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Freeman1956 2015-08-27 21:37

kernel power and multiboot
Welcome to you all I want to install the latest kernel power and I want to install multiboot
I want install with x terminal

peterleinchen 2015-08-27 22:05

Re: kernel power and multiboot
You did not use the link with the title 'search' or 'power search'
with your thread title (power kernel and multiboot) as keywords, did you?

Seems not.

sixwheeledbeast 2015-08-27 22:56

Re: kernel power and multiboot
Multiboot is Depreciated and has little support due to it damaging NAND of the device.

justmemory 2018-07-19 07:21

Re: kernel power and multiboot

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1480301)
Multiboot is Depreciated and has little support due to it damaging NAND of the device.

Hmm, I did not know that and maybe that's why I'm now in trouble... So I would like to ask for some help.
- I wanted to try out bfs kernel so I installed multiboot (I had omap1, kernel-power53 and bfs in /lib/modules) as that was the only way my n900 boot into that.
- I was using bfs but it did not work as espected so I uninstalled bfs kernel modules and bfs bootimg and installed backupmenu back which removed multiboot (since they conflicts).
- Now my device does not boot up...

What I was trying to do:
- Tried flashing the kernel (only the kernel; /lib/modules/current pointed to omap1),
- tried kernel-power zImage flashing (changed symlink for /lib/modules/cuurent to kernel-power53).

Neither succeded. I can start rescueOS and even chroot to maemo but cannot access to /home/opt and MyDocs even when trying to use mass-storage script (now I only have a windows laptop but it should not be a problem, is it...? anyway I will try with linux as well).

I have no other idea what I can do to avoid reflashing; not becuase of the process itself but I would like to access to some data...

Maybe someone can point me to the right direction?

Thanks is advance:


endsormeans 2018-07-19 13:41

Re: kernel power and multiboot
that has been the singular reason I stopped playing with multiboot.
consequently I personally have no idea how you will work this out...
since I tried me darnedest to avoid the spot you are in justmemory :D
I am curious too now what a possible solution is...

pythoneye2 2018-07-19 14:02

Re: kernel power and multiboot
MyDocs and /home/opt "ususally" are
/dev/mmcblk0p1 and /dev/mmcblk0p2 and are on emmc and not nand.

Take out microsd card to have /dev/mmcblk0 point to emmc.

to access MyDocs content from freshly booted rescue os
you can do:

mkdir /tmp/MyDocs
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/MyDocs
ls /tmp/MyDocs

and for opt:

mkdir /tmp/opt
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/opt
ls /tmp/opt

Good Luck

peterleinchen 2018-07-19 14:50

Re: kernel power and multiboot
I still do have working multiboot and kernel-power and u-boot installed (but do not aske me how I managed ;) somehow manually years ago). :D

Normally you should be fine by linking /lib/modules/current to correct modules and flashing --kernel-only.

If you re-installed backupmenu: sounds like you had it before. So why not recover with an earlier made backup (before fiddling with system critical thingies)?

justmemory 2018-07-19 18:28

Re: kernel power and multiboot
So... Thank you all for your suggestions.

The thing is... It seems that I have to reflash it...
Linking and flashing kernel only simply does not work I do not know why.
It is not possible to mount these partitions ("No such file or directory") and Windows cannot so MyDocs and /home/opt with rescueOS mass storage mode - thank god I have a linux live cd (it sees these partitions) so at least I can save data.

Backupmenu simply does not work in this situation because it seeks for the kernel modules and cannot find those. The last backup I made is too old... (Yes I know I had to make a backup before this, but... I never learn... :) )

Thank you so much,


endsormeans 2018-07-19 19:19

Re: kernel power and multiboot
small miracles...
it is some comfort you can save your data...

peterleinchen 2018-07-19 20:21

Re: kernel power and multiboot

Backupmenu simply does not work ...

Of course you need to have the same version of kernel installed when using backupmenu to restore. So:
install backupmenu
install kernel version (matching your backup)
restore with backupmenu

install backupmenu
restore with backupmenu
flash --kernel-only (matching kernel version of your backup)

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