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meego_leenooks1 2017-01-26 12:26

One more reason to purchase neo900

in short: TV and other audio ads could send hidden ultrasound signals to your phone or laptop and they will react unpredictable, e.g. will send your phone number, email and location to Google, Apple or/and Microsoft.

gerbick 2017-01-26 22:04

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
And why would the neo900 be exempt from this? If they were to hide anything, I would go where most folks rarely look - the GSM baseband chipset.

meego_leenooks1 2017-01-27 08:56

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
First of all there must be a preinstalled app to receive that signal on the phone.
I bet Android and IOS phones have it already as their manufacturers make money on ads and those OSes are closed source, but neo900 plans to use an open source OS which makes harder to preinstall a malicious app.
Also neo900 has GSM chipset disconnected from CPU which adds an additional layer of security.

pichlo 2017-01-27 09:03

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900

Originally Posted by meego_leenooks1 (Post 1522492)
neo900 has ...

I think you've misspelled "will have".

HtheB 2017-01-27 10:02

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900

Originally Posted by meego_leenooks1 (Post 1522492)
First of all there must be a preinstalled app to receive that signal on the phone.
I bet Android and IOS phones have it already as their manufacturers make money on ads and those OSes are closed source

Android is closed?....
Only the Google Apps are closed, not the OS itself!
Ironically, it's actually more open than Maemo5 and Sailfish OS...

itdoesntmatt 2017-01-27 11:07

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
but android without gapps is so poor..

nthn 2017-01-27 11:44

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
I keep having to link this article, which is now more than three years old and the situation has only got worse:

HtheB 2017-01-28 09:13

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1522497)
but android without gapps is so poor..

And why is that so?
There are many alternatives to gapps:
Play Store: Use evozi apk downloader and install the apk's locally
YouTube: Use your browser or any other YouTube client out there
Maps: Use HERE WeGo

Still poor?...

nthn 2017-01-28 10:29

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
If you have to replace nearly every part of AOSP before it becomes usable, why are you still calling it Android? It should be Theseus' Android, if anything.

HtheB 2017-01-28 11:22

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900

Originally Posted by nthn (Post 1522531)
If you have to replace nearly every part of AOSP before it becomes usable, why are you still calling it Android? It should be Theseus' Android, if anything.

What has AOSP with gapps to do?....
Android is just an OS....

acrux 2017-01-28 11:51

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1522497)
but android without gapps is so poor..

Since switching from N900 to Nexus6 I have never used any Google app for my use. Booted up android 6 only once to to enable usb debugging and then straightway replaced it with cyanogenmod.
No gapps used, all that I need is in F-Droid repository: : Firefox, vlc, osmand for navigation etc. Only exception is WPS Office, which i sideload after downloading it through apkpure:

biketool 2017-01-28 17:14

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
Acrus, I am also running a Nexus tablet with Cyanogen/lineageOS and F-Droid with a few DL's APKs; but my N900 is still my primary.
The problem is that unlike even my kids Rasberry Pi computer or my N900 or even my old Zaurus I can not just jump on SSH and do nearly anything on my tablet. Effing drivers and surfaceflinger tie-ins mean we cant yet do real linux+X11. Sure a few apps form the most popular os can be nice, I also use WIne sometimes on AMD64 but real linux where I know where logs, .config, and most daemons run vs Android where everything had to be effing different for some reason.

meego_leenooks1 2017-01-29 08:47

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
> Nexus
> manufactured by Google

no, thanks.

HtheB 2017-01-29 11:49

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900

Originally Posted by meego_leenooks1 (Post 1522571)
> Nexus
> manufactured by Google

no, thanks.

Google does NOT manufacture the phones. The Nexus 5 for example has been manufactured by LG.
Please, know your facts!

claustn 2017-01-29 12:35

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
Yes, they are from LG. I'm also using a Nexus 5 with Sailfish, there are not so many alternatives

mikecomputing 2017-01-29 19:19

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
O cmon guys. This flamewar is just ridicilous.

Do you guys ever get it?! There is no fully open source OS.
No embedded modern SOC has every driver fully open.

Modem firmware is closed and will send stuff to asholes like Trump or Putin or other dictators depending on what country you are in.

Welcome to 1984.

We should all be affraid of those asholes whatever OS you use their following you. You may add some delay for them by using VPN and encrypted communication but you will never be safe.

So stop this stupid war and use whatever crap OS you like. We are all doomed anyway.

If you want to be safe don't vote at asholes and turn on every damn ****ing phone/laptop or whatever and go out in the wood and make your own food.

juiceme 2017-01-29 20:42

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1522583)
O cmon guys. This flamewar is just ridicilous.

Do you guys ever get it?! There is no fully open source OS.
No embedded modern SOC has every driver fully open.

Modem firmware is closed and will send stuff to asholes like Trump or Putin or other dictators depending on what country you are in.

I kinda agree with you; modern FW is bad which definitely means we need some old-fashioned FW.

The best thing that will hopefully be available one day is Neo900 where you can isolate the baseband from the OS completely.
Other way to achieve this is to have for example a notebook format device which has 3G/LTE on a separate USB dongle.

mscion 2017-01-30 01:44

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
Maybe another reason to own a neo900?

gerbick 2017-01-30 01:48

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
The reasons to own a neo900 are numerous. Sadly the chances to own one right now when it might be important are close to nil.

theonelaw 2017-01-30 03:59

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1522603)
Maybe another reason to own a neo900?

Actually this inspires the idea that your phone might simply be
an application hosted on a personal website,
the handset merely vpn'ed into it somehow...

...So if it gets lost/stolen/whatever
the handset reveals no privy bank/family data
and your contact list does not get spammed out of existence.

That considered,
it is probably just a rephrase
of what someone somewhere already does.
I am a bleeding-edge expert on reinventing what
can already be bought at the local grocery store.

Bearserker 2017-02-15 09:49

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1522583)
Modem firmware is closed and will send stuff to asholes like Trump or Putin or other dictators depending on what country you are in.
So stop this stupid war and use whatever crap OS you like. We are all doomed anyway.

Strongly disagree. Actually, this assertion can easily been reversed :
"Whatever the efforts you put to prevent as*holes to get power, some will fatally succeed and use every weapon/information available to reinforce their power. Then, because of the backdoors of your crappy OS or device, you will basically be fu*ked."

So, in my opinion, freeing from jailed devices is at least as important as voting against as*holes.
Sadly, if making the neo900 may seem hard, I'm sure than preventing as*holes from getting the lead of a country is even harder !
(neo900 team may succeed the first task in less than five years while humankind fails to achieve the second one for millenia ;))


Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1522605)
The reasons to own a neo900 are numerous. Sadly the chances to own one right now when it might be important are close to nil.

I'm affraid your words may seem discouraging for the project members, and I'm sad for them each time I read sarcastic comments. :(
For having preordered an openpandora and waited for it for years, I can testify such delays are normal in such a community project. In the case of openpandora, the situation was even far more despaired and the device has finally been released !

A few words for neo900 team : "Keep courage and faith. What you are going to achieve is wonderful. Whenever the neo900 will be released, it will for sure be a milestone for freeing (or at least get back the control of) mobile telephony" :)

rosse2 2018-04-07 12:31

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
1. Neo900 will support all operating systems available for GTA04.
2. And should serve as a great platform for porting systems like
Maemo, Ubuntu or Firefox OS

check Latest MovieBox App.

rosse2 2018-04-07 12:35

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
1. Neo900 will support all operating systems available for GTA04
2. And should serve as a great platform for porting systems like
Maemo, Ubuntu or Firefox OS
Check out the latest MovieBox app

szilveszter.domotor 2019-04-24 20:39

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
taking hit okkan razor I think this is simply a conteo, if you seek you will find evidences for everything. If I ask is it a world wide conspiration or just something random, i would bet it is random... Generally we live in a world where it is a policy to use strong reversible encryption but not more what nsa/cia/botnets can crack, with this policy we does not need any conspiration it is a clear order to be able to track decode anyone’s data but not too weak to be able to cracked if you are not following those standards then u are digging a hole below yourself... Each telco has reserver some racks on theie ip backbone for the national agency, it is legal known practise if you are not adapting might be a case business close like blackberry or associated with “illegal” activity like some peer to peer networks or tor eventually bitcoin was also associated with “dark” in the begining... So if we have already exposed our data over all channels to the national agencies I don’t think we need to seek any other alternative possibility

And nice to see they moved a level higher the “standard” once data could be decoded by any user in max months. This whole privacy currently is overhyped we all work do our job nothing to worry about...

if you store anything and transmit anything can be compromised the question if it worth the effort. Taking a look in previous comments to be honest n900 was failing for various reasons and i don’t think this is anything to do with security at all , it had no valid market humanity decided to get stupid proof phones and apps running all of them answer virtualization and sandboxing then put a topping “secure” miracle magic people like it.

After all numbers count nokia made a top class phone for geeks then did not wait for market response just went out making decision with microsoft who also made a big “success”. There are no enough geeks and majority of them are not going to afford 1000 of bucks on a phone. Now market changed 1000 of bucks are OK but actually ok when we already went to keyboardless edge to edge display mega sandboxing, based on this directions apps created this way which self indicate the requirement of the hardware...

Sadly there will be no grace or support from anyone because it is a failing business, for really small number of user and very limited area to time to time make you pay... Maybe if a geek eventually win a big lottery and invest WITHOUT any hope to get back money for it can make a similar project... Generally to be honest we are at unlucky side making a phone which can attract us for 10 years, and no strong recuirement to use own application stores and often people support free of charge... At 2010 if you would ask any big company about opensource , you are talking about the devil itself, now people realized it is safer and reliable to use know procedures libraries and standards than buy a blackbox solution took 9 year...

The only way to make a similar product is charity investment and contract with some arm board maker company but will be a hard thing as u need few systems not mass production of million devices... N900 was a master piece but only for us , no one else will agree with that fm transmitter magnet controlled sd card mounting, real multitasking, conputer in the pocket we like it 1/100 bad business!!!

And hw adapting for overvirtualization and oversandboxing more cpu units gpu power for larger and larger disllay while i rly dont understand why you need it for stupid puzzle games:):):) or now phones with 5 cameras, who the hell cares all the people amateur movie makers? It all just the toppings some reason keep people buying new hardwares... How many times people reinvent the fire in the past 15 years no comment... I see present time transform ur phone to a virtual x86 virtual machine than to have a quiet budget hardware as a computer coming out without OS or allow users whatever they want , economics killed a lot of alt stuffs already. Pocket computer one of the RIP stuffs...

People and market stupidness is in everyday when i was a kid and my dad had a 386 notebook was a big issue that display vesible only from front , it was a huge achivement to prduce lcd screens which visible from everywhere 180 degree... What we do selling privacy filter to the laptops to restore the original state lcd only from front... Reinvented the original pain point... I don’t want to abuse , but see no chance to buy another master piece without profit... The world is quantitative and no longer qualitative ...

Market leader company: We have decreased the operation time to 8 hours but you have 16 cpu units and 5 cameras . Personally I am satisfied with sd movies if they have good story , but stupid humans can be bought with UHD story is no longer that important as it was 20 years ago, quality drivven market would be ages better but currently no chance to survive... Get some billionare interested and ask them to create a device and all required materials for charity, i will be one ot the first buyer!!!

teroyk 2019-05-20 08:28

Re: One more reason to purchase neo900
I just want small pocket computer with:
1. Localized hardware keyboard (n810 and n900 has it)
2. Resistive TFT-screen, not more bigger than N810
3. Easy battery change
4. Operating system and software that you can install without Internet
5. Little faster than N900
Is there any alternative?
- No
So I want Neo900 more than ever.

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