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jendkers 2012-04-01 20:04

[ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 and MaePyGalleryQML
First sorry for my English language :)
I want to show my first maemo application - MaePyGallery. Month ago, I started to learn Python and PySide and to learn both I decided to write a gallery which will work in both desktop modes and will be better than maemo gallery. I write it on my N900 so it works on maemo, don't know how it is with MeeGo. I used PyGTKEditor :)
Program uses system thumbnails from /home/user/.thumbnails/cropped .
Interface of app:

If you hold on miniature, you can mark it to delete, it will get red background, after you click on menu and Delete selected. You can change directory, app not loads subfolders, app sometime wrong gets orientation, if it is click refresh button. When you made some pictures with camera, click refresh to update miniatures, new pics will get blue background. When you click miniature, fullscreen window with this picture will be displayed.
Interface of fullscreen window:
Invisible buttons, working on release event:

It is better to swipe through screen side to activate it (like in MeeGo) than trying to hit it :) Swipe left or right in center to show prev or next picture. Swipe upside down to minimalize or from down to up to fit picture (gestures works only when picture size is in display size). DoubleClick will zoom in picture, doubleclick again to zoom out. When picture is zoomed side buttons still works, and you can go on next pic for example.
With 5Mpix pictures it is lagging a bit, but so much :)

Keys in first window:
Q - quit
R - refresh

Keys in second window:
Q - quit
Z - zoom in
X - zoom out
C - fit picture
M - previous picture
Space - next picture

I still have some ideas for it, and I am still learning qt libs. I have requested to upload it to extras-devel.

I want to make:
- options window
- better doubleClick recognize
- speedup loading pictures

App is avaible in extras-devel repository.
What do you think about it ? :)

Version 0.1.5-1 loads correct size of images :)
New update ! 0.1.6-1
- Autorotation
- Rotating images in new toolbar

It's looks like:
buttons: prev. Image, mark to delete, close window, hide toolbar, rotate image, fit image, next Image

I have used maemo icons hope you have it too, if not I will include it to package.
Now you can mark image for deleting in Fullscreen window, when you mark image You will see maemo banner with info, when you are viewing images and you will get marked image, you will see maemo banner with info.
I used maemo banners because setting red background of delete icon makes image set to left corner, it's because of setStyleSheet func.

Now I will try to save data to files, and read it, if it will work, I hope second loading will be much faster.

================================================== =
New MaePyGalleryQML !!!

Click "Load" button to load images. It will only load images from /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM.
"Up" and "Down" buttons gets you to beggining of grid and end.
You can press or swipe to the left thumbnail to load image, and you will see:

With slider on right you can manuall zoom image, or you can double press on image to quick zoom.
With "+90" and "-90" you can rotate image.

Swipe through left screen edge to get back to images grid.
Swipe through upper screen edge to Zoom out and center the image.

=======New update ver. 0.2.1========
- sorting images by date, by default (The newest to oldest)
- Up-Down bar now is in bottom of images grid
- fixed rotating app when viewing full screen images (it's not getting you to images grid)
- added "info" button, now you can check simple info about file (size, date of creation, modify date, filename, filesize). Exif information not implemented yet.

What I want to do:
- speed up app loading or run it in background
- minimizing app by swipe through upper edge of screen
- deleting images

This is beta release, not everything work ok, tell me if you like it :)

If You like it, and if You can:
for a beer :)

Addison 2012-04-02 01:25

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
I tried this on Maemo 4.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/", line 7, in <module>
from PySide.QtCore import QThread, QTimer, QObject, QEvent, QPoint, QCoreApplication, Qt, QSize
ImportError: No module named PySide.QtCore

Am I missing a junkload of dependencies because of the older OS?

nicholes 2012-04-02 03:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
I will stick to the thread and will get it when it comes to extra devel

BTW Thanks!!!

Timmy 2012-04-02 05:25

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
design directory based categories.

imo 2012-04-02 05:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
not bad . good work mate

jendkers 2012-04-02 07:44

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
If there is no PySide libs for maemo4 it will not run, btw. I am using QtMaemo5 libs, so it still will not run on maemo 4.

ed_boner 2012-04-05 17:37

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
really promissing..still i dont see almost no thumbnails..the few i see have weird spacing between them..but mostly all i see is black..and when i click on a thumb the image appears maximized and dsitorted to the screen i missing something?tks

jendkers 2012-04-05 18:25

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
Do you change directory to your photos directory ? on my n900 works ok, default dir is "home/user/MyDocs/DCIM". Can you do screenshot ?
For now, the picture is resized to screen width and height, I am searching for info how to read picture info, in next version it will be added. If you double click on picture it will loads correct w/h of picture.

ed_boner 2012-04-06 11:37

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1

here you i see by the scollbar that the app is loading very very fast the images..bum in 3000pics only appear maybe 20 thumbs, all the space that woud be for the other thumbs to appear is left black...stil if i click one of these thumbs and slide to next photos they all appear normally and really fast too.
i am so happy with the prospect of having a fas portrait image viewer..can you help me?
i have kp50, cssu testing, qt-components-10

jendkers 2012-04-06 13:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
I have same spec in n900. So when you click and slide, there appears images that don't have thumb ? or you have only this images that have visable thumbs ?
btw. open xterminal and type:
python /opt/maepygallery/
and tell me if in xterminal appears "null pixmap" /path to file/ if not tell me too.

ed_boner 2012-04-06 13:35

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 open the app and realy fast appears the notification of loading complete..then i have really few thumbs placed in a huge black space that is suppodes to be filled with thumbs of other images i have in the directory..if i maximize one and slide it i can see one by one all my pictures..even the ones that do not appear in thumbs preview.

ed_boner 2012-04-06 13:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
i run the command you gave opens your app and makes an inventory of paths to very few of my images..probably the ones that are correctly thumbed..nowhere can i read null pixap..these paths are always "nie ma file :///path to file/file (1).jpg file (1).jpg"
does this help?

jendkers 2012-04-06 13:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
Yes, probably I know now what is wrong, that is because of spaces in file name. I tested and it's the reason, I will be looking for solution.

You can rename this two files and remove spaces in name, and now it should work.

ed_boner 2012-04-06 14:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
hm..thats strange..because in the default directory i have thousands of pics taken by n900 cam, they are automaticaly named by the device and have no spaces on the name..and still dont appear in thumbs..but ok..i will be looking forward for an update..tks.

jendkers 2012-04-06 14:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
If you edit some images with your default image-viewer and when you will save it, image-viewer will ask you to give name, and if in directory is file with the same name, the suggest name will be /filename/ (1).jpg with space between filename and (1). Open any image from DCIM in image-viewer and click "save as" and wait a second and you will see :)

OK I found solution, app will be making thumbs for files with space in name, I will code this maeby today :)

ed_boner 2012-04-06 14:29

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 are correct..tested it myself making a folder with 15pics..if one of them has one only appears 4thumbs..apparently this one space messes up the entire system:(..if i erase all the spaces in the 15pics names all is fine..still..the spaces between lines of thumbs appear to me a lot bigger than in your screenshot..i wonder whats wrong..

jendkers 2012-04-06 15:42

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
Ok I have uploaded new version, it should be in 30 mins. Now app will make thumbnail if it will not find in system's thumbnails, tell me how it will be on your phone.

ed_boner 2012-04-06 18:25

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
already updated...its perfect now, tks!!!
just a bit disapointed about the speed, as i said i have lots of pics..and now that i finally see them in thumbs the scrolling gets laggy..and also i didnt realized that the app would load all the pictures every time..its a bit boring..but its my fault to have so many photos in one folder...great release, thanks, finally a fully functional portrait image viewer!

ed_boner 2012-04-06 18:29

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
i dont know exactly where this is going in your mind, but i leave a suggestion for you to consider..if i tap twice in a picture it zooms in..and if i tap twice again it zooms out..its perfectly logic and standard behaviour...but makes the "swipe up" redundant...i believe this gesture could invoke a serie of icons at the top for options like image rotation and slideshow..
once again thks for really nice work!

BTW..the "swipe down" to minimize wondow...sick, man..awsome!

jendkers 2012-04-06 18:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
I had plan to make this app hiding/sleeping but for now i don't know how to do that, and there still there is a bug when loading in portrait, I fixed that, I will make another upload in few minutes :)

ed_boner 2012-04-06 18:36

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
nice..i dont know how maemo image viewer does it, to always have thumbs available from the start..just keep in mind battery consumption...

jendkers 2012-04-06 18:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
Cool idea thanks, I will think about it :)

ivyking 2012-04-07 19:17

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
excellent program, thanks alot for your hard work.
just a note: you are missing python-osso in the dependencies.


further notes after testing for a while:

*the image is not centered correctly if the user zooms in, this is quite apparent at higher zoom levels, part of the image file is not visible (cropped).
*scrolling speed is too fast at higher zoom levels.
*zoom level is lost if the device is rotated.


1)please add the fuctionality to rotate the images (maybe add 'R' for keypad control)
2)add support for other common image types other than jpg (bmp, png, gif etc)
3)since you are launching a separate window for an image, why not allow multiple image windows at the same time similar to the behaviour of the default browser ?
4)implement functionality for taking command line paramenters,
ex. python ./ /home/user/MyDocs/img.jpg should open a new window and show the image.
5)mimic the zoom funtionality of the default image viewer using the volume keys, this allows zooming in further when the keypad is closed.

Thanks again for for your hard work.

ade 2012-04-07 20:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1187024)
I tried this on Maemo 4.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/", line 7, in <module>
from PySide.QtCore import QThread, QTimer, QObject, QEvent, QPoint, QCoreApplication, Qt, QSize
ImportError: No module named PySide.QtCore

Am I missing a junkload of dependencies because of the older OS?

You could try to include PyQt (which is released for OS2008) instead of PySide. They are very similar and I don't think much Maemo 5 specific code is used. But it would still require some coding skills. Next to that I don't know the current Qt state on Maemo 4.

I read something about portrait mode, but I experience no (auto)rotating. Did I not understand this well, or is it based on forced rotation?

P.s. nice work for just a month of Python experience.

jendkers 2012-04-07 20:20

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
Right, I didn't included autorotating, because I have forced rotation, I will include it in next update.
btw I know c++, so python was easy to learn :).

Rotating images is almost done, but i have a little problem and I need fresh mind to solve it :d I made a popup toolbar appearing from bottom edge.

ade 2012-04-08 08:48

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
Auto rotation now work fine without forced rotation and the popup bar is nice. Thanks.

Just a small remark: it seems you have put this application in the multimedia subsection in the deb file. I think the graphics section would be more appropriate for this program.

ed_boner 2012-04-08 09:22

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
the toolbar looks great..i dont understand what the square icon does..and maybe there are too many icons and little space for each one, for a thumb to tap for example.. if you quit on the "arrow down" icon, the toolbar coud dissapear by timeout or by tapping once outside the toolbar..also the side arrows are redundant and dont offer more function..and i still believe that instead of tapping in the bottom of the screen to the toolbar appearence, it would be better to use the swipe up gesture...anyway..great work!
edit-also the rotate icon in landscape has malfunction, as it hanges to the next pi instead of rotating the present one.

jendkers 2012-04-08 09:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
Square back's from zoom. I considered about timeout, but how much time? I think about 3 sec will be ok.

ed_boner 2012-04-08 09:36

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
yeah..just to get some room to space other icons so tapping them is easier..also its a standard that a cross to close a program is always in the right, if you want to consider it..

jendkers 2012-04-08 09:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
OK, I will implement it, but i think it looks ok.

Thanks for suggest.
I have in plans to make taking arguments for app.
Multiple windows I will add to options window (I will make it someday)
I looked up for vol keys for zooming, but it's harder to make it than to other keys, for now I am not coding it.
I will try to support other formats of images.

I have coded support for BMP and PNG files, timeout for toolbar.
I also removed visualization of loading img, it speeds up so much loading.
And I tried to implement vol keys... and here is a problem with QT, with gtk its easy, I found:


you have to set an XAtom on your window. This is how I do it in Python:

 "XA_INTEGER", 32,

but on Qt there is no func like property_change. For now there will be no zoom in/out keys on vol keys.

daniel_m 2012-04-21 10:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
Great app and finally an image viewer that I did not delete after a first trial! And I love that you give us a chance to view pictures without the "help" of tracker! Death to tracker and welcome to MaePyGallery :D

I also have some suggestions here (even though your app is very useful already).

- MaePyGallery does not remember the last directory that was viewed.

- Loading pictures after zooming is very slow.

- Can zooming be done with the volume keys?

- Thumbnail view should be maximized after single image view got closed (instead of returning to task view where we have to click on thumbnail view to maximize it ourselves).

- How about simple navigation in thumbnail view, where folders and a down button (e.g. "...") are visible?

jendkers 2012-04-27 11:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1
Thank You for nice words :) Thanks for suggestions, but I am writing QML version, with new UI. I have uploaded yesterday to devel, but I have problems with package ... again, anyone have good tutorial how to make 100% working package ?
I have many projects in my school, my work with this app will be slower now :(
BTW. QML version is faster and nicer :) I will try to make it working today.

I fixed errors, and I have uploaded fixed version. Check first post.

ade 2012-04-28 11:55

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 and MaePyGalleryQML
The latest qml version is working now :)

Are you planning to keep maintaining both the qml and non-qml version?

Although qml looks nicer, I do miss the swipe gesture for the moment. Or is it implemented in some way?

Edit: it does have one error during install:
It does a chmod /opt/maepygallery/maepygalleryqml
That should be: chmod /opt/maepygalleryqml/maepygalleryqml

jendkers 2012-04-28 12:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 and MaePyGalleryQML
Thank you for that, I have fixed that and uploaded package.
I think I will stay with QML version, with QML there is less coding and it is fresh, fast and very nice :)

When You open a image, and you want go back, slide you finger through left side like desktops on Meego. I will code better navigation, but now I don't have much time :( I have nice idea :)

ed_boner 2012-04-28 18:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 and MaePyGalleryQML
been following this app since begining, really wantd to try this new version..i installed errors occur..but then i click on icon and nothing happens..why?:(

jendkers 2012-04-29 07:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 and MaePyGalleryQML
Did you update it to newest version ? Did you install "blanco" theme for qtcomponents ? I think I missed it in dependencies.
Open xterminal, type "cd /opt/maepygalleryqml/", click enter, and type ./maepygalleryqml, enter, and tell me what will show you in xterminal.

daniel_m 2012-04-29 10:42

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 and MaePyGalleryQML
Mine says "NameError: global name 'QtMaemo5' is not defined :)

laith.m.y 2012-04-29 19:30

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 and MaePyGalleryQML

Originally Posted by jendkers (Post 1198952)
Did you update it to newest version ? Did you install "blanco" theme for qtcomponents ? I think I missed it in dependencies.
Open xterminal, type "cd /opt/maepygalleryqml/", click enter, and type ./maepygalleryqml, enter, and tell me what will show you in xterminal.

mine sayss "ImportError: No module named QtDeclarativeView"

ed_boner 2012-04-29 23:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 and MaePyGalleryQML dont have that no..i will try..tks.
ok..i have installed blanco and proceeded as you mentioned..the output..
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./maepygalleryqml", line 7, in <module>
from PySide.QtDeclarative import QDeclarativeView
ImportError: No module named QtDeclarative
i have tried apt-get install qtdeclarative but it didnt work..well tks.

jendkers 2012-04-30 06:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MaePyGallery 0.1 and MaePyGalleryQML
thanks for help, I uploaded fixed version, now try it :)

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