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zombiegavins 2010-05-28 09:04

sick of nokia, will swap my n900.........
for an iphone 3gs on vodafone or a nexus one, anyone interested?

nidO 2010-05-28 09:06

Re: sick of nokia, will swap my n900.........
What is this, a pointless rant and whine, or a serious swap attempt? If the former, no-one cares, if the latter, this should be posted in the buy and sell forum with a less ridiculous and pointlessly inflammatory title.

johnel 2010-05-28 09:07

Re: sick of nokia, will swap my n900.........
Why do you want to downgrade your phone?

bousch 2010-05-28 09:09

Re: sick of nokia, will swap my n900.........
Good for you. Please post this in the correct forum then.

fergusso 2010-05-28 09:10

Re: sick of nokia, will swap my n900.........
I understand how sick you are mate, this man lost his patience completely with the lateness of nokia with the ovi store and all other promises.

johnel 2010-05-28 09:11

Re: sick of nokia, will swap my n900.........
Swap your open source n900 for a heavily policed phone or a phone that leaks more personal data than the UK Govt?

That's a great deal - More fool you.

zombiegavins 2010-05-28 09:11

Re: sick of nokia, will swap my n900.........
appologies. not a pointless rant and it is a serious swap attempt i didn't realise i had posted in the wrong section. think i just want a straighforward phone for a while.

could a helpful moderator please move this thread into buy and sell?

windows7 2010-05-28 10:33

Re: sick of nokia, will swap my n900.........
i understand how you feel, when basic functionality that you were probably used to on earlier phones is broken...

i have had the same feelings as you, but i keep seing light at the end of the tunel, pr 1.2 seems to have some things for me...

in particular the camera and internet radio were 2 areas which were turning me off the n900.

i would stay away from apple if i was you, android is the way to go, imo.

i personally will hold on a bit longer as there are quite of lot of projects ongoing... so we might see some interesting tools soon.

would be nice to also see android 2.2 on the n900

all the best

Dave999 2010-05-28 10:35

Re: sick of nokia, will swap my n900.........
Don't swap it. it's a great device. buy a complement. I bought a x10 mini for testing. love it!

zombiegavins 2010-05-28 10:46

Re: sick of nokia, will swap my n900.........
i have loved and defended my n900 from naysayers but i need a change and i figured someone on here would give my n900 a good home.

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