just can't change the colour, which if it comes to worse is no big problem.

Just noted once when I hit the "OK" button I have a a "information bar" stating just "error" with an "OK" button next to hit however this
as not appeared since!

ejasmudar 2011-03-07 18:32

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 962484)
Sorry got carried away I meant hit "OK" after selecting the zip file with the theme wanted to use. That's hit zenity just closes! Same thing happens with choose own name or clours once I hit "OK" your app just closes without any warning messages.

Ok, debugging time!
So droitwichgas, please open xterm and type the following code:

sudo gainroot
sh /opt/conversationmodder/

and please post screenshots of your xterm window or copy paste its contents here.

rebelnoob 2011-03-07 19:56

Re: [Announce] Conversation Modder V1.5
someone please update this app in the wiki customizing maemo/conversation mods..
very helpful app.

droitwichgas 2011-03-07 21:26

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 962626)
Ok, debugging time!
So droitwichgas, please open xterm and type the following code:

sudo gainroot
sh /opt/conversationmodder/

and please post screenshots of your xterm window or copy paste its contents here.

Here goes

Attachment 18396

Attachment 18397

Seems i still have three segmentation fault?

ejasmudar 2011-03-08 03:51

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 962734)
Here goes

Attachment 18396

Attachment 18397

Seems i still have three segmentation fault?

Yeah try my command without sudo gainroot.
Just sh /opt/conversationmodder/

NOMIOMI 2011-03-08 04:17

Re: [Announce] Conversation Modder V1.5
great share bro

droitwichgas 2011-03-08 07:39

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 962896)
Yeah try my command without sudo gainroot.
Just sh /opt/conversationmodder/

Tried this and now I get asked for a password in Xterm, I recall this is a common problem but how do I overcome it assuming I can with your script?

The info on this post sounds like the issue I am having?

ejasmudar 2011-03-08 09:22

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 962981)
Tried this and now I get asked for a password in Xterm, I recall this is a common problem but how do I overcome it assuming I can with your script?

This is a problem. To bypass this, we can generally use the 'sudo run-stanalone command'. That is what I have done.

So, I want you to try this for me:

sudo sh /opt/conversationmodder/
If it is still asking for password, try

sudo /usr/bin/ sh /opt/conversationmodder/
The first is the method that i am now using in my code. maybe i need to switch to the second command...?

droitwichgas 2011-03-08 10:34

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 963017)
This is a problem. To bypass this, we can generally use the 'sudo run-stanalone command'. That is what I have done.

So, I want you to try this for me:

sudo sh /opt/conversationmodder/
If it is still asking for password, try

sudo /usr/bin/ sh /opt/conversationmodder/
The first is the method that i am now using in my code. maybe i need to switch to the second command...?

Unfortunately it is still asking for a password once I run the first line of each script?

ejasmudar 2011-03-08 10:37

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 963057)
Unfortunately it is still asking for a password once I run the first line of each script?

That is not two lines. It is a single long command. Please try it as one command.

n900 lover 2011-03-08 11:27

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 963059)
That is not two lines. It is a single long command. Please try it as one command.

Hi can you tell me how to uninstall your app? its not working for me and i just want to get rid of it.

ejasmudar 2011-03-08 12:06

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by n900 lover (Post 963082)
Hi can you tell me how to uninstall your app? its not working for me and i just want to get rid of it.

please see my reply to this a few posts back

droitwichgas 2011-03-08 14:02

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 963059)
That is not two lines. It is a single long command. Please try it as one command.

It is still asking for a password for both commands.

I assume where you have two lines where I enter it as one command I include both the "sh" at the end of the your first line and the start of the second so it looks like sh sh /opt/.......

when I type in the commend on Xterm?

ejasmudar 2011-03-08 14:12

Re: [Announce/WIP] ConversationModder with rudimentary GUI

Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 963195)
It is still asking for a password for both commands.

I assume where you have two lines where I enter it as one command I include both the "sh" at the end of the your first line and the start of the second so it looks like sh sh /opt/.......

when I type in the commend on Xterm?

look carefully, it is

sudo sh /opt/....
there is a dot in between

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