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TheBurek 2011-03-24 23:41

[Announce] Reverstris Lite 1.2 (DEB available)
We've entered an Android app development competition with this app, so if you're able to download that version from the market (it's free), please do so, it will help us (search "reverstris" or go to our homepage). Works great on Nitrdroid, also. We're not taking any payments for this one, all we're asking of you is to spread the word. If you don't mind, that is :) Thanks!

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DEB package
Instructions : (thanks, jj0)

Originally Posted by jj0 (Post 979512)
To install (as root):

dpkg -i reverstris-lite_0.3_armel.deb
if it complains of missing dependencies:

apt-get -f install
To see the icon in the application menu, you need to restart

Hello, everyone! I bought my N900 about a year ago and since then I wanted to develop some mobile games - finally, I have something to show :

YouTube video

It all started by the end of 2010 when a friend of mine made a simple demo of the concept in Flash. I saw it and was immediately hooked to the idea, so we decided to co-develop it into a "proper" game. As you can see in the video, the main idea is to disassemble the bricks into Tetris figures, all while you're trying to outrun the "phantom player" who is placing new figures on the board, and trying not to leave any bricks behind. When you clear the screen, you go to the next level, where new figures are placed progressively faster. Online high-score list for all platforms is also in the making. The game is written in C/C++ using SDL with OpenGL/OpenGL ES, and will be released for Windows, GNU/Linux, MacOS, Android and Maemo 5 by the end of the month. Nope, no download links yet, sorry (yeah, I'm basically just trying to generate some hype), but you can follow us on our Facebook page for most up-to-date info. I may myself have some technical questions in the next few days. In the meantime, what do you think? I'm also happy to answer any gameplay and tech related questions. Thank you for your attention.

EDIT : Oh, and it's free :)

MyNokiaN900 2011-03-24 23:49

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
Looks cool from your screenshots. Can't wait to try it out! How soon are you likely to put a link up to download. What is holding you back? Surely by allowing folk to download and getting them to give you feedback is better hype than no game and then more questions on WHEN?

TheBurek 2011-03-25 00:03

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
As I said, by the end of the month - in the next few days :) That's because we entered an Android app development competition and that's the deadline, so we *have to* finish it by then. The game is mostly complete, online high-score system is coming together as I speak and there are some nasty crashes to fix in the Android version. As far as I'm concerned, I could release the Maemo version sooner, but it's against the compettion rules. I'm really hoping we'll wrap it up this weekend.

Bratag 2011-03-25 00:13

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
Holy smokes This looks fun. I put this up along side zen bound for unique and cool concept. Be happy to donate a few bucks if it would get you a few beers.

MINKIN2 2011-03-25 00:21

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
That looks fantastic! Great work there, thankyou. I for one will be eagerly awaiting to hear of the release date and good look with the competition.

TheBurek 2011-03-25 00:32

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
Thank you both. Since it's not *my* original idea, I'm allowed to say - I love it too :D I don't think we'll be taking any money for this one. But if this goes well, we'd love to expand the concept and/or make some new games for sale at some low price point. So if and when those come out, purchase them and that's more than enough for us :D

crail 2011-03-25 02:44

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
looks brilliant. thanks for your hard work :)

nicholes 2011-03-25 04:53

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
from where can i download the game?? it is not in app manager(after updating too)?

TheBurek 2011-03-25 05:10

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
It's not available yet, sorry, I guess I didn't stress that enough, so I edited the first post, but it will be very soon. I currently have no clue about how Maemo repos and build system work, nor anything about the Ovi store, so I'll probably just release a DEB, to get the game out asap, and figure out the rest later on. And while I'm here, can anyone tell how is Meego on N900 currently standing regarding OpenGL and SDL? I haven't tried it yet, but it'd be cool to port to the new platform early.

nicholes 2011-03-25 05:28

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite

Originally Posted by TheBurek (Post 975304)
It's not available yet, sorry, I guess I didn't stress that enough, so I edited the first post, but it will be very soon. I currently have no clue about how Maemo repos and build system work, nor anything about the Ovi store, so I'll probably just release a DEB, to get the game out asap, and figure out the rest later on. And while I'm here, can anyone tell how is Meego on N900 currently standing regarding OpenGL and SDL? I haven't tried it yet, but it'd be cool to port to the new platform early.

the thread is saying "Announce" so thought it is out ...anyway i am waitingfor the game. thanks!

AgogData 2011-03-25 05:41

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite

Originally Posted by nicholes (Post 975308)
the thread is saying "Announce" so thought it is out ...anyway i am waitingfor the game. thanks!

you didn't notice the "almost" part like me, we all got punk'd :D

TheBurek 2011-03-25 06:22

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
Yeah, I assumed thread might turn out like this :D But, as I said, the game is a few days from release, at most, so stay tuned, I think it might be worth the wait.

Andy1210 2011-03-25 16:30

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
wow, this is amazing :)

kinggo 2011-03-28 08:56

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
this looks very promising.

LTman 2011-03-28 09:34

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
Just for the sake of asking how many lines of code does your app consist of

TheBurek 2011-03-31 06:23

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
What a coincidence - I was just counting :) 12769 at the moment. And I'm hoping it's final. As you can see, we missed our planned release for the weekend, but you probably saw that coming. I'd say Maemo build is final, working smoothly, unless we see some last-minute bugs. I'm now off to touch up the Android build a bit, and if I don't get hit by a meteorite or something, the game will be released today, in a couple of hours if all goes right. Android build was holding us back mostly. There were some god-awful bugs related to SDL_mixer linkage that manifested only on some devices, I thought we're doomed. But it's ok now, everything seems to be working. We mainly just need to package releases for all the platforms and setup the download section on our site :)

jj0 2011-03-31 07:55

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite

Originally Posted by TheBurek (Post 978942)
We mainly just need to package releases for all the platforms and setup the download section on our site :)

If it's free, then post the package here...

mattiasbäx 2011-03-31 08:16

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
I guess you could postpone the release and enter the meego coding competition with this game?

TheBurek 2011-03-31 08:41

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
Can't do that, tonight is the deadline for an Android competition we entered a month ago :) And while we're at packagind, turns out I have no clue how to make a proper DEB. My project is written in Eclipse for C/C++ and its make scripts are all generated by Eclipse and as far as I can see, those can't provide any easy way to make a DEB. Any hints? Good guides? Volunteers maybe? If I don't figure this out soon, I'll just dump the binary with its data files in a ZIP or something, cause I'm really anxoius to release it already. I can take care of the nice packaging later.

jj0 2011-03-31 17:13

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite

Originally Posted by TheBurek (Post 978991)
turns out I have no clue how to make a proper DEB. My project is written in Eclipse for C/C++ and its make scripts are all generated by Eclipse and as far as I can see, those can't provide any easy way to make a DEB. Any hints? Good guides? Volunteers maybe? If I don't figure this out soon, I'll just dump the binary with its data files in a ZIP or something, cause I'm really anxoius to release it already. I can take care of the nice packaging later.


- mkdir -p reverstris-lite_0.1_armel/DEBIAN
- in reverstris-lite_0.1_armel create the folder structure with how the files should reside on the N900, i.e. mkdir usr/... opt/... whatever, put the files there
- into DEBIAN/ copy a file control, which you should just copy over from some deb you already have, you can extract it there with:
dpkg -e the-other-deb-file-name.deb reverstris-lite_0.1_armel/DEBIAN
- edit the control, it's selfexplanatory, put in the details, like name of the package etc. easy
- if you need postinst scripts i.e. something that should be done after the deb is installed, create postinst postrm etc. scripts in the DEBIAN directory, you can find examples of these in many debs you have.

Generate the deb with:
dpkg -b reverstris-lite_0.1_armel

That's it, easy.

TheBurek 2011-03-31 18:10

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
Thanks for that, I'll try that now. In the meantime, everyone who has an Android device around, or Nitdroid installed (I tested, works well), can check out the Android version at the Market. Windows build is also neatly packaged, I just need to setup a download link. And I'll try to package for Maemo asap.

Win32 build
And follow us on Facebook :)

Zas 2011-03-31 18:35

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
Meego has support for SDL and SDL_gles etc:

TheBurek 2011-03-31 18:39

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
That's great news, I'd love to get the game running there, but first I have to get back on my feet a bit, last week was really exhausting.

TheBurek 2011-03-31 19:00

Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
I don't know if it's exhaustion or I'm just not born to understand Linux packages, but I'm starting to doubt I'll have the patience to package this today, so here are the Maemo binaries, for those adventurous amongst you.

bonapart 2011-03-31 19:11

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
any guide how to install ?

TheBurek 2011-03-31 19:16

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
I put a very crude readme inside. Basically, you'll need these :



Most of which you probably have already. And then just extract the files somewhere you can execute them, say, /home/user/revlite/ and just launch ReverstrisGL. I know it's ugly, but I can't do the proper packaging right now.

jedi 2011-03-31 19:50

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)

Originally Posted by bonapart (Post 979390)
any guide how to install ?

Give the guy a break! Can't you tell that he's kinda busy trying to package it up for an 'easy install'? If you're unsure how to deal with just the binaries, hang around here for a little bit and I'm sure either (a) you'll get the answer or (b) you'll read a post saying it should be in the repositories.

And sorry for ranting.

TheBurek 2011-03-31 19:51

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
So, is everyone just busy playing or noone managed to get it to work?

jedi 2011-03-31 20:02

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)

Originally Posted by TheBurek (Post 979427)
So, is everyone just busy playing or noone managed to get it to work?

Ha! I was going to wait until it was nicely packaged up!

Anyway, I gave it a go - extracted the files to /home/user/RevLite-Maemo and made ReverstrisGL executable.

But when I run the binary, I get this:

N900:RevLite-Maemo $ ./ReverstrisGL
Failed to mount archive, crashing and burning... (resources-Android.pk7 : File not found, )

As a complete guess I renamed resources-aux-Android.pk7 to resources-Android.pk7 (ie I removed the 'aux') but that didn't work either.

But no panic on support at this stage - I realize you're busy ;)

ivanrajkovic 2011-03-31 20:03

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)

Originally Posted by TheBurek (Post 979427)
So, is everyone just busy playing or noone managed to get it to work?

Yep, it works great, thanks for the game. Only thing I had to change was to rename resources-PC.pk7 to resources-android.pk7

jedi 2011-03-31 20:06

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)

Originally Posted by ivanrajkovic (Post 979442)
Yep, it works great, thanks for the game. Only thing I had to change was to rename resources-PC.pk7 to resources-android.pk7

Bingo! Works for me too. I was *almost* there in my first guess!

After playing a couple of games - I'm impressed. Nice fluid smooth moving graphics, nice twist on an old classic game. Looks polished. Thanks for all your work, and good luck with the Android comp :)

TheBurek 2011-03-31 20:12

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
Oh snap... seems I even packed the TAR.GZ wrong. I'll update the file on the server, bear with me just a sec...

EDIT: Engine is so uber-awesome that any build can work with any other platform's resource files, but separate builds are there for a reason, mobile build has PVR compressed textures which yield a bit better performance.

Bratag 2011-03-31 20:17

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
Actually I have been playing the windows version :)

TheBurek 2011-03-31 20:19

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
Ok, I've updated the file, please redownload. Also, the homepage/highscore list is updated - link.

zdanee 2011-03-31 20:45

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
Cool game, one of the best recently. I've been able to play with the previous version too. Also I've made a .desktop file for it to appear in the menu. I had to make a small script to be able to run it thou, unless I've changed directories into /opt/RevLite-Maemo it wouldn't find resources-Android.pk7.

It goes like this:


[Desktop Entry]


cd /opt/RevLite-Maemo

Heh. Im in top 5 in mobile category :) Wonder how long that will last :)

BTW why the "lite" in the name? Will there be an even cooler version in the future?

TheBurek 2011-03-31 21:02

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
Yeah, we're certianly hoping so. We have some grand plans for it, but we first have to wait and see how this one turns out. If you want to help, spread the word. Or at least after this thing gets packaged and user friendly :D

128x128 icon we're using on Android :

zdanee 2011-03-31 21:20

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
Yep, looks good in the menu now :) What do you plan in the "big" version? Multiplayer mode? Cooperative / Shadow vs "UnBlocker" would be fun :) Maybe some PowerUp blocks?

jj0 2011-03-31 21:33

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
deb with icon:

To install (as root):

dpkg -i reverstris-lite_0.1_armel.deb
if it complains of missing dependencies:

apt-get -f install
To see the icon in the application menu, you need to restart

zdanee 2011-03-31 21:35

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
Good. Now it can go up into extras-devel, right? :D

TheBurek 2011-03-31 21:37

Re: [Announce] Reverstris Lite (binaries available)
I was just uploading my DEB to the phone to test it before I upload :D So, yours works? How do we get it to repos?

@zdanee, think "Icy Tower" =)

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