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endsormeans 2014-12-11 22:17

Pimp my N8x0 -Part 1
"Noob's Delight" or "the Uber-N8x0-Walkthrough..."
When I say that I think I may be understating what I've done here.
Put my money where my mouth is and created a Video Tutorial How to...going from how to use Nokia Software Update wiz on winxp/win7 sd card flashing the latest installing and utilizing xterm and root partitioning an sd/ mini/ micro card and cloning the onboard firmware to said card with penguinbait's console tools v1 ...installing bootmenu...and so then picking things up from there and further enhancing your device longevity and usefulness by then running your system off the sd card instead and then continuing installations on it updating and upgrading the cloned operating system ... to installing Advanced System U. I. installing C.S.S.U. getting Diablo Turbo up and running (it being far more current than) replacing the old 2008 Diablo finally mucking around inside the application manager and getting all those sweet repositories working properly (and a small surprise there too concerning how great the good ol' Wayback Machine really is concerning (some...not all) broken catalogues...)...
(please note : just the few references during this part of repo modification is example aren't done yet :) must also have a desire/ innate curiosity to do some basic research which of the gronmayer repos have conflicting and or outdated bits and omit those ones accordingly (Also...The time it would take would be a whole set of vids just on repos alone...not to mention it would take the exploratory learning/ fun out of it for you...perhaps in the future I'll take the time and give a comprehensive list of catalogues that don't have conflicts...)....
otherwise if you aren't interested/ curious in all the additional repos don't install gronmayers catalogues ...simply utilize maemo extras ...extras devel, extras testing, sdk and a couple others are perfectly fine for general or specific need/ use.
Whew...frickin' mouth-full ...
I knew it was going to be harder to video and explain while I did it...since I have been doing blind-folded and thoughtlessly forever now...and I was right. It was a trick. Took forever to finish this I swear...Gadzooks I was dreading doing it knowing how much fun it would be to video and explain the's done and I feel better knowing that an easy-peasy walkthrough is available now .
So the whole thing is done from the perspective of talking to someone who knows nothing at all of maemo....or linux for that matter.
I used one of my n800's for this little how to (the n810 has a couple of differences in proceedure and I explain what they are so this guide is just as applicable ) ...unfortunately the font size during the console tools v1 section is blurry since I used a font size of 8 and the camera had a hard time with that...past that I do believe I was thorough in explaining exactly what I was doing even then.
10 segments no more than 11 minutes long at the most...explaining and showing how to do a process that takes less than an hour in real time.

So is the "how to" for people who need to "see" how to do it and have a prob with a ton of text, posts and threads here there and everywhere. This will save you a ton of stress, eye and brain strain.
For the new or old owner of a n8x0 that never took that step into the unknown...the faint of heart...those who have suffered brain-eating mind-worms from planet j....or have suffered memory loss from good drugs, bad drugs, seizures or strokes that didn't kill them....
The Ultimate "hold-yer-hand-and-walk-you-through-it-for-setting-up-your-n8x0-like-a-pro-to-really-enjoy-the-little-bugger" Guide

I suggest to open up your pc web browser and open all the links below in their order and have them set up each in their own window for easy reference ...prior to will make it easier for you. IF PENGUINBAITS CONSOLE TOOLS V1 IS NON-FUNCTIONING CHECK MY CLOUD FOLDER FOR IT AND OTHER PERTINENT FILES HERE *

next the vids in specific...please view them in titled order p1, p2, p3 ...etc....

*And here are very pertinent files pertaining to the above available for immediate download from my cloud.
check out the folders ...
it has the essential penguinbait console tools v1 and other important stuffs...helpful to the ease of the process.

"The n8x0 Google Drive Treasure Vault."

I don't think I missed anything...I'm sure someone will remind me if I now ...finally...there is absolutely...positively...ABSO-FRICKIN-SMURF-LY no reason whatsoever why a complete newbie or even a rutabaga... hospitalized... in a coma... on life-support ...can't understand how to get their device up and running properly and fly like it should be.
And for any who ask "why go to all the bother of doing this?"
don't believe me...
look up the benefits of :
-diablo turbo
-of cssu
-of asui
-of cloning your operating system to an external sd card and running your system from it instead of the onboard os.
This is just an eensy bit of what you can now do very very easily.
This how to gives you a leg up so-to-speak...showing there isn't anything to fact...once you have accomplished doing everything here...your device will not only run smoother, better, with less is actually less worrying for you if anything goes horribly wrong...if you go exploring (like you should) or if you monkey with stuff (like you should)...or simply want to mess with how this cool toy works (like you should) is only an easily replaced sd card....not your device that takes the terrible hit..repeat the above procedure and clone over the card or if it is caput with a new sd card...(alot cheaper than buying a brand new/ used n8x0 in good shape)...and you are good to go worries. Pretty hard to brick your device when it's all running from your card.

Not to that you see how easy it is to partition, clone and run your diablo from an sd you are a couple easy steps away from understanding and running easy debian or easy mer....or trying Ubuntu or XFCE or Kubuntu or Enlightenment or Nitdroid or whatever operating system you set your mind to trying out on your n8x0...

Don't want to do all this fun stuff to protect and enhance your device?
Hey that's cool too....your choice...i and others respect that :)
But you really should pull out a nappy should be sweating buckets...:D
This video how to doesn't get any simpler, easier or "muck-up proof"...
Just gotta have enough patience to watch and follow the advice...

So if you don't want to listen and you go and screw up your device by monkeying around having fun with the onboard ...


Don't you dare come cryin' then...
Just sayin' ....
U bin warn'd.

If by chance any link I supply here doesn't work...please notify me and I'll try to sort it out for you..

Please now head over to part 2 here

marshel 2015-01-30 18:30

Re: "Noob's Delight" or "the Uber-N8x0-Walkthrough..."
trying to install everything again
but strugling to download with wifi (cant connect diablo to any WPA or WEP router....)
- Community SSU it is being a pain do download... tryed an apt-get dist-upgrade and had to re-clone again....

It would be nice to have one repo that does it all......

endsormeans 2015-01-30 19:20

Re: "Noob's Delight" or "the Uber-N8x0-Walkthrough..."
yea ....need a one stop shop.
and not just for diablo and cssu.
there is also all the great obscure and abandoned stuff as well which should alllllll be brought under 1 roof frankly.

as far as your wifi not connecting ....hmm...
that's weird ...need to ruminate about that .

worst case ...try at a friends...perhaps a coffee shop... try the wifi in a diff location and see how that works...

hmm....and you reflashed 1st to the n800 2008os version right?
once you've input the passcode for your wifi technically should be good to should remem. it whenever you start up ...and it should auto connect.
Perhaps check your wep and wap settings on your n800 ...
This is ...of course ...assuming you haven't done all this stuff yet :D

DiviLean 2016-01-15 14:24

Re: "Noob's Delight" or "the Uber-N8x0-Walkthrough..."
Also, mine never auto connects. Is there a setting for auto connect somewhere?

endsormeans 2016-01-15 15:42

Re: Pimp my N8x0 -Part 1
Should have the option to auto connect or not...
esp. with diablo turbo...
anywho the last fella here who had problems did a apt-get dist-upgrade as he said..
Only use apt on Maemo if you know what you are doing.
Apt upgrading really isn't the prescribed way of doing on Maemo.
hell...what he was doing "WAS" upgrading to the latest cssu...why complicate the procedure with upgrading on top of that?

1- If a newmo (person new to maemo) wants to "cowboy" it and improvise on top of the steps by adding stuff ...good luck is all I can say...adding or subtracting from these steps will not get any help from me..
I spent a lot of time to make sure the process is laid out simply, exactly, precisely.

2- If someone knows exactly what they are doing and exactly the result of their action. Then they have done the process many times, they are well versed in maem-fu... and the purpose for them is come up with new stuff for us...godspeed....

3- If someone wants their device up and running properly..
Just follow the instructions..
They results are bulletproof as long as there is no deviation.
Mistype or omit ..then I suggest getting practice at certainty ...and do it over. No harm in that.

As far as anyone trying out the process...
I just did on one of my old n810's in December ...finally putting diablo turbo onto an sd for it....long overdue...
I count myself as "anyone else" as well as the creator and perpetrator of this walkthrough...
It's been long enough that I ...of course... forgot how to do most of what I wrote had to take my own advice...
and it isn't the 1st time I had to follow my own walkthrough...
Works great for me...
That endsormeans guy...I give him 5 out of 5 stars...
He's some kind of wonderful...
like a cross between Jesus and a Unicorn...
a "Jesicorn" or Unijesus" could say..

arainzady 2016-12-09 10:04

Re: Pimp my N8x0 -Part 1
Thanks for taking the time endsormeans to write this tut up and make those videos. Can't wait to Pimp my N8x0!

I feel like there's a lot that could go wrong here though and I don't want to end up with a paperweight like you say.

endsormeans 2016-12-09 10:18

Re: Pimp my N8x0 -Part 1
good to meet you newmo! (patent pending)
once you kick around here long enough for me to remember your name I will stop calling you "newmo" for starters... put in to this community...especially my fav. subsection here...the n8x0's ....the better for all...

Next ...
compared to just about every other device...
it is hard to brick the n8x0's
unless you do stuff that REALLY mucks with the internals.

I doubt a soul could brick an n8x0 by doing my walk through...
just follow it exactly and...
"endsormeans' your niece"! ...
and it's done.
once you do it a few times it will be a breeze for you...

and don't forget...
keep kicking around here...
it keeps the dust from settling in our subsection...

and also don't forget....when you finally get wizard-like...
and come up with cool crap ...
pass it around...

cheers 2016-12-18 00:51

Re: Pimp my N8x0 -Part 1
Maybe a page could be created in:

endsormeans 2017-01-03 20:08

Re: Pimp my N8x0 -Part 1
Just made my way to this thread finally...
I agree rzr...
good idea...
If any are interested in collating this comprehensive n8x0 walkthrough and putting it into the "how to " section...
by all means...please do so.

If / when I get any spare moments to work on anything...
It should be to knuckle down and mobilize a n8x0 task force of diehard members who still remain ..
(and for the bunch of us to do what I believe is the last ...and most crucial bit of work truly needed)
And try to herd the many disparate and rogue apps and repositories
(the lengthy list found here )
and get them under the umbrella of the maemo extras, testing and dev repos safeguard them from the eventual oblivion of being left out ...unprotected ...relegated to eventual oblivion ..if nothing is done... (and all that work lost would / will be a horrendous loss and waste...)

So this is the initial "Call Out" for n8x0 users / members who would be interested in helping collate these disparate apps and repos and get them into the maemo repos proper.

I don't expect or anticipate this to be a job accomplished overnight...
There is a lot to save .
And natch. people have lives to live.

but I do know the benefit to those who are interested... will find it uniquely enjoyable sifting through so many great programs...
and will quite quickly understand the importance of saving these gems from oblivion.

I think for the time being...the initial place of discussion on how to tackle this (highly overdue) "rescue operation" should occur in this thread

Looking forward to seeing a few people show...
throw ideas around on what angle of approach to take on this venture...
and then slowly get our collective crap together and implement (just thought it up on the spot here... :D)
what I am going to call...
"Operation: Save Alexandria"
(I think aptly named after the greatest library that ever existed....sure it burned :D ...but this one doesn't have to... :D )

See ya there fellow n8x0 maemites! :D

endsormeans 2019-03-12 06:53

Re: Pimp my N8x0 -Part 1
OK Maemish.

You have said you finished flashing diablo to your internal onboard n810.

Next ...USING your pc all the pertinent files from my google drive folder as mentioned in the walkthrough.
And any other important downloads mentioned.

Connect your n810 to your pc ...transfer the file folders over to your n810 ...and put them according to the steps in the walkthrough for ease of implementation.
Take an sd card ...pop it into your pc ...transfer the files to the card...
pop it out of the pc...
pop the sd card into your n810 external slot...
transfer the files from sd card to your internal onboard system folder "Documents" ...if memory serves ...was the destination you want at least the "dt" folder.
take out the sd card from your external n810 slot.
Prepare to clone to sd card ...

Start the process described in the walkthrough to clone your new diablo to the external sd card....and continue from there

Using the windows nokia wizard is a thoughtlessly convenient gui button - clicking - process.
Cloning using console tools..Is almost as easy...
But have to pay attention ... read instructions...and use a modicum of grey matter in the skull to accomplish.
It may seem initially difficult...
But console tools has been made so this as easy to use and follow is humanly possible.
And once you have done it a couple of times you will be kicking yourself for how easy it actually was....(everyone does...I am no exception....I kicked myself a few times for how dense I was in not getting it right away...)

(This is becoming redundant. I don't know how much simpler in explanation I need to make this...
since I am just reiterating the entirety of the laymans walkthrough.)

If rob (who just started and finished the entirety of the process in less than 2 days ..and like everyone else before him...found the walkthrough as painless, simply explained and quick a method as humanly possible....and is now farting about with all the catalogs should have no problem either...)

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