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juiceme 2017-02-15 16:46

[Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
The voting starts tomorrow!

The election machine has been set in motion and the voting tokens are being mailed out now.
However, you should not be alarmed if you do not get your token today, mailing the whole batch takes about 2 days.

We had to make some last-minute changes in the system as it turned out that there were no contestants left in the "Beginners" category when we reviewed the entries.
We are running now with only 2 categories, "something new" and "Fixing/updating".

You will be receiving 2 voting emails, one per category.

juiceme 2017-02-16 17:46

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
As it happens, batch-sending the voting tokens was quicker than I expected and all mails have already been sent now!

So, if you have NOT received your voting email yet, please contact me and I'll set it straight.

velox 2017-02-16 20:20

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Also, be sure to check your spam folder. With my address (forwarding to gmail) it somehow ended up in there. Happy voting!

Feathers McGraw 2017-02-16 20:23

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Are the emails sent to everyone with a login on this site, or is it a separate login? I haven't received an email yet, but then I've never voted in any of the Maemo community council elections or anything like that before.

juiceme 2017-02-16 21:12

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1523603)
Are the emails sent to everyone with a login on this site, or is it a separate login? I haven't received an email yet, but then I've never voted in any of the Maemo community council elections or anything like that before.

The voting is open for all "Maemo Community Passive Members" who have enough karma; this translates to people who have login and have posted now and then to TMO or gained karma via other means[*]

Note that TMO membership is not same as membership, you need to have both logins and also need to link your accounts to gain best karma.
(Life is complicated, bro :))

[*] Karma is gained from TMO posts, TMO thanks, Wiki Updates, Package testing, Package uploading, Blog postings, (not sure about IRC postings) ... various community related events

Feathers McGraw 2017-02-16 22:42

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Very complicated... the register button on doesn't do anything, is it disabled because of spam or something?

juiceme 2017-02-17 07:53

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1523614)
Very complicated... the register button on doesn't do anything, is it disabled because of spam or something?

Oho, I did not notice that until I now tried it.
It has worked before, so there is some problem ongoing.
I'll alert techstaff to look into it.

---------- edit ----------

The problem is only on the page. The seems to work OK.

Feathers McGraw 2017-02-18 12:47

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Thank you Juiceme for sorting me out with an account :) I've voted (not for myself!).

Thanks also to everyone who has contributed, lots of cool apps in the competition!

nieldk 2017-02-18 18:37

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
voted, of course, Good luck to all entrants. Very difficult to make choices. Many good entries!

aspergerguy 2017-02-25 15:41

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1523608)
The voting is open for all "Maemo Community Passive Members" who have enough karma

Many thanks to juiceme for sorting out an account at last possible moment and enabling me to vote. Good luck to all involved!

juiceme 2017-02-26 12:14

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
My apologies; I was confused on dates!
The voting booth is still open, until 23:59 UTC 28.02.2017

---------- edit ----------

There's still about 12 hours left to vote before the booths close!

pichlo 2017-02-26 23:18

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1524102)
There's still about 12 hours left to vote before the booths close!

Are you sure? This page says the booths close at midnight on Tuesday (i.e. in two days' time).

I am still undecided whether to vote at all. If you say I've missed it, then so be it.

juiceme 2017-02-27 05:51

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1524144)
Are you sure? This page says the booths close at midnight on Tuesday (i.e. in two days' time).

I am still undecided whether to vote at all. If you say I've missed it, then so be it.

OMG @pichlo I was wrong in this and I apologise!
My excuse is that I was away on winter leave last week and got totally confused on dates; The voting booth is still open for 42 hours!

juiceme 2017-03-01 10:05

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Hi everybody!

The voting period has ended and the results are now abailable on the Maemo elections page!

Category "Something new"

Category "Fixing/Updating"

pichlo 2017-03-01 10:17

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1524450)

Glad to see my vote made all the difference :D (Seriously, the top two entries reflect my vote. Spooky ;))

Congratulations to the winners!

Feathers McGraw 2017-03-01 11:09

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Congratulations everyone!

I think it's safe to say the competition was a success, it seems to have prompted lots of interesting development across multiple platforms. Don't know about the rest of the contestants, but it certainly gave me the push I needed to get something working and published.

Looking forward to next year ;)

Halftux 2017-03-01 17:53

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Thank you...

... for all who were involved to make the coding competition happen.

... who donated for the coding competition prizes.

... for all participants and their valueable entries. Was a good mix and not easy to make a decision.

... for all people who voted.

... and of course a special thanks for the people who voted for GPXSee:) Never expected such a high result.:eek:

All in all it was a funny, fruitfully (source code wise) coding competition. In the beginning I thought hmm not so many entries but in the end there were spawning more:)
Hope to see more CCs in the future with many participants and interesting entries.

nthn 2017-03-01 18:12

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
How and when will the prizes be distributed, actually? What's the difference in prize between places, do people get to choose what they want, do leftover prizes stay for a future competition?

schorsch 2017-03-01 18:36

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Congratulations to every participant :o

For me, this was my first attend on a coding competition. It was fun to participate and see such a lot of good ideas and apps. Keep the open source concept ongoing! And hopefully we always have an alternative to the Android and iOS ecosystem :cool:.

juiceme 2017-03-01 18:37

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!

Originally Posted by nthn (Post 1524507)
How and when will the prizes be distributed, actually? What's the difference in prize between places, do people get to choose what they want, do leftover prizes stay for a future competition?

The Council will contact all contestants soon(TM)

The prize device distribution is done roughly using the following algorithm;

for n of all developers ordered by final postion do;
    developer[n] of category "New" picks any device she likes;
    if run out of devices, exit;
    developer[n] of category "Fixing" picks any device she likes;
    if run out of devices, exit;

dcaliste 2017-03-02 09:04

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Thank you for the all participants, organizers, contestants and Maemo comunity members. Congratulations to all participants who produced nice outputs, indeed.

About GPG in Jolla email client, you can follow its advance in Merproject gitlab. Mvogt sent me many reviews that I addressed. The QMF MR is almost ready now, I still need to work on the IMAP protocol to retrieve the pristine data for signature checking. I'll keep you all inform here on the rest of the project.

HtheB 2017-03-02 09:12

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Congratulations everyone, not only the winners, but also for us! (We have some more great apps in our library thanks to the contest!)

eekkelund 2017-03-05 16:19

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1524450)
Hi everybody!

The voting period has ended and the results are now abailable on the Maemo elections page!

Category "Something new"

Category "Fixing/Updating"

I am late :(, I have been busy with our 'new' project for SFOS, but:

WOAH, I surely didn't expect this outcome!:)

Congratulations to everyone who participated somehow in this Competition! Judging by the amount of entries and by the size of the codebase that the Competition created, I would say that the community was the biggest winner! :)

I would like to thank everybody who has participated, voted, added some things to the wishlist and extra thanks for those who donated for the prizes. I would also like to thank Maemo Community Board and the Council for organizing the long waited Coding Competition.;)

I really hoped that the purpose of this competition would be to encourage everyone to learn something new and publish own developments. I, myself, have wanted to learn Qt & QML for a long time and this Competition gave the final push me to do so. I will continue developing tIDE as well as work on other very cool End2End encrypted communications application.

Once again, big thanks for everybody!! :):)

hedayat 2017-03-06 20:43

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
While not on top, it is still great. Thank you everybody who participated in this competition somehow, and special thanks to those who've supported my small, lacking app. Receiving any prizes or not, I'll continue developing my app slowly but surely. :)

mr_pingu 2017-03-07 12:48

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!

Originally Posted by hedayat (Post 1524941)
While not on top, it is still great. Thank you everybody who participated in this competition somehow, and special thanks to those who've supported my small, lacking app. Receiving any prizes or not, I'll continue developing my app slowly but surely. :)

Thanks for your efforts, keep it up!

And everybody who participated in this competition, thanks and great work! I was nice to see such a populated list.

Too bad, due lack of time and skill, I didn't have anything to show. But atleast I took step 1 and 2, install SDK and make the first lines of code. Maybe next year....

nieldk 2017-12-02 16:53

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!
Time for a new round ?

mosen 2017-12-03 00:45

Re: [Council] The 1st Maemo Developer Regatta - The Finishing Line!

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