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dj_steve 2010-07-21 15:33

[Android] NITDroid V2 & Multiboot Development And Announcement Thread
I thought a nice clean thread was in order the old one getting far too cluttered with junk. so lets try to keep this clean folks. dev related questions only.

Any install/usage help please use the nitdroid official forums at ill be actively trying to keep this thread on dev related topic this time.

ok ive noticed a lot of you users seem to be thanking and thinking that i do all of the work here on nitdroid, this is not at all true and their are other devs on this project such as e-yes and Jay-C who do equal if not more work then i do. ive also edited the status below to show who has done what


Ok back on to topic, and im going to start by giving the current Status ofthe port:

Dual boot with Maemo 5 (thanks to Jay-C and e-yes for their work on both kernels and multiboot)
Rotation Via accelerometer (e-yes is to thank for this one)
Rotation on Opening/Closing keyboard (e-yes again :) - hes one god of a dev)
Lock switch, cam switch etc(cheers to Jay-c for coding the offending options in the kernel to allow this, keymap done by me :) )
E-MMC Mounting!!! (combination of everyone on this due to how stubbon it is)
Music Player (E-yes mainly for this one also :) )
Headphones (E-yes and Jay-c for work on kernel and android own source
Basic Power Management appears stable
WiFi* (See Note 1) (e-yes can also go for this for hacking android wpa_supplicant to emulate required commands)
Bluetooth (ported over work from my original kernels and files )
Google Apps (not so easy as you would think for me to integrate)
Mic (Alpha Stage)
Proximity sensor mapped as button (Thanks over to Jay-c Please, i added said 'button' to keymap)
Some LED usage (e-yes, this is also still a WIP but not critical at this time)
3D GFX (myself, had help of a couple of android and meego devs though, also thanks over to jay-c for fixing some flickering issues in later build)

Not Working:
Phone/3G/GPS** (See Note 2)
Vibrationlight sensors
2D gfx
FM Radio Transmitter
FM Radio Reciever
eMMC as internal volume, microSD as /sdcard
Installation to eMMC

Ok Now for a list of what parts are being looked at at this time and whats waiting for later

Working On/Looking At:
Phone/3G/GPS (currently being worked on extensivly by e-yes, jay-c and a multitude of other testers, helpers and devs)
Improving WiFi (im looking at this, should have fix out soon)

Not Currently Being Looked At:
Everything Else :)

All other details on this port and on the currently Halted N8x0 port are available at our site :

* Note 1: WiFi Currently Generates a Random Mac Address so if you have mac based security then you will need to disable this to get wifi to work
** Note 2: These 3 are linked and therefore one item (GPS is attached to cell radio so cant be accessed without going via cell interface - havent a clue why nokia/ti did it this way)

Now down to more fun points :).

I'm pleased to announce a new NITDroid Version is being released today.

Details of this Version are below as are requirements:-

Some of you will no doubt of seen a Version of this build if you watch my Youtube uploads as ive been working on this a while :) some more advanced users have also been testing it for the last week or so to check for problems.

* E-MMC Mounting fixed and working
* Requires ideally 2.6.28.NIT.05 kernel (see below)
* Headset now works again
* No need to worry about choosing the wrong bootmenu options as theirs only one to choose from :)
* Still Using Bonkels EXCELLENT bootanimation :)
* AutoRotation fixed.
* Keyboard detection fixed - Screen will rotate to portrait when keyb is closed and will rotate via accellerometer input while keyb is closed
* Keys remapped:
Device is now near enough totally usable without opening keyboard(please please please read below for info)
* Now Using a New Launcher Called ADWLauncher.
This is SOOO much faster to use and has some cool HTC Sense like features
* Proximity sensor mapped to a key also (see below)

I think thats all the changes. im sure someone will correct me if im wrong :)

Now the only catch with this rootfs is it has to use one of the later NIT kernels (preferably 05) which means it will break maemo and as such you HAVE to use MultiBoot to boot this now. The latest multiboot is 0.2.5 and is highly recommended to use with this build.

Camera Key: Home
Proximity Sensor: Menu
Lock Switch: Back
Volume Keys are Swapped Around
Backspace is BACKSPACE

I think thats that covered :)

Lets get down to the Install Howto:

Required Items:
MultiBoot-extras : |
MD5: 7A302CE4FFCE241AEAD20D95540ACCF9
Multiboot (0.2.5) : |
MD5: 269BC09020CA29F8E8CA2C608098FFB7
Kernel 2.6.28.NIT.05 : |
MD5: 4419F8442B5390CFAB3B5613CBA7237D
New 0.0.5-4 NITDroid Build : | |
MD5: DD22F80E048B5CF392C4F23991AB4304
A fairly confident idea how to use a root command line in maemo
For safe extraction its recommended to have ~1gb of free space in your emmc storage (/home/user/MyDocs)
MicroSD (anything of 1gb or larger will be fine - their seems to be big issues with sandisk 4gb cards though so may be wise to avoid those)

Required Repositories for installations:

Maemo Packages Required for installation:

Recommended Packages:
Openssh server for easier install

Now for the Howto:
This is going to be fairly long winded and for more advanced users may seem like its insulting your intelligence but please stick with it :)

Any 'code' boxes are what you need to enter in xterm/ssh and should be entered one line at a time followed by enter/return key

pre 1: you must be root for these steps so do this first:

pre 2: bootmenu-n900 is not compatible and must be removed also:

apt-get remove bootmenu-n900
1. Lets download the required files:
If you wish to download from primary server ( commands are below:
Feel free to copy and paste

cd /home/user/MyDocs/

For the files2 mirror the commands are :

cd /home/user/MyDocs/

if you have a MultiBoot version other than 0.2.5 Installed currently please perform the below otherwise proceed immediatly to step 3, do not pass go, do not collect £200 :D

Originally Posted by Jay-C
Download this file into /home/user:


cd /home/user

Then run this as root On the device:

cd /home/user
tar xzvf remove-multiboot-0.1.x.tar.gz
chmod +x multiboot-remove
rm multiboot-remove
rm remove-multiboot-0.1.x.tar.gz

Also, if you don't use Titans power37 kernel, you can manually delete the files:

rm /boot/vmlinuz-
rm -r /lib/modules/

3. Now lets get down to actually installing things starting with Multiboot:

dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/multiboot-extras_0.1_armel.deb
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/multiboot_0.2.5_armel.deb

Thats the new Multiboot installed :)
4. Next up lets partition that MicroSD: first a bit of background info though
* NITDroid MUST be installed to a ext3 that is SMALLER than 2GB.
* The Rest of your memory card will be usable by Maemo totally normally but the nitdroid partition is not seen in file manager etc
* You need to decide how to best partition YOUR card, i personally have my card partitioned as ~6gb fat32 and rest (~1.9gb) as ext3
* Some suggested size ratios are (in MB fat32/ext3 layout): 2GB: 100/1900, 4GB: 2100/1900, 6GB: 4100/1900 8GB: 6100/1900, 16GB: 14100/1900, 32GB: 30100/1900
* in below command REPLACE the <SIZE> text with your choosen fat32 size
Right thats enough crap now onto partitioning:
ignore errors whjen runnign umount its normal sometimes

umount /dev/mmcblk1p1
sfdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk1 << EOF

Its always smart to REBOOT your n900 now to apply any partition changes so do that now by issuing the reboot command
5. Once your n900 is back up lets continue:
Old NITDroid users THIS IS REQUIRED for you aswell (well formating ext3 is not the vfat one)

umount /dev/mmcblk1p1
mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk1p1 -n sdcard
mke2fs -j -m0 -L NITDroid /dev/mmcblk1p2

6. Thats the 2 partitions formatted. maemo should now be able to use the fat32 one. next lets mount the ext3 partition and install then extract required files:

cd /
mkdir /and
mount -t ext3 -o noatime,rw /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and
cd /home/user/MyDocs
bzip2 -d NITDroid-N900-0.0.5-4-Final.tbz2
cd /and
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NITDroid-N900-0.0.5-4-Final.tar
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-05_final1_armel.deb

7. Now you should have most of nitdroid setup but you cant boot anythign as multiboot doesnt have an item file yet :D, lets go create that now

cd /etc/multiboot.d
cat > NITdroid-2.6.28.NIT.05.item << EOF
ITEM_NAME="NITdroid on MMCp2 - 2.6.28.NIT.05"
ITEM_MODULES=ext3 fat vfat

thats the item file built

finally: dont forget to umount android partition:

umount /dev/mmcblk1p2
8. that should be everything done, simply reboot with keyboard open to test

9. IF YOU USE Titans excellent power kernel then you need to do the following also :

cd /home/user/MyDocs
cd /
tar xzvf /home/user/MyDocs/multiboot-power37.tar.gz

dj_steve 2010-07-21 15:34

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 & Multiboot Development And Announcement Thread
ok heres a nice sparkling new nitdroid version - the flying world aka 0.0.6

yes your probably wondering why the sudden jump to a new major version. well that because


other updates and changelog follow:

Full 3d graphics accell active and running - 2d gfx in launcher etc seems to of heavily benefited from this also.
LIVE Wallpapers work now.
2.6.28.NIT.05 REQUIRED !!

known issues:
their is huge amounts of flicker in power off dialog - nothing major enough to be a problem.
first boot still takes ages but this is normal - you can easily tell if the powervr has kicked in as the matrix screen speeds up about 10 fold
some flickering is seen in other areas of the os also, nothing huge enough to prevent release though :)

link to rootfs: | |

installation :
wipe ext3 partition and extract this new one over it.

quick howto:

cd /home/user/MyDocs
bzip2 -d NITDroid-N900-the-flying-world.tbz2
mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and
cd /and
rm -rf *
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NITDroid-N900-the-flying-world.tar

any bugs please use the bug tracker

dj_steve 2010-07-21 15:34

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 & Multiboot Development And Announcement Thread
reserved for future use 2

Bratag 2010-07-21 15:36

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 & Multiboot Development And Announcement Thread
My pants just got tighter :)

Dr.Marcial 2010-07-21 15:36

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 & Multiboot Development And Announcement Thread
omg excitment!

te37v 2010-07-21 15:37

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 & Multiboot Development And Announcement Thread
cannottttttttt wait!!!!!!! yay

edit: okay please no more stupid space wasting posts like mine :P

ToJa92 2010-07-21 15:39

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 & Multiboot Development And Announcement Thread
Are you gonna do like Nokia now and keep us out in the dark for a while? :p:rolleyes:

dj_steve 2010-07-21 15:40

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 & Multiboot Development And Announcement Thread
yea im gonna run away for 10 days PMSL just kidding folks, just finishing the stupid long first post :)

jd4200 2010-07-21 15:42

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 & Multiboot Development And Announcement Thread
OOhh, you just made me excited in ways my girlfriend hasn't in a long time.

NokiaRocks 2010-07-21 15:47

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 & Multiboot Development And Announcement Thread
Can't wait :)

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